326 - 350 of 383
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326 Jarrard, Richard D.Velocity and density of carbonate-rich sediments from northeastern Australian margin: integration of core and log dataDuring Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, shipboard scientists obtained a remarkable quantity of both core and log measurements of the physical properties of carbonate-rich sediments. This suite of measurements provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the robustness of each measurement technique...1993
327 Stark, Michael M.Vertex-Based formulations of Irradiance from polygonal sourcesIrradiance at a point on a receiver due to a uniformly emitting polygon luminaire, or equivalently, the differential area to polygon form factor, is of fundamental interest in computer graphics. An elegant closed-form expression attributed to Lambert, dating from the 18th century, is the most common...Vertex; Irradiance; polygon luminaire; computer graphics2000
328 Hall, ThadWho asks for voter identification? Explaining poll-worker discretionAs street-level bureaucrats, poll workers bear the primary responsibility for implementing voter identification requirements. Voter identification requirements are not implemented equally across groups of voters, and poll workers exercise substantial discretion in how they apply election law. In sta...2014-01-01
329 Gardner, Reed M.Electrocardiography and Pressure Monitoring: How to Obtain Optimal ResultsBiomedical Informatics1995
330 Flynn, John J.General practitioner's introduction to antitrust law and practiceAntitrust practice is considered by many general practitioners to be arcane, complex and mysterious. It is a jargon-ridden world, with rapid developments expanding an evermore complex vocabulary to describe new business practices brought within the ebb and flow of antitrust litigation. Most general ...Litigation.; Competition; Client1975
331 Chapman, David S.; Picard, M. DaneHeat flow in the Uinta Basin determined from bottom hole temperature (BHT) dataThe thermal resistance (or Bullard) method is used to judge the utility of petroleum well bottom-hole temperature data in determining surface heat flow and subsurface temperature patterns in a sedimentary basin. Thermal resistance, defined as the quotient of a depth parameter AZ and thermal con...Thermal analysis; Bottom hole temperature1984-04
332 Yu, ZhouInternet Access, Spillover and Regional Development in ChinaAs Internet access grows at different rates across regions, the Internet has had variable effects on regional economies through agglomeration and spillover effects. This paper uses province-level panel data from 2000 to 2013 to study inequality in Internet access, its spatial effect on regional econ...Digital divide; Internet access; spillover effect; regional economic development; China2017-06-03
333 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging 3D technology for improved reliabilityAggressive technology scaling over the years has helped improve processor performance but has caused a reduction in processor reliability. Shrinking transistor sizes and lower supply voltages have increased the vulnerability of computer systems towards transient faults. An increase in within-die an...Reliability; Redundant multi-threading, 3D die-stacking; Parameter variation; Soft errors; Dynamic timing errors; Power-efficient microarchitecture; On-chip temperature2007-12
334 Maloney, Thomas N.Living standards in black and white: evidence from the heights of Ohio prison inmates, 1829-1913The use of height data to measure living standards is now a well-established method in the economic history literature. Moreover, a number of core findings are widely agreed upon. There are still some populations, places, and times, however, for which anthropometric evidence remains limited. One su...Stature, Inequality, Nineteenth century US race relations2008-07
335 Bargteil, Adam WadeMultiphase flow of immiscible fluids on unstructured moving meshesIn this paper, we present a method for animating multiphase flow of immiscible fluids using unstructured moving meshes. Our underlying discretization is an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, the deformable simplicial complex (DSC), that moves with the flow in a Lagrangian manner. Mesh optimization opera...2014-01-01
336 Balasubramonian, RajeevScalable, reliable, power-efficient communication for hardware transactional memoryIn a hardware transactional memory system with lazy versioning and lazy conflict detection, the process of transaction commit can emerge as a bottleneck. This is especially true for a large-scale distributed memory system where multiple transactions may attempt to commit simultaneously and co-ordin...Hardware; Transactional memory; Communication2008
337 Gardner, Reed M.Standardization of Spirometry - 1987 UpdateBiomedical Informatics1987
338 Ailion, David Charles; Morris, Alan H.Determination of lung water content and distribution by nuclear magnetic resonance imagingNMR imaging techniques are applicable to the assessment of lung water content and distribution because the NMR signal is, under certain conditions, proportional to tissue proton density. NMR imaging is noninvasive, easily repeatable, free from ionizing radiation, and particularly suitable for the as...Water content1986
339 Stevens, KennethEnergy and performance models for synchronous and asynchronous communicationCommunication costs, which have the potential to throttle design performance as scaling continues, are mathematically modeled and compared for various pipeline methodologies. First-order models are created for common pipeline protocols, including clocked flopped, clocked time-borrowing latch, async...2010
340 Couldwell, William T.No ordinary time, no ordinary men: the relationship between Harvey Cushing and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1928-1939The authors elucidate the strong personal relationship that developed between Dr. Harvey Cushing and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) from 1928 to 1939, as manifested in their frequent letters to each other. The relationship was initiated by the marriage of their children. Through his correspondence ...2001
341 Gardner, Reed M.Standardization of Spirometry - 1987 UpdateBiomedical Informatics1987
342 Gardner, Reed M.Standardization of Spirometry - 1987 UpdateBiomedical Informatics1987
343 Normann, Richard A.; Muller, Jay F.; Kolb, HelgaSynaptic inputs to physiologically defined turtle retinal ganglion cellsTwo physiologically distinct, HRP-marked turtle retinal ganglion cells were examined for their morphology, GABAergic, glycinergic, and bipolar cell synaptic inputs, using electron-microscopic autoradiography and postembedding immunocytochemistry. One cell was a color-opponent, transient ON/OFF gangl...Turtles; Neural Pathways; Synapes; Retinal Ganglion Cells1991
344 Thalos, Mariam G.SystemsDynamical-systems analysis is nowadays ubiquitous. From engineering (its point of origin and natural home) to physiology, and from psychology to ecology, it enjoys surprisingly wide application. Sometimes the analysis rings decisively false-as, for example, when adopted in certain treatments of hist...2009
345 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma ppojesi (UTARP) kenan tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporuBu rapor, Giineydogu Anadolu'da Diyarbakir ili iginde yer alan Kenan Tepe'nin ilk kazi mevsimi olan 2000 yih gali§malan hakkinda kisaca bilgi verme amacini ta§imaktadir. ilk kazi mevsiminin amaci yerle§menin kronolojisini, Kenan Tepe'de bulunan degi§ik donemlere ait yerle§melerin niteligi ve do...2000-01-01
346 Parker, Bradley J.Yukari dicle arkeolojik arastirma projesi (UTARP) Kenan Tepe 2000 yiki calismalari raporu (The upper Tigris archaeological research project (UTARP) a preliminary report from the year 2000 excavations at Kenan Tepe)
347 Brown, Francis HaroldA summary of the geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah1978
348 Hansen, Charles D.Design of 2D time-varying vector fieldsDesign of time-varying vector fields, i.e., vector fields that can change over time, has a wide variety of important applications in computer graphics. Existing vector field design techniques do not address time-varying vector fields. In this paper, we present a framework for the design of time-vary...2012-01-01
349 Chapman, David S.Exhumation of the central Wasatch Mountains, Utah: 2, thermokinematic model of exhumation, erosion, and thermochronometer interpretationThe Wasatch fault is a ~370 km long normal fault in Utah that marks the boundary between the stable Colorado Plateau to the east and the extending Basin and Range to the west. Understanding the thermokinematic evolution of this fault can provide insights into intracontinental extensional tectonics a...Uplift; Exhumation; Wasatch Fault; Wasatch Mountains; Utah; Helium dating; Fission track; Tectonophysics; Extensional tectonics; Geothermal observations2002
350 Fragile families and family lawThis paper reviews how family law in the United States impacts upon fragile families in four ways. First, it discusses how fragile families are invisible to much of family law, and are largely ignored or neglected in family law. Second, it reviews family law reforms that have been intended to hel...Legal issues; Statute; Ordinance; Descendents; Offspring2003-10-18
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