451 - 475 of 541
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451 Hansen, Mark S.; Healy, Lindsey J.; Johnson, Christopher R.; Capecchi, Mario R.; Keller, Charles; Jones, Greg M.Virtual histology of transgenic mouse embryos for high-throughput phenotyping.A bold new effort to disrupt every gene in the mouse genome necessitates systematic, interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing patterning defects in the mouse embryo. We present a novel, rapid, and inexpensive method for obtaining high-resolution virtual histology for phenotypic assessment of mouse ...Forkhead Transcription Factors; Paired Box Transcription Factors2006
452 Symons, John DavidNa-H exchange inhibition with Cariporide limits functional impairment caused by repetitive ischemiaIntracellular calcium ([Ca]i) overload on reperfusion may be one of the mechanisms responsible for ischemia-induced regional myocardial dysfunction. Because inhibiting the Na-H exchanger (NHE) limits intracellular sodium ([Na]i) and subsequent [Ca]i accumulation, we hypothesized that NHE inhibition ...Reperfusion; intracellular calcium; conscious pigs1998
453 Blumenthal, Donald K.Rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase. The calmodulin binding domain as a potential active site-directed inhibitory domain.A synthetic peptide modeled after the calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase, Lys-Arg-Arg-Trp-Lys5-Lys-Asn-Phe-Ile-Ala10-Val-Ser-Ala-Ala-+ ++Asn15-Arg-Phe-Glycyl amide (M5), inhibited the CaM-independent chymotryptic fragment of the enzyme, C35 (Edelman, ...Synthetic Peptide1987-09-05
454 Simpson, Jamesina J.Substrate integrated waveguides optimized for ultrahigh-speed digital interconnectsThis paper reports an experimental and computational study of substrate integrated waveguides (SIWs) optimized for use as ultrahigh-speed bandpass waveguiding digital interconnects. The novelty of this study resides in our successful design, fabrication, and testing of low-loss SIWs that achieve 100...2006-01-01
455 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshTiming constraints for high speed counterflow-clocked pipeliningWith the escalation of clock frequencies and the increasing ratio of wire- to gate-delays, clock skew is a major problem to be overcome in tomorrow's high-speed VLSI chips. Also, with an increasing number of stages switching simultaneously comes the problem of higher peak power consumption. In our ...Timing constraints; clock frequencies; clock skew; high-speed; VLSI chips; counterflow-clocked pipelining1995
456 Gardner, Reed M.Challenges and Opportunities for Computerizing the Anesthesia RecordBiomedical Informatics1994
457 Furse, Cynthia M.; Cotter, Neil E.Challenges in curriculum adaptation across institutions of higher education: international and national student transferThe challenges associated with student transfer between institutions of higher education are investigated. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) requires that undergraduate courses from non-ABET accredited institutions are recognized across public universities and colleges in Utah Based on empi...2006
458 Stevens, KennethComparing energy and latency of asynchronous and synchronous NoCs for embedded SoCsPower consumption of on-chip interconnects is a primary concern for many embedded system-on-chip (SoC) applications. In this paper, we compare energy and performance characteristics of asynchronous (clockless) and synchronous network on-chip implementations, optimized for a number of SoC designs. We...2010
459 Miller, Jan D.Three dimensional analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, X-ray-computed tomographic (CT) techniques are capable of providing three-dimensional images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all two-dimensional projections with only one rotation of the sample,...Cone beam CT; X-ray microtomography; Liberation analysis; Particle shape; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2004
460 Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R.15N labeled e. coli tRNAMet, tRNAGlu, tRNATyr, and tRNAPhe. Double resonance and two dimensional NMR of H-N1 units in pseudouridineThe N1 imino units in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr were studied by 1H-15N NMR using three different techniques to suppress signals of protons not attached to 15N. Two of the procedures, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy and two-dimensional forbidden echo spectr...Escherichia coli; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Nucleic acid conformation1985-08-15
461 Rosen, Paul Andrew2D vector field simplification based on robustnessVector field simplification aims to reduce the complexity of the flow by removing features in order of their relevance and importance, to reveal prominent behavior and obtain a compact representation for interpretation. Most existing simplification techniques based on the topological skeleton succes...2014-01-01
462 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic recursive structure for intelligent explorationWe suggest a new approach for inspection and reverse engineering applications. In particular, we investigate the use of discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS) to guide and control the active exploration and sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering. We introduce dy...Intelligent exploration; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS; Dynamic recursive finite state machines; DRFSM1992
463 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A dynamic recursive structure for intelligent inspectionWe suggest a new approach for inspection and reverse engineering applications. In particular we investigate the use of discrete event dynamic systems DEDS to guide and control the active exploration and sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering?? We introduce...Intelligent inspection; Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS; Industrial inspection; Dynamic recursive structure1992
464 Mathews, V. JohnAn optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband codingAbstTact- Subband coding with vector quantization is addressed in this paper. Forming the data vectors from both between and within the subbands is considered. The former of these two schemes is referred to as interband coding and the latter as intraband coding. Interband coder design is relatively ...1995
465 Gardner, Reed M.Computerized Clinical Decision-Support in Respiratory CareBiomedical Informatics2004
466 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects - integrating constraint definition and interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint-based technique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD. We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object-oriented view on constraints. A graph algorithm is employed to analyze the relative degr...Constraint objects1993
467 Davidson, Diane W.Herbivory on planted dipterocarp seedlings in secondary logged forests and primary forests of Sabah, MalaysiaLeaf defences, leaf nutritional quality and leaf expansion rates may vary with resource availabilities to plants. Such variation could affect rates of leaf loss to herbivores, particularly along the steep resource gradients in disturbed forests. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in leaf dama...Danum Valley; Dipterocarp; Dryobalanops lanceolata; Herbivory rates; Leaf damage; Leaf expansion rates; Logged tropical forests; Secondary forests; Shorea leprosula2001-03
468 Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of UtahIAIMS Newsletter December 1995The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS1995
469 Gerton, JordanImproved localization accuracy in stochastic super-resolution fluorescence microscopy by K-factor image deshadowingLocalization of a single fluorescent particle with sub-diffraction-limit accuracy is a key merit in localization microscopy. Existing methods such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) achieve localization accuracies of single emitt...2014-01-01
470 Horch, Kenneth W.Intraspinal microstimulation using cylindrical multielectrodesA cylindrical multielectrode system specifically designed for intraspinal microstimulation was mechanically and electrically evaluated in the ventral horn of the feline lumbo-sacral spinal cord. Electrode insertions proved to be straight as evaluated from radiographs. Impedances were measured in s...Cylindrical multielectrode; Microstimulation; Neural prosthesis; Current distance constants; Electrode array; Spinal cord stimulation2006-02
471 Brown, Barbara B.Post-occupancy evaluation of wayfinding in a pediatric hospital: research findings and implications for instructionA post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of way finding in a new pediatric hospital pointed to a wide range of areas where wayfinding aids could be improved. After initial walk-through evaluation tours and meetings with administrators, five more systematic methods were used to assess problems: staff and vi...Hospitals; Wayfinding; Signage1997
472 Gardner, Reed M.Pulmonary Function Laboratory StandardsBiomedical Informatics1989
473 Poulter, Charles Dale; Davis, Darrell R.15N-labeled Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNATyr, and tRNAPhe. Double resonance and two-dimensional NMR of N1-labeled pseudouridine.The N1 imino units in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet, tRNAGlu, tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr were studied by 1H-15N NMR using three different techniques to suppress signals of protons not attached to 15N. Two of the procedures, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy and two-dimensional forbidden echo spectr...Escherichia coli; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Nitrogen; Nucleic acid conformation1985-08-15
474 Gu, JunAn optimal, parallel discrete relaxation algorithm and architecture (Revised January 1988 and August 1989)A variety of problems in artificial intelligence, operations research, symbolic logic, pattern recognition and computer vision, and robot manipulation are special cases of the Consistent Labeling Problem (CLP). The Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) is an efficient computational technique to enfor...Consistent Labeling Problem; CLP; Discrete Relaxation Algorithm; DRA1988
475 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Ives, Jeffrey T.; Stockham, Thomas G.Automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolutionAn automated reader for electrophoresis based DNA sequencing methods is described that provides fast and accurate sequence determination. Digitized sequencing lanes are processed with homomorphic blind deconvolution in preparation for peak detection, interlane alignment, peak refinement and base cal...Sequence Analysis; Electrophoresis; Automated Film Reader; Homomorphic Deconvolution1994
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