576 - 600 of 867
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576 Dailey, Andrew T.Variations in surgical treatment of cervical facet dislocationsObjective. To explore surgeon preference in the choice of surgical approach in the treatment of traumatic cervical facet dislocations. Summary of Background Data. The choice of surgical approach in the treatment of traumatic cervical dislocations is highly variable and maybe influenced by a vari...Cervical facet dislocations; Spine Trauma Study Group2008
577 Kestle, John R. W.Priorities for hydrocephalus research: report from a National Institutes of Health-sponsored workshopObject. Treatment for hydrocephalus has not advanced appreciably since the advent of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts more than 50 years ago. Many questions remain that clinical and basic research could address, which in turn could improve therapeutic options. To clarify the main issues facing hydr...Biomedical research2007
578 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Robot manipulator prototyping (Complete Design Review)Prototyping is an important activity in engineering. Prototype development is a good test for checking the viability of a proposed system. Prototypes can also help in determining system parameters, ranges, or in designing better systems. The interaction between several modules (e.g., S/W, VLSI, CAD,...Robot manipulator; Prototyping1994
579 Gardner, Reed M.Computers in the Intensive Care Unit: A Match Meant To Be!Biomedical Informatics1995
580 Harris, Michael D.Correlations between the alpha angle and femoral head asphericity: Implications and recommendations for the diagnosis of cam femoroacetabular impingementObjective: To determine the strength of common radiographic and radial CT views for measuring true femoral head asphericity. Patients and Methods: In 15 patients with cam femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and 15 controls, alpha angles were measured by two observers using radial CT (0º, 30º, 60º,...2014-01-01
581 Riesenfeld, Richard F.Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in compter-aided geometric design and computer graphicsThe relevant theory of discrete 5-sphnes with associated new algorithms is extended to provide a framework for understanding and implementing general subdivision schemes for nonuniform B-splines. The new derived polygon corresponding to an arbitrary refinement of the knot vector for an existing .B-...1979
582 Lindstrom, Gary E.Fast and accurate NN approach for multi-event annotation of time seriesSimilarity search in time-series subsequences is an important time series data mining task. Searching in time series subsequences for matches for a set of shapes is an extension of this task and is equally important. In this work we propose a simple but efficient approach for finding matches for a g...Time-series subsequences; Nearest neighbor approach; Multi-event2003
583 Capecchi, Mario R.Sepp1UF forms are N-terminal selenoprotein P truncations that have peroxidase activity when coupled with thioredoxin reductase-1Mouse selenoprotein P (Sepp1) consists of an N-terminal domain (residues 1-239) that contains 1 selenocysteine (U) as residue 40 in a proposed redox-active motif (-UYLC-) and a Cterminal domain (residues 240-361) that contains 9 selenocysteines. Sepp1 transports selenium from the liver to other tiss...2014-01-01
584 Beckerle, Mary C.; Hoffman, Laura M.Targeted disruption of the murine zyxin geneZyxin is an evolutionarily conserved protein that is concentrated at sites of cell adhesion, where it associates with members of the Enabled (Ena)/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) family of cytoskeletal regulators and is postulated to play a role in cytoskeletal dynamics and signaling.Zyxin2003
585 Coley, Phyllis D.Tritrophic interactions in tropical versus temperate communitiesThe latitudinal gradient in diversity is one of the oldest (e.g., Wallace, 1878) and most obvious trends in ecology, and a wealth of literature is devoted to understanding both the causes and consequences of this gradient (Dobzhansky, 1950; also reviewed by Rohde, 1992). Given the enormous latitudi...Tritrophic interactions; Trophic cascades; Herbivory; Tropical communities; Temperate communities2002
586 Regehr, JohnUnderstanding integer overflow in C/C++Integer overflow bugs in C and C++ programs are difficult to track down and may lead to fatal errors or exploitable vulnerabilities. Although a number of tools for finding these bugs exist, the situation is complicated because not all overflows are bugs. Better tools need to be constructed-but a tho...2012-01-01
587 Murphy, Patricia A.Update on emergency contraceptionEmergency contraception (EC) is any method used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. This article provides an overview of the history of EC methods and describes the current availability of oral and intrauterine EC. Oral forms include the Yuzpe regimen (combining ethinyl estradiol and levo...2012-01-01
588 Sobh, Tarek M.A dynamic framework for intelligent inspectionCAD (Computer Aided Design) typically involves the design, manufacture and inspection of a mechanical part. The problem of reverse engineering is to take an existing mechanical part as the point of departure and to inspect or produce a design, and perhaps a manufacturing process, for the part. We pr...CAD; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS1992
589 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic framwork for intelligent inspectionCAD Computer Aided Design typically involves the design manufacture and inspection of a me chanical part. The problem of reverse engineering is to take an existing mechanical part as the point of departure and to inspect or produce a design and perhaps a manufacturing process for the part. ...CAD; Manufacture; Inspection; Intelligent inspection1992
590 Krensky, BethArts-based service-learning: a state of the fieldOver the past two decades, there has been significant academic and public discourse in the United States regarding matters of civic engagement, with particular interest in the behavioral trends demonstrated by young people. Research shows that in the US, young people demonstrated the lowest voti...2008
591 Riloff, Ellen M.Bootstrapping method for learning semantic lexicons using extraction pattern contextsThis paper describes a bootstrapping algorithm called Basilisk that learns high-quality semantic lexicons for multiple categories. Basilisk begins with an unannotated corpus and seed words for each semantic category, which are then bootstrapped to learn new words for each category. Basilisk hypothe...Basilisk; Bootstrapping method; Semantic lexicons2002
592 Coley, Phyllis D.Chemical and bioactive natural products from microthyriaceae sp., an endophytic fungus from a tropical grassIn screening for natural products with antiparasitic activity, an endophytic fungus, strain F2611, isolated from above-ground tissue of the tropical grass Paspalum conjugatum (Poaceae) in Panama, was chosen for bioactive principle elucidation. Cultivation on malt extract agar (MEA) followed by bioas...2014-01-01
593 Olson, Randall J.Cohort study of 27 cases of endophthalmitis at a single institutionPURPOSE: To identify potential risk factors associated with post-cataract surgery bacterial endophthalmitis. SETTING: The John A. Moran Eye Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study consisted of patients who had surgery for cataract(s) at this eye hospital. A 10% sa...Cataract Extraction; Endophthalmitis; Wound Healing; Risk Factors2005-04
594 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm for semi-automated semantic lexicon constructionMany applications need a lexicon that represents semantic information but acquiring lexical information is time consuming. We present a corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm that assists users in creating domain-specifi c semantic lexicons quickly. Our algorithm uses a representative text corpus for ...Bootstrapping algorithm; Lexicon construction1999-06
595 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Evolutionary specialization of recoding: frameshifting in the expression of S. cerevisiae antizyme mRNA is via an atypical antizyme shift site but is still +1An autoregulatory translational shift to the +1 frame is required for the expression of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme from fungi to mammals. In most eukaryotes, including all vertebrates and a majority of the studied fungi/yeast, the site on antizyme mRNA where the shift occurs is UCC-UGA. The me...Antizyme; ODC; Polyamines; Frameshifting2006
596 Dailey, Andrew T.Guideline update for the performance of fusion procedures for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. Part 6: Discography for patient selectionIdentifying the etiology of pain for patients suffering from chronic low-back pain remains problematic. Noninvasive imaging modalities, used in isolation, have not consistently provided sufficient evidence to support performance of a lumbar fusion. Provocative testing has been used as an adjunct in ...2014-01-01
597 Warner, Homer R.ILIAD as a Patient Case Simulator to Teach Medical Problem SolvingBiomedical Informatics1989
598 Lindstrom, Gary E.The key node method: a highly-parallel alpha-beta algorithmA new parallel formulation of the alpha-beta algorithm for minimax game tree searching is presented. Its chief characteristic is incremental information sharing among subsearch processes in the form of "provisional" node value communication. Such "eager" communication can offer the double benefit of...Key node method; Alpha-beta algorithm; Minimax; Game tree searching1983
599 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning dictionaries for information extraction by multi-level bootstrappingInformation extraction systems usually require two dictionaries: a semantic lexicon and a dictionary of extraction patterns for the domain. We present a multilevel bootstrapping algorithm that generates both the semantic lexicon and extraction patterns simultaneously. As input, our technique requir...Information extraction; Extraction patterns; Multi-level bootstrapping; Learning dictionaries1999
600 Gerig, GuidoMixed-effects shape models for estimating longitudinal changes in anatomy2012-01-01
576 - 600 of 867