126 - 150 of 148
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126 Eddings, Eric G.Experimental and numerical investigation on sulfur transformation in T pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coalPressurized oxy-fuel combustion, as a novel and promising technology for CO2 capture from power plants, has attracted worldwide attentions. The high partial pressure of CO2 induces significant changes to the SOx release characteristic. Properly addressing these fundamental issues and technological c...Pressurized; Oxy-fuel combustion; SO2 emission; Numerical; Pulverized coal2019
127 Bargteil, Adam WadeMultiphase flow of immiscible fluids on unstructured moving meshesIn this paper, we present a method for animating multiphase flow of immiscible fluids using unstructured moving meshes. Our underlying discretization is an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, the deformable simplicial complex (DSC), that moves with the flow in a Lagrangian manner. Mesh optimization opera...2014-01-01
128 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryNew genera and species of North American linyphiid spidersThis paper is based upon a portion of the new Linyphiid spiders in the University of Utah Collection with the exception of two species from the American Museum Collection included through the courtesy of Dr. Willis J. Gertsch. Twenty-six species and two subspecies are here described for the first ti...1943-05-28
129 Coley, Phyllis D.Patrones en las defensas de las plantas: ? Porque los herbivoros prefrieren ciertas especies?Patterns of heitmory and plant defenses arc presented lor 47 tree species studied on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Species growing In comparable microhabitats differ in the rates of herbivore damage by 4 orderi of magnitude. Over 70%QT these between-specles differences in herbivory can be explaine...1987
130 Farmer, Colleen G.Right-to-left shunt of crocodilians serves digestionAll amniotes except birds and mammals have the ability to shunt blood past the lungs, hut the physiological function of this ability is poorly understood. We studied the role of the shunt in digestion in juvenile American alligators in the following ways. First, we characterized the shunt in fasting...Postprandial; Alligators; Gastrointestinal2008
131 Goldberg, Robert A.Denver: Queen City of the Colorado realmIn the spring of 1921, William Joseph Simmons stepped from a train at Denver's Union Station. Dressed in a well-fitted suit emblazoned with lodge buttons, this tall, heavy-set man attracted little notice from the crowd. Few Denverites realized that on the train platform stood the self-proclaimed Imp...1991
132 Gondolo, PaoloDirectional recoil rates for WIMP direct detectionNew techniques for the laboratory direct detection of dark matter weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are sensitive to the recoil direction of the struck nuclei.We compute and compare the directional recoil rates dR/d cosθ, (where θ is the angle measured from a reference direction in th...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; WMAP 3; Directional recoil; Halo models2008-02
133 Gondolo, PaoloXENON10/100 dark matter constraints in comparison with CoGeNT and DAMA: Examining the L eff dependenceWe consider the compatibility of DAMA/LIBRA, CoGeNT, XENON10 and XENON100 results for spin-independent (SI) dark matter weakly interacting massive particles, particularly at low masses (~10 GeV), assuming a standard dark matter halo. The XENON bounds depend on the scintillation efficiency factor Lef...2011
134 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP) Kenan Tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporu (The upper Tigris archaeological research project (UTARP) a preliminary report from the year 2000 excavations at Kenan Tepe)
135 Gondolo, PaoloDetectability of weakly interacting massive particles in the Sagittarius dwarf tidal streamTidal streams of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) may be showering dark matter onto the solar system and contributing ~(0:3-23)% of the local density of our galactic halo. If the Sagittarius galaxy contains dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), the ext...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; Recoil energy; Sgr stream2005-02
136 Chapman, David S.Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 2, thermokinematic model of exhumation, erosion, and thermochronometer interpretationThe Wasatch fault is a ~370 km long normal fault in Utah that marks the boundary between the stable Colorado Plateau to the east and the extending Basin and Range to the west. Understanding the thermokinematic evolution of this fault can provide insights into intracontinental extensional tectonics a...Uplift; Exhumation; Wasatch Fault; Wasatch Mountains; Utah; Helium dating; Fission track; Tectonophysics; Extensional tectonics; Geothermal observations2002
137 Aldous, Jay A.Guide to oral health for non-dental health providersOral health and disease topics are not given significant coverage in the non-dental health professional curriculum. Yet all care providers can and should contribute to enhancing oral health. This guide provides information on the ways in which practitioners can incorporate oral health care and disea...Oral health; Oral diseases2005
138 Khan, Faisal HabibQuantifying device degradation in live power converters using SSTDR assisted impedance MatrixA noninterfering measurement technique designed around spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) has been proposed in this paper to identify the level of aging associated with power semiconductor switches inside a live converter circuit. Power MOSFETs are one of the most age-sensitive compon...2014-01-01
139 Hansen, Charles D.Multidimensional transfer functions for interactive volume renderingAbstract-Most direct volume renderings produced today employ one-dimensional transfer functions which assign color and opacity to the volume based solely on the single scalar quantity which comprises the data set. Though they have not received widespread attention, multidimensional transfer function...2002-07
140 Boll, Steven F.Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtractionA stand alone noise suppression algorithm is presented for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. Effective performance of digital speech processors operating in practical environments may require suppression of noise from the digital waveform. Spectral subtraction offe...Suppression; acoustic noise; noise suppression algorithm; digital speech processors; Spectral subtraction1979
141 Jayamohan, HarikrishnanAdvances in microfluidics and lab on a chip technologiesAdvances in molecular biology are enabling rapid and efficient analyses for effective intervention in domains like biology research, infectious disease management, food safety and bio-defense. The emergence of microfluidics and nanotechnologies has enabled both new capabilities and instrument sizes ...Microfluidics; Lab on a chip; Point of care; PCR; Isothermal amplification; High resolution melting analysis; Cytogenetics; Protein detection; Next generation sequencing; Sample preparation; Library preparation; Cell sorting2017
142 Svedin, LinaCrisis management in Russia: overcoming institutional rigidity and resource constraintsThe editors would like to express their gratitude to a number of persons and institutions for making this book on Russian crisis management possible. We are grateful for the generous financial support from the Swedish Agency for Civil Emergency Planning (?CB) which has made the CM Europe program (of...2002
143 Goldberg, Robert A.Hooded empire: the Ku Klux Klan in ColoradoThe decade of the 1920s conjures up a unique cluster of images. A few broad, organizing conceptions dominate as people and events are filtered through a screen of memories, books, and films. This was the era of "normalcy," prohibition, "flaming youth," and the "golden glow." George Babbitt, Al Capon...1981
144 Epstein, Steve A.; Gould, Jeffrey L.; Hamer, John H.; Hill, Christopher, V.; Wildenbeest, Gerrit W. F.Peasant studies Volume 15 Number 4 Summer 1988TABLE OF CONTENTS Can the Collectivization o f Agriculture be made Palatable through Organization and Incentives, John H. Hamer; Recent Farmers ' Protest in a Dutch Municipality: the Legacy o f the Past, Gerrit Wildenbees; Resistance and Participation in the Postrevolutionary Nicaraguan Countryside,...1988
145 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Spiders of the Georgia region of North AmericaThis paper has developed from a study undertaken initially to determine, s far as possible from available evidence, the proper application of the _ames based by Walckenaer upon Abbot' s drawings of the spiders of Georgia. The validity of these names has not been seriously questioned since the redisc...1944-12-10
146 Miller, Jan D.Surface characterization and new tools for researchIn the selective separation of mineral phases by flotation, surface chemistry is the principal determinant of the average contact angle for a specific mineral phase in flotation pulp. The average contact angle is, in turn, the principal determinant of the bubble-particle attachment efficiency in th...Flotation; Minerals; Surface chemistry; Contact angle2007
147 Fogel, Alan DaleDeveloping through relationships origins of communication, self, and cultureI began to consider the study of relationships as an intellectual vocation in 1970, the result of two years of college teaching that was part of my work as a United States Peace Corps volunteer in Bogota, Colombia. After another year I began my doctoral training in the Department of Education at th...1993
148 Flynn, John J.Monopolization under the Sherman Act: the third wave and beyondLike Gaul, monopolization litigation under section 2 of the Sherman Act has been divided into three parts: A first part beginning with the Northern Securities case of 1904(1) and ending with the U.S. Steel case in 1920;(2) a second part, the Thurmond Arnold era, beginning in the late 30's with the f...1981
126 - 150 of 148