26 - 50 of 1,228
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26 Mathews, V. JohnSufficient stability bounds for slowly varying direct-form recursive linear filters and their applications in adaptive IIR filtersAbstract-This correspondence derives a sufficient time-varying bound on the maximum variation of the coefficients of an exponentially stable time-varying direct-form homogeneous linear recursive filter. The stability bound is less conservative than all previously derived bounds for time-varying IIR ...1999
27 Mathews, V. JohnTechniques for bilinear time series analysisThis paper reviews the general problem of nonlinear time series analysis. The special case of bilinear time series analysis is discussed in detail. The stability of the estimated nonlinear system models is of particular importance. We discuss a simple sufficient condition for the stability of s...1993
28 Myntti, JeremyRoles and responsibilities of cataloging units in academic libraries research projectPresentation given at the ALCTS Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group, American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.Cataloging; Libraries2016-06-26
29 Zhou, XuesongDynamic origin-destination demand estimation using automatic vehicle identification dataAbstract-This paper proposes a dynamic origin-destination (OD) estimation method to extract valuable point-to-point splitfraction information from automatic vehicle identification (AVI) counts without estimating market-penetration rates and identification rates of AVI tags. A nonlinear ordinary leas...2006
30 Wunderlich, Adam JamesEstimation of channelized hotelling observer performance with known class means or known difference of class meansThis paper concerns task-based image quality assessment for the task of discriminating between two classes of images. We address the problem of estimating two widely-used detection performance measures, SNR and AUC, from a finite number of images, assuming that the class discrimination is performed ...2009
31 Jones, Bryan W.; Jones, Christopher R.; Czajkowski, LauraFamilial advanced sleep-phase syndrome: a short-period circadian rhythmvariant in humansBiological circadian clocks oscillate with an approximately 24-hour period, are ubiquitous, and presumably confer a selective advantage by anticipating the transitions between day and night. The circadian rhythms of sleep, melatonin secretion and body core temperature are thought to be generated by ...Activity Cycles; Matched-Pair Analysis; Polysomnography1999
32 Clayton, Dale H.Neotropical tineidae, II: biological notes and descriptions of two new moths phoretic on spiny pocket mice in Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)Two new species of tineid moths discovered riding on the backs of two species of spiny pocket mice (Heteromyidae) in Costa Rica are described. Amydria selvae, new species, was found on Heteromys desmarestianus Gray in the rainforest at Finca La Selva and Ptilopsaltis santarosae, new species, occurr...Neotropical Tineidae; Phoretic moths; Amydria selvae; Heteromys desmarestianus; Ptilopsaltis santarosae; Liomys salvini; Mouse moths1986
33 Subrahmanyam, P.A.TRACIS: transformations on Ada for circuit synthesis a report on the methodology for a silicon compilerThis report describes in detail, the ongoing design and implementation of a transformation system, for compiling specifications of integrated circuits into silicon. There are many levels in this process, and the area that we focus on produces target specifications of asynchronous and synchronous con...TRACIS; transformation system1983
34 Canary, HeatherQualitative coding for assessing ethics instructional models2012-06-09
35 Morrow, CarolynBaudelaire as seen through Les Fleurs du MalModern phychology emphasizes the similarity of the dream to works of art, especially poetry. The dreamer or the poet works through symbols, which express his inner self, a self largely unknown to the conscious mind.1 There can be no "difference irreductible entre le 'moi' subjectif and le 'je' crea...1964
36 Yamaguchi, AyakoNeurocircuitry underlying vocal production of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevisThis poster describes how motor and premotor neurons are interconnected to each other using electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques.Vocalizations; Central pattern generator; Motor programs; Premotor neurons; Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings2014
37 Mathews, V. John; Dubow, JoelA stable adaptive Hammerstein filter employing partial orthogonalization of the input signalsAbstract This paper presents an algorithm that adapts the parameters of a Hammerstein system model. Hammerstein systems are nonlinear systems that contain a static nonlinearity cascaded with a linear system. In this work, the static nonlinearity is modeled using a polynomial system and the linear f...2002
38 Regehr, JohnDeriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded softwareThis paper addresses the problem of creating abstract transfer functions supporting dataflow analyses. Writing these functions by hand is problematic: transfer functions are difficult to understand, difficult to make precise, and difficult to debug. Bugs in transfer functions are particularly seriou...2006-01-01
39 Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Risk of mortality following widowhood: age and sex differences by mode of deathThis study examines how spouses' deaths from sudden or lengthy illnesses differentially affect the mortality risks of surviving widows and widowers by age. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we find the mortality risk differs by gender, age, and type of widowhood. For nonelderly ( < 65) wido...Risk of mortality; Widowhood; Sex differences; Role theory1996
40 Smith, Kent F.Simppl user's guideThis work was supported in part by Defense Research Projects Agency under Contract Number DAAK1184K0017. All opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of DARPA.SIMPPL; User guide1986
41 Mathews, V. JohnBlind identification of QAM signals using a likelihood-based algorithmThis paper presents a method for automatically identifying different QAM modulations. This method identifies the modulation type as the hypothesis for which the likelihood function of the amplitudes of the received signal is the maximum. The derivation of the likelihood functions assumes additive wh...2013-01-01
42 Mathews, V. JohnBlind identification of bilinear systemsAbstract-This paper is concerned with the blind identification of a class of bilinear systems excited by non-Gaussian higher order white noise. The matrix of coefficients of mixed input-output terms of the bilinear system model is assumed to be triangular in this work. Under the additional assumptio...2003
43 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Baranov, Pavel V.; Atkins, John F.Expression levels influence ribosomal frameshifting at the tandem rare arginine codons AGG_AGG and AGA_AGA in Escherichia coliABSTRACT: The rare codons AGG and AGA comprise 2% and 4%, respectively, of the arginine codons of Escherichia coli K-12, and their cognate tRNAs are sparse. At tandem occurrences of either rare codon, the paucity of cognate aminoacyl tRNAs for the second codon of the pair facilitates peptidyl-tRNA...Gene expression; Frameshifting; E. coli; Arginine codons2005
44 Roy, NelsonPrevalence and causes of dysphonia in a large treatment-seeking populationObjective: To determine the prevalence and common causes of dysphonia as diagnosed by primary care physicians (PCPs) and otolaryngologists, and to evaluate differences in etiologies offered by these providers. Study Design: Retrospective analysis of data from a large, nationally representative admin...2012-01-01
45 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The vachoniidae - A new family of false scorpions two new species from Caves in Yucatanexistence of a well-defined and previously unrecognized family of the false scorpions belonging to the superfamily Neobisioidea. The family characteristics are well marked, the most distinctive being the venom apparatus of the chela, which is functionally developed in the movable finger only. A vest...1947-08-26
46 Schmidt, Meic H.Castleman disease of the spine mimicking a nerve sheath tumorCastleman disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disease of unknown cause. In most cases, afflicted patients present with a mediastinal mass although the disease may manifest in numerous other sites, including intracranially and rarely intraspinally. The authors report on the case of a 19-year-old wo...Castleman disease; Nerve sheath tumor2007
47 Mathews, V. JohnStochastic mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filterABSTRACT This paper presents an almost sure (a.s.) mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filter for the case when the measurement noise in the desired response signal is a martingale difference sequence. The system model consists of a series connection of a memoryless nonlinea...2004
48 Miller, Jan D.Applications of X-ray computed tomography in particulate systemsX-ray computed tomography (CT) is an ideal technique for investigating the internal structure of multiphase materials in a noninvasive and nondestructive manner. CT technology used in conjunction with specialized algorithms and advanced computer facilities can be used to provide quantitative informa...Algorithms; Beam; Intensity1992
49 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive polynomial filtersWhile linear filter are useful in a large number of applications and relatively simple from conceptual and implementational view points. there are many practical situations that require nonlinear processing of the signals involved. This article explains adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with polyn...1991
50 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive parallel-cascade truncated volterra filtersAbstract-This paper studies adaptive truncated Volterra filters employing parallel-cascade structures. Parallel-cascade realizations implement higher order Volterra systems a s a parallel connection of multiplicative combinations of lower order truncated Volterra systems. A normalized LMS adaptive f...1998
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