51 - 75 of 561
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51 Sobh, Tarek M.Discrete event control for inspection and reverse engineeringWe address the problem of intelligent sensing in this work. In particular, we use discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS) to guide the sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering.Discrete event control; Intelligent sensing; Inspection; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS1994
52 Henderson, Thomas C.From motes to Java stamps: smart sensor network testbedsWe have proposed Smart Sensor Networks (S-Nets) as an architecture and set of distributed algorithms to extract, interpret and exploit networked sensor devices. Heretofore, the development of this approach has been done in simulation. In this paper, we describe two complementary implementations o...Smart Sensor Networks; S-Nets2003-03-03
53 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFrom process-oriented functional specifications to efficient asynchronous circuitsA methodology for high-level synthesis and performance optimization of asynchronous circuits is described. A specification language called hopCP which is based on a simple extension to classical flow graphs is introduced. The extension involves the addition of expression actions to a flow graph, to ...Synthesis; Performance optimization1991
54 Henderson, Thomas C.IKS: image kernel system users' manualIKS (for Image kernel System), is an image processing system, currently being used by the Computer Vision and Image Processing group at the University of Utah. IKS provides a convenient environment for reading, writing, and manipulating images. The system consists of two types of routines. First, t...Image kernel System; IKS1987
55 Henderson, Thomas C.; Cohen, ElaineInnate theories as a basis for autonomous mental developmentSloman (in robotics), Chomsky and Pinker (in natural language), and others, e.g., Rosenberg (in human cooperative behavior) have proposed that some abstract theories relevant to cognitive activity are encoded genetically in humans. The biological advantages of this are (1) to reduce the learning ...Autonomous mental development2009
56 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.Interactive volume rendering of large datasets using the silicon graphics Onyx4 visualization systemMany recent approaches to interactive volume rendering have focused on leveraging the power of commodity graphics hardware. Though currently limited to relatively small datasets, these approaches have been overwhelmingly successful. As the size of volumetric datasets continues to grow at a rapid pa...Volume visualization; Onyx4; Interactive volume rendering; Parallel volume rendering; Large datasets; Visualization systems2005
57 Brunvand, Erik L.Performance analysis and optimization of asynchronous circuitsAsynchronous/Self-timed circuits are beginning to attract renewed attention as promising means of dealing with the complexity of modern VZSI designs. Very few analysis techniques or tools are available for estimating their performance. In this paper we adapt the theory of Generalized Timed Petri-n...1994
58 Shirley, Peter S.; Parker, Steven G.Temporally coherent interactive ray tracingAlthough ray tracing has been successfully applied to interactively render large datasets, supersampling pixels will not be practical in interactive applications for some time. Because large datasets tend to have subpixel detail, one-sample-per-pixel ray tracing can produce visually distracting popp...Temporally coherent; interactive ray tracing; large datasets2001
59 Henderson, Thomas C.Visual target based wall pose estimationWe compare vision and sonar techniques for the recovery of wall pose. A vision algorithm is developed which is based on known target geometry, and a sonar technique based on a wedge model is described.wall pose; vision algorithm; wedge model1997
60 Starkey, MikeA lisp-based occam interpreterThe OCCAM programming language is an implementation of Communicating Sequential Processes and is used in a number of different areas. These areas usually require explicitly describing small-grain paralleslism. OCCAM programs formed by such descriptions can be tested for correctness by executing the...Lisp-based; Occam interpreter1991
61 Baxter, Brent S.A standard magnetic tape format for digital image exchangeThis proposal describes a simple yet flexible magnetic tape format for exchanging digital image information. Multi-dimensional arrays of raster scan data are stored as sequential files, with descriptive information related to the sefiles stored in an initial directory file. Directory information is ...Raster scan data1981
62 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIA survey of MPI related debuggers and toolsMessage Passing Interface is a widely used standard in the High Performance and Scienti c Computing Community for writing programs that can exploit the capability of parallel platforms. However, the inherent complexity and the size of the communication standard have made it difficult for programm...Message Passing Interface; MPI; Debuggers2007
63 Subrahmanyam, P.A.An algebraic formulation of seitz's weak conditions for self timed circuitsTwo fairly intuitive conditions are given that serve to algebraically characterize Seitz's "weak conditions" for self timed circuits. It is shown that these two conditions embody the 12 temporal logic conditions (developed b y Owicki and Malachi) which are intended to express both the weak condition...Seitz's weak conditions; Self-timed circuits1982
64 Shirley, Peter S.An anisotropic phong light reflection modelWe present a new BRDF model that attempts to combine the advantages of the various empirical models currently in use. In particular, it has intuitive parameters, is anisotropic, energy-conserving, reciprocal, has an appropriate non-Lambertian diffuse term, and is well-suited for use in a Monte Carlo...BRDF model; Anisotropic; Phong light reflection model2000
65 Cohen, ElaineFeature-based process planning for CNC machiningToday CNC machining is used successfully to provide program-driven medium lot size manufacturing. The range of applicability of CNC machining should be greater: For small lot sizes such as prototyping or custom products, these machines should provide quick turnaround and flexible production schedul...CNC machining1998
66 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.Interactive volume rendering of large datasets using the silicon graphics Onyx4 visualization systemMany recent approaches to interactive volume rendering have focused on leveraging the power of commodity graphics hardware. Though currently limited to relatively small datasets, these approaches have been overwhelmingly successful. As the size of volumetric datasets continues to grow at a rapid ...Interactive volume; Rendering; Large datasets; Onyx4; Silicon graphics2004-01-27
67 Mueller, Timothy I.Refinement estimation of B-spline curves and surfacesAn algorithm for refinement estimation for B-spline curves is presented. The algorithm uses approximations to the curvature and arc length to decide how a curve should be refined. The algorithm can also be used to produce isoparametric curves or polygonal tessellations from a Bspline surface.B-spline; Curves; Surfaces; Algorithm; Curvature; Arc length; Isoparametric curves; Polygonal tessellations1988
68 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.URK: Utah robot kit - A 3-link robot manipulator prototypeIn designing robot manipulators, the interaction between several modules (S/W, VLSI, CAD, CAM, Robotics, and Control) illustrates an interdisciplinary prototyping environment that includes different types of information that are radically different but combined in a coordinated way. This paper descr...URK; Utah Robot Kit; robot manipulators; prototyping environment1994
69 Peterson, John W.Distributed computation for computer animationComputer animation is a very computationally intensive task. Recent developments in image synthesis, such as shadows, reflections and motion blur enhance the quality of computer animation, but also dramatically increase the amount of CPU time needed to do it. Fortunately, the computations involved w...Distributed computation1987
70 Sloan, Peter-PikeA painterly approach to human skinRendering convincing human figures is one of the unsolved goals of computer graphics. Previous work has concentrated on modeling physics of human skin. We have taken a different approach. We are exploring techniques used by artists, specifically artists who paint air-brushed portraits. Our goal is t...Human skin1999
71 Cotter, Neil E.Generality Vs. speed of convergence in the cart-pole balancerThis paper compares the speed of convergence to an optimal solution of four controllers for the problem of balancing a pole on a cart. We demonstrate that controllers whose design is tailored specifically to the cart-pole problem (i.e. less general) converge more rapidly to an optimal solution. How...Cart-pole balancer; Generality; Speed of convergence1991
72 Henderson, Thomas C.High-level planning for dextrous manipulationThe development of mechanical end effectors capable of dextrous manipulation is a rapidly growing and quite successful field of research. It has in some sense put the focus on control issues, in particular, how to control these remarkably anthropomorphic manipulators to perform the deft movement tha...Mechanical end effectors; Dextrous manipulation1987
73 Seeley, DonnPassword cracking: a game of witsA password cracking algorithm seems like a slow and bulky item to put in a worm, but the worm makes this work by being persistent and efficient. The worm is aided by some unfortunate statistics about typical password choices.Password cracking algorithm; Computer worms1989
74 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshPredicate abstraction for MurphiPredicate abstraction is a technique used to prove properties in a finite or infinite state system. It employs decision procedures to abstract a concrete state system into a finite state abstraction system, which will then be model checked and refined. In this paper, we present an approach for im...Predicate abstraction; Murphi2006
75 Bhanu, Bir; Henderson, Thomas C.Range data processing: representation of surfaces by edgesRepresentation of surfaces by edges is an important and integral part of a robust 3-D model based recognition scheme. Edges in a range image describe the intrinsic characteristics about the shape of the objects. In this paper we present three approaches for detecting edges in 3-D range data. The ap...Range data; Edges; Recognition scheme; 3-D1985
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