26 - 50 of 46
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26 Garrett, A. O.The uredinales or rusts of UtahThe catalogue of the rusts of Utah presented herewith is the result o f thirty-four years work in collecting and observation by the author. During this time the writer has collected in every county in the state, excepting Daggett.1937-11-18
27 Tran, Thomas T.D.Thermoeconomic analysis of residential rooftop photovoltaic systems with integrated energy storage and resulting impacts on electrical distribution networksThis paper investigates residential rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems for long-term thermoeconomic benefits from PV homeowners' perspectives and for impacts on the electrical distribution network from grid operators' perspectives. The costs of generating electricity from grid-connected PV systems ar...Rooftop PV; Net Metering; Distribution Network; Energy storage; LCOE2018-07-07
28 Gondolo, PaoloDaily modulation due to channeling in direct dark matter crystalline detectorsThe channeling of the ion recoiling after a collision with a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) in direct dark matter crystalline detectors produces a larger scintillation or ionization signal than otherwise expected. Channeling is a directional effect, which depends on the velocity distrib...2011
29 Gondolo, PaoloDirectional recoil rates for WIMP direct detectionNew techniques for the laboratory direct detection of dark matter weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are sensitive to the recoil direction of the struck nuclei.We compute and compare the directional recoil rates dR/d cosθ, (where θ is the angle measured from a reference direction in th...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; WMAP 3; Directional recoil; Halo models2008-02
30 Herbert, John; Myntti, Jeremy; Witkowski, Alan; Alexander, JohnGetting the Crowd into Obituaries: How a Unique Partnership Combined the World's Largest Obituary Index with the Utah's Largest Historic Newspaper DatabasePaper given at the IFLA International Newspaper Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.Newspapers; Crowdsourcing2014-02-04
31 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Holt, Rebecca; Tanana, HeatherLands with Wilderness Characteristics, Resource Management Plan Contraints, and Land Exchanges: Cross-Jurisdictional Management and Impacts on unconventional Fuel Development in Utah's Uinta BasinAbstract: Utah is home to oil shale resources containing roughly 1.3 trillion barrels of oil equivalent and our nations richest oil sands resources. If economically feasible and environmentally responsible means of tapping these resources can be developed, these resources could provide a safe and st...2012-03
32 Rees, Don M.The Mosquitoes of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin, an effort has been made to bring together what is known about the mosquito fauna of Utah. Prior to the initiation of the present investigation, very little work had been done in the state in connection with this important problem. The available information on the...1943-03-04
33 Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of UtahIAIMS Newsletter Summer 2004The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS2004-05-14
34 Witkowski, Alan; Neatrour, Anna; Myntti, Jeremy; McBride, BrianMassive newspaper migration - Moving 22 million records from CONTENTdm to SolphalUtah Digital Newspapers is a pioneering digital newspapers program at the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library. Recently, a small project team completed a successful migration away from CONTENTdm onto a home-grown system called Solphal, built using open-source applications. The migration p...Digital libraries; Systems migration2017
35 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identeification guide to the Mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 species, representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944), Rees ...1961-06
36 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identification guide to the mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 s p e c ie s , representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944),...1961-06
37 Chapman, David S.; Picard, M. DaneHeat flow in the Uinta Basin determined from bottom hole temperature (BHT) dataThe thermal resistance (or Bullard) method is used to judge the utility of petroleum well bottom-hole temperature data in determining surface heat flow and subsurface temperature patterns in a sedimentary basin. Thermal resistance, defined as the quotient of a depth parameter AZ and thermal con...Thermal analysis; Bottom hole temperature1984-04
38 Bowling, David R.Impacts of anthropogenic emissions and cold air pools on urban to montane gradients of snowpack ion concentrations in the Wasatch Mountains, UtahUrban montane valleys are often characterized by periodic wintertime temperature inversions (cold air pools) that increase atmospheric particulate matter concentrations, potentially stimulating the deposition of major ions to these snow-covered ecosystems. We assessed spatial and temporal patterns o...2014-01-01
39 Lundahl, Brad WardMotivational interviewing in medical care settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsObjective Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a method for encouraging people to make behavioral changes to improve health outcomes. We used systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate MI's efficacy in medical care settings. Methods Database searches located randomized clinical trials that comp...Motivational interviewing; Systematic review; Meta-analysis; Health care; Medicine; Medical; Behaviour; Behavior; Counseling; Consultation2013-07-17
40 Gondolo, PaoloRing-like features in directional dark matter detectionWe discuss a novel dark matter signature relevant for directional detection of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). For heavy enough WIMPs and low enough recoil energies, the maximum of the recoil rate is not in the direction of the average WIMP arrival direction but in a ring around it at ...2012-01-01
41 Durrant, Stephen D.The distribution and taxonomy of Kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of UtahThe first comprehensive work on the mammals of Utah was published by Barnes in 1922. In this work (Barnes 1922:86-87) only two kangaroo rats were known from the confines of the state. They were known at that time as Perodipus montcmus utahensis and Perodipus longipes. In Barnes revised edition (1927...1945-06-30
42 Kelson, Keith R.Speciation in Rodents of the Colorado River DrainageIn 1531 the first vague rumors of the existence of a mighty river in the deserts of southwestern North America a fired the imagination of the inhabitants of the New World. Rather than being abated by the passage of time and the in crease of knowledge, this fever of wonder and curiosity has in crease...1951-02-15
43 Jarrard, Richard D.Seismic stratigraphy and history of deep circulation and sediment drift development in Baffin Bay and the Labrador SeaDrilling results and seismic-reflection records at and across Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 645 (western Baffin Bay), 646, and 647 (Labrador Sea) provide important constraints on the history of deep-water circulation and sedimentation in response to Cenozoic climatic change, as well as the tect...1989
44 Davidson, Diane W.; Rickart, Eric Allan; Keiter, Robert B.Selecting wilderness areas to conserve Utah's biological diversityCongress is currently evaluating the wilderness status of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands in Utah. Wilderness areas play many important roles, and one critical role is the conservation of biological diversity.Bureau of Land Management; Conservation; Endemic species; Exotic species; Cryptobiotic soils; Plants; Bees; Vertebrates1996
45 Allen, Richardson; Deo, Milind D.; Isaacson, Alan E.; Keiter, Robert B.; Kessler, Christopher; Levey, Raymond; Oh, Kyeong Seok; Smith, Philip J.; Spinti, Jennifer P.; Uchitel, Kirsten; Alleman, DavidA Technical, Economic, and Legal Assessment of North American Heavy Oil, Oil Sands, and Oil Shale Resources: In Response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p)The purpose of this report is to assess unconventional North American resources, summarize current technologies for extracting and processing the resources, identify the issues which will affect the economic viability of various resource development schemes, evaluate the socioeconomic costs to commu...2007-09
46 Flowers, SevilleFerns of UtahThe distribution of many species of our ferns is not well known in Utah. Collectors have centered their work around certain localities and many blank spots appear on the distributional map. One might presume certain species to be present in some of these unexplored areas but specimens are still to b...1944-11-15
26 - 50 of 46