526 - 550 of 10,723
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526 Sperry, John S.Analysis of circular bordered pit function II. Gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranesA model of xylem conduit function was applied to gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranes for comparison with angiosperm vessels. Tracheids from 17 gymnosperm tree species with circular bordered pits and air-seed pressures from 0.8 to 11.8 MPa were analyzed. Tracheids were more reinforced...Functional wood anatomy; hydraulic architecture; plant biomechanics2004
527 Gerig, GuidoAnalysis of diffusion tensor imaging for subjects with Down SyndromeAuthors: Neda Sadeghi1, Clement Vachet1, Marcel Prastawa1, Julie Korenberg1, Guido Gerig1 Institutions: 1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans. It is typically associated with delayed cognitive development and phys...2013-01-01
528 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of electromagnetic field variability in magnetized ionosphere plasma using the stochastic FDTD methodA stochastic finite-difference time-domain (S-FDTD) algorithm is presented for electromagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic magnetized plasma. This new algorithm efficiently calculates in a single simulation not only the mean electromagnetic field values, but also their variance as caused by the ...2014-01-01
529 Hogue, Michael T.; Keiter, Robert B.; Ruple, John; Uchitel, KirstenAnalysis of Environmental, Legal, Socioeconomic and Policy Issues Critical to the Development of Commercial Oil Shale Leasing on the Public Lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the Mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005This report seeks to identify and evaluate the critical legal and economic policy issues in order to inform federal, state, tribal, and other decision makers, as well as affected citizens, of the likely challenges and tradeoffs inherent in implementing a commercial oilshale leasing program on the pu...2010-01
530 Fletcher, Thomas H.Analysis of human brain connectivity from multi-modal imaging2012
531 Gerig, GuidoAnalysis of longitudinal shape variability via subject specific growth modelingStatistical analysis of longitudinal imaging data is crucial for understanding normal anatomical development as well as disease progression. This fundamental task is challenging due to the difficulty in modeling longitudinal changes, such as growth, and comparing changes across different populations...2012-01-01
532 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of spread spectrum time domain reflectometry for wire fault locationSpread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) and sequence time domain reflectometry have been demonstrated to be effective technologies for locating intermittent faults on aircraft wires carrying typical signals in flight. This paper examines the parameters that control the accuracy, latency, ...Spread spectrum; Sequence time domain reflectometry; STDR; SSTDR; Wire fault location; Aging wire detection; Arc detection2005-12
533 Gouw, Launce G.; McKenna, Catherine K.; Digre, Kathleen B.; Placek, Louis J.Analysis of the dynamic mutation in the SCA7 gene shows marked parental effects on CAG repeat transmission.The gene for spinocerebellar ataxia 7 (SCA7) includes a transcribed, translated CAG tract that is expanded in SCA7 patients. We have determined expansions in 73 individuals from 17 SCA7 kindreds and compared them with repeat lengths of 180 unaffected individuals. Subjects with abnormal expansions co...Genetics; Biosynthesis; SCA7 Gene1998-03-07
534 Warner, Homer R.Analysis of the Role of Indicator Technics in Quantitation of Valvular RegurgitationBiomedical Informatics1962
535 Beckerle, Mary C.Analysis of the roles of microtubules and actin in erythrophore intracellular motilityThe Holocentrus erythrophore, a red pigment cell, represents a model system for the study of organized intracellular transport. We have investigated the possibility that microtubules and actin are integral components of the pigment translocating motility machine.Actin; Actomyosin; Erythrophore; Pigment1983
536 Mathews, V. JohnAnalysis of the short-time unbiased spectrum estimation algorithmAbstract- The short-time unbiased spectrum estimation (STUSE) algorithm is analyzed and expressions for the mean and variance of the spectrum estimates are derived. The STUSE algorithm deliberately adds biased spectrum estimates in order to yield unbiased estimates and at the same time have excellen...1985
537 Miller, Jan D.Analysis of the surface potential developed by non-reactive ionic solidsThe sign of the surface potential for complex non-reactive ionic solids cannot be predicted solely from consideration of the hydration energy of gaseous ions which constitute the ionic lattice. Accurate analysis of these systems must involve the hydration energy of surface ions, which requires knowl...Lattice; dipole; Madelung Constants1976
538 Sobh, Tarek M.Analysis of tolerance for manufacturing geometric objects from sense dataIn this work we address the problem of manufacturing machine parts from sense data. Constructing geometric models for the objects from sense data is the intermediate step in a reverse engineering manufacturing system. Sensors are usually inaccurate, providing uncertain sense information. We constr...Manufacture1993
539 Henderson, Thomas C.Analysis of topographic maps for recreational purposes using decision treesIn this paper we describe a method for predicting the subjective quality of a new mountain bike route for a particular subject based on routes previously ridden and ranked by the subject. GPS tracks of the previously ridden routes are over laid on rasterized topographic maps and topographic features...2013-01-01
540 Fletcher, Preston ThomasAnalysis of white matter maturation in early brain development2011-11-02
541 Weinstein, DavidThe analytic 3-D transform for the least-squared fit of three pairs of corresponding pointsWe derive the analytic transformation for minimizing the summed-squared-distance between three movable points in one three-space pose to three corresponding fixed points in another three-space pose. This change of basis is a general rigid-body transformation (translation and rotation), with the addi...3-D transform; summed-squared-distance; three movable points; Three-space1998
542 Vaughn, Cecily P.; Crockett, David K.; Lim, Megan S.; Elenitoba-Johnson, Kojo S.J.Analytical characteristics of ICAT-LC-MS/MS for quantitative proteomics studiesRecent studies have employed isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT) in concert with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to assess differential expression of proteins on a proteomic scale and perform unbiased quantitative comparisons between samples from different physiological or disease states. We sought ...isotope-coded affinity tags; ICAT; mass spectrometry; MS/MS; proteomic scale; FL2005-06-03
543 Gerig, GuidoAnalyzing imaging biomarkers for traumatic brain injury using 4D modeling of longitudinal MRIQuantitative imaging biomarkers are important for assessment of impact, recovery and treatment efficacy in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). To our knowledge, the identification of such biomarkers characterizing disease progress and recovery has been insufficiently explored in TBI due to d...2013-01-01
544 Wu, Yong-ShiAnalyzing powers for ∏±-13C scattering at T∏=100 MeVMeasurements of the analyzing power for the nC(rr±,rr±) reaction at Trr = 100 MeV have been made at TRIUMF using a polarized target consisting of 99% 1 3C enriched butanol. Data were obtained for the ground and 3.68 MeV excited states at angles from 110° to 150° in 10° steps. The data are con...1992-02
545 Yang, Yue; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Lindstrom, Gary E.; Slind, Konrad LeeAnalyzing the Intel Itanium memory ordering rules using logic programming and SATWe present a non-operational approach to specifying and analyzing shared memory consistency models. The method uses higher order logic to capture a complete set of ordering constraints on execution traces, in an axiomatic style. A direct translation of the semantics to a constraint logic program...Intel Itanium memory; Ordering rules; Sared memory; Consistency models2003
546 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, IX. Xylem structure of the leaf insertionSTEMS OF PERENNIAL PLANTS, particularly trees, represent a considerable investment in biomass. Trees can survive even under the most adverse conditions, but only if the hydraulic integrity of the stem is preserved. A very important and vulnerable part of the stem is the xylem. As water is pulled int...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Palm leaves; Leaf insertion; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1983
547 Sperry, John S.Anatomy of the palm Rhapis excelsa, VIII. Vessel network and vessel-length distribution in the stemTHE CONCEPT of the vessel, a conducting unit consisting of a series of vessel elements lined up end to end, has been known for well over a century (e.g., Hartig, 1878). The fact that vessels are of limited length is of considerable functional importance. If a vessel is damaged (for example, by an in...Palm stems; Palm stem anatomy; Vessel network; Vessel-length distribution; Primary vascular stem tissue; Hydraulic architechture; Water column1982
548 Chuaqui, Miguel BasimAncient wing for solo fluteArchaeopteryx (Ancient Wing) was a prehistoric animal, presumably the "missing link" between reptiles and birds. I portrayed the dual nature of the animal by writing music that represents it both as a lizard-like motionless reptile, suddenly scuttling through the forest, as well as an ungainly bird,...1998
549 Bargteil, Adam WadeAnimation of deformable bodies with quadratic bézier finite elementsIn this article, we investigate the use of quadratic finite elements for graphical animation of deformable bodies.We consider both integrating quadratic elements with conventional linear elements to achieve a computationally efficient adaptive-degree simulation framework as well as wholly quadratic ...2014-01-01
550 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
526 - 550 of 10,723