401 - 425 of 10,690
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401 Hawkes, KristenAffluent hunters? Some comments in light of the Alyawara caseOur recent analysis (O'Connell and Hawkes in press) of plant food collecting among the Alyawara, a central Australian hunting group, shows that the cost of subsistence is sometimes quite high, far higher than the current conven. tional wisdom regarding hunters would suggest. We infer from available ...1981-01-01
402 Mallat, ChibliAfter Kosovo: Secession in the Middle EastA federal state is better than the division of the land. This is also true for Kosovo and the other countries in the Balkans, as it is for Sudan and Yemen. The ICJ Kosovo ruling is good for secessionists, bad for democrats, and devastating for order in the planet.2010-09-02
403 Li, MinqiAfter neoliberalism: empire, social democracy, or socialism?Analyzes political doctrines such as imperialism, social democracy and socialism as a possible economic trend after the neoliberalism era. Characteristics of neoliberal regime; Alternative scenarios of global economic crisis; Problems that a revived social democratic capitalism would not address; Ac...Political doctrines; Liberalism; Imperialism2004
404 Neimoyer, SusanAfter the rhapsody: George Gershwin in the Spring of 1924The year 1924 was a banner period in the early career of the young George Gershwin. The astonishingly successful premiere of the Rhapsody in Blue with Paul Whiteman's orchestra in 12 February 1924, in some ways made it the year of the Rhapsody. Thanks to the business acumen that prompted Whiteman to...2014-01-01
405 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status reportThe M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1995
406 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE: a search for dark matter in M31 by microlensing effects on unresolved starsM 31 is a very tempting target for a microlensing search of compact objects in galactic haloes. It is the nearest large galaxy, it probably has its own dark halo, and its tilted position with respect to the line of sight provides an unmistakable signature of microlensing. However most stars of M 31...M31; AGAPE; Pixel method; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing1997
407 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE: andromeda gravitational amplification pixel experimentThe aim of the AGAPE (Andromeda Gravitational Ampli_x000C_cation Pixel Experiment), experiment which has been _x000C_rst proposed in June 1992 is to examine the distribution of massive astrophysical compact halo objects ((MACHO's) which possibly are in the galactic haloes and which could account for...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1997
408 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPEROS: searching for microlensing in the LMC with the pixel method. I. Data treatment and pixel light curves productionRecent surveys monitoring millions of light curves of resolved stars in the LMC have discovered several microlensing events. Unresolved stars could however signi _x000C_cantly contribute to the microlensing rate towards the LMC. Monitoring pixels, as opposed to individual stars, should be able to ...Data analysis techniques; Halo; Galaxies; Gravitational lensing; Pixel method; Large Magellanic Cloud; LMC1999
409 Gondolo, PaoloAgapeZ1: a large amplification microlensing event or an odd variable star towards the inner bulge of M31AgapeZ1 is the brightest and the shortest duration microlensing candidate event found to date in the Agape experiment. It occurred only 4200 from the centre of M31 at RA = 0h42m41:47s and Dec = 41°16'39.1" (J2000). Our photometry shows that the half intensity duration of the event is 5.3 days and ...AgapeZ1; Galaxy; Halo; Cosmology; Gravitational lensing; M31; Pixel method1999
410 Battin, Margaret P.Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?These lines express a view again stirring controversy: that the elderly who are irreversibly ill, whose lives can be continued only with substantial medical support, ought not to be given treatment; instead, their lives should be brought to an end. It should be recognized, as one contemporary politi...1987
411 Wright, Scott D.Age wave is here : the aging of the baby boomers November 2010Paul C. Light (1998) wrote one of the first books to examine the complexities of the baby boom generation and their future implications and impact. The book titled, "Baby Boomers", investigated what unified and what divided the generation and reflected on the potential for "golden days" (would it b...2010-08
412 Battin, Margaret P.Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour...Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia1987-01
413 Hawkes, KristenAge-related decline in ovarian follicle stocks differ between chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and humansSimilarity in oldest parturitions in humans and great apes suggests that we maintain ancestral rates of ovarian aging. Consistent with that hypothesis, previous counts of primordial follicles in postmortem ovarian sections from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed follicle stock decline at the same ...2015-01-01
414 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryAgelenid spiders of the Genus CicurinaThe genus Cicurina was erected by Menge in 18(59 for the species jlranea cicurea Fabricius (1793). Since then, various species from North America have been added to this genus. Petrunkevitch, in his catalog of 1911, listed 11 species from this continent. Exline, in a review of the Cicurinas in 1936,...1940-06-29
415 Henderson, Thomas C.Agent-based engineering drawing analysisInterpretation of paper drawings has received a good deal of attention over the last decade. Related areas such as direct interpretation of human drawings (HCI), search and indexing of graphics databases, and knowledge representation in the domain of graphics and drawing understanding have also s...Interpretation; Human drawings; HCI; Graphic databases2002-02-04
416 Miller, Jan D.Agglomeration and magnetic deinking for office paperMagnet deinking of office paper (OP) is a promising technology for the production of high quality secondary fiber. The technique is possible because a significant portion of the toner in OP furnish has a magnetic character. Toner magnetic susceptibility can vary from weakly paramagnetic to ferroma...Wastepaper; Magnetic deinking; Toner; Magnetic susceptibility2000
417 Arlitsch, Kenning; Jonsson, JeffAggregating distributed digital collections in the mountain west digital library with the CONTENTdm multi-site serverThis paper describes the creation of the Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL), a cooperative regional program distributed throughout Utah and Nevada. Its metadata are aggregated at a single website. Six digitization centers at the largest universities in both states digitize their own collections an...Consortia; Metadata; Computer software, Development2005-06
418 Adler, Frederick R.Aggregation and stability in parasite-host modelsThis paper generalizes the two-dimensional approximation of models of macroparasites on homogeneous populations developed by Anderson & May (1978), focusing on how the dispersion (the variance to mean ratio) of the equilibrium distribution of parasites on hosts is related to the stability of the equ...Aggregation; Stability; Host-parasite models1992-04
419 Battin, Margaret P.Aging and ethics: philosophical problems in gerontologyAging and Ethics addresses a crucial issue: In order to address the dilemmas aging poses concerning distributive justice in health care, don't we need to rethink both the personal and social significance of old age?1993
420 Dailey, Andrew T.Agreement between orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons regarding a new algorithm for the treatment of thoracolumbar injuries: a multicenter reliability studyIntroduction: Considerable variability exists in the management of thoracolumbar (TL) spine injuries. Although there are many influences, one significant factor may be the treating surgeon's specialty and training (ie, orthopedic surgery vs. neurosurgery). Our objective was to assess the agreement ...Thoracolumbar injuries; Rating; Classification; TLISS; Neurosurgery; Interspeciality reliability2006
421 Hall, Eric S.Aiding clinicians through summarization of perinatal dataExploratory analysis has focused on developing summarized views of monitor-captured perinatal data to support adherence to established clinical protocols. In addition to facilitating rapid access to significant clinical trends and reducing subjective interpretation of monitor-captured data, combini...Perinatal data; Perinatal care; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009-09-23
422 Miller, Jan D.; Niewiadomski, Marcin M.; Hupka, Jan; Nalaskowski, JakubAir bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationThe interactions of air bubbles and oil droplets in centrifugal flotation have been considered with respect to process conditions present during Air-sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation. Encounter efficiency of oil droplets with air bubbles has been found to be significantly smaller when compared t...Centrifugal flotation; Froth flotation; Oil flotation; Dispersed oil; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; ASH2007
423 Wen, MingAir pollution shortens life expectancy and health expectancy for older adults: the case of ChinaBackground: Outdoor air pollution is one of the most worrying environmental threats China faces today. Comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the health consequences of air pollution in China is lacking. This study reports age-sex-specific life expectancy (LE) and health expectancies (HEs) corre...2012-01-01
424 Scarpulla, MichaelAir shear driven flow of thin perfluoropolyether polymer filmsWe have studied the wind driven movement of thin perfluoropolyether (PFPE) polymer films on silicon wafers and CNx overcoats using the blow-off technique. The ease with which a liquid polymer film moves across a surface when sheared is described by a shear mobility xS , which can be interpreted both...Perfluoropolyether; Polymer films; Air shear; Shear mobility2003
425 Miller, Jan D.Air sparged hydrocyclone for fine coal flotationThe cleaning of fine coal to achieve compliance specifications generally is a challenging problem for coal preparation engineers. Gravity separation techniques are limited with regard to capacity/ efficiency considerations, and the most promising process alternative seems to be flotation, the u...Microbubble; Compliance; Bituminous1988
401 - 425 of 10,690