376 - 400 of 1,196
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376 Pershing, David W.Design and construction of a rotary kiln simulator for use in studying the incineration of hazardous wasteRotary kilns have been used extensively in the cement industry to calcine limestone. In the past few years, the technology has been viewed as a possible option for the incineration of hazardous waste materials, especially for the disposal of solid wastes and the cleanup of contaminated soils and tra...Rotary kilns; Hazardous waste; Waste burning1989-08
377 Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of UtahIAIMS Newsletter Summer 2002The IAIMS Newsletter is published three times a year (August, January, May) with one InfoFair supplement and provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS2002-05-28
378 Hayes, Bradley T.Lack of neuromuscular origins of adaptation after a long-term stretching programContext: Static stretching is commonly used during the treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries to increase joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle flexibility. Understanding the physiological adaptations that occur in the neuromuscular system as a result of long-term stretching may provid...2012-01-01
379 Gerig, GuidoReduced relationship to cortical white matter volume revealed by Tractography-based segmentation of the corpus callosum in young children with developmental delayObjective: The corpus callosum is the primary anatomical substrate for inter-hemispheric communication, which is important for a range of adaptive and cognitive behaviors in early development. Previous studies that have measured the corpus callosum in developmental populations have been limited by t...2006-01-01
380 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Hillyard, David R.; Gray, William Robertĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA is a peptide inhibiting the Shaker K+ channelĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA (k-PVIIA), a 27-amino acid toxin from Conus purpurascens venom that inhibits the Shaker potassium channel, was chemically synthesized in a biologically active form. The disulfide connectivity of the peptide was determined. ĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA has the following structure.Conotoxins; k-Conotoxin PVIIA; Conus purpurascens1998
381 Mitchell, Joyce A.Bioinformatics linkage of heterogeneous clinical and genomic information in support of personalized medicineObjectives: Biomedical Informatics as a whole faces a difficult epistemological task, since there is no foundation to explain the complexities of modeling clinical medicine and the many relationships between genotype, phenotype, and environment. This paper discusses current efforts to investigate su...2007-01-01
382 DeTar, CarletonExotic hybrid mesons from improved Kogut-Susskind fermionsWe summarize our measurement of the mass of the exotic 1−+ hybrid meson using an improved Kogut-Susskind action. We show results from both quenched and dynamical quark simulations and compare with results from Wilson quarks. Extrapolation of these results to the physical quark mass allows compar...Chromomagnetic field; Kogut-Susskind fermions; Wilson quarks2003-05
383 DeTar, CarletonHeavy-light decay constants using clover valence quarks and three flavors of dynamical improved staggered quarksStarting in 2001, the MILC Collaboration began a large scale calculation of heavy-light meson decay constants using clover valence quarks on ensembles of three flavor configurations. For the coarse configurations, with a = 0.12 fm, eight combinations of dynamical light and strange quarks have been ...Decay constants; Clover valence quarks; Staggered quarks2005-03
384 Simpson, Jamesina J.Electrokinetic effect of the loma prieta earthquake calculated by an entire-earth FDTD solution of Maxwell's equationsWe report what we believe to be the first three-dimensional computational solution of the full-vector Maxwell's equations for hypothesized pre-seismic electromagnetic phenomena propagated within the entire Earth-ionosphere cavity. Periodic boundary conditions are used in conjunction with a variable-...2005-01-01
385 McCullough, John M.Evidence for assortative mating and selection in surnames: a case from Yucatan, MexicoSurnames are often used as metaphors for genetic material on the assumption of neutrality and general immunity from systematic pressures. The Yucatec Maya use surnames of both Maya and Spanish origin. We find evidence of positive assortative mating by ethnic origin of surname and a slight bias away ...Surnames; Assortative mating; Maya1985
386 DeTar, CarletonEquation of state and QCD transition at finite temperatureWe calculate the equation of state in 2 + 1 flavor QCD at finite temperature with physical strange quark mass and almost physical light quark masses using lattices with temporal extent Nr = 8. Calculations have been performed with two different improved staggered fermion actions, the asqtad and p4 a...Deconfinement; Chiral symmetry; Staggered fermions; Phase transitions; Polyakov loop2009-07
387 Miller, Jan D.Flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals: from ion hydration to colloid adsorptionIn this paper, recent progress with respect to the flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals is reviewed, and some of the more relevant issues including the hydration states of ions, the interfacial phenomena of salt surfaces and the flotation behavior of selected soluble salts are discussed. Due...2014-01-01
388 Morse, Michael DavidFirst spectroscopic investigation of the 4 d transition metal monocarbide MoCThe first optical spectroscopic investigation of MoC has revealed a complicated vibronic spectrum consisting of about 35 bands between 17 700 and 24 000 cm-1. Analysis has shown the ground state to be the ?=0+ spin?orbit component of a 3?- state that derives from a 10?211?25rr42d 2 configuration. Th...1998
389 Codding, Brian F.Explaining prehistoric variation in the abundance of large prey: a zooarchaeological analysis of deer and rabbit hunting along the Pecho Coast of Central CaliforniaThree main hypotheses are commonly employed to explain diachronic variation in the relative abun dance of remains of large terrestrial herbivores: (1) large prey populations decline as a function of anthro pogenic overexploitation; (2 ) large prey tends to increase as a result of increasing social p...Foraging; Resource depression; Prestige hunting; Paleoclimatic variability; Human behavioral ecology; Zooarchaeology; Central California2009-11-14
390 Jorgensen, ErikProtein localization in electron micrographs using fluorescence nanoscopyA complete portrait of a cell requires a detailed description of its molecular topography: proteins must be linked to particular organelles. Immuno-electron microscopy can reveal locations of proteins with nanometer resolution but is limited by the quality of fixation, the paucity of antibodies, and...2010-01-01
391 Friedrich, FrancesVisual perception without awareness in a patient with posterior cortical atrophy: impaired explicit but not implicit processing of global informationA patient with progressive posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) was examined on several tests of visual cognition. The patient displayed multiple visual cognitive deficits, which included problems identifying degraded stimuli, attending to two or more stimuli simultaneously, recognizing faces, tracing s...Posterior cortical atrophy; Global-local processing; Consciousness; Balint's syndrome; Simultanagnoisa2002
392 Friedrich, FrancesVisual perception without awareness in a patient with progressive posterior cortical atrophy: impaired explicity but not implicit processing or global informationA patient with progressive posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) was examined on several tests of visual cognition. The patient displayed multiple visual cognitive deficits, which included problems identifying degraded stimuli, attending to two or more stimuli simultaneously, recognizing faces, tracing...Posterior cortical atrophy; Global-local processing; Consciousness; Balint's syndrome; Simultanagnosia2002
393 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Divergent defensive strategies of young leaves in two species of IngaIn the recently radiated genus Inga (Fabaceae), few nucleotide substitutions have accumulated among species, yet large divergences have occurred in defensive phenotypes, suggesting strong selection by herbivores. We compared herbivory and defenses of young leaves for I. goldmanii, a more derived spe...Bioassays; Flavanoids; Heliothis virescens; Herbivory; Inga goldmanii; Inga umbellifera; Leaf development; Non-protein amino acids; Phoebis philea2005
394 Morse, Michael DavidLaser vaporization generation of Y ??B+, Y ??B+, and YAI+ for electron spin resonance studies in neon matrices at 4 K: comparison with theoretical calculationsThe first spectroscopic investigation of 89Y 10B+, 89Y 11B+, and 89Y 27Al+ is reported, revealing that both of these diatomic cation radicals have X 4?- electronic ground states. The ions were generated by three high energy techniques in combination with neon matrix isolation at 4 K and studied by e...1992
395 Baehr, WolfgangLecithin-retinol acyltransferase is essential for accumulation of all-trans-retinyl esters in the eye and in the liverLecithin-retinol acyltransferase (LRAT), an enzyme present mainly in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells and liver, converts all-trans-retinol into all-trans-retinyl esters. In the retinal pigmented epithelium, LRAT plays a key role in the retinoid cycle, a two-cell recycling system that replenis...Antibodies, Monoclonal; Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid; Microscopy, Fluorescence2004
396 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Bulaj, GrzegorzStructure of a novel P-superfamily spasmodic conotoxin reveals an inhibitory cystine knot motifConotoxin gm9a, a putative 27-residue polypeptide encoded by Conus gloriamaris, was recently identified as a homologue of the "spasmodic peptide", tx9a, isolated from the venom of the mollusk-hunting cone shell Conus textile (Lirazan, M. B., Hooper, D., Corpuz, G. P., Ramilo, C. A., Bandyopadhyay...Conotoxins; P-superfamily spasmodic conotoxin; Cystine knot motif2002
397 Garrett, Timothy J.Observed influence of riming, temperature, and turbulence on the fallspeed of solid precipitationForecasts of the amount and geographic distribution of snow are highly sensitive to a model's parameterization of hydrometeor fallspeed. Riming is generally thought to lead to particles with a higher mass and terminal velocity. Yet models commonly assume that heavily rimed particles such as graupel ...2014-01-01
398 Lombardo, Nancy T.; Mower, Allyson; McFarland, Mary M.Putting wikis to work in librariesWikis are part of the suite of Web 2.0 technologies enhancing collaboration and communication. This article describes the ways in which one academic health sciences library has utilized wiki software. The Eccles Health Sciences Library has found wikis to be valuable collaboration tools. Case scenari...Collaboration; Libraries; Web 2.0 technology; Wikis2008-06-02
399 Jones, Pamela Palmer; Chaufty, Lisa Marie; Richards, Leslie Jean; Grundvig, Kimberly Ann; Hart, CherylEvening of baroque music
400 Couldwell, William T.Intracranial hypotension as a complication of lumbar puncture prior to elective aneurysm clippingBackground: Lumbar dural defects are an uncommon but important cause of persistent intracranial hypotension in the neurosurgical population. We present a case of intracranial hypotension after elective craniotomy due to a lumbar puncture performed 3 weeks earlier. Case Description: A 55‑year‑old...2014-01-01
376 - 400 of 1,196