401 - 425 of 494
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401 Jenike, A.W.Gravity flow of bulk solidsThere is hardly an industry in existence which does not use solid materials in bulk form. Where the volume of the solids is substantial, gravity is usually relied upon to cause the solids to flow. Such materials as ores, coal, cement, flour, cocoa, soil, to which the general term of bulk solids is a...1961-10
402 Ziegenfuss, DonnaA Busy Professor's Guide to Sanely Flipping Your ClassroomThe Flipped Classroom has become a popular teaching method. Students watch video lectures before class, saving class time for active learning (problem solving, demonstrations, applications, etc.). This paper is a useful guide for busy professors who would like to try out the flipped classroom approa...flipped classroom; inverted classroom; engineering education; teaching electromagnetics; assessment pedagogy2019
403 Davidson, Diane W.Dispersal adaptations of some acacia species in the Australian arid zoneMost Australian representatives of the genus Acacia have diaspores with arillate appendages indicative of adaptation for active dispersal by animals. Based on physical and chemical characteristics of these arils and mechanisms of diaspore presentation, a number of arid zone acacias can be distingu...Acacia; Australian arid zone; Dispersal ecology; Fruit quality; Myrmecochory; Ornithochory; Seed parasitoids; Soil nutrients1984
404 Jarrard, Richard D.Seismic stratigraphy and history of deep circulation and sediment drift development in Baffin Bay and the Labrador SeaDrilling results and seismic-reflection records at and across Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 645 (western Baffin Bay), 646, and 647 (Labrador Sea) provide important constraints on the history of deep-water circulation and sedimentation in response to Cenozoic climatic change, as well as the tect...1989
405 Ehleringer, James R.; Bush, Sarah Elizabeth; Solomon, Douglas KipEcohydrology in a Colorado River riparian forest: implications for the decline of Populus fremontiiPopulus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) was once a dominant species in desert riparian forests but has been increasingly replaced by the exotic invasive Tamarix ramosissima (saltcedar). Interspecific competition, reduced flooding frequency, and increased salinity have been implicated in the widespre...Populus fremontii; Decline; Colorado River; Utah; Invasive species; Riparian; Salinity; Sap flow; Tamarix ramosissima; Transpiration2005
406 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging wire properties at the microarchitecture levelIn future microprocessors, communication will emerge as a major bottleneck. The authors advocate composing future interconnects of some wires that minimize latency, some that maximize bandwidth, and some that minimize power. A microarchitecture aware of these wire characteristics can steer on-chip ...Microarchitecture; Interconnects; Cache coherence2006-11
407 Mathews, V. JohnStochastic mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filterAbstract-This paper presents an almost sure mean-square performance analysis of an adaptive Hammerstein filter for the case when the measurement noise in the desired response signal is a martingale difference sequence. The system model consists of a series connection of a memoryless nonlinearity fol...2006
408 DeTar, CarletonTunneling and the spectrum of the Potts modelThe three-dimensional, three-state Potts model is studied as a paradigm for high-temperature quantum chromodynamics. In a high-statistics numerical simulation using a Swendson-Wang algorithm, we study cubic lattices of dimension as larger as 643 and measure correlation functions on long lattices of ...Potts model; Tunneling; Transfer matrix; Phase transitions1993-05
409 McDaniel, SusanWhere the contradictions meet: women and family security in Canada in the 1990sFamily and security are both contested ground in Canada in the 1990s. The family and family values are lauded sentimentally on both sides of the 49th parallel. Yet, more and more families, Canadian and American - families with children, aging couples and the working poor - are lining up at food bank...Values; Responsibilities; Opportunities1993
410 DeTar, CarletonEquation of state and QCD transition at finite temperatureWe calculate the equation of state in 2 + 1 flavor QCD at finite temperature with physical strange quark mass and almost physical light quark masses using lattices with temporal extent Nr = 8. Calculations have been performed with two different improved staggered fermion actions, the asqtad and p4 a...Deconfinement; Chiral symmetry; Staggered fermions; Phase transitions; Polyakov loop2009-07
411 Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 1997Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 19971997
412 Carter, John B.A comparison of software and hardware synchronization mechanisms for distributed shared memory multiprocessorsEfficient synchronization is an essential component of parallel computing. The designers of traditional multiprocessors have included hardware support only for simple operations such as compare-and-swap and load-linked/store-conditional, while high level synchronization primitives such as locks, bar...Hardware locks1996
413 Baehr, WolfgangCalcium-sensitive particulate guanylyl cyclase as a modulator of cAMP in olfactory receptor neuronsThe second messengers cAMP and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate have been implicated in olfaction in various species. The odorant-induced cGMP response was investigated using cilia preparations and olfactory primary cultures. Odorants cause a delayed and sustained elevation of cGMP. A component of this c...Calcium-Binding Proteins; Nerve Tissue Proteins; Rats, Sprague-Dawley1998
414 Freire, JulianaDesigning information-preserving mapping schemes for XMLAn XML-to-relational mapping scheme consists of a procedure for shredding XML documents into relational databases, a procedure for publishing databases back as documents, and a set of constraints the databases must satisfy. In previous work, we discussed two notions of information preservation for m...Losslessness; Validation; Mapping scheme; Edge++; LILO; Lossless Inlining; Lossless Outlining; XML Schema2005
415 Yu, ZhouHeterogeneity in Asian American homeownership: the impact of household endowments and immigrant statusRecently, research has begun to investigate the reasons for differences in homeownership rates between Asian and whites. This paper extends this research by examining the heterogeneity that exists across Asian groups in the United States. We find that there are important differences across geog...Immigrants; Homeownership2003
416 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Higher-order nonlinear priors for surface reconstructionAbstract-For surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data, a Bayesian estimation approach can improve the overall quality of the surfaces. The Bayesian approach to surface estimation relies on a likelihood term, which ties the surface estimate to the input data, and the prior...2004
417 Gondolo, PaoloMeasurement of the gluon parton distribution function at small x with neutrino telescopesWe analyze the possibility that neutrino telescopes may provide an experimental determination of the slope λ of the gluon distribution in the proton at momentum fractions x smaller than the accelerator reach. The method is based on a linear relation between λ and the spectral index (slope) of th...Neutrino telescopes; Charm2001-01
418 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for skin indentation depth. I. Changing indentationsPsychophysical tests on human subjects showed that judgments of skin indentation depth made when the fingertip was indented at rates from 0.2 to 16 mm/set were quite insensitive to changes in indentation velocity. Similar results were obtained on the forearm at indentation velocities of 0.4 to 16...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1983
419 DeTar, CarletonStatic screening lengths in the gluon plasmaWe report results of an extensive numerical simulation in lattice gauge theory to study various static screening lengths in a finite-temperature pure gluon plasma. Measurements are made for fixed triplet charges (Wilson lines) and a variety of local operators near and above the phase transition for ...Gluon plasma; Phase transitions; Deconfinement; Strange quarks1986-10
420 Rogers, Alan R.Genetic variation at the MCIR Locus and the time since loss of human body hairThe melanocortin I receptor (MCIR) locus makes a protein that affects the color of skin and hair. At this locus, amino-acid differences are entirely absent among African humans, abundant among non-Africans (especially Europeans), and abundant in chimpanzee/human comparisons (Rana et al. 1999, Hardin...Nonsynonymous; Chimpanzee; Constraint2004
421 Bohs, Lynn A.New species of Solanum and Capsicum (Solanaceae) from Bolivia, with clarification of nomenclature in some Bolivian SolanumBolivian floristic diversity is high, reflecting its great topographic and habitat diversity. Habitats in Bolivia range from seasonally flooded savannas to arid Chaco and high elevation deserts to hyper-humid montane and lowland rainforests.Capsicum; Solanum; Bolivia; Biodiversity2006
422 Lenart, Joshua B.The Uinta Express pipeline: a comprehensive research report conducted by students enrolled in CvEEN 3100 technical communicationsThe Uinta Express Pipeline is a proposed common carrier pipeline which would transport waxy crude oil extracted from the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah to area refineries in North Salt Lake City. The proposed project would consist of a 12-inch, buried, insulated, carbon steel pipeline supported by...Uinta Express pipeline; Feasibility study; Waxy crude oil; Environmental impact assessment2015-02
423 Gardner, Reed M.Computerized Management of Intensive Care PatientsBiomedical Informatics1986
424 Capecchi, Mario R.Role for ELOVL3 and fatty acid chain length in development of hair and skin functionVery little is known about the in vivo regulation of mammalian fatty acid chain elongation enzymes as well as the role of specific fatty acid chain length in cellular responses and developmental processes. Here, we report that the Elovl3 gene product, which belongs to a highly conserved family ...2003-12-15
425 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriSex, contraception and childbearing among high-risk youth: do different factors influence males and females?During adolescence, many young people begin to experiment with new roles. One important area of exploration is sexual activity, which involves a certain amount of risk-taking.1998
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