126 - 150 of 623
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126 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Miscellaneous new American spidersA number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University o f Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here arc all from the United States, except one from Canada. The types are...1935-10
127 Sanchez, Thomas W.Residential location, transportation, and welfare-to-work in the United States: a case study of MilwaukeeThis article addresses two questions about spatial barriers to welfare-to-work transition in the United States. First, what residential and transportation adjustments do welfare recipients tend to make as they try to become economically self-sufficient? Second, do these adjustments actually incre...Employment issues; Neighborhood; Transportation2006
128 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryA hundred new species of American spidersIn this paper, we describe a hundred new species of American spiders, most of them from North America, with a few from South America. These are a part of the new species which have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah, as well as several from the collections of the Field Mus...1942-06-30
129 Couldwell, William T.Medical and surgical management of microprolactinomaA recent report by Colao et al. [1] indicates that a significant proportion of patients harboring prolactinomas treated with cabergoline will have persistence of remission of hyperprolactinemia following withdrawal of the drug. The prolactin and tumor control rates in the study suggest that medical ...Microprolactinoma; Prolactinoma; Cabergolene2004
130 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshBounded transaction model checkingIndustrial cache coherence protocol models often have too many reachable states, preventing full reachability analysis even for small model instances (number of processors, addresses, etc.). Several partial search debugging methods are, therefore, employed, including lossy state compression using...Model checking; Reachability analysis2006-02-27
131 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryMiscellaneous new American spiders[This paper was originally published in 1935]. A number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here are all from the Unite...Spiders; University of Utah; United States; Canada; Biology; Classification1935
132 Ehleringer, James R.Interspecific competition and resource pulse utilization in a cold desert communityIn desert ecosystems a large proportion of water and nitrogen is supplied in rain-induced pulses. It has been suggested that competitive interactions among desert plants would be most intense during these pulse periods of high resource availability. We tested this hypothesis with three cold desert s...Atriplex confertifolia; Chrysothamnus nauseosus; Colorado Plateau; desert; Gutierrezia sarothrae; Neighbor removal; Plant competition; Resource pulses; Pulse utilization; Stable isotopes; Water uptake2002
133 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New tarantulas from the Southwestern StatesIn this paper are presented diagnoses of seven new species of mvgalomorph spiders, one of which, represents the new genus Hesperopholis. The other species are placed in Delopelma. We are indebted to Dr. W. P- Cottam for making the photographs reproduced 0 11 the first three plates. All of these are ...1939-06-28
134 Zhdanov, MichaelThree-dimensional inversion of large-scale EarthScope magnetotelluric data based on the integral equation method: geoelectrical imaging of the Yellowstone conductive mantle plumeInterpretation of the EarthScope MT (magnetotelluric) data requires the development of a large-scale inversion method which can address two common problems of 3D MT inversion: computational time and memory requirements. We have developed an efficient method of 3D MT inversion based on an IE (integ...2011
135 Christensen, Douglas A.; Herron, James N.Evanescent coupling in a waveguide fluoroimmunosensorA key factor in the analysis of evanescently-coupled optical sensors, such as the planar waveguide immunosensor analyzed here, is the efficiency of coupling between the optical waveguide modes and the fluorescent sources located on the surface of the waveguide. This is an important parameter in dete...Evanescent coupling; Waveguide; Fluoroimmunosensor1992
136 Couldwell, William T.Simple closure following transsphenoidal surgeryThe most common nonendocrine complication after transsphenoidal surgery is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. Many neurosurgeons have advocated the routine reconstruction of the floor of the sella turcica using autologous fat, muscle, fascia, and either cartilage or bone after transsphenoidal surgery t...2006
137 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
138 Goldberg, Robert A.Beneath the hood and robe: a socioeconomic analysis of Ku Klux Klan membership in Denver, Colorado, 1921-1925The Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was in numbers and political influence the most powerful social movement of the 1920s and probably the most significant crusade of the American right-wing. Unlike its predecessor of the Reconstruction period or its descendant of today, this Kla...1980
139 Myntti, JeremyAuthority control in a digital repository: Preparing for linked dataIn an effort to identify an automated means for updating and standardizing metadata within a digital collection, the University of Utah's Marriott Library and Backstage Library Works partnered to develop a service that would replicate the benefits of an automated MARC21 authority control project for...Authority files (Information retrieval); Linked data; Metadata2013
140 Williams, Clayton C.Mapping of mobile charges on insulator surfaces with the electrostatic force microscopeMigration of surface ions in lateral fields on insulator surfaces may modify the electrical characteristics of underlying semiconductor structures causing device instabilities. A high sensitivity electrostatic force microscope is used to image the movement and spatial distribution of surface ions on...Insulator surfaces; Surface ions; Electrostatic force microscope1993
141 Potts, Wayne K.Relationship of virulence factor expression to evolved virulence in mouse-passaged Cryptococcus neoformans linesSerial passage of Cryptococcus neoformans in mice increases virulence relative to the nonpassaged line. Postpassaged lines showed no difference in the expression of most known virulence factors, with the exception that the more virulent lines had smaller capsules in vitro. These data imply that othe...Capsule; Death; Passage2005
142 Steenburgh, William JamesEpisodic dust events of Utahs Wasatch Front and adjoining regionEpisodic dust events cause hazardous air quality along Utah's Wasatch Front and dust loading of the snowpack in the adjacentWasatch Mountains. This paper presents a climatology of episodic dust events of the Wasatch Front and adjoining region that is based on surface weather observations from the Sa...2012-01-01
143 O'Rourke, Dennis H.South from Alaska: a pilot aDNA study of genetic history on the Alaska Peninsula and the Eastern AleutiansAbstract The Aleutian Islands were colonized, perhaps several times, from the Alaskan mainland. Earlier work documented transitions in the relative frequencies of mtDNA haplogroups over time, but little is known about potential source populations for prehistoric Aleut migrants. As part of a pilot i...2010
144 Rahman, AowabinPredicting fuel consumption for commercial building with machine learning algorithmsThis paper presents a modeling framework that uses machine learning algorithms to make longterm, i.e. one year-ahead predictions, of fuel consumption in multiple types of commercial prototype buildings at one-hour resolutions. Weather and schedule variables were used as model inputs, and the hourly ...Building energy modeling; Machine learning; Prediction; Heating load; Data-driven modeling2017-08
145 Chapman, David S.Techniques, analysis, and noise in a Salt Lake Valley 4D gravity experimentRepeated high-precision gravity measurements using an automated gravimeter and analysis of time series of 1-Hz samples allowed gravity measurements to be made with an accuracy of 5 μGal or better. Nonlinear instrument drift was removed using a new empirical staircase function built from multiple ...Gravity measurements2008
146 Wei, YehuaRestructuring industrial districts, scaling up regional development: a study of the Wenzhou Model, ChinaThe Wenzhou Municipality in Zhejiang Province is spearheading China's marketization and development of private enterprises. Its successful development trajectory, centered on family-owned small businesses embedded in thick local institutions, resembles Marshallian industrial districts (MIDs). Howeve...China; Marshallian industrial district, regional lock-in; Wenzhou Model, China2007-09-24
147 Maloney, Thomas N.Higher places in the industrial machinery?: tight labor markets and occupational advancement by black males in the 1910sThe economic history of African American workers since 1940 has been marked by alternating episodes of progress and stagnation. Sharp gains in relative incomes during the 1940s were followed by little change in this measure in the 1950s. Renewed progress from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s was follo...Black people; Job opportunities; Labor market2005
148 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. MichaelSolution structure of αA-conotoxin EIVA, a potent neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist from Conus ermineusWe report the solution three-dimensional structure of an αA-conotoxin EIVA determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The αA-conotoxin EIVA consists of 30 amino acids representing the largest peptide among the α/αAfamily conotoxins discovered so f...Conotoxins; A-conotoxin EIVA; Conus ermineus2003
149 Randy L. Dyer; Alex Boren; Marianne Carpenter; Isabelle Ghabash; Tanner Gould; Lindsai Gren; Niki Harris; Theresa Krause; Candance Oman; Allie Tripp; Tianna Tu; Corper JamesTRANSPARENCY PRIVACY CLASHING PARADIGMS IN A WEB 2.0 WORLDA University of Utah Honors Think Tank 20122012
150 Adler, Robert W.Changing the Law-Science Paradigm for Colorado River RestorationLegal mandates and scientific realities conflict when existing legal principles do not match the realities and limits of current science. Those conflicts can be addressed if scientists communicate the limits of existing scientific capabilities and if the legal system responds accordingly2008
126 - 150 of 623