101 - 125 of 240
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101 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in the Chihuahuan Desert: interactions within and between trophic levelsWe investigated the effects of Chihuahuan Desert granivores on three seasonal classes of plant resource species, the effects of these resource classes on one another, and the ways in which interactions through plant resources affect the abundances of seed consumers. At our study site, three seasona...Annual plant; Ant; Competition; Community; Desert; Ecosystem structure; Experiment; Granivore; Indirect interaction; Rodent; Population cycles; Seed predation1985
102 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in the Chihuahuan desert: interactions within and between trophic levelsWe investigated the effects of Chihuahuan Desert granivores on three seasonal classes of plant resource species, the effects of these resource classes on one another, and the ways in which interactions through plant resources affect the abundances of seed consumers. At our study site, three seasona...Annual plant; Ant; Competition; Community; Desert; Ecosystem structure; Experiment; Granivore; Indirect interaction; Rodent; Population cycles; Seed predation1985
103 Solomon, Douglas KipTracer applications of noble gas radionuclides in the geosciencesNoble gas radionuclides, including 81Kr (t1/2 = 229,000 yr), 85Kr (t1/2 = 10.8 yr), and 39Ar (t1/2 = 269 yr), possess nearly ideal chemical and physical properties for studies of earth and environmental processes. Recent advances in Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA), a laser-based atom counting method...2014-01-01
104 Johnson, Bob L.Extending the study of learning environments: Connecting the field to other literaturesThe study of learning environments in educational organisations has a short but impressive history. A review of this literature reveals that considerable progress has been made in the investigation of this phenomenon. Yet in spite of these advances, momentum in the field has diminished in recent yea...Organizational theory; Learning environments2002
105 Li, MinqiChinas grain production: a decade of consecutive growth or stagnation?Some progressive writers have argued that while China's agricultural privatization achieved short-term gains, it did so by undermining longterm production facilities such as the infrastructure and public services built in the socialist era.1 Environmental scholars have questioned the sustainability ...2014-01-01
106 Brow, James; Guillet, David; McPhee, Peter; Sisaye, Selehi; Stommes, EileenPeasant studies Volume 9 Number 1 Fall 1981TABLE OF CONTENTS A Reconsideration o f the "Peasantry " of Nineteenth-Century France, Peter McPhee; Some Problems in the Analysis o f Agrarian Classes in South Asia, James Brow; Change and Transformation in Highland Peru, David Guillet; Peasants and Community Development: The Ethiopian Experience, ...1981
107 Tran, Thomas T.D.Thermoeconomic analysis of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems with integrated energy storage and resulting impacts on electrical distribution networksThis paper investigates residential rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems for long-term thermoeconomic benefits from PV homeowners' perspectives and for impacts on the electrical distribution network from grid operators' perspectives. The costs of generating electricity from grid-connected PV systems ar...Rooftop PV; Net Metering; Distribution Network; Energy storage; LCOE2018-07-07
108 Forster, Richard R.Effects of bedrock lithology and subglacial till on the motion of Ruth Glacier, Alaska, deduced from five pulses from 1973 to 2012A pulse is a type of unstable glacier flow intermediate between normal flow and surging. Using Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery and feature-tracking software, a time series of mostly annual velocity maps from 1973 to 2012 was produced that reveals five pulses of Ruth Glacier, Alaska. Peaks in ice ve...2014-01-01
109 Salem, Susan; Arlitsch, KenningWestern Waters Digital Library: providing solutions through collaboration and technologyThis paper describes current strategies for promoting the long-term success and sustainability of a collaborative and distributed digital library project. The Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL) is designed to develop from a framework incorporating a common digital management system, uniform appli...Digital libraries; Authorship, Collaboration; Water and civilization2005-01-10
110 Francis, LeslieJustice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract TheoryThe article focuses on the flaws of the social contract theory. It explores how hostile the social contract as a bargaining process has been thought to distance disabled people from contract-based justice. It analyzes the argument that the history of social contract theory exclude the people with di...Consensus, social sciences; Discrimination; Social contract; Social ethics; Sociology of disability2005-10
111 Ehleringer, James R.Interspecific competition and resource pulse utilization in a cold desert communityIn desert ecosystems a large proportion of water and nitrogen is supplied in rain-induced pulses. It has been suggested that competitive interactions among desert plants would be most intense during these pulse periods of high resource availability. We tested this hypothesis with three cold desert s...Atriplex confertifolia; Chrysothamnus nauseosus; Colorado Plateau; desert; Gutierrezia sarothrae; Neighbor removal; Plant competition; Resource pulses; Pulse utilization; Stable isotopes; Water uptake2002
112 Allen, Richardson; Deo, Milind D.; Isaacson, Alan E.; Keiter, Robert B.; Kessler, Christopher; Levey, Raymond; Oh, Kyeong Seok; Smith, Philip J.; Spinti, Jennifer P.; Uchitel, Kirsten; Alleman, DavidA Technical, Economic, and Legal Assessment of North American Heavy Oil, Oil Sands, and Oil Shale Resources: In Response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)The purpose of this report is to assess unconventional North American resources, summarize current technologies for extracting and processing the resources, identify the issues which will affect the economic viability of various resource development schemes, evaluate the socioeconomic costs to commu...2007-09
113 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Tanana, Heather; Holt, RebeccaConjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in Utah: Implications for Oil Shale and Oil Sands DevelopmentS.J. Quinney College of Law photograph.2011-12
114 Wright, Scott D.Age wave is here : the aging of the baby boomers November 2010Paul C. Light (1998) wrote one of the first books to examine the complexities of the baby boom generation and their future implications and impact. The book titled, "Baby Boomers", investigated what unified and what divided the generation and reflected on the potential for "golden days" (would it b...2010-08
115 Newton, MariaThe influence of a simulated 'pep talk' on athlete inspiration, situational motivation, and emotionCoaches routinely use pep talks to inspire and motivate athletes, but the efficacy of this strategy has not been empirically examined. Conceptually based on Thrash and Elliot's [3, 4] inspiration research this study explored the impact of a simulated pep talk on inspiration, inspiration to perform, ...2011-01-01
116 Broughton, JohnTerminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville BasinEleven fish species were identified from Homestead Cave, Utah. The remains, concentrated in the lowest stratum of the deposit, were accumulated by owls between approximately 11,200 and 10,100 14C yr B.P. and likely represent fish associated with the final die-off of the Lake Bonneville fauna. Fou...Fish assemblage; Quaternary; Lake Bonneville2000
117 Seger, Jon; Davidson, Diane W.Biological richness of desertsA desert is "waterless," "treeless," "barren," "remote," "uninteresting," and "presumably uninhabited," according to the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary. The word is derived from deserere, a Latin verb meaning "to leave." In English, to desert is still to "abandon," "forsake," or "fail." Bec...Desert life; Desert biodiversity1995
118 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.VisMashup: streamlining the creation of custom visualization applicationsVisualization is essential for understanding the increasing volumes of digital data. However, the process required to create insightful visualizations is involved and time consuming. Although several visualization tools are available, including tools with sophisticated visual interfaces, they are o...VisMashup; Dataflow; Visualization systems; Mashups; Medleys2009-11
119 Tran, Thomas T.D.Incorporating performance-based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis into LCOE calculations for emerging renewable energy technologiesAssessing system costs for power generation is essential for evaluating the economical aspect of energy resources. This paper examines traditional and renewable energy resources under uncertainty and variability of input variables. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of each technology is compu...Renewable energy technologies; LCOE levelized cost of electricity2018-02-14
120 Sperry, John S.Vulnerability to xylem cavitation and the distribution of sonoran desert vegetationWe studied 15 riparian and upland Sonoran desert species to evaluate how the limitation of xylem pressure (Vx) by cavitation corresponded with plant distribution along a moisture gradient. Riparian species were obligate riparian trees (Fraxinus velutina, Populus fremontii, and Salix gooddingii), nat...Comparative approach; species distribution; xylem conducting efficency2000
121 Eckhoff, David W.Drought happens: get used to it! Will technology help us to survive?Drought is not the most popular subject in the world. Actually, as opposed to death, I think there are some bright spots in the drought mitigation future. I will review some of these in this lecture, but I'm also going to discuss some of the downsides of drought, because you can't have one without t...Wastewater reclamation; Tiered water rates2002-09-10
122 Ehleringer, James R.Burning coal seams in southern Utah: a natural system for studies of plant responses to elevated CO2In the Burning Hills and Smoky Mountains of southern Utah (USA), coal deposits exposed to the surface have been ignited by lightning and have been burning for periods of years to over a century. We examined one of these sites, where the below-ground combustion of this low-sulfur coal releases gases ...Coal fires; Elevated CO2; Isotope ratios; Atriplex confertifolia; Salsola iberica; Gutierrezia sarothrae1997
123 Smith, Amanda D.Modeling two-phase flow and vapor cycles using the generalized fluid system simulation programThis work presents three new applications for the general purpose fluid network solver code GFSSP developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: (1) cooling tower, (2) vapor-compression refrigeration system, and (3) vapor-expansion power generation system. These systems are widely used across eng...Modeling; Fluid systems; Cooling tower; Vapor compression refrigeration, vapor power cycle2017-09
124 Landesman, Margaret M.Libraries investing in the future first - some practical suggestionsThis essay offers some practical suggestions for implementing transformative strategies for libraries, with a focus on using the materials budget as an investment fund.Libraries; Acquisitions; Budget; Materials2004-06
125 Miller, Jan D.Chemical utilization of sequestered carbon dioxide as a booster of hydrogen economyFor many, hydrogen in a pure hydrogen economy would be like natural gas in today's energy economy. Unfortunately, hydrogen's physical properties are unsuited to the energy market's requirements in terms of packaging, storage, transfer, and delivery. In this paper, a hybrid energy economy that packag...2008-01-01
101 - 125 of 240