351 - 375 of 1,229
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351 Symons, John DavidQuercetin: a treatment for hypertension? - a review of efficacy and mechanismsQuercetin is a polyphenolic flavonoid. Common sources in the diet are apples, onions, berries, and red wine. Epidemiological studies have found an inverse relationship between dietary quercetin intake and cardiovascular disease. This has led to in vitro, in vivo, and clinical research to determine ...2010
352 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Tetracyanoethylene-based organic magnetsSeveral classes of organic magnets based upon the tetracyanoethenide radical anion, [TCNE](.-), either unbound, (u), and (u4) bonded to zero, two and four metal sites have been reported. The putative (u4) bonded V(TCNE)x room temperature magnet has been extended to include M(TCNE)x(M = Mn, Fe, Co,...Magnetization; Magnetic ordering; Oxidation1998
353 Gerig, GuidoA new framework for analyzing white matter maturation in early brain developmentThe trajectory of early brain development is marked by rapid growth presented by volume but also by tissue property changes. Capturing regional characteristics of axonal structuring and myelination via neuroimaging requires analysis of longitudinal image data with multiple modalities. Complementary ...2010-01-01
354 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Ascertainment bias for non-twin relatives in twin proband studiesWhen families are ascertained through affected twins, as for example when twin probands are selected from a registry and their non-twin relatives studied, a correction for ascertainment bias is needed. It is shown that probandwise counting (where relatives of doubly ascertained twin pairs are counte...Genetic; transmission; models1982
355 Owen, William E.; Roberts, William L.Comparable effects of DIGIBIND and DigiFab in thirteen digoxin immunoassaysDigoxin is widely prescribed for the treatment of cardiac conditions (1). Because of its narrow therapeutic range, digoxin-related toxicity resulting from acute or chronic overdose is common. Metabolites of digoxin as well as related compounds, including digitoxin, tanshinones, bufandienolide, a...DIGIBIND; DigiFab; Digoxin immunoassays; Digoxin toxicity2002
356 Gondolo, PaoloDark Stars: the first stars in the universe may be powered by dark matter healingA new line of research on Dark Stars is reviewed, which suggests that the first stars to exist in the universe were powered by dark matter heating rather than by fusion. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, which may be there own antipartmers, collect inside the first stars and annihilate to produc...Dark stars; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles2009
357 Kestle, John R. W.Determining the best cerebrospinal fluid shunt valve design: the pediatric valve design trialMyriad cerebrospinal fluid shunt valve designs are available (17, IS). None has ever been shown to be superior to another, although claims by neurosurgeons and shunt manufacturers of the merits of particular designs are numerous. Such is the case with two recent shunt valve designs, the Orbis-Sigm...Pediatric valve design; Shunt valves1996
358 Varner, Michael W.Elevated second-trimester maternal serum hCG: a marker of inadequate angiogenesis.OBJECTIVE: To measure angiogenin, a potent inducer of neovascularization and interleukin-6, as an indicator of acute inflammation, in second-trimester amniotic fluid of patients with elevated maternal serum hCG. METHODS: In this case-control study, 20 patients with elevated maternal serum hCG (at le...Angiogenesis Inducing Agents; Interleukin-6; Pregnancy Complications; hCG1998-04
359 Dwight, Zachary LawrenceHeterozygote PCR product melting curve predictionMelting curve prediction of PCR products is limited to perfectly complementary strands. Multiple domains are calculated by recursive nearest-neighbor thermodynamics. However, the melting curve of an amplicon containing a heterozygous single nucleotide variant (SNV) after PCR is the composite of four...2014-01-01
360 Erickson, J. Alan; Smith, Jeffrey, J.; Bornhorst, Joshua A.; Ashwood, Edward R.Humananti-mouse antibody protected ELISA for the quantification of squamous cell carcinoma antigenSquamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) was first isolated from squamous cell carcinoma tissue of the uterine cervix and initially reported as TA-4. The antigen has been characterized as a glycoprotein with a molecular weight between 45,000 and 55,000 daltons. Studies suggest that SCC may function as ...SCC; Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen; BSA; PBS; Phosphate Buffered Saline; HAMA; Human Anti-mouse Antibodies; IIR; ImmunoglobulinInhibiting Reagent2005-12-09
361 Christensen, Douglas A.; Andrade, Joseph D.Improved sensitivity in ellipsometry of thin biochemical films by employing sublayersEllipsometry is widely used for investigating the optical properties of thin films on planar substrates, including films of adsorbed proteins or polymers. The average thickness and effective refractive index of the adsorbed layer are calculated by measuring the A and ¥ ellipsometry parameters. Unfo...Biochemical films; SiO2 sublayer1990
362 Zhdanov, Michael S.New approach to interpretation of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic dataWe present a new technique for underground imaging based on the idea of space-frequency filtering and downward continuation of the observed airborne magnetic and electromagnetic data. The technique includes two major methods. The first method is related to the downward analytical continuation and ...1996-01-01
363 Kestle, John R. W.; Walker, Marion L.Noncommunicating spinal extradural arachnoid cyst causing spinal cord compression in a childExtradural arachnoid cysts in the spine are relatively uncommon causes of spinal cord compression in the pediatric population that are thought to arise from congenital defects in the dura mater. Most reports describe such cysts communicating with the intrathecal subarachnoid space through a small de...2006
364 Mathews, V. John; Varner, Michael W.; Clark, Edward B.Prediction of pregnancy-induced hypertension using coherence analysisABSTRACT This paper presents a novel method to predict hypertensive disorders in pregnancy using coherence analysis. Previous studies suggest that there is inadequate secondary trophoblast invasion in hypertensive pregnancies implying that there are differences in the functional relationships betwe...2004
365 Sample, SusanShattering stereotypes: aging adults aren't naturally unhappyHealthy older adults ramain engaged and interested in life. Just because they're aging doesn't mean they lose interest in life. "In this culture, we have a perception of what it's like to grow old: life isn't a whole lot of fun" We have an image of older adults whose faces are lined with fatigue as ...Aging Adults; Depression; Geriatrics1998-12
366 Broughton, JohnSize of the bursa of fabricius in relation to gonad size and age in laysan and black-footed albatrossesAge determination can be difficult for birds that undergo little or no plumage change during life. This is the case for Laysan and Black-footed Albatrosses (Diomedea immutabilis and D. nigripes). The juvenile plumage for both these North Pacific albatrosses is completely grown by about five to six m...Birds; Species; Development1994
367 Regehr, JohnTesting static analyzers with randomly generated programsStatic analyzers should be correct. We used the random C-program generator Csmith, initially intended to test C compilers, to test parts of the Frama-C static analysis platform. Although Frama-C was already relatively mature at that point, fifty bugs were found and fixed during the process, in the f...2012-01-01
368 Digre, Kathleen B.; Warner, Judith E. A.; Bernstein, Paul S.; Alder, Stephen C.Vitamin A in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with and without idiopathic intracranial hypertensionWe quantified vitamin A in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, elevated intracranial pressure of other causes and normal intracranial pressure. Vitamin A could be detected by high-pressure liquid chromatography in most of the specimens. There was a signific...Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid; Headache2002-11
369 Clayton, Dale H.Biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing liceChewing lice are small, dorsoventrally compressed insects and are parasites of virtually all birds (Fig. 1) and some mammals (Fig. 2). Many chewing lice are host specific, being found on only a single species of host. All chewing lice are permanent ectoparasites and complete their entire life c...Chewing lice2003
370 Riloff, Ellen M.Empirical study of automated dictionary construction for information extraction in three domainsA primary goal of natural language processing researchers is to develop a knowledge-based natural language processing (NLP) system that is portable across domains. However, most knowledge-based NLP systems rely on a domain-specific dictionary of concepts, which represents a substantial knowledge-en...Information extraction; AutoSlog; Across domains1996
371 Solomon, Douglas KipBayesian evaluation of groundwater age distribution using radioactive tracers and anthropogenic chemicalsThe development of a Bayesian modeling approach for estimation of the age distribution of groundwater using radioactive isotopes and anthropogenic chemicals is described. The model considers the uncertainties associated with the measured tracer concentrations as well as the parameters affecting the ...2012-01-01
372 Regehr, JohnEliminating stack overflow by abstract interpretationAn important correctness criterion for software running on embedded microcontrollers is stack safety: a guarantee that the call stack does not overflow. Our first contribution is a method for statically guaranteeing stack safety of interrupt-driven embedded software using an approach based on contex...2005-01-01
373 Baxter, Brent S.Image processing in the human visual systemThis work extends the multiplicative visual model to include image texture as suggested by experiments [Campbell, Weisel] linking a low resolution Fourier analysis with neurons in certain parts of the visual cortex. The new model takes image texture into account in the sense that weak texture is acc...Human visual system; Image texture1975
374 Myntti, JeremyDiscovering Your Family in Digital LibrariesPresentation on using digital libraries in family history research at the RootsTech Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.Family history; Digital libraries2019-02-28
375 Askew, Eldon WEffect of leucine supplementation on fat free mass with prolonged hypoxic exposure during a 13-day trek to Everest Base Camp: A double-blind randomized studyLoss of body weight and fat free mass (FFM) are commonly noted with prolonged exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. Recent evidence suggests protein supplementation, specifically leucine, may potentially attenuate loss of FFM in subcaloric conditions during normoxia. The purpose of this study was to determ...2014-01-01
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