76 - 100 of 85
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76 Gardner, Reed M.Electrocardiography and Pressure Monitoring: How to Obtain Optimal ResultsBiomedical Informatics1995
77 Beckerle, Mary C.Members of the zyxin family of LIM proteins interact with members of the p130cas family of signal transducersIntegrin binding to extracellular matrix proteins induces formation of signaling complexes at focal adhesions. Zyxin co-localizes with integrins at sites of cellsubstratum adhesion and is postulated to serve as a docking site for the assembly of multimeric protein complexes involved in regulating ce...Zyxin; Actin; LIM domains; Trip6; Focal adhesions2002
78 Baehr, WolfgangRole of photoreceptor-specific retinol dehyrogenase (prRDH) in the retinoid cycle in vivoThe retinoid cycle is a recycling system that replenishes the 11-cis-retinal chromophore of rhodopsin and cone pigments. Photoreceptor-specific retinol dehydrogenase (prRDH) catalyzes reduction of all-trans-retinal to all-trans-retinol and is thought to be a key enzyme in the retinoid cycle. We d...Rhodopsin, Photoreceptors; prRDH (RDH8); All-trans-RDH; A2E; Retinoid cycle; Dark adaptation2005
79 Wu, Yong-ShiDynamics of giant-gravitons in the LLM geometry and the fractional quantum Hall effectThe LLM's 1/2 BPS solutions of IIB supergravity are known to be closely related to the integer quantum Hall droplets with filling factor v = 1, and the giant gravitons in the LLM geometry behave like the quasi-holes in those droplets. In this paper we consider how the fractional quantum Hall effect ...2006
80 Zimmer, ZacharyHIV/AIDS and the living arrangements of older persons across the Sub-Saharan African regionABSTRACT: Older adults in sub-Saharan Africa face harsh living conditions including severe poverty and an HIV/AIDS epidemic that results in unprecedented rates of mortality. Yet, because of a lack of available data and only a trickle of past studies, the impact of these conditions on living circum...HIV/AIDS; Sub-Saharan Africa; Poverty2007-11-08
81 Capecchi, Mario R.Modeling alveolar soft part sarcomagenesis in the mouse: a role for lactate in the tumor microenvironmentAlveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), a deadly soft tissue malignancy with a predilection for adolescents and young adults, associates consistently with t(X;17) translocations that generate the fusion gene ASPSCR1-TFE3. We proved the oncogenic capacity of this fusion gene by driving sarcomagenesis in m...2014-01-01
82 Normann, Richard A.; Kolb, HelgaNeural organization of the retina of the turtle Mauremys caspica: a light microscope and Golgi studyThe organization of the retina of the turtle species Mauremys caspica, found in fresh water ponds of Israel, has been examined by light microscopical techniques including examination of fresh wholemount retina, one micron blue-stained vertical sections and Golgi-stained material. The anatomical find...Turtle Retina; Photoreceptors; Golgi Technique; Amarcine Cells1988
83 Kestle, John R. W.Priorities for hydrocephalus research: report from a National Institutes of Health-sponsored workshopObject. Treatment for hydrocephalus has not advanced appreciably since the advent of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts more than 50 years ago. Many questions remain that clinical and basic research could address, which in turn could improve therapeutic options. To clarify the main issues facing hydr...Biomedical research2007
84 Bohs, Lynn A.Molecular phylogeny of the SolanaceaeA phylogeny of Solanaceae is presented based on the chloroplast DNA regions ndhF and trnLF. With 89 genera and 190 species included, this represents a nearly comprehensive genus-level sampling and provides a framework phylogeny for the entire family that helps integrate many previously-published phy...Biogeography; Chloroplast DNA; Chromosome evolution; ndhF; trnLF2008
85 DeTar, CarletonB→πlν semileptonic form factor from three-flavor lattice QCD: a model-independent determination of [Vub]We calculate the form factor f+(q2) for B-meson semileptonic decay in unquenched lattice QCD with 2 + 1 flavors of light sea quarks. We use Asqtad-improved staggered light quarks and a Fermilab bottom quark on gauge configurations generated by the MILC Collaboration. We simulate with several light...Semileptonic decay2009-03
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