351 - 375 of 408
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351 Morse, Michael DavidPhotodissociation measurements of bond dissociation energies: Ti?+, V?+, Co?+, and Co?+The bond dissociation energies of Ti2+, V+2 , Co+2, and Co: have been measured from the sudden onset of predissociation in the photodissociation spectra of these molecules, yielding values of D?(Ti+2)=2.435+0.002 eV, D?(V+2)=3.140?0.002 eV, D?(Co+2)=2.7651?0.001 eV, and D?(Co+3)=2.086?0.002 eV. Thes...1993
352 Stoller, Leigh B.PPE-level protocols for carpet clustersWe describe the lowest level of a suite of protocols for workstation cluster multicomputers: the parts implemented in hardware by a Protocol Processing Engine (PPE) and the software level immediately above the PPE. The stated goal of this work is extremely low end-to-end latency communications on in...Workstation clusters; Protocol Processing Engine; PPE1994
353 McDaniel, SusanSexual harassment in Canadian academe: explorations of power and privilegeSexual harassment is one of the ways in which women in academe experience inequities. Knowledge about and understanding of sexual harassment is increasing, perhaps even dramatically. Empirical research on sexual harassment in Canada, and particularly in the universities, is an important contributor...Intimidation; Authority; Powerlessness1991
354 Grodstein, JoelUser's manual for the sisyphus simulation environmentThis report describes how to create and simulate a design with Sisyphus. Inasmuch as Sisyphus is written in Symbolics-Lisp, some familiarity with both Lisp and with Symbolics computers is presumed. In addition, the concepts presented here presume an acquaintance with [3]. First, a disclaimer ? this...Sisyphus; Simulation environment; Symbolics-Lisp; Symbolics computers1986
355 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. Michaelα-Conotoxins ImI and ImII: similar α7 nicotinic receptor antagonists act at different sitesA novel conotoxin, α-conotoxin ImII (α-CTx ImII), identified from Conus imperialis venom ducts, was chemically synthesized. A previously characterized C. imperialis conotoxin, α-conotoxin ImI (α-CTx ImI), is closely related; 9 of 12 amino acids are identical. Both α-CTx ImII and α-CTx ImI...Conotoxins; Conotoxin ImI; Conotoxin ImII2003
356 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Robot manipulator prototyping (Complete Design Review)Prototyping is an important activity in engineering. Prototype development is a good test for checking the viability of a proposed system. Prototypes can also help in determining system parameters, ranges, or in designing better systems. The interaction between several modules (e.g., S/W, VLSI, CAD,...Robot manipulator; Prototyping1994
357 Firmage, Edwin B.Shanties, symbolic speech, and the public forum: ramshackle protection for free expressionShanties, symbolizing student opposition to South African apartheid and the demand that United States universities divest from corporations doing business in South Africa, were the sit-ins of the 1980s. Silent but graphic, shanties challenged the established order and attracted media attention. Som...Civil demonstration; Civil protest; First Amendment; Civil liberties1990
358 Chapman, David S.Air, ground, and groundwater recharge temperatures in an alpine setting, Brighton Basin, UtahNoble gases are useful tracers for constraining groundwater recharge temperature and elevation, critical in determining source areas of groundwater recharge in mountainous terrain. A monitoring network in the alpine Brighton Basin in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA, was established to ex...2012-01-01
359 Organick, Elliott I.CASL - A language for automating the implementation of computer architecturesThe computer Architecture Specification Language (CASL), described in this paper, is intended for use by computer architects CASL is a state machine description language especially useful for describing digital systems at the "register transfer" level and designed to meet the needs of the computer a...Computer Architecture Specification Language1979
360 Couldwell, William T.Expanding neurosurgeryThe history of medicine is replete with innovations in neurosurgery that have spurred further developments across the medical spectrum. Surgeons treating pathologies in the head and spine have broken ground with new approaches, techniques, and technologies since ancient times. Neurosurgeons occupy a...2014-01-01
361 Ailion, David CharlesObservation of ultraslow translational diffusion in metallic lithium by magnetic resonanceThe theory of a new magnetic-resonance technique for studying the ultra slow motion of atoms was presented in a previous paper. In this paper, we present its experimental confirmation for the case of translational diffusion in lithium metal. By this technique the mean time between atomic jumps r can...Ultraslow atomic motion; Magnetic resonance1965
362 Balasubramonian, RajeevPower efficient resource scaling in partitioned architectures through dynamic heterogeneityThe ever increasing demand for high clock speeds and the desire to exploit abundant transistor budgets have resulted in alarming increases in processor power dissipation. Partitioned (or clustered) architectures have been proposed in recent years to address scalability concerns in future billion-tr...Partitioned architectures; Clustered architectures; Energy × Delay2, Temperature; Dynamic frequency scaling; Thermal emergency2006
363 Goller, FranzProsthetic Avian vocal organ controlled by a freely behaving bird based on a low dimensional model of the biomechanical peripheryBecause of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal animal model to study general mechanisms underlying complex, learned motor behavior. The rich and diverse vocalizations of songbirds emerge as a result of the interaction between a pattern generator i...2012-01-01
364 Dawson, KyleRadiation tolerance of fully-depleted P-channel CCDs designed for the SNAP satelliteThick, fully depleted p-channel charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). These CCDs have several advantages over conventional thin, n-channel CCDs, including enhanced quantum efficiency and reduced fringing at near-infrared wavelengths an...P-Channel CCDs; SNAP satellite; Space-based telescopes2008-06
365 Wei, Y. H. DennisRestructuring for growth in urban China: transitional institutions, urban development, and spatial transformationThis research examines government policies and urban transformation in China through a study of Hangzhou City, which is undergoing dramatic growth and restructuring. As the southern center of the Yangtze River Delta, an emerging global city region of China, Hangzhou has been restlessly searching for...2012
366 Bradford, NettieProperty rights of animalsThe problem here treated includes the property rights and spatial relationships o f animals, with special reference to the land vertebrates. With little work done in the way of collecting and compiling materials pertaining to this field, the references and literature were widely scattered. Sources o...1946-11-30
367 Armentrout, Peter B.Translational energy dependence of Ar+ + XY → ArX+ + Y (XY = H2, D2, HD) from thermal to 30 eV c.m.Cross sections for the reactions of Ar+ with H2, D2, and HD to form ArH + and ArD + are measured using a new guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer which affords an experimental energy range from 0.05 to 500 eV laboratory. The apparatus and experimental techniques are described in detail. Cross se...Translational energy; Ion-molecule reactions; Ion energy; Argon; Hydrogen; Endothermic reactions1985
368 Baehr, WolfgangCalcium-sensitive particulate guanylyl cyclase as a modulator of cAMP in olfactory receptor neuronsThe second messengers cAMP and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate have been implicated in olfaction in various species. The odorant-induced cGMP response was investigated using cilia preparations and olfactory primary cultures. Odorants cause a delayed and sustained elevation of cGMP. A component of this c...Calcium-Binding Proteins; Nerve Tissue Proteins; Rats, Sprague-Dawley1998
369 Wright, Scott D.Caring to cultivate on the long row of life: an eclectic look at gardens, gardening, and the aging processGardening is one of the most popular home-based leisure activities in the U.S. and represents an important activity in the lives of older adults in a variety of residential settings. Yet, there has been a lack of any comprehensive and multidisciplinary examination of the nexus between gardening and...gardening; gardens; aging; caring2010
370 Morse, Michael DavidDispersed fluorsecence spectroscopy of AINi, NiAu, and PtCuDispersed fluorescence studies of AlNi, NiAu, and PtCu have been performed, providing spectroscopic information about the ground and low-lying excited electronic states. Vibrational frequencies are reported for the ground X 2?5/2 state of all three molecules. In the case of AlNi, fluorescence to all...2003
371 Gu, JunFast structured design of VLSI circuitsWe believe that a structured, user-friendly, cost-effective tool for rapid implementation of VLSI circuits which encourages students to participate directly in research projects are the key components in digital integrated circuit (IC) education. In this paper, we introduce our VLSI education activ...VLSI circuits; Rapid implementation1988
372 Hughes, Kelly T.FliT selectively enhances proteolysis of FlhC Subunit in FlhD4C2 complex by an ATP-dependent protease, ClpXPWe previously reported that the ClpXP ATP-dependent pro-tease specifically recognizes and degrades the flagellar master transcriptional activator complex, FlhD 4C2, to negatively control flagellar biogenesis. The flagellum-related protein, FliT, isalso a negative regulator of flagellar regulon by in...2014-01-01
373 Balasubramonian, RajeevIntegrating adaptive on-chip storage structures for reduced dynamic powerEnergy efficiency in microarchitectures has become a necessity. Significant dynamic energy savings can be realized for adaptive storage structures such as caches, issue queues, and register files by disabling unnecessary storage resources. Prior studies have analyzed individual structures and their...Microarchitecture2002
374 Carter, Tony M.The path programmable logic (PPL) user's manualThis manual describes the primitive NMOS path programmable logic cells currently in use at the University of Utah. It contains detailed descriptions, schematics and composite layout of all cells. Also included are PPL programming rules as well as layout design rules for each cell set.1982
375 Wen, MingRacial and ethnic differences in general health status and limiting health conditions among American children: parental reports in the 1999 National Survey of America's FamiliesObjectives: This research investigates the association between race/ethnicity and child health and examines the role of family structure, family SES, and healthcare factors in this association. Five major racial/ethnic groups in the United States are studied. Two child health outcomes including pare...Socioeconomic status; Health care; Children; Race; Ethnicity2006-09-01
351 - 375 of 408