376 - 400 of 408
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376 Hoogenboom, Peter J.Semantic definition of a subset of the structured query language (SQL)SQL is a relational database definition and manipulation language. Portions of the manipulation language are readily described in terms of relational algebra. The semantics of a subset of the SQL select statement is described. The select statement allows the user to query the database. The select st...1991
377 Balasubramonian, RajeevStaged reads: mitigating the impact of DRAM writes on DRAM readsMain memory latencies have always been a concern for system performance. Given that reads are on the criti- cal path for CPU progress, reads must be prioritized over writes. However, writes must be eventually processed and they often delay pending reads. In fact, a single channel in the main memory ...2012-01-01
378 Organick, Elliott I.Transformation of ADA programs into silicon (82 Mar. 1 - 82 Oct. 31)This report outlines the beginning steps taken in an integrated research effort toward the development of a methodology, and supporting systems, for transforming Ada programs, or program units, (directly) into corresponding VLSI systems. The time seems right to expect good results. The need is evide...Transformation; Silicon; Ada program units1982
379 Olivera, Baldomero M.Block of Shaker K+ channels by ĸ-conotoxin PVIIA is state dependentĸ-conotoxin PVIIA is the first conotoxin known to interact with voltage-gated potassium channels by inhibiting Shaker-mediated currents. We studied the mechanism of inhibition and concluded that PVIIA blocks the ion pore with a 1:1 stoichiometry and that binding to open or closed channels is very d...Conotoxins; k-conotoxin PVIIA; Potassium channel blockers; Shaker K+ channels1999
380 Ostafin, AgnesCombined deletion of mouse dematin-headpiece and ß-adducin exerts a novel effect on the spectrin-actin junctions leading to erythrocyte fragility and hemolytic AnemiaDematin and adducin are actin-binding proteins of the erythrocyte "junctional complex." Individually, they exert modest effects on erythrocyte shape and membrane stability, and their homologues are expressed widely in non-erythroid cells. Here we report generation and characterization of double knoc...2007
381 Fujimoto, Richard M.; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and evaluation of the rollback chip: special purpose hardware for time warpThe Time Warp mechanism offers an elegant approach to attacking difficult clock synchronization problems that arise in applications such as parallel discrete event simulation. However, because Time Warp relies on a lookahead and rollback mechanism to achieve widespread exploitation of parallelism, t...Rollback chip; Time Warp mechanism; Clock synchronization; Parallel discrete event simulation1988
382 Yu, ZhouHomeownership determinants for Chinese Americans: assimilation, ethnic concentration, and nativityChinese homeownership rates in the Los Angeles CMSA adjusted by socioeconomic and housing market characteristics are on average 18 percentage points higher than those of native white households Painter et al. (2003). This finding runs contrary to most of immigration literature, which suggests that i...Chinese Americans; homeownership2004
383 Neatrour, Anna L.Kindles, card catalogs, and the future of libraries: A collaborative digital humanities projectLibrarianship is a profession that often inspires commentary both from practitioners within the profession and the public who use libraries. For librarians keeping up with the field, the literature is often engaged with predicting the effects of culture, policy or technology on libraries, sometimes ...library, future, topic modeling, digital humanities2018-04
384 Adler, Frederick R.Long-term models of oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in insulin resistance progressionInsulin resistance, characterized by a reduced cellular response to insulin, is a major factor in type 2 diabetes pathogenesis, with a complex etiology consisting of a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Oxidative stress, which develops through an accumulation of toxic reactive oxygen ...2014-01-01
385 Morse, Michael DavidOptical spectroscopy of jet-cooled FeC between 12 000 and 18 100 cm-?Iron monocarbide has been investigated between 12 000 and 18 100 cm21 in a supersonic expansion by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Six new electronic states have been identified for which origins relative to the ground state have been determined. Three of these possess ?"=3, one possess...1997
386 Morse, Michael DavidOptical spectroscopy of tungsten carbide (WC)Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been used to study the diatomic transition-metal carbide, WC. A low-resolution scan revealed a five-member vibrational progression beginning with the 0-0 band at 17 585 cm-1. Analysis of this progression yielded a vibrational frequency of ?'e8(184W12C)...2002
387 Armentrout, Peter B.The bond energy of ReO+: Guided ion-beam and theoretical studies of the reaction of Re+ (7S) with O2The kinetic-energy dependence of the Re+ + O2 reaction is examined using guided ion-beam mass spectrometry. The cross section for ReO+ formation from ground state Re+ (7S) is unusual, exhibiting two endothermic features. The kinetic energy dependence for ReO+ formation is analyzed to determine D0(Re...2013-01-01
388 Meyer, Miriah DawnDesign activity framework for visualization designAn important aspect in visualization design is the connection between what a designer does and the decisions the designer makes. Existing design process models, however, do not explicitly link back to models for visualization design decisions. We bridge this gap by introducing the design activity fr...2014-01-01
389 Wright, Scott D.Gray and green revisited: a multidisciplinary perspective of gardens, gardening, and the aging processOver fourteen years ago, the concept of "gray and green" was first introduced by Wright and Lund (2000) to represent a new awareness and a call for increased scholarship at the intersection of environmental issues and the aging process. This review paper revisits that concept with a fresh perspectiv...2014-01-01
390 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshhopCP: A concurrent hardware description languagehopCP is a language for the specification, simulation, and synthesis of hardware systems. hopCP captures the behavior of a hardware system by specifying the causal relationships between actions that the system can perform. No specific timing discipline is implied by a hopCP specification. Hence, hop...hopCP; Hardware systems1991
391 Olivera, Baldomero M.Modulation of conotoxin structure and function is achieved through a multienzyme complex in the venom glands of cone snailsBackground: Conotoxins can be utilized to investigate enzyme-assisted folding of disulfide-rich peptides. Results: Various ER-resident cone snail enzymes act in concert to accelerate the oxidative folding of conotoxins and modulate their conformation by reconfiguring disulfide connectivities. Conclu...2012-01-01
392 Richardson, William F.The Fred VHDL ModelThis is the companion document to my dissertation. It contains 47 pages of schematics, and 163 pages of VHDL code. It is pretty meaningless without the dissertation, and it only exists because I felt that I should archive this information somewhere.1995
393 Akella, Venkatesh; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshSpecification and validation of control intensive ICs in hopCPControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations polling and interrupt driven modes of operation multiple concurrent threads of executi...Asynchrony; Behavioral simulation; Formal methods; Hardware description languages; Formal specifiation and validation; hopCP1992
394 Armentrout, Peter B.Activation of methane by size-elected iron cluster cations, Fen+ (n=2-15): cluster-CHx (x=0-3) bond energies and reaction mechanismsThe kinetic energy dependences of the reactions of Fen + (n=2 - 15) with CD4 are studied in a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer over the energy range of 0-10 eV. All reactions exhibit thresholds and two main products, FenD+ and FenCD2+, are formed.Metal clusters; Iron ions; Bond energies; Dehydrogenation; Endothermic reactions; Transition metal ions2001
395 Ehleringer, James R.; Negus, Norman C.Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecologyRed Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake Valley, Utah. It contains a well-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe ...Intermountain West; Grassland; Oak-maple; Plant adaptation; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Human impact1992
396 Lucero, Mary T.; Mobley, Arie S.Cross-species comparison of metabolite profiles in chemosensory epithelia: an indication of metabolite roles in chemosensory cellsComparative studies of chemosensory systems in vertebrates and invertebrates have greatly enhanced our understanding of anatomical and physiological constraints of chemical detection. Immunohistochemical comparisons of chemosensory systems are difficult to make across species due to limited cross-re...Olfactory; Vomeronasal; Mouse; Zebrafish; Squid2008-04
397 Henderson, Thomas C.A systolic array implementation of discrete relaxation algorithmDiscrete Relaxation techniques have proven useful in solving a wide range of problems in digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, machine vision, and VLSI engineering, etc. A conventional hardware design for an 8-label 8-object Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) requires three 4K memory...Discrete Relaxation algorithm; Systolic array1986
398 Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Smith, Kent F.An experimental system for computer aided geometric designThe main goal of this proposed level-of-effort project is to extend present capabilities in the area of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and to develop custom VLSI support for some special geometric functions.Computer aided geometric design; CAGD; VLSI; Very large scale integration1984
399 Francis, LeslieEnsuring the privacy and confidentiality of electronic health recordsIn 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten years. Although substantial progress has been made toward achieving that goal, this progress has primarily reflected institutional interests and priorities by focusing on system ...2007
400 Evans, Grant; Gamst, Frederick C.; Hanawalt, Barbara A.; Kingston-Mann, Esther; Park, Thomas K.Peasant Studies Volume 15 number 2 Winter 1988TABLE OF CONTENTS The Accursed Problem: Communists and Peasants, Grant Evans; The Third Seal Opened and the Black Horseman Emerged: An Historic Cultural Ecology of Ethiopian Poverty and Famine, Frederick C. Gamst; Rural Northeast Algeria, 1919-1938, Thomas K. Park; Revolution and Russian Rural Devel...1988
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