401 - 600 of 10,889
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401 Normann, Richard A.; Jones, Kelly E.Advanced demultiplexing system for physiological stimulationA CMOS very large scale integration (VLSI) chip has been designed and built to implement a scheme developed for multiplexing/demultiplexing the signals required to operate an intracortical stimulating electrode array. Because the use of radio telemetry in a proposed system utilizing this chip may im...Electrode Array; Stimulation; Telemetry; Microelectrodes; Transistors1997
402 Sutherland, James ClaytonAdvanced regression methods for combustion modelling using principal componentsModelling the physics of combustion remains a challenge due to a large range of temporal and physical scales which are important in these systems. Detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms are used to describe the chemistry involved in the combustion process yielding highly coupled partial differential e...2014-01-01
403 Rajamani, RajAdvances in discrete element method application to grinding millsDiscrete element method (DEM) has made significant impact in the design and operation of grinding mills. The internal charge motion of grinding balls and ore can be readily examined. As a result, this method enables one to design and examine mill internals via simulation. This manuscript details es...2014-01-01
404 Williams, Clayton C.Advances in experimental technique for quantitative two dimensional dopant profiling by scanning capacitance microscopySeveral advances have been made toward the achievement of quantitative two-dimensional dopant and carrier profiling. To improve the dielectric and charge properties of the oxide-silicon interface, a method of low temperature heat treatment has been developed which produces an insulating layer with c...Doping; Scanning capacitance microscope; SCM1999
405 Jayamohan, HarikrishnanAdvances in microfluidics and lab on a chip technologiesAdvances in molecular biology are enabling rapid and efficient analyses for effective intervention in domains like biology research, infectious disease management, food safety and bio-defense. The emergence of microfluidics and nanotechnologies has enabled both new capabilities and instrument sizes ...Microfluidics; Lab on a chip; Point of care; PCR; Isothermal amplification; High resolution melting analysis; Cytogenetics; Protein detection; Next generation sequencing; Sample preparation; Library preparation; Cell sorting2017
406 Paiva, Marie Clare P.Adventures in an Ethiopian libraryDuring my sabbatical time from mid-September 2007 to mid-March 2008, I worked as a volunteer librarian at Addis Ababa University (AAU) in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies Library (IESL) on a collection development project in Ethiopia.University libraries; Collection development; Ethiopian studies2008
407 Martin, JimAerodynamic drag area of cyclists determined with field-based measuresAerodynamic drag is an important factor in the performance of competitive track and road cyclists. Recently we used wind-tunnel testing to validate a practical measure of aerodynamic drag derived from a field test. We present here instructions for performing the field test on a straight flat road or...2006-01-01
408 Hawkes, KristenAffluent hunters? Some comments in light of the Alyawara caseOur recent analysis (O'Connell and Hawkes in press) of plant food collecting among the Alyawara, a central Australian hunting group, shows that the cost of subsistence is sometimes quite high, far higher than the current conven. tional wisdom regarding hunters would suggest. We infer from available ...1981-01-01
409 Mallat, ChibliAfter Kosovo: Secession in the Middle EastA federal state is better than the division of the land. This is also true for Kosovo and the other countries in the Balkans, as it is for Sudan and Yemen. The ICJ Kosovo ruling is good for secessionists, bad for democrats, and devastating for order in the planet.2010-09-02
410 Li, MinqiAfter neoliberalism: empire, social democracy, or socialism?Analyzes political doctrines such as imperialism, social democracy and socialism as a possible economic trend after the neoliberalism era. Characteristics of neoliberal regime; Alternative scenarios of global economic crisis; Problems that a revived social democratic capitalism would not address; Ac...Political doctrines; Liberalism; Imperialism2004
411 Neimoyer, SusanAfter the rhapsody: George Gershwin in the Spring of 1924The year 1924 was a banner period in the early career of the young George Gershwin. The astonishingly successful premiere of the Rhapsody in Blue with Paul Whiteman's orchestra in 12 February 1924, in some ways made it the year of the Rhapsody. Thanks to the business acumen that prompted Whiteman to...2014-01-01
412 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status reportThe M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1995
413 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE: a search for dark matter in M31 by microlensing effects on unresolved starsM 31 is a very tempting target for a microlensing search of compact objects in galactic haloes. It is the nearest large galaxy, it probably has its own dark halo, and its tilted position with respect to the line of sight provides an unmistakable signature of microlensing. However most stars of M 31...M31; AGAPE; Pixel method; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing1997
414 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE: andromeda gravitational amplification pixel experimentThe aim of the AGAPE (Andromeda Gravitational Ampli_x000C_cation Pixel Experiment), experiment which has been _x000C_rst proposed in June 1992 is to examine the distribution of massive astrophysical compact halo objects ((MACHO's) which possibly are in the galactic haloes and which could account for...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1997
415 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPEROS: searching for microlensing in the LMC with the pixel method. I. Data treatment and pixel light curves productionRecent surveys monitoring millions of light curves of resolved stars in the LMC have discovered several microlensing events. Unresolved stars could however signi _x000C_cantly contribute to the microlensing rate towards the LMC. Monitoring pixels, as opposed to individual stars, should be able to ...Data analysis techniques; Halo; Galaxies; Gravitational lensing; Pixel method; Large Magellanic Cloud; LMC1999
416 Gondolo, PaoloAgapeZ1: a large amplification microlensing event or an odd variable star towards the inner bulge of M31AgapeZ1 is the brightest and the shortest duration microlensing candidate event found to date in the Agape experiment. It occurred only 4200 from the centre of M31 at RA = 0h42m41:47s and Dec = 41°16'39.1" (J2000). Our photometry shows that the half intensity duration of the event is 5.3 days and ...AgapeZ1; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing; M31; Pixel method1999
417 Battin, Margaret P.Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?These lines express a view again stirring controversy: that the elderly who are irreversibly ill, whose lives can be continued only with substantial medical support, ought not to be given treatment; instead, their lives should be brought to an end. It should be recognized, as one contemporary politi...1987
418 Wright, Scott D.Age wave is here : the aging of the baby boomers November 2010Paul C. Light (1998) wrote one of the first books to examine the complexities of the baby boom generation and their future implications and impact. The book titled, "Baby Boomers", investigated what unified and what divided the generation and reflected on the potential for "golden days" (would it b...2010-08
419 Battin, Margaret P.Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour...Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia1987-01
420 Hawkes, KristenAge-related decline in ovarian follicle stocks differ between chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and humansSimilarity in oldest parturitions in humans and great apes suggests that we maintain ancestral rates of ovarian aging. Consistent with that hypothesis, previous counts of primordial follicles in postmortem ovarian sections from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed follicle stock decline at the same ...2015-01-01
421 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryAgelenid spiders of the Genus CicurinaThe genus Cicurina was erected by Menge in 18(59 for the species jlranea cicurea Fabricius (1793). Since then, various species from North America have been added to this genus. Petrunkevitch, in his catalog of 1911, listed 11 species from this continent. Exline, in a review of the Cicurinas in 1936,...1940-06-29
422 Henderson, Thomas C.Agent-based engineering drawing analysisInterpretation of paper drawings has received a good deal of attention over the last decade. Related areas such as direct interpretation of human drawings (HCI), search and indexing of graphics databases, and knowledge representation in the domain of graphics and drawing understanding have also s...Interpretation; Human drawings; HCI; Graphic databases2002-02-04
423 Miller, Jan D.Agglomeration and magnetic deinking for office paperMagnet deinking of office paper (OP) is a promising technology for the production of high quality secondary fiber. The technique is possible because a significant portion of the toner in OP furnish has a magnetic character. Toner magnetic susceptibility can vary from weakly paramagnetic to ferroma...Wastepaper; Magnetic deinking; Toner; Magnetic susceptibility2000
424 Arlitsch, Kenning; Jonsson, JeffAggregating distributed digital collections in the mountain west digital library with the CONTENTdm multi-site serverThis paper describes the creation of the Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL), a cooperative regional program distributed throughout Utah and Nevada. Its metadata are aggregated at a single website. Six digitization centers at the largest universities in both states digitize their own collections an...Consortia; Metadata; Computer software, Development2005-06
425 Adler, Frederick R.Aggregation and stability in parasite-host modelsThis paper generalizes the two-dimensional approximation of models of macroparasites on homogeneous populations developed by Anderson & May (1978), focusing on how the dispersion (the variance to mean ratio) of the equilibrium distribution of parasites on hosts is related to the stability of the equ...Aggregation; Stability; Host-parasite models1992-04
426 Battin, Margaret P.Aging and ethics: philosophical problems in gerontologyAging and Ethics addresses a crucial issue: In order to address the dilemmas aging poses concerning distributive justice in health care, don't we need to rethink both the personal and social significance of old age?1993
427 Dailey, Andrew T.Agreement between orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons regarding a new algorithm for the treatment of thoracolumbar injuries: a multicenter reliability studyIntroduction: Considerable variability exists in the management of thoracolumbar (TL) spine injuries. Although there are many influences, one significant factor may be the treating surgeon's specialty and training (ie, orthopedic surgery vs. neurosurgery). Our objective was to assess the agreement ...Thoracolumbar injuries; Rating; Classification; TLISS; Neurosurgery; Interspeciality reliability2006
428 Hall, Eric S.Aiding clinicians through summarization of perinatal dataExploratory analysis has focused on developing summarized views of monitor-captured perinatal data to support adherence to established clinical protocols. In addition to facilitating rapid access to significant clinical trends and reducing subjective interpretation of monitor-captured data, combini...Perinatal data; Perinatal care; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009-09-23
429 Miller, Jan D.; Niewiadomski, Marcin M.; Hupka, Jan; Nalaskowski, JakubAir bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationThe interactions of air bubbles and oil droplets in centrifugal flotation have been considered with respect to process conditions present during Air-sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation. Encounter efficiency of oil droplets with air bubbles has been found to be significantly smaller when compared t...Centrifugal flotation; Froth flotation; Oil flotation; Dispersed oil; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; ASH2007
430 Wen, MingAir pollution shortens life expectancy and health expectancy for older adults: the case of ChinaBackground: Outdoor air pollution is one of the most worrying environmental threats China faces today. Comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the health consequences of air pollution in China is lacking. This study reports age-sex-specific life expectancy (LE) and health expectancies (HEs) corre...2012-01-01
431 Scarpulla, MichaelAir shear driven flow of thin perfluoropolyether polymer filmsWe have studied the wind driven movement of thin perfluoropolyether (PFPE) polymer films on silicon wafers and CNx overcoats using the blow-off technique. The ease with which a liquid polymer film moves across a surface when sheared is described by a shear mobility xS , which can be interpreted both...Perfluoropolyether; Polymer films; Air shear; Shear mobility2003
432 Miller, Jan D.Air sparged hydrocyclone for fine coal flotationThe cleaning of fine coal to achieve compliance specifications generally is a challenging problem for coal preparation engineers. Gravity separation techniques are limited with regard to capacity/ efficiency considerations, and the most promising process alternative seems to be flotation, the u...Microbubble; Compliance; Bituminous1988
433 Chapman, David S.Air, ground, and groundwater recharge temperatures in an alpine setting, Brighton Basin, UtahNoble gases are useful tracers for constraining groundwater recharge temperature and elevation, critical in determining source areas of groundwater recharge in mountainous terrain. A monitoring network in the alpine Brighton Basin in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA, was established to ex...2012-01-01
434 Lupton, John MarkAir-induced fluorescence bursts from single semiconductor nanocrystalsWe observe a dramatic enhancement of the fluorescence intensity from single core/shell CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals upon sudden exposure to air from an evacuated surrounding. Both the number of particles contributing to emission increases as well as the average emission intensity from a single particle, le...CdSe; ZnS; Air-induced; Fluorescence bursts2004
435 Miller, Jan D.Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recoveryAn air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) mobile system was evaluated for continuous stripping and recovery of cyanide (the AVR process) from process water at a gold plant site. The ASH unit performed exceptionally well as an absorber. HCN was absorbed from the gas phase in a single pass with an efficiency...Cyanide recovery; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Gold processing; Process water2005
436 Yanowitz, Frank G.Alan E. Lindsay ECG Learning Center in CyberspaceAn interactive ECG tutorial representing an introduction to clinical electrocardiography.Electrocardiography1996-09-01
437 Albert Lasker Awards Ceremony, 2001This is the 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 41 seconds video of the Lasker Awards Ceremony and Banquet held in September, 2001. The Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research was given to Mario R. Capecchi, Oliver Smithies, and Martin Evans for their work in genetic research. Martin Evans discovered h...Capecchi, Mario R.; Gene targeting; Embryonic stem cells; Transgenic mice; Genetic engineering; Science - Awards - United States; Smithies, Oliver; Evans, Martin J.; Awards presentations2001
438 Wu, Yong-ShiAlgebraic and geometric aspects of generalized quantum dynamicsWe briefly discuss some algebraic and geometric aspects of the generalized Poisson bracket and noncommutative phase space for generalized quantum dynamics, which are analogous to properties of the classical Poisson bracket and ordinary symplectic structure.Quantum dynamics; Jacobi identity1994-06
439 Tasdizen, TolgaAlgebraic curves that work betterAn algebraic curve is defined as the zero set of a polynomial in two variables. Algebraic curves are practical for modeling shapes much more complicated than conics or superquadrics. The main drawback in representing shapes by algebraic curves has been the lack of repeatability in fitting algebraic...1999
440 Wu, Yong-ShiAlgebraic solution for a two-level atom in radiation fields and the Freeman resonancesUsing techniques of complex analysis in an algebraic approach, we solve the wave equation for a two-level atom interacting with a monochromatic light field exactly. A closed-form expression for the quasienergies is obtained, which shows that the Bloch-Siegert shift is always finite, regardless of ...Bloch-Siegert shift; Freeman resonances; Quasienergies2006-02
441 Stevens, KennethAlgorithms for MIS vector generation and pruningIgnoring the effect of simultaneous switching for logic gates causes silicon failures for high performance microprocessor designs. The main reason to omit this effect is the run time penalty and potential over-conservatism. Run times are directly proportional to the vector sizes. Efficient algorithm...2006
442 Crow, Franklin C.The aliasing problem in computer-synthesized shaded imagesThis paper describes work toward improving the quality of computer-synthesized shaded images. Current (practical) hidden-surface algorithms produce an image whose precision is strictly limited by the number of picture elements. Problems caused by this limitation are described and explained in the t...aliasing problem; shaded images; hidden-surface algorithms1976
443 McDaniel, SusanAlice in demographyland: how it looks from the other side of the looking glassThe challenges are many in reflecting on women in demography in Canada in the 1990's. On the one hand, so much is known about women in academia and the hurdles that still need to be overcome " institutionally and intellectually. So much more research exists in the area than it did only a decade ago....Women; Universities; Academic life1992
444 Schvaneveldt, Nena; Stone, Sean; Brody, Erica R.; Clairoux, Natalie; Lubker, Irene M.; Nevius, Amanda M.; Porcello, Lorraine; Bissram, Jennifer S.Aligning Information Literacy and Evidence-Based Dentistry Concepts in a Rubric to Improve Dental EducationUnderstanding of the alignment of key concepts in both evidence-based dentistry and information literacy could lead to greater collaboration between librarians and dental faculty. To identify these areas of partnership, a group of dental librarians from across North America created a rubric aligning...curriculum; dental education; evidence-based dentistry; information literacy; standards
445 Armentrout, Peter B.Alkali metal cation interactions with 12-crown-4 in the gas phase: revisitedQuantitative interactions of alkali metal cations with the cyclic 12-crown-4 polyether ligand (12C4) are studied. Experimentally, Rb+(12C4) and Cs+(12C4) complexes are formed using electrospray ionization and their bond dissociation energies (BDEs) determined using threshold collision-induced dissoc...2012-01-01
446 Firmage, Edwin B.Allegiance and stewardship: holy war, just war, and the Mormon tradition in the nuclear ageThe present escalation in nuclear weapons technology between the United States and the Soviet Union has progressed beyond the point where any increase in such weaponry necessarily results in increased national security. It has become, in fact, the ultimate act of idolatry, a reliance upon technology...Nuclear weapons; Salvation; Peacemakers1983
447 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Allelochemic function for a primary metabolite: the case of L-tyrosine hyper-production in Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)Young leaves of tropical forest trees experience far higher herbivory pressure than mature leaves of the same species. Selection on young leaves has led to diverse forms of defense chemical expression. Though most allelochemicals are secondary metabolites, allelochemic function for a primary metabol...5-amino-4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid; Panama; Barro Colorado Island; Fabaceae; Inga umbellifera; Primary metabolite; Heliothis virescens2006
448 Smith, Ken R.Allied health manpower strategies: estimates of the potential gains from efficient task delegationThis study analyzes the potential impact of physician extenders on the productivity of primary care practices and considers the consequent implication for future health manpower requirements. A number of previous investigations have evaluated a variety of extenders in experimental settings. This stu...1973
449 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
450 Beckerle, Mary C.ALP-enigma protein ALP-1 functions in actin filament organization to promote muscle structural integrity in Caenorhabditis elegansMutations that affect the Z-disk-associated ALP-Enigma proteins have been linked to human muscular and cardiac diseases. Despite their clear physiological significance for human health, the mechanism of action of ALP-Enigma proteins is largely unknown. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the ALP-Enigma prot...Actin; Caenorhabditis elegans; Contractility; alp-1 mutants; Z-disks; Kettin2009
451 Lindstrom, Gary E.Alpha-beta pruning on evolving game treesThe alpha-beta strategy is a widely used method for economizing on the size of game trees. Heretofore, its application has been limited to depth-first tree growth in recursive search functions. However, many modern game players use retentive (i.e. coroutine-based) control to achieve greater attentio...Alpha-beta pruning; Game trees1979
452 Landesman, Margaret M.Alphabetical fable : article and book meet the googleWherein an Apprehensive Article (doubtless from a scholarly journal) and a Rather Bolder Book (of the sort that may be monetizing your click stream any day now) discuss current affairs...World Wide Web; Print; Digitization; Internet2007-02-11
453 Capecchi, Mario R.Altered enzymes in drug-resistant variants of mammalian tissue culture cells.Two selective procedures are compared in an effort to isolate variants of mouse L cells containing structural gene mutations. Among the resulting variant cloned cell lines are found two types of alterations in theenzyme hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (EC (1): enzyme with altered ...Drug Resistance; Azaguanine; Clone Cells; Hypoxanthines1973-11
454 Churchwell, John C.; Lopez-Larson, Melissa; Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah A.Altered frontal cortical volume and decision making in adolescent cannabis usersAnticipating future outcomes is central to decision making and a failure to consider long-term consequences may lead to impulsive choices. Adolescence is a vulnerable period during which underdeveloped prefrontal cortical systems may contribute to poor judgment, impulsive choices, and substance ab...2010
455 Adler, Frederick R.Alternating host cell tropism shapes the persistence, evolution and coexistence of Epstein-Barr virus infections in humanEpstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects and can persist in a majority of people worldwide. Within an infected host, EBV targets two major cell types, B cells and epithelial cells, and viruses emerging from one cell type preferentially infect the other. We use mathematical models to understand why EBV infec...2011
456 Adler, Frederick R.Alternating host cell tropism shapes the persistence, evolution and coexistence of Epstein-Barr virus infections in humanEpstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects and can persist in a majority of people worldwide. Within an infected host, EBV targets two major cell types, B cells and epithelial cells, and viruses emerging from one cell type preferentially infect the other. We use mathematical models to understand why EBV infec...2010
457 Codding, BrianAlternative aboriginal economies: Martu livelihoods in the 21st centuryIn the western deserts of Australia, hunting and gathering endures as an important social and economic activity. That foraging persists within the boundaries of developed industrialized nation states may come as a surprise to those who evaluate foraging as less profitable than agricultural, wage or ...Aboriginal economics; Aboriginal foraging2015
458 Olivera, Baldomero M.Alternative splicing in the pore-forming region of shaker potassium channelsWe have cloned cDNAs for the shaker potassium channel gene from the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. As previously found in Drosophila, there is alternative splicing at the 59 and 39 ends of the coding region. However, in Panulirus shaker, alternative splicing also occurs within the pore-forming...Panulirus interruptus; Conotoxins; Shaker; Stomatogastric ganglion; Pore-forming region; Alternative splicing1997
459 Coffin, Cheryl M.; Capecchi, Mario R.Alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas in conditional Pax3:Fkhr mice: cooperativity of Ink4a/ARF and Trp53 loss of function.Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive childhood muscle cancer for which outcomes are poor when the disease is advanced. Although well-developed mouse models exist for embryonal and pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas, neither a spontaneous nor a transgenic mouse model of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma has...Cell Differentiation; Forkhead Transcription Factors; Myogenic Regulatory Factors2004-11-01
460 Hawkes, KristenAlyawara plant use and optimal foraging theoryVarious authors have remarked on the importance of seeds in the pre-European diet of central Australian Aborigines. The Alyawara, an Arandic-speaking group, were typical in this respect. They collected edible seeds from nearly half the eighty-five plant species in their traditional subsistence inven...Australia; Aborigines; Foraging; Seeds1981
461 Mattis, Daniel C.; Sutherland, BillAmbiguities with the relativistic δ-function potentialIn many cases of physical interest, the 6-function potential is a very convenient approximation to more structured, and more difficult, short-ranged potentials. In relativistic theories, its use is often mandated because only a mathematical point has a relativistically invariant shape. Neverthele...Delta function; Energy states1981-09
462 American Invents Act: roadshow and hearing schedule 20122012
463 Gardner, Reed M.American Thoracic Society - Device Standards (Editorial)Biomedical Informatics1975
464 Olivera, Baldomero M.Aminoglycoside effects on voltage-sensitive calcium channels and neurotoxicityTo the Editor: Since ototoxicity and neuromuscular toxicity of aminoglycoside antibiotics are reversed by calcium, 1,2 and presynaptic events appear to be involved in aminoglycoside-induced neuromuscular blockade, 3,4 we suspected a role for voltage-sensitive calcium channels in aminoglycoside neuro...Conotoxins1987
465 Dibble, Leland E.Amplification of fall risk in Parkinson's disease: the influence of comorbiditiesLong term studies examining the progression of Parkinson's disease (PD) report the mean age of diagnosis to be in the mid sixties.' The diagnosis of PD typically .occurs after the presentation of motor deficits such as resting tremor, rigidity, hypokinesia, or postural instability. 2 Parkinson's di...2010
466 Foreman, K. Kenneth; Ballard, D. JamesAmplification of fall risk in Parkinsons disease: the influence of comorbiditiesLong term studies examining the progression of Parkinson's disease (PD) report the mean age of diagnosis to be in the mid sixties.' The diagnosis of PD typically .occurs after the presentation of motor deficits such as resting tremor, rigidity, hypokinesia, or postural instability. 2 Parkinson's di...2010
467 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Gellermann, WernerAmplified resonant Raman scattering in conducting polymer thin filmsUsing picosecond pulsed laser excitation, we investigate the optical emission characteristics of poly(2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene), (DOO-PPV), thin films at high excitation intensities (~1-90 MW/cm2). We observe the presence of amplified resonance Raman scattering in the emission spectra of c...Amplified resonant Raman scattering; High excitation intensities; pi-conjugated polymers1998
468 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAmplified spontaneous emission and lasing in conducting polymers and fluorescent dyes in opals as photonic crystalsSpectral narrowing of photoluminescence (PL) and evolution of sharp emission lines upon optical excitation have been observed in opals made of SiO2 spheres infiltrated with conducting polymers such as OOPPV and MDDOPPV and also fluorescent dyes such as rhodamine 6G, NK-3483, and coumarin 120. Their ...Amplified spontaneous emission; Lasing; Fluorescent dyes1999
469 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Amplitude and phase modes in trans-polyacetylene: resonant Raman scattering and induced infrared activityThe resonant Raman scattering (RRS) from the three Ag modes of trans-polyacetylene and the charged-induced ir modes are analyzed with use of the amplitude- and phase-mode theories. It is shown that the observed phonon frequencies and the relative intensities of all modes obtained at various laser ex...Induced infrared activity; Ag modes; Amplitude modes; Phase modes; Trans-polyacetylene1987-07
470 Stevens, KennethAn A-FPGA architecture for relative timing based asynchronous designsThis paper presents an asynchronous FPGA architecture that is capable of implementing relative timing based asynchronous designs. The architecture uses the Xilinx 7-Series architecture as a starting point and proposes modifications that would make it asynchronous design capable while keeping it full...2014-01-01
471 George, LalAn abstract machine for parallel graph reductionAn abstract machine suitable for parallel graph reduction on a shared memory multiprocessor is described. Parallel programming is plagued with subtle race conditions resulting in deadlock or fatal system errors. Due to the nondeterministic nature of program execution the utilization of resources ma...Parallel graph reduction; Abstract machines1989
472 George, LalAn abstract machine for parallel graph reductionAn abstract machine for parallel graph reduction on a shared memory multiprocessor is described. This is intended primarily for normal order (lazy) evaluation of functional programs. It is absolutely essential in such a design to adapt an efficient sequential model since during execution under limit...Parallel graph reduction1989
473 Mathews, V. JohnAn adaptive channel estimator for CDMA systems in multipath fading channelsABSTRACT CDMA systems in multipath fading channels need to estimate channel parameters for coherent detection of the transmitted signals. In this paper we present a simple but effective channel estimation algorithm that can be incorporated into most types of multiuser receivers to obtain good dete...2001
474 Subrahmanyam, P.A.An algebraic formulation of seitz's weak conditions for self timed circuitsTwo fairly intuitive conditions are given that serve to algebraically characterize Seitz's "weak conditions" for self timed circuits. It is shown that these two conditions embody the 12 temporal logic conditions (developed b y Owicki and Malachi) which are intended to express both the weak condition...Seitz's weak conditions; Self-timed circuits1982
475 Sanderson, Allen ReedAn alternative formulation of lyapunov exponents for computing lagrangian coherent structuresLagrangian coherent structures are time-evolving surfaces that highlight areas in flow fields where neighboring advected particles diverge or converge. The detection and understanding of such structures is an important part of many applications such as in oceanography where there is a need to predic...2014-01-01
476 Sokolsky, PierreAn analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part I: experimental apparatus and test measurementsAn experimental apparatus to measure the scattering properties of hexagonal icelike particles in the analog manner at the helium neon laser wavelength of 0.633 mm has been designed and built. The instrument consists of an array of 36 highly sensitive and linear photodiode detectors that are positi...1999
477 Sokolsky, PierreAn analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part II: experimental and theoretical resultsThe scattering properties of hexagonal icelike crystals as measured in the analog manner by the experimental apparatus described in Part I are presented. The crystals are made out of sodium fluoride (NaF), which has an index of refraction similar to that of water ice. The experimentally determined...1999
478 Mader, Emily MarieAn analysis of foundation giving in Utah, 2007-20092011
479 Warner, Homer R.An Analysis of Granulocyte Kinetics in Blood and Bone MarrowBiomedical Informatics1964
480 Warner, Homer R.An Analysis of Leukocyte Radioactivity Curves Obtained with Radioactive Disssopropylflourophosphate (DFP)Biomedical Informatics1959
481 Mathews, V. JohnAn analytical model of the perceptual threshold function for multichannel image compressionABSTRACT The human observer is often the final judge of the quality of compressed images. One way to design a compression system that attempts to reduce or eliminate subjective distortions in the coded images is to incorporate a perceptual threshold function model into the compression system. The...1998
482 Shirley, Peter S.An anisotropic phong light reflection modelWe present a new BRDF model that attempts to combine the advantages of the various empirical models currently in use. In particular, it has intuitive parameters, is anisotropic, energy-conserving, reciprocal, has an appropriate non-Lambertian diffuse term, and is well-suited for use in a Monte Carlo...BRDF model; Anisotropic; Phong light reflection model2000
483 Henderson, Thomas C.An annotated bibligraphy of multisensor integrationIn this paper we give an annotated bibliography of the multisensor integration literature.Multisensor integration; Bibligraphy1988
484 Edmunds, George F. Jr.An annotated key to the nymphs of the families and subfamilies of mayfliesAttempts to provide keys to the families and subfamilies of Ephemeroptera nymphs in general entomology textbooks (i.e. Essig (1942), Chu (1949), and Brues, Melander and Carpenter (1954)) have been far from satisfactory. This difficulty exists largely because of the failure of specialists of the Ephe...1963-06
485 Greenfield, HarveyAn application of computer graphics: two concurrent investigations within the medical fieldThe aim of this project is to apply new or recently developed computer graphic techniques to a particular discipline with the thought of broadening its research capabilities. The discipline chosen, that of medicine, has emphasis places on the area of hemodynamics. It is seen that computer graphics m...Computer graphic techniques1971
486 Keller, Robert M.An approach to determinacy proofsIt is known that any parallel program graph composed of continuous operators itself represents a continuous function. In other words, the network is determinate in the sense that for a given input, the output is unique, independent of the timing of the constituent operators. This result is applied t...Parallel program graph; Determinacy proofs1978
487 Warner, Homer R.An Approach to Evaluating the Completeness of a Medical Knowledge BaseBiomedical Informatics1989
488 Henderson, Thomas C.An approach to three-dimensional scene databasesCurrent image database research is concerned for the most part with the encoding and processing of two-dimensional images. However, the most successful approach to computer vision is based on 3-dimensional information, organized as either stacks of 2-D images (e.g., the intrinsic images of Barrow an...Image databases; Three-dimensional; Scene databases1987
489 Keller, Robert M.; Lindstrom, Gary E.An architecture for a loosely-coupled parallel processorAn architecture for a large (e. g. 1000 processor) parallel computer is presented. The processors are loosely-coupled, in the sense that communication among them is fully asynchronous, and each processor is generally not unduly delayed by any immediate need for specific data values. The network supp...Loosely-coupled; Parallel processors1978
490 Myers, Chris J.An asynchronous implementations of the MAXLIST algorithmABSTRACT We present an efficient asynchronous VLSI architecture for calculating running maximum or minimum values over a sliding window. Running maximums or minimums are very useful for many signal and image processing tasks. Our architecture performs the calculation using the MAXLIST algorithm. In...1997
491 Myers, Chris J.; Stevens, KennethAn asynchronous instruction length decoderAbstract-This paper describes an investigation of potential advantages and pitfalls of applying an asynchronous design methodology to an advanced microprocessor architecture. A prototype complex instruction set length decoding and steering unit was implemented using self-timed circuits. [The Revolvi...2001
492 Stevens, Kenneth; Myers, Chris J.An asynchronous instruction length decoderThis paper describes an investigation of potential advantages and pitfalls of applying an asynchronous design methodology to an advanced microprocessor architecture. A prototype complex instruction set length decoding and steering unit was implemented using self-timed circuits. [The Revolving Async...2001
493 Bruderlin, BeatAn axiomatic approach for solving geometric problems symbolicallyThis paper describes a new approach for solving geometric constraint problems and problems in geometry theorem proving. We developed a rewrite-rule mechanism operating on geometric predicates. Termination and completeness of the problem solving algorithm can be obtained through well foundedness and ...Geometric constraint problems; Geometry theorem proving; Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm1990
494 Simpson, Jamesina J.An E-J collocated 3-D FDTD model of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized cold plasmaA new three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical model is proposed herein to simulate electromagnetic wave propagation in an anisotropic magnetized cold plasma medium. Plasma effects contributed by electrons, positive, and negative ions are considered in this model. The current...2010-01-01
495 Marcus, RobinAn eccentrically biased rehabilitation program early after TKA surgeryRehabilitation services are less-studied aspects of the management following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) despite long-term suboptimal physical functioning and chronic deficits in muscle function. This paper describes the preliminary findings of a six-week (12 session) eccentrically-biased rehabili...2011
496 Mathews, V. JohnAn efficient algorithm for joint estimation of differential time delays and frequency offsetsABSTRACT This paper introduces an efficient algorithm that jointly estimates differential time delays and frequency offsets between two signals. The approach is a two-step procedure. First, the differential frequency offsets are estimated from measurement of the autocorrelation functions of the rec...1992
497 Mathews, V. JohnAn efficient algorithm for lattice filter/predictorABSTRACT An efficient method for updating the lattice filter/predictor coefficients using the sign algorithm is introduced. The pertinent coefficients are updated using only the signs of the estimation errors at each stage. This method requires less number of multiplications than other adaptive la...1985
498 Simpson, Jamesina J.An efficient stochastic approach to uncertainty quantification in 3-D FDTD magnetized cold plasmaAn efficient stochastic finite-difference time-domain (S-FDTD) method is developed to analyze electromagnetic field variability in three dimensional anisotropic magnetized plasma. The new S-FDTD plasma model provides a full understanding of the true physics due to the associated uncertainties and ha...2014-01-01
499 Schmind, Alexis VAn embryonic-like subpopulation is present in regenerating heartsZebrafish regenerate injured heart tissue through cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation, but it's unclear which cell subpopulations are involved.zebrafish heart regeneration; medaka; cardiomyocytes2021
500 Sung, Yun JuAn empirical comparison of meta-analysis and mega-analysis of individual participant data for identifying gene-environment interactionsMeta-analysis combining results from multiple studies is a standard practice in GWAS. For genetic main effects, meta-analysis has been shown to provide comparable results as mega-analysis that jointly analyzes the pooled data from the available studies. Gene-environment interaction (GEI) studies are...Gene-environment interactions2017
501 Paiva, MarieAn ethiopian research library evolves into the new millennium: The institute of ethiopian studies library, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababs, Ethiopia2010-05-14
502 Warner, Homer R.An Evaluation of Radiosulfate as a Granulocyte Label in the DogBiomedical Informatics1966
503 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.; Chen, Jaqueline H.An evaluation of the one-dimensional turbulence model: comparison with direct numerical simulation of CO/H2 jets with extinction and reignitionAbstract A variant of the One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model formulated in an Eulerian reference frame is applied to a planar nonpre mixed turbulent jet flame and results from the model prediction are compared with DNS data. The model employed herein solves the full set of conservation equation...2010
504 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transienceA single layer nanothermite spin coated gel has been utilized as a solid-state exothermic energy release layer for triggered microchip transience. A proportional combination of self-assembled CuO/Al nanothermite and Napalm-B as gelling agent has been used to develop for the first time a spinable nan...2013-01-01
505 Mattis, Daniel C.An expanded Luttinger modelThis paper generalizes Luttinger's model by introducing curvature (d2ε (k) dk2 ≠ 0 ) into the kinetic energy. An exact solution for arbitrary interactions is still possible in principle, but it now requires disentangling the eigenvalue spectrum of an harmonic string of interacting boson fields at...2012-01-01
506 Durney, Carl H.An experiment in using interactive computer graphics in teaching transient transmission-line theoryAn interactive computer graphics routine was developed and used in teaching EE 553, Electromagnetic Fields, autumn quarter, 1969, in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. The routine displayed the propagation of the voltage ave form produced by a step-function generator do...1970
507 Willemsen, Peter; Gooch, Amy A.An experimental comparison of perceived egocentric distance in real, image-based, and traditional virtual environment using direct walking tasksIn virtual environments, perceived egocentric distances are often underestimated when compared to the same distance judgments in the real world. The research presented in this paper explores two possible causes for this reduced distance perception in virtual environments: (1) real-time computer g...Egocentric distances; Virtual environments2002-02-12
508 Newman, William M.An experimental display programming language for the PDP-10 computerAn experimental language for display programming, called DIAL, has been developed for the PDP-10 and the UNIVAC 1559 display. It is experimental in the sense that it was originally conceived as a means of testing out some ideas, and the best way to test them seemed to be to produce a language that ...Display programming; DIAL; Display Algol1970
509 Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Smith, Kent F.An experimental system for computer aided geometric designThe main goal of this proposed level-of-effort project is to extend present capabilities in the area of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and to develop custom VLSI support for some special geometric functions.Computer aided geometric design; CAGD; VLSI; Very large scale integration1984
510 Clayton, Dale H.An experimental test of the effects of behavioral and immunological defenses against vectors: do they interact to protect birds from blood parasites?Background: Blood-feeding arthropods can harm their hosts in many ways, such as through direct tissue damage and anemia, but also by distracting hosts from foraging or watching for predators. Blood-borne pathogens transmitted by arthropods can further harm the host. Thus, effective behavioral and im...2014-01-01
511 Khoche, AjayAn extended cell set of self-timed designsThe high level synthesis approach described in [1] uses hopCP[2] language for behavioral descriptions. The behavioral specifications are then translated into Hop Flow Graphs (HFGs). The actions in the graph are then refined such that refined actions can be directly mapped onto asynchronous circuit b...Self-timed designs; hopCP; Hop Flow Graphs; Asynchronous circuit blocks; Action-blocks1993
512 Planelles, VicenteAn HIV-encoded antisense long non-coding RNA epigenetically regulates viral transcriptionThe abundance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and their wide range of functional roles in human cells are fast becoming realized. Importantly, lncRNAs have been identified as epigenetic modulators and consequently play a pivotal role in the regulation of gene expression. A human immunodeficiency v...2014-01-01
513 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identeification guide to the Mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 species, representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944), Rees ...1961-06
514 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identification guide to the mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 s p e c ie s , representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944),...1961-06
515 Myers, Chris J.An improvement in partial order reduction using behavioral analysisEfficacy of partial order reduction in reducing state space relies on adequate extraction of the independence relation among possible behaviors. However, traditional approaches by statically analyzing system model structures are often not able to reveal enough independence for reduction. To address ...2012-01-01
516 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Humphrey, Alan Parker; Derrick, Christopher GladeAn integration of dynamic MPI formal verification within eclipse PTPOur research goals were to verify practical MPI programs for deadlocks, resource leaks, and assertion violations at the push of a button and be able to easily visualize the results. We also sought to integrate these capabilities with the Eclipse IDE via an Eclipse plug-in for the Parallel Tools Plat...Verification; Graphical User Interfaces; Dynamic Interleaving Reduction; Message Passing; MPI; Multi-core; Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
517 Bruderlin, BeatAn interactive N-Dimensional constraint systemIn this paper, we present a graph-based approach to geometric constraint solving. Geometric primitives (points, lines, circles, planes, etc.) possess intrinsic degrees of freedom in their embedding space. Constraints reduce the degrees of freedom of a set of objects. A constraint graph is created wi...Geometric constraint solving1994
518 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshAn interface aware guided search method for error-trace justification in large protocolsMany complex concurrent protocols that cannot be formally verified due to state explosion can often be formally verified by initially creating a collection of abstractions (overapproximations), and subsequently refining the overapproximated protocol in response to spurious counterexample traces. ...Concurrent protocols; Verification; Error-trace justification2008
519 Sikorski, KrisAn interior ellipsoid algorithm for fixed pointsWe consider the problem of approximating fixed points of non-smooth contractive functions with using of the absolute error criterion. In [12] we proved that the upper bound on the number of function evaluations to compute ?-approximations is 0(n3(In 1/? + In 1/1-q +In n)) in the worst case, where ...Ellipsoid algorithm; Contractive functions; Fixed points1998
520 Warner, Homer R.An Interlingua for Electronic Interchange of Medical Information: Using Fames to Map between Clinical VocabulariesBiomedical Informatics1991
521 Berg, Cynthia A.An interpersonal analysis of subjective social status and psychosocial riskSubjective social status (SSS) predicts health independently of traditional measures of socio-economic status (SES; Adler et al., 2008; Cohen et al., 2008). Although interpersonal variables are known to be related to both SES and health (Gallo, Smith, & Cox, 2006) and might contribute to their assoc...2011-01-01
522 Davis, AlAn introduction to asynchronous circuit designThe purpose of this monograph is to provide both an introduction to field of asynchronous digital circuit design and an overview of the practical state of the art in 1997. In the early days of digital circuit design, little distinction was made between synchronous and asynchronous circuits. However,...Asynchronous circuit design1997
523 Morrison, David L.An introduction to patent searchingPresentation by David Morrison at the Marriott Library Spring Semester Training Workshop, 2013.2013-08
524 Riloff, Ellen M.An introduction to the Sundance and AutoSlog systemsThis document describes the Sundance natural language processing system that has been developed at the University of Utah, as well as the AutoSlog and AutoSlog-TS extraction pattern learners that have been implemented on top of Sundance. Sundance is a shallow parser that also includes clause hand...Sundance system; AutoSlog system; Extraction pattern learners2004-11-08
525 Regehr, JohnAn isotach implementation for myrinetAn isotach network provides strong guarantees about message delivery order. We show that an isotach network can be implemented efficiently entirely in software, using commercial o-the-shelf hardware. This report describes that effort. Parts of this implementation could be performed much more efficie...1997-01-01
526 Carter, John B.An O(1) time complexity software barrierAs network latency rapidly approaches thousands of processor cycles and multiprocessors systems become larger and larger, the primary factor in determining a barrier algorithm?s performance is the number of serialized network latencies it requires. All existing barrier algorithms require at least ...Network latency; Barrier algorithm; Time complexity software barrier2004
527 Henderson, Thomas C.An O(n) time discrete relaxation architecture for real-time processing of the consistent labeling problemDiscrete relaxation techniques have proven useful in solving a wide range of problems in digital signal and digital image processing, artificial intelligence, operations research, and machine vision. Much work has been devoted to finding efficient hardware architectures. This paper shows that a conv...Discrete relaxation techniques1986
528 Mathews, V. JohnAn optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband codingAbstTact- Subband coding with vector quantization is addressed in this paper. Forming the data vectors from both between and within the subbands is considered. The former of these two schemes is referred to as interband coding and the latter as intraband coding. Interband coder design is relatively ...1995
529 Gu, JunAn optimal, parallel discrete relaxation algorithm and architecture (Revised January 1988 and August 1989)A variety of problems in artificial intelligence, operations research, symbolic logic, pattern recognition and computer vision, and robot manipulation are special cases of the Consistent Labeling Problem (CLP). The Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) is an efficient computational technique to enfor...Consistent Labeling Problem; CLP; Discrete Relaxation Algorithm; DRA1988
530 Parkinson, John StansfieldAn unorthodox sensory adaptation site in the E. coli serine chemoreceptorThe serine chemoreceptor of E. coli contains four canonical methylation sites for sensory adaptation that lie near inter-subunit helix interfaces of the Tsr homodimer. An unexplored fifth methylation site, E502, lies at an intra-subunit helix interface, closest to the HAMP domain that controls input...2014-01-01
531 Warner, Homer R.Analog Computer Analysis of Dispersion of Indicator in the CirculationBiomedical Informatics1966
532 Gardner, Reed M.Analog Computer Simulates Heart Response to Nerve StimulationBiomedical Informatics1961
533 Gardner, Reed M.Analog Computer Simulation of Heart ResponseBiomedical Informatics1961
534 Harrison, Reid R.; Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesA design approach is presented for soft-decision decoding of block product codes ("block turbo codes") using analog computation with MOS devices. Application of analog decoding to large code sizes is also considered with the introduction of serial analog interfaces and pipeline schedules.2001-01-11
535 Myers, Chris J.Analog decoding of product codesA design approach is presented for soft-decision decoding of block product codes ("block turbo codes") using analog computation with MOS devices. Application of analog decoding to large code sizes is also considered with the introduction of serial analog interfaces and pipeline schedules.2001
536 Myers, Chris J.; Harrison, Reid R.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesAbstract - A method is presented for analog softdecision decoding of block product codes (block turbo codes). Extrinsic information is exchanged as analog signals between component row and column decoders. The component MAP decoders use low-power analog computation in subthreshold CMOS circuits t...2002
537 Harrison, Reid R.; Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesA method is presented for analog softdecision decoding of block product codes (block turbo codes). Extrinsic information is exchanged as analog signals between component row and column decoders. The component MAP decoders use low-power analog computation in subthreshold CMOS circuits to implement th...2002
538 Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog MAP decoder for (8, 4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAn all-MOS analog implementation of a MAP decoder is presented for the (8, 4) extended Hamming code. This paper describes the design and analysis of a tail-biting trellis decoder implementation using subthreshold CMOS devices. A VLSI test chip has recently returned from fabrication, and preliminary ...2001
539 Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog MAP decoder for (8, 4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAbstract - An all-MOS analog tail-biting MAP decoder is presented for an (8,4) Hamming code. The decoder implements a probability propagation algorithm using subthreshold CMOS networks. Physical results verify the expected behavior of the decoderand demonstrate robustness of analog decoding circuit...2001
540 Harrison, Reid R.Analog MAP decoder for (8,4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAn all-MOS analog tail-biting MAP decoder is presented for an (8,4) Hamming code. The decoder implements a probability propagation algorithm using subthreshold CMOS networks. Physical results verify the expected behavior of the decoder and demonstrate robustness of analog decoding circuits.MAP decoder; Hamming code; VLSI2004-01-01
541 Harrison, Reid R.Analog VLSI implementation of a visual interneuron: enhanced sensory processing through biophysical modelingFlies are capable of rapid, coordinated flight through unstructured environments. This flight is guided by visual motion information that is extracted from photoreceptors in a robust manner. One feature of the fly's visual processing that adds to this robustness is the saturation of wide-fi_x000...1999-01-01
542 Harrison, Reid R.Analog VLSI model of the fly elementary motion detectorFlies are capable of rapidly detecting and integrating visual motion information in behaviorly-relevant ways. The first stage of visual motion processing in flies is a retinotopic array of functional units known as elementary motion detectors (EMDs). Several decades ago, Reichardt and colleagues de...1998-01-01
543 Riloff, Ellen M.Analyses for elucidating current question answering technologyIn this paper, we take a detailed look at the performance of components of an idealized question answering system on two diff erent tasks: the TREC Question Answering task and a set of reading comprehension exams. We carry out three types of analysis: inherent properties of the data, feature analys...TREC Question Answering task2001-12
544 Carter, John B.Analysis of avalanche's shared memory architectureIn this paper, we describe the design of the Avalanche multiprocessor's shared memory subsystem, evaluate its performance, and discuss problems associated with using commodity workstations and network interconnects as the building blocks of a scalable shared memory multiprocessor. Compared to other ...Avalanche multiprocessor; Shared memory1997
545 Sperry, John S.Analysis of circular bordered pit function I. Angiosperm vessels with homogenous pit membranesA model predicted pit and vessel conductivity, the air-seed pressure for cavitation, and the implosion pressure causing vessel collapse. Predictions were based on measurements from 27 angiosperm species with circular bordered pits and air-seed pressures of 0.2-11.3 MPa. Vessel implosion pressure exc...Functional wood anatomy; hydraulic architecture; plant biomechanics2004
546 Sperry, John S.Analysis of circular bordered pit function II. Gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranesA model of xylem conduit function was applied to gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranes for comparison with angiosperm vessels. Tracheids from 17 gymnosperm tree species with circular bordered pits and air-seed pressures from 0.8 to 11.8 MPa were analyzed. Tracheids were more reinforced...Functional wood anatomy; hydraulic architecture; plant biomechanics2004
547 Gerig, GuidoAnalysis of diffusion tensor imaging for subjects with Down SyndromeAuthors: Neda Sadeghi1, Clement Vachet1, Marcel Prastawa1, Julie Korenberg1, Guido Gerig1 Institutions: 1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans. It is typically associated with delayed cognitive development and phys...2013-01-01
548 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of electromagnetic field variability in magnetized ionosphere plasma using the stochastic FDTD methodA stochastic finite-difference time-domain (S-FDTD) algorithm is presented for electromagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic magnetized plasma. This new algorithm efficiently calculates in a single simulation not only the mean electromagnetic field values, but also their variance as caused by the ...2014-01-01
549 Hogue, Michael T.; Keiter, Robert B.; Ruple, John; Uchitel, KirstenAnalysis of Environmental, Legal, Socioeconomic and Policy Issues Critical to the Development of Commercial Oil Shale Leasing on the Public Lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the Mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005This report seeks to identify and evaluate the critical legal and economic policy issues in order to inform federal, state, tribal, and other decision makers, as well as affected citizens, of the likely challenges and tradeoffs inherent in implementing a commercial oilshale leasing program on the pu...2010-01
550 Fletcher, Thomas H.Analysis of human brain connectivity from multi-modal imaging2012
551 Gerig, GuidoAnalysis of longitudinal shape variability via subject specific growth modelingStatistical analysis of longitudinal imaging data is crucial for understanding normal anatomical development as well as disease progression. This fundamental task is challenging due to the difficulty in modeling longitudinal changes, such as growth, and comparing changes across different populations...2012-01-01
552 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of spread spectrum time domain reflectometry for wire fault locationSpread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) and sequence time domain reflectometry have been demonstrated to be effective technologies for locating intermittent faults on aircraft wires carrying typical signals in flight. This paper examines the parameters that control the accuracy, latency, ...Spread spectrum; Sequence time domain reflectometry; STDR; SSTDR; Wire fault location; Aging wire detection; Arc detection2005-12
553 Gouw, Launce G.; McKenna, Catherine K.; Digre, Kathleen B.; Placek, Louis J.Analysis of the dynamic mutation in the SCA7 gene shows marked parental effects on CAG repeat transmission.The gene for spinocerebellar ataxia 7 (SCA7) includes a transcribed, translated CAG tract that is expanded in SCA7 patients. We have determined expansions in 73 individuals from 17 SCA7 kindreds and compared them with repeat lengths of 180 unaffected individuals. Subjects with abnormal expansions co...Genetics; Biosynthesis; SCA7 Gene1998-03-07
554 Warner, Homer R.Analysis of the Role of Indicator Technics in Quantitation of Valvular RegurgitationBiomedical Informatics1962
555 Beckerle, Mary C.Analysis of the roles of microtubules and actin in erythrophore intracellular motilityThe Holocentrus erythrophore, a red pigment cell, represents a model system for the study of organized intracellular transport. We have investigated the possibility that microtubules and actin are integral components of the pigment translocating motility machine.Actin; Actomyosin; Erythrophore; Pigment1983
556 Mathews, V. JohnAnalysis of the short-time unbiased spectrum estimation algorithmAbstract- The short-time unbiased spectrum estimation (STUSE) algorithm is analyzed and expressions for the mean and variance of the spectrum estimates are derived. The STUSE algorithm deliberately adds biased spectrum estimates in order to yield unbiased estimates and at the same time have excellen...1985
557 Miller, Jan D.Analysis of the surface potential developed by non-reactive ionic solidsThe sign of the surface potential for complex non-reactive ionic solids cannot be predicted solely from consideration of the hydration energy of gaseous ions which constitute the ionic lattice. Accurate analysis of these systems must involve the hydration energy of surface ions, which requires knowl...Lattice; dipole; Madelung Constants1976
558 Sobh, Tarek M.Analysis of tolerance for manufacturing geometric objects from sense dataIn this work we address the problem of manufacturing machine parts from sense data. Constructing geometric models for the objects from sense data is the intermediate step in a reverse engineering manufacturing system. Sensors are usually inaccurate, providing uncertain sense information. We constr...Manufacture1993
559 Henderson, Thomas C.Analysis of topographic maps for recreational purposes using decision treesIn this paper we describe a method for predicting the subjective quality of a new mountain bike route for a particular subject based on routes previously ridden and ranked by the subject. GPS tracks of the previously ridden routes are over laid on rasterized topographic maps and topographic features...2013-01-01
560 Fletcher, Preston ThomasAnalysis of white matter maturation in early brain development2011-11-02
561 Weinstein, DavidThe analytic 3-D transform for the least-squared fit of three pairs of corresponding pointsWe derive the analytic transformation for minimizing the summed-squared-distance between three movable points in one three-space pose to three corresponding fixed points in another three-space pose. This change of basis is a general rigid-body transformation (translation and rotation), with the addi...3-D transform; summed-squared-distance; three movable points; Three-space1998
562 Vaughn, Cecily P.; Crockett, David K.; Lim, Megan S.; Elenitoba-Johnson, Kojo S.J.Analytical characteristics of ICAT-LC-MS/MS for quantitative proteomics studiesRecent studies have employed isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT) in concert with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to assess differential expression of proteins on a proteomic scale and perform unbiased quantitative comparisons between samples from different physiological or disease states. We sought ...isotope-coded affinity tags; ICAT; mass spectrometry; MS/MS; proteomic scale; FL2005-06-03
563 Gerig, GuidoAnalyzing imaging biomarkers for traumatic brain injury using 4D modeling of longitudinal MRIQuantitative imaging biomarkers are important for assessment of impact, recovery and treatment efficacy in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). To our knowledge, the identification of such biomarkers characterizing disease progress and recovery has been insufficiently explored in TBI due to d...2013-01-01
564 Wu, Yong-ShiAnalyzing powers for ∏±-13C scattering at T∏=100 MeVMeasurements of the analyzing power for the nC(rr±,rr±) reaction at Trr = 100 MeV have been made at TRIUMF using a polarized target consisting of 99% 1 3C enriched butanol. Data were obtained for the ground and 3.68 MeV excited states at angles from 110° to 150° in 10° steps. The data are con...1992-02
565 Yang, Yue; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Lindstrom, Gary E.; Slind, Konrad LeeAnalyzing the Intel Itanium memory ordering rules using logic programming and SATWe present a non-operational approach to specifying and analyzing shared memory consistency models. The method uses higher order logic to capture a complete set of ordering constraints on execution traces, in an axiomatic style. A direct translation of the semantics to a constraint logic program...Intel Itanium memory; Ordering rules; Sared memory; Consistency models2003
566 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, IX. Xylem structure of the leaf insertionSTEMS OF PERENNIAL PLANTS, particularly trees, represent a considerable investment in biomass. Trees can survive even under the most adverse conditions, but only if the hydraulic integrity of the stem is preserved. A very important and vulnerable part of the stem is the xylem. As water is pulled int...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Palm leaves; Leaf insertion; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1983
567 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, VIII. Vessel network and vessel-length distribution in the stemTHE CONCEPT of the vessel, a conducting unit consisting of a series of vessel elements lined up end to end, has been known for well over a century (e.g., Hartig, 1878). The fact that vessels are of limited length is of considerable functional importance. If a vessel is damaged (for example, by an in...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1982
568 Chuaqui, Miguel BasimAncient wing for solo fluteArchaeopteryx (Ancient Wing) was a prehistoric animal, presumably the "missing link" between reptiles and birds. I portrayed the dual nature of the animal by writing music that represents it both as a lizard-like motionless reptile, suddenly scuttling through the forest, as well as an ungainly bird,...1998
569 Bargteil, Adam WadeAnimation of deformable bodies with quadratic bézier finite elementsIn this article, we investigate the use of quadratic finite elements for graphical animation of deformable bodies.We consider both integrating quadratic elements with conventional linear elements to achieve a computationally efficient adaptive-degree simulation framework as well as wholly quadratic ...2014-01-01
570 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
571 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, molecular dynamics simulations and contact angle measurementsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric points measured at two different crystallographic surfaces by the streaming potential method were found to be similar and exist at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edge...Talc; Interfacial properties; Hydration; Atomic force microscopy; Molecular dynamics simulations; Edge surface; Basal plane2007
572 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model dis...Anisotropic diffusion; Surface reconstruction2003-04-18
573 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measure d from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discr...2003
574 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discre...2003
575 Liu, FengAnisotropic strain enhanced hydrogen solubility in bcc metals: the independence on the sign of strainWhen an impurity is doped in a solid, it inevitably induces a local stress, tending to expand or contract the lattice. Consequently, strain can be applied to change the solubility of impurity in a solid. Generally, the solubility responds to strain ‘‘monotonically,'' increasing (decreasing) with...2012-01-01
576 Woodbury, Angus M.; Cottam, Clarence; Sugden, John W.Annotated check-list of the birds of UtahThe following check-list is a by-product o f studies made by the writers since 1926 in gathering material for a work on The Birds of Utah which is now completed. The list includes four hundred three kinds of birds (species and subspecies) which are admitted to the actual state list and thirty-three ...1949-03
577 Baehr, WolfgangAnnotation and analysis of 10,000 expressed sequence tags from 3 mouse eye cDNA librariesBACKGROUND: As a biomarker of cellular activities, the transcriptome of a specific tissue or cell type during development and disease is of great biomedical interest. We have generated and analyzed 10,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from three mouse eye tissue cDNA libraries: embryonic day 15.5 (...Cluster Analysis; DNA, Complementary; Gene Expression Profiling2003
578 Gondolo, PaoloAnnual modulation of dark matter in the presence of streamsIn addition to a smooth component of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter in galaxies, there may be streams of material; the effects of WIMP streams on direct detection experiments is examined in this paper. The contribution to the count rate due to the stream cuts off at some char...WIMP streams; Weakly interacting massive particles; Cutoff energy; Halo models; Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; Recoil energy; Sgr stream2006-08
579 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Anomalous charge transport phenomena in the molecular-based magnet V(TCNE)x.y(solvent)We present charge transport studies on recently developed molecular-based magnets V(TCNE)x. y(solvent) (TCNE= tetracyanoethylene) which show local magnetic ordering at temperatures, T, as high as 400 K. V(TCNE), .y(solvent) prepared from the solvent CH2Cl2 has o(300 K) - 10-3 S/cm, and that prepar...Frequency; Conductivity; Spin1993
580 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Raikh, Mikhail E.Anomalous coherent backscattering of light from opal photonic crystalsWe studied coherent backscattering (CBS) of light from opal photonic crystals with incomplete band gaps. We observed a dramatic broadening of the CBS cone for incident angles close to the Bragg condition in the crystals. We modify the conventional CBS theory to incorporate Bragg attenuation resultin...Coherent backscattering; Bragg condition2001-05
581 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Anomalous magnetoresistance in high-temperature organic-based magnetic seminconducting V(TCNE)x filmsAnomalous positive magnetoresistance (MR) in high temperature organic-based magnet V(TCNE)x (TCNE=tetracynoethylene) thin films is reported. MR increases linearly with applied magnetic field and shows a maximum at the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature. The suggested roles of oppositely spin pola...Spin; Ferrimagnetic; Resistance2003
582 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAnomalous optical and ESR properties of doped polydiethynylsilanesThe optical, transport, and ESR properties of soluble conducting four-membered polydiethynylsilane heterocycles are described. The undoped one-dimensional gap is 2.0 eV in both films and solutions; no photoluminescence is observed. I2 doping induces a single absorption band at -1.05 eV in solutions...Polydiethynylsilane; Doped polydiethynylsilanes1991-09
583 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Anomalous pressure dependence of the structure factor in 1,4-polybutadiene melts: a molecular dynamics simulation studyNeutron scattering has shown the first diffraction peak in the structure factor of a 1,4-polybutadiene melt under compression to move to larger q values as expected but to decrease significantly in intensity. Simulations reveal that this behavior does not result from loss of structure in the polymer...Polymer melts; 1, 4-polybutadiene melts; Pressure; Structure factor2004-07
584 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Anomalous relaxation in a quasi-one-dimensional fractal cluster glassThe low-temperature spin glass state of the quasi-1D organic-based magnet [MnTPP]+[TCNE]- .x(1,3-C6H4Cl2) has unusually long relaxation times due to frustration induced by dipole-dipole interactions between fractal spin clusters. This long relaxation is investigated with in-field relaxation measurem...Sweep rate; Bifurcation; Magnetization2004
585 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomalous skin effect in a magnetic fieldA classical and quantum mechanical derivation of cyclotron resonance in metals is given. The classical result differs slightly from that obtained by Azbel and Kaner. The quantum derivation yields the same result as the classical calculation except that in the limit of low quantum numbers or high m...Cyclotron resonance; Skin effect; Quantum transport1958-07
586 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Nahata, AjayAnomalous transmission through heavily doped conducting polymer films with periodic subwavelength hole arrayWe observed resonantly enhanced (or anomalous transmission) terahertz transmission through two-dimensional (2D) periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures with various periodicities fabricated on metallic organic conducting polymer films of polypyrrole heavily doped with PF6 molecules [PPy(PF6)]. Th...2006
587 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomaly in spin-wave spectrum of magnetic metalsIt is pointed out that in the band theory of magnetism the magnons have frequencies comparable to the Fermi energy. Therefore, in the calculation of the magnon spectrum of iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., it is the time- or frequency-dependent response function of the electrons which is used, and this ...Magnetic metals1966-11
588 Morrow, CarolynAnother aspect of the fénix: Lope as writer of autosHispanists have frequently lamented the loss of a large number of the comedias of Lope de Vega while, proportionately, there may be greater cause for regret in the case of his autos. Texts of only forty-odd of these are known today - a number quite different from the four hundred which Juan Pérez ...1972
589 Davidson, Diane W.Ant-plant symbioses in Africa and the neotropics : history, biogeography and diversitySymbiotic ant-plant relationships afford an excellent opportunity to analyze the effects of both historical and ecological factors on the evolution of mutualisms. Occurring in tropical forests throughout the world, all myrmecophytic plants provide food and permanent housing to ants; the ants, in t...Ant-plant symbiosis; Africa; Neotropics; Myrmecophytes; Plant-ants1993
590 Kieda, David B.Antarctic impulsive transient antenna (ANITA) instrumentationWe will report on the details of the ANITA instrument. This instrument is fundamentally a broadband antenna, which is arrayed and constructed in such a way as to be optimized for the detection and characterization of high-energy neutrino cascades [1]. The requirement to maximize the detector view of...ANITA; Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna; Neutrino; Balloon; Antarctica2003
591 Furse, Cynthia M.Antenna optimization for vehicular environmentsAbstract? This paper presents a multi-antenna optimization for communication in a Rockwell T-39 Sabreliner, a mid-size aircraft with a metallic body. The aircraft channel at 2.45 GHz is modeled using site specific 3D ray-tracing software. Added effects from system details including the antenna radi...2011
592 Crespo, Jose GuillermoAntennal lobe organization in the slender pigeon louse, Columbicola columbae (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera)This study reports on the structure of the antennal lobe of the pigeon louse, Columbicola columbae. Anterograde staining of antennal receptor neurons revealed an antennal lobe with a few diffuse compartments, an organization distinct from the typical spheroidal glomerular structure found in the olfa...2012-01-01
593 Dailey, Andrew T.; Brodke, Darrel S.; Bachus, Kent N.Anterior cervical fixation: analysis of load-sharing and stability with use of static and dynamic platesBackground: Anterior plates provide stability following decompression and fusion of the cervical spine. Various plate designs have emerged, and they include static plates with fixed-angle screws, rotationally dynamic plates that allow the screws to toggle in the plate, and translationally dynamic pl...Anterior cervical fixation; Load-sharing; Stability; Static plates; Dynamic plates2006
594 Dailey, Andrew T.; Schmidt, Meic H.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Anterior fixation of odontoid fractures in an elderly populationObject. Fractures of the odontoid process are the most common fractures of the cervical spine in patients over the age of 70 years. The incidence of fracture nonunion in this population has been estimated to be 20-fold greater than that in patients under the age of 50 years if surgical stabilizatio...Odontoid fractures; Elderly population; Anterior fixation2010
595 Chodosh, HiramAnti-Corruption Editorial Series From the Daily Star, Lebanon, News PageCorruption op-ed.2010-01-27
596 Kriesel, John D.; Maulden, Sarah Annamarie; Spruance, Spotswood L.Anti-interleukin-6 antibodies inhibit herpes simplex virus reactivation.Herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) infect epithelial cells, become localized in neurons, and can reactivate in response to a variety of stimuli, including ultraviolet light and hyperthermia. The sequence of gene activation during viral replication is known, but the molecular linkage between exogenous sti...Mice, Inbred BALB C; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; Virus Activation1997
597 Litwin, Christine M.Anti-tuberculosis IgG antibodies as a marker of active mycobacterium tuberculosis diseaseAnti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis IgG antibodies may aid in the diagnosis of active M. tuberculosis disease. We studied whether anti-M. tuberculosis IgG antibodies are elevated in active M. tuberculosis disease and assessed factors contributing to false positive and negative results. A retrospective s...2012-01-01
598 Coley, Phyllis D.Antifungal depsidone metabolites from Cordyceps dipterigena, an endophytic fungus antagonistic to the phytopathogen gibberella fujikuroiAmong thirty four endophytic fungal strains screened for in vitro antagonism, the endophytic fungus Cordyceps dipterigena was found to strongly inhibit mycelial growth of the plant pathogenic fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. Two new depsidone metabolites, cordycepsidone A (1) and cordycepsidone B (2), w...2012
599 Flynn, John J.Antitrust allegoryJustice SPENCER delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a treble damage action under the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., the only antitrust case of any kind filed in the federal courts in the past two years.1 We take note of the fact that the Attorney General announced a year ago that ni...John Sherman Widget Co.; Adam Smith Widgets, Inc.; Sherman Act1987
600 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
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