Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
26 |
 | Stringfellow, Gerald B. | Compositional modulation and ordering in semiconductors | The science of materials as a specific discipline is a relatively modern development. Within this rather modern field, the study of semiconductor materials is an even more recent development. Modern textbooks on materials science focus primarily on the properties of metals and second on the properti... | Materials scientists; Controlled ordering | 1997 |
27 |
 | Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.; Johnson, Christopher R. | Computational steering and the SCIRun integrated problem solving environment | SCIRun is a problem solving environment that allows the interactive construction, debugging, and steering of large-scale scientific computations. We review related systems and introduce a taxonomy that explores different computational steering solutions. Considering these approaches, we discuss why ... | Computational steering; Problem solving environment; SCIRun; Volume rendering | 1997 |
28 |
 | Mathews, V. John; Schlegel, Christian | Computationally efficient multiuser detection for coded CDMA | Abstract: Computationally efficient multiuser detection for coded asynchronous CDMA systems is investigated. The particular receiver studied is a near-far resistant multi-user detector known as the projection receiver (PR) [originally developed in [1, 2]]. The PR perfoms multiple access interference... | | 1997 |
29 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P. | Computations of SAR distributions for two anatomically-based models of the human head using CAD files of commercial telephones and the parallelized FDTD code | The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method is well suited for the computation of bio-electromagnetic effects and has become the method of choice for most researchers in this area. There does however remain some limitations on its use. Firstly the FDTD method requires large amounts of memory and... | Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; SAR distributions; CAD files | 1997 |
30 |
 | Olivera, Baldomero M. | Conus venom peptides, receptor and ion channel targets, and drug design: 50 million years of neuropharmacology | The predatory cone snails (Conus) are among the most successful living marine animals (~500 living species). Each Conus species is a specialist in neuropharmacology, and uses venom to capture prey, to escape from and defend against predators and possibly to deter competitors. An individual cone... | Conotoxins | 1997 |
31 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Raikh, Mikhail E. | Cooperative emission from a disordered system: a classical model | The effect of disorder on the collective emission from a system of classical oscillators is studied theoretically. Three types of disorder are considered: random orientation of dipole moments, finite spread in frequencies of the individual oscillators (diagonal disorder), and dipole-dipole interacti... | Cooperative emission; Disordered system; Dipole-dipole interaction; Oscillators | 1997 |
32 |
 | Riloff, Ellen M. | Corpus-based approach for building semantic lexicons | Semantic knowledge can be a great asset to natural language processing systems, but it is usually hand-coded for each application. Although some semantic information is available in general-purpose knowledge bases such as Word Net and Cyc, many applications require domain-specific lexicons that repr... | Corpus-based method; Semantic lexicons | 1997 |
33 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Critical behavior of transport in lattice and continuum percolation models | It has been observed that the critical exponents of transport in the continuum, such as in the Swiss cheese and random checkerboard models, can exhibit nonuniversal behavior, with values different than the lattice case. Nevertheless, it is shown here that the transport exponents for both lattice a... | Ising model; Magnetization; Scaling | 1997 |
34 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Critical behavior of transport in percolation-controlled smart composites | The electrical transport properties of many smart composites and other technologically important materials are dominated by the connectedness, or percolation properties of a particular component. Predicting the critical behavior of such media near their percolation threshold, where one typically obt... | Matrix-particle composites | 1997 |
35 |
 | Brunvand, Erik L. | Critical hazard free test generation for asynchronous circuits | We describe a technique to generate critical hazard-free tests for self-timed control circuits build using a macromodule library, in a partial scan based DFT environment. We propose a 6 valued algebra to generate these tests which are guaranteed to be critical hazard free under an unbounded delay m... | | 1997 |
36 |
 | Beckerle, Mary C. | CRP1, a LIM domain protein implicated in muscle differentiation, interacts with α-actinin | Members of the cysteine-rich protein (CRP) family are LIM domain proteins that have been implicated in muscle differentiation. One strategy for defining the mechanism by which CRPs potentiate myogenesis is to characterize the repertoire of CRP binding partners. | CRP1; Cysteine-rich proteins; Actinin; Protein-protein interactions; LIM domains | 1997 |
37 |
 | Chuaqui, Miguel Basim | Cuarteto Claroscuro | I grew up in Chile during the 70's, and early 80's, a time of political upheaval and economic distress in Chile, and this has probably exerted as strong an influence on my musical outlook as any other aspect of Chilean culture. While I distrust "political art" I do have an abiding desire for my musi... | | 1997 |
38 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Depth dependent carrier density profile by scanning capacitance microscopy | The depth dependent carrier density was measured on an arsenic implanted silicon sample using scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM). The capacitance versus voltage scan was performed by applying dc biases with a dither ac signal. A strong dc bias dependence was observed at the interface of an abru... | Carrier density; Silicon submicrometer technology; Scanning capacitance microscopy | 1997 |
39 |
 | Williams, Clayton C. | Depth dependent carrier density profile by scanning capacitance microscopy | The depth dependent carrier density was measured on an arsenic implanted silicon sample using scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM). The capacitance versus voltage scan was performed by applying dc biases with a dither ac signal. A strong dc bias dependence was observed at the interface of an abru... | Carrier density; Silicon submicrometer technology; Scanning capacitance microscopy | 1997 |
40 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Deriving efficient cache coherence protocols through refinement | We address the problem of developing efficient cache coherence protocols for use in distributed systems implementing distributed shared memory (DSM) using message passing. A serious drawback of traditional approaches to this problem is that the users are required to state the desired coherence prot... | Cache coherence protocols; DSM; Message passing | 1997 |
41 |
 | Wolfinger, Nicholas H. | Different voices of gender: social recognition | Many researchers have shown that men and women speak differently. In this paper we examine whether these differences extend to the interpretation of speech. Men and women were recorded as they described their participation in a common interpersonal dilemma. | Gender differences | 1997 |
42 |
 | Olivera, Baldomero M.; Gray, William Robert; McIntosh, J. Michael | Differential targeting of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by novel αA-conotoxins | We describe the isolation and characterization of two peptide toxins from Conus ermineus venom targeted to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The peptide structures have been confirmed by mass spectrometry and chemical synthesis. In contrast to the 12-18 residue, 4 Cys-containing α-co... | Conotoxins; aA-conotoxins; Conus ermineus; Peptide toxins | 1997 |
43 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomography | Liberation of valuable minerals during size reduction is an important aspect of mineral processing technology. In practice, most quantitative information on liberation is based on the application of stereological theorems for the analysis of image data from two-dimensional polished sections. On th... | Mineral processing; cone beam x-ray; microtomography | 1997 |
44 |
 | Christensen, Douglas A. | Dispersion effects in fiber optic interferometry | An extended analysis of the effects of uncompensated fiber dispersion on the fringe visibility of a fiber optic interferometer is developed, with particular emphasis on stellar interferometry. Both material and waveguide dispersion for single-mode, polarization-preserving fibers are considered. It... | Stellar interferometry; Fiber optics; Statistical optics | 1997 |
45 |
 | Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J. | Effect of disorder on the linear and nonlinear magnetic susceptibilities of two manganeseporphryin-based magnets | We analyze the effects of disorder on the magnetic properties of two manganeseporphyrins, [MnTPP][TCNE] •. x(o-DCB) and [MnTPP][TCNE] . • y(o-Xy) and (TPP=meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato, TCNE=tetracyanoethylene, o-Xy=o-xylene, o-DCB=o-dichlorobenzene, x<_3,y<_1). We present data for the in- ... | Magnetization; Ferrimagnetic; Spins | 1997 |
46 |
 | Stringfellow, Gerald B. | Effect of growth rate on step structure and ordering in GaInP | CuPt ordering is widely observed in GaInP epitaxial layers grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. The formation of this spontaneously ordered structure during epitaxial growth is intimately related to the atomic-scale physical processes occurring on the surface, specifically surface reconst... | Atomic force microscopy; Organometallic vapor phase; Crystallographic plane | 1997 |
47 |
 | Kestle, John R. W. | Effect of hyperventilation on regional cerebral blood flow in head-injured children | Objectives: To study cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen consumption in severe head-injured children and also to assess the effect of hyperventilation on regional cerebral blood flow. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Pediatric intensive care unit at a tertiary-level university childre... | Cerebral blood flow; Head injury; Jugular venous oximetry; Xenon computed tomography scan; Head-injured children | 1997 |
48 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinking | Examination of ink types reveals that newsprint oil-based offset-cold and offset-heat inks contain substantial oil (45 to 60%) and resin (5 to 35%), water-based ink contains water (40%) and resin (polystyrene, 30%). These inks are liquids with densities around 1 g/cm3, having various viscosities... | Toners; inks; photocopying; laser printing; flotation; deinking; recycling; office waste; hyrdophobicity | 1997 |
49 |
 | Stringfellow, Gerald B. | Effects of V/III ratio on ordering and antiphase boundaries in GaInP layers | Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and transmission electron diffraction (TED) studies have been performed to investigate the effects of V/III ratio on ordering and antiphase boundaries (APBs) in organometallic vapor phase epitaxial Ga0.5In0.5P layers grown onto (001) GaAs vicinal substrates ... | Antiphase boundaries; APB; Heterostructures; Organometallics | 1997 |
50 |
 | Myers, Chris J. | Efficient timing analysis algorithms for timed state space exploration* | Abstract This paper presents new timing analysis algorithms for efficient state space exploration during timed circuit synthesis. Timed circuits are a class of asynchronous circuits that incorporate explicit timing information in the specification which is used throughout the synthesis procedure t... | | 1997 |