Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
51 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Parameter estimation for a bilinear time series model | ABSTRACT This paper presents a direct approach to the estimation of the parameters associated with a bilinear time series model. The approach depends critically on the expressions for certain higher-order statistics of the signals that satisfy the bilinear model. These expressions are linear in mo... | | 1991 |
52 |
 | Neatrour, Anna; Myntti, Jeremy | Western Name Authority File: Creating a Collaborative Regional Vocabulary | Presentation given at DPLAFest, Chicago, IL. | Name authority records (Information retrieval); Linked data; Metadata | 2017-04-21 |
53 |
 | Harrison, Reid R. | Mobile robot navigation in enclosed large-scale space | In a large-scale s ace, navigation may occur among very dispersed landmarks, further apart than the range of sensing of an autonomous vehicle. In this work we investigate the feasibility of construction of a landmark-based cognitive map, whose elements are the obstacles perceived by a robotic vehicl... | | 1994-01-01 |
54 |
 | Riloff, Ellen M. | Empirical approach to conceptual case frame acquisition | Conceptual natural language processing systems usually rely on case frame instantiation to recognize events and role objects in text. But generating a good set of case frames for a domain is time-consuming, tedious, and prone to errors of omission. We have developed a corpus-based algorithm for a... | Conceptual case frame acquisition; Case frame instantiation; Corpus-based algorithm | 1998 |
55 |
 | Gardner, Reed M. | The Place of Computers in Medicine (Editorial) | Biomedical Informatics | | 1975 |
56 |
 | Regehr, John | Poster abstract: TinyOS 2.1 adding threads and memory protection to tinyOS | The release of TinyOS 2.0 two years ago was motivated by the need for greater platform flexibility, improved robustness and reliability, and a move towards service oriented application development. Since this time, we have seen the community embrace these efforts and add support for additional hardw... | | 2008-01-01 |
57 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M. | Novel inverse methods for wire fault detection and diagnosis | Abstract?In recent years, methods used to locate and diagnose wiring faults have increased in complexity and variety. However, there is much research yet to take place in order to develop high resolution models for accurately analysis of the effects of small faults, gradual impedance discontinuities... | | 2011 |
58 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Output-error adaptive bilinear filters | This paper presents an overview of several gradient type recursive algorithms for adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with bilinear system models. Bilinear models are attractive because they can approximate a large class of nonlinear systems with great parsimony in the use of coefficients. Two al... | | 1991 |
59 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Output-error LMS bilinear filters with stability monitoring | ABSTRACT This paper introduces output-error LMS bilinear filters with stability monitoring. Bilinear filters are recursive nonlinear systems that belong to the class of polynomial systems. Because of the feedback structure, such models are able to represent many nonlinear systems efficiently. ... | | 1995 |
60 |
 | Warner, Homer R. | Passing Partial Information among Bayesean and Boolean Frames | Biomedical Informatics | | 1989 |
61 |
 | Wu, Yong-Shi | Time variation of Newton's gravitational constant in superstring theories | The present time variation of coupling constants in superstring theories with currently favorable internal backgrounds critically depends on the shape of the potential for the size of the internal space. If the potential is almost flat, as in perturbation theory to all orders, the value of G/G for N... | Gravitational constant; Time variation | 1986-10 |
62 |
 | Clayton, Dale H. | Two new species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae) | To date, only a single species of Dennyus (Ctenodennyus) has been described, this being D. (C.) spiniger Ewing from Cypseloides niger borealis (Kennedy), the northern black swift in North America. Through extensive collecting of lice by the junior author from swiftlets and through a loan of Bishop M... | Apodidae; Menoponidae; Ctenodennyus; Dennyus spiniger; Dennyus southwoodi; Dennyus elbeli | 1997 |
63 |
 | Parker, Bradley J. | Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal Bakış | Yukan Dicle Arkeolojik Ara§tirma Projesi cali§anlari 2002 yazi boyunca Tiirkiye'nin giineydogusundaki Ihsu Baraji sahasinda bulunan Kenan Tepe yerle§iminde iictincii sezon arkeolojik kazilan yiirutmu§tiir'. Onceki ciltteki raporumuz (Parker et al. 2004) Kenan Tepe'deki ilk iki sezon ara§tirmala... | | 2002-01-01 |
64 |
 | Parker, Bradley J. | Yukarı Dicle Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal Bakış (The Upper Tigris Archaeological Reseach Project [UTARP]: An Overview of the 2002 Excavations at Kenan Tepe) | | | |
65 |
 | Myers, Chris J. | Learning genetic regulatory network connectivity from time series data | Abstract-Recent experimental advances facilitate the collection of time series data that indicate which genes in a cell are expressed. This information can be used to understand the genetic regulatory network that generates the data. Typically, Bayesian analysis approaches are applied which neglect ... | | 2011 |
66 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Stochastic mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filter | Abstract-This paper presents an almost sure mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filter for the case when the measurement noise in the desired response signal is a martingale difference sequence. The system model consists of a series connection of a memoryless nonlinearity fol... | | 2006 |
67 |
 | Reihl, Kelly D. | Dietary reapamycin selectively improves arterial function in old mice | | | 2013-05-29 |
68 |
 | Durrant, Stephen D. | Two new gophers from Utah | A study of mammals in the collection of the University of Utah, taken in western Utah during the summer of 1936 has brought out some interesting differences in the genus Thomomys. Series of gophers from Wah Wah Springs, Beaver County, and from Oak Creek Canyon, Millard County, differ sufficiently fr... | | 1937-08-18 |
69 |
 | Forster, Richard R. | Initial in situ measurements of perennial meltwater storage in the Greenland firn aquifer | A perennial storage of water in a firn aquifer was discovered in southeast Greenland in 2011. We present the first in situ measurements of the aquifer, including densities and temperatures. Water was present at depths between ~12 and 37m and amounted to 18.7 ± 0.9 kg in the extracted core. The wate... | | 2014-01-01 |
70 |
 | Mathews, V. John | Adaptive algorithms for identifying recursive nonlinear systems | ABSTRACT This paper presents two fast least-squares lattice algorithms for adaptive non-linear filters equipped with system models involving nonlinear feedback. Such models can approximate a large class of non-linear systems adequately, and usually with considerable parsimony in the number of coeff... | | 1991 |
71 |
 | Henderson, Thomas C. | Multisensor methods to estimate thermal diffusivity | Several methods for the estimation of thermal diffusivity are studied in this work. In many application scenarios, the thermal diffusivity is unknown and must be estimated in order to perform other estimation functions (e.g., tracking of the physical phenomenon, or solving other inverse problems lik... | | 2012-01-01 |
72 |
 | Brown, Francis Harold | Observations on the stratigraphy and rediometric age of the omo beds, lower omo basin, southern Ethiopia | During September and October, 1966, the author measured a stratigraphic section for a portion of the Omo Beds, as exposed north of Kalam, Ethiopia. Additional field observations were also made at the time in other parts of the lower Omo Basin. Samples were collected for analysis and for radiometric ... | | 1969 |
73 |
 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Theory of glass dynamics: the low-lying modes of anharmonic materials | We study the lowest-lying excited states of arbitrary anharmonic solids (crystalline, glassy, or amorphous). Defining the harmonic ("skeleton") lattice underlying any such anharmonic medium, we find that its spectrum of elementary excitations provides a rigorous upper bound to that of the anharmonic... | Spectrum; Arbitrary; Lattices | 1987 |
74 |
 | Bohs, Lynn A. | Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) | Cyphomandra betacea (Cavanilles) Sendtner Syn. Cyphomandra crassifotia (Ortega) Kuntze, Solanum betacea Cavanilles, Solanwn crassifolium Ortega. Ref. FB 13(5B/1) 1962: 12; Bohs, 1986: 170. Cultivated tree. Andean II. 1000-3000 m. Voucher: Nunez et al. 8257 (MO!) Depts.: AM, CU, HU, SM | Cyphomandra; Solanum | 1993 |
75 |
 | Kieda, David B. | Status of the VERITAS observatory | Abstract. VERITAS, an Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) system for gammma-ray astronomy in the GeV-TeV range, has recently completed its first season of observations with a full array of four telescopes. A number of astrophysical gamma-ray sources have been detected, both galactic and e... | | 2008 |