301 - 325 of 10,690
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301 Khan, Faisal HabibAC solar cells: An embedded "all in one" PV power systemPower converters constructed from discrete components are difficult to mass produce, and the installation involves a significant labor cost to have the proper interconnection among the panel, inverter and the grid. These facts indicate that the present PV technology may not be able to address the ch...2012-01-01
302 Erickson, John OwenAcademiaForm: painting; Medium: oil and latex; Dimensions: 18 x 24"Painting2008
303 Cowan, Derek; DuVall, Scott L.Academic podcasting:quality content delivery 2009-09-23 Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A new system for distributing the seminar was developed that takes advantage of content syndication technology. Podcasting is a form of web syndication whereby multimedia content is made available for use by other applications. By making the seminar available as a podcast, some of the problems related to streaming video broadcasts are resolved. text; image Academic Podcasting: Quality Content Delivery Jacob S Tripp BS1, Scott L DuVall BS1, Derek L Cowan2, Aaron W C Kamauu MD, MPH, MS1 1Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 2Spencer S Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Feed Reader Checks for and Downloads Attend any New Files Seminar Watch Live Broadcast Watch Streaming Video Create Downloadable Video Create Streaming Video Retrieve Downloadable Video Browse to Live Internet Streaming Video Broadcast Watch Downloaded Video Transfer to Portable Device Watch on Portable Device Record Update RSS Feed Introduction Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A new system for distributing the seminar was developed that takes advan-tage of content syndication technology. Podcasting is a form of web syndi-cation whereby multimedia content is made available for use by other appli-cations. By making the seminar available as a podcast, some of the problems related to streaming video broadcasts are resolved. In addition to be available as a live webcast, department seminars are recorded in AVI format, converted to Real Media streams, MP4 video and MP3 audio formats, and stored on the Eccles Health Science Library multimedia server. We developed a database-driven web application to input and store seminar metadata and automatically generate files that conform to Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 2.0 (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss), an XML schema that defines machine-readable descriptions and links to media in a web feed. These RSS files also contain specific tags that allow the feeds to be published in the iTunes Music Store Podcast Directory. End users can subscribe to video and audio feeds through web-based podcast listeners or desktop-based feed aggregators that support file enclosures. The podcast is indexed in several podcast directories including Apple Computer's (Cupertino, CA) iTunes Music Store Podcast Directory. iTunes is unique in that it combines a web-based podcast directory with the desktop-based feed reader. Discussion Podcasting is quickly gaining popularity. Podcasts can be transferred to por-table media devices allowing for viewing away from the computer. By making the seminar available in this format, viewers experience an improved viewing experience at a convenient time and place. Only a small fraction of existing podcast would be considered academic. The University of Utah Bio-medical Informatics Seminar is one of only two podcasts listed in the iTunes index on the topic of Medical or Biomedical Informatics. This seminar is an approved source of CME for live viewing, either in person or remotely. This presents the possibility of the podcast also becoming an online source for CME credit. Acknowledgements This research was supported by National Library of Medicine Training Grant T15 LM007124. 60 University of Utah Biomedical Informatics Seminar - Full Video http://uuhsc.utah.edu/medinfo/index.cfm?Content=Seminar (c) 2006 University of Utah - Biomedical Informatics Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:06:37 MST Wed, 09 Aug 2006 08:49:47 MST A Weekly Video Podcast of the Biomedical Informatics Graduate Seminar Series from the University of Utah School of Medicine. Biomedical Informatics A Weekly Biomedical Informatics Graduate Seminar Series from the University of Utah School of Medicine en-us Utah Health Information Network Health Information Exchange (HIE)</a></td><td>Our weekly department seminar has been available as streaming video for several years. Streaming video depends on a reliable, broadband connection for the entire duration of viewing for consistent video quality. Even users with faster internet connections have reported poor video quality at times. A...</td><td>Academic podcasting; Content delivery; Quality; Content syndication technology; Trapeze Interactive Poster</td><td>2009-09-23</td></tr> <tr id="id704138"> <td>304</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=704138&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/da/49/da4957295745766e38debd64d3dc097860720fde.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Horch, Kenneth W.; Christensen, Douglas A.</td><td><a href="/details?id=704138&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accelerated 4-year bachelors/masters degree program in biomedical engineering</a></td><td>In response to the need for providing advanced engineering education in a shorter time period than is currently possible by traditional curricula, we have created an Accelerated Dual Degree program in biomedical engineering. The purpose of this pilot program is to attract the brightest students, g...</td><td>Accelerated dual-degree program</td><td>2002</td></tr> <tr id="id706793"> <td>305</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706793&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/da/49/da4957295745766e38debd64d3dc097860720fde.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Horch, Kenneth W.; Christensen, Douglas A.</td><td><a href="/details?id=706793&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accelerated 4-year bachelors/masters degree program in biomedical engineering</a></td><td>In response to the need for providing advanced engineering education in a shorter time period than is currently possible by traditional curricula, we have created an Accelerated Dual Degree program in biomedical engineering. The purpose of this pilot program is to attract the brightest students, g...</td><td>Accelerated; Dual-degrees; Education</td><td>2002</td></tr> <tr id="id706689"> <td>306</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706689&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/87/2e/872e53e835fb8de466be75af10bcecc6444b9bbc.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Christensen, Douglas A.; Horch, Kenneth W.</td><td><a href="/details?id=706689&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accelerated dual-degree BS/MS program - experience with the first three years</a></td><td>We have initiated a pilot program that accelerates the studies of a small group of highly qualified students early in their college careers and allows them to earn both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in about four years after starting college. It does this by introducing them early to res...</td><td>Accelerated dual-degree program</td><td>2004</td></tr> <tr id="id705742"> <td>307</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=705742&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/51/18/511860050a3b0ff5a492a2416a64e43285113f76.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Hansen, Charles D.</td><td><a href="/details?id=705742&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accelerated isosurface extraction in time-varying fields</a></td><td>For large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performance of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends t...</td><td>Isosurfaces; Time-dependent scalar field visualization; Multiresolution methods; Octree; Bricking; Unstructured grid visualization; Out-of-core visualization</td><td>2000</td></tr> <tr id="id713377"> <td>308</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=713377&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/b1/cb/b1cbc5f6a689848355253b5c17cb9705983f4e16.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Hamasu, Claire</td><td><a href="/details?id=713377&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accelerating Technology Adoption by Health Sciences Librarians</a></td><td>The Rogers model for adoption and diffusion of innovation can be applied to the adoption of new technology. We know innovators need to start with the early adopters to build capacity before reaching the majority level. The National Network of Libraries of Medicine MidContinental Region (NN/LM MCR) s...</td><td>NN/LM; RML; National Network of Libraries of Medicine; MidContinental Region (MCR); Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library</td><td>2009</td></tr> <tr id="id712841"> <td>309</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=712841&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/90/6d/906deb31e082304600c85ae957751fefd3f6141d.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Francis, Leslie</td><td><a href="/details?id=712841&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accommodating every body</a></td><td>This Article contends that workplace accommodations should be predicated on need or effectiveness instead of group-identity status. It proposes that, in principle, "accommodating every body" be achieved by extending Americans with Disabilities Act-type reasonable accommodation to all work-capable me...</td><td></td><td>2014-01-01</td></tr> <tr id="id706072"> <td>310</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706072&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/73/de/73de3f046e51e2406a87159470dbb668daf2dea9.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Zimmer, Zachary</td><td><a href="/details?id=706072&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accounting for urban versus rural discrepancies in mortality and functional health among older adults in China</a></td><td>Broad differences exist in social and economic life between residents living in urban versus rural areas of China. To study the health implications of these differences, the current study employs data from a longitudinal study of older adults in the Beijing municipality, a region of China that has w...</td><td>Chinese; Elderly; Health care; Quality of life; Population</td><td>2006-09-05</td></tr> <tr id="id712695"> <td>311</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=712695&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/3d/b9/3db902512779e9cb5373ce1d8cc00b2c2d4b3965.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Maas, Steve</td><td><a href="/details?id=712695&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accuracy and feasibility of dual fluoroscopy and model-based tracking to quantify in vivo hip kinematics during clinical exams</a></td><td>Accurate measurements of in-vivo hip kinematics may elucidate the mechanisms responsible for impaired function and chondrolabral damage in hips with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). The objectives of this study were to quantify the accuracy and demonstrate the feasibility of using dual fluoroscop...</td><td></td><td>2014-01-01</td></tr> <tr id="id713275"> <td>312</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=713275&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/e8/fd/e8fd6fb03ab390e1ed526b361a3adfde9dd56c62.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Gardner, Reed M.</td><td><a href="/details?id=713275&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accuracy and Reliability of Disposable Pressure Transducers Coupled With Modern Pressure Monitors</a></td><td>Biomedical Informatics</td><td></td><td>1996</td></tr> <tr id="id704635"> <td>313</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=704635&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/c5/a9/c5a949d085d5998d6f21bb05e4e747fcf57e8f3a.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Mattis, Daniel C.</td><td><a href="/details?id=704635&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accuracy of bosonization for localized interactions</a></td><td>Bosonization is commonly used to calculate the ground-state energy and the dynamics of simple model nonmagnetic impurities in metals. We analyze the accuracy of this procedure in the calculation of the ground-state energy of a simple, solvable, model.</td><td>Fermions; Electrons; Magnetic</td><td>2000</td></tr> <tr id="id713159"> <td>314</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=713159&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/45/82/45828e983950f020d2256048ffa821b61ae940d8.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Gardner, Reed M.</td><td><a href="/details?id=713159&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Accuracy of Pulmonary Artery and Wedge Pressure Measurements (Letter)</a></td><td>Biomedical Informatics</td><td></td><td>1984</td></tr> <tr id="id705356"> <td>315</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=705356&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/49/78/4978ec8c3e90fa7a286a01f00af3655a9b3a1b0f.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Myers, Chris J.; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh</td><td><a href="/details?id=705356&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Achieving fast and exact hazard-free logic minimization of extended burst-mode gC finite state machines</a></td><td>Abstract This paper presents a new approach to two-level hazard-free logic minimization in the context of extended burst-mode finite state machine synthesis targeting generalized C-elements (gC). No currently available minimizers for literal-exact two-level hazard-free logic minimization of extende...</td><td></td><td>2000</td></tr> <tr id="id706730"> <td>316</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=706730&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/be/15/be158861fafc01a3120ca3c9e331f73f71c1afcc.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Symko, Orest George</td><td><a href="/details?id=706730&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acoustic approach to thermal management: miniature thermoacoustic engines</a></td><td>An acoustic approach to thermal management in electronics can be efficient and it can be directly interfaced with electronic devices. It is based on two types of thermoacoustic heat engines, which are being developed for microcircuit applications. One type of device, the prime mover, converts heat t...</td><td>Thermoacoustic engines; Thermal management</td><td>2006</td></tr> <tr id="id703008"> <td>317</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=703008&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/27/64/276488f8215471bb461880e762cecf5eed1e5953.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Christensen, Douglas A.</td><td><a href="/details?id=703008&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acoustic droplet vaporization, cavitation, and therapeutic properties of copolymer-stabilized perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions</a></td><td>Acoustic and therapeutic properties of Doxorubicin (DOX) and paclitaxel (PTX)-loaded perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions have been investigated in a mouse model of ovarian cancer. The nanoemulsions were stabilized by two biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymers that differed in the structure of the hydr...</td><td>Cancer therapy; Targeted drug delivery; Nanobubbles; Ultrasound; Perfluoropentane</td><td>2009</td></tr> <tr id="id704568"> <td>318</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=704568&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/a8/44/a84499d4895dfdf0545574d7b63467ee7f3ab1fc.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Horch, Kenneth W.</td><td><a href="/details?id=704568&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acoustic interneurons of fiddler and ghost crabs</a></td><td>The properties of acoustic interneurons in fiddler (Uca pugilalor and U. minax) and ghost (Ocvpade qucldrula) crabs are described, as revealed bv tests with pure tones. Three types of interneurons were present in all species: tonic, which fired for the duration of the stimulus; phasic, which fire...</td><td>Acoustic crabs; Neural recording; Vibration reception</td><td>1976</td></tr> <tr id="id703382"> <td>319</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=703382&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/e4/b6/e4b61df8892f34c25fca1c3e3e4c87db4c00e5e6.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Callahan, Michael Wayne</td><td><a href="/details?id=703382&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acoustic signal processing based on the short-time spectrum</a></td><td>The frequency domain representation of a time signal afforded by the Fourier transform is a powerful tool in acoustic signal processing. The usefulness of this representation is rooted in the mechanisms of sound production and perception. Many sources of sound exhibit normal modes or natural frequen...</td><td>Acoustic signal processing</td><td>1976</td></tr> <tr id="id707946"> <td>320</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=707946&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/0b/9a/0b9a9cd8c33f9eedc262becdccb030016b0c8afb.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Wambaugh, Julie L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=707946&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquired apraxia of speech: the effects of repeated practice and rate/rhythm control treatments on sound production accuracy</a></td><td>Purpose: This investigation was designed to elucidate the effects of repeated practice treatment on sound production accuracy in individuals with apraxia of speech (AOS) and aphasia. A secondary purpose was to determine if the addition of rate/rhythm control to treatment provided further benefits be...</td><td></td><td>2012-01-01</td></tr> <tr id="id707450"> <td>321</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=707450&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/47/21/47219dca53931aabbd4c40d542c9397be7037a9b.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Ogburn, Joyce L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=707450&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquiring minds want to know: [readers' survey]</a></td><td>In preparation for a discussion at the Charleston Conference, I am asking librarians, vendors, publishers, and system vendors who read Against the Grain to answer a survey about how services and products that support information delivery and dissemination are developed and change over time. For exa...</td><td>Reader surveys; Libraries; Acquisitions; Vendors</td><td>1993</td></tr> <tr id="id704323"> <td>322</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=704323&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/62/15/621587907ba5f579dce25f327b8f3e7d57a1e8a2.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Ogburn, Joyce L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=704323&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquiring minds want to know: a glimpse of paradigms</a></td><td>Acquiring Minds Want to Know column: "The concept of the paradigm, as generally cited in the literature, derives from the work of Thomas Kuhn in the 1960's. Kuhn, an historian of science, set out to explore how science, and scientists, actually worked. Kuhn found that scientific activity tends to be...</td><td>Thomas Kuhn; Paradigms; Librarianship, trends; Librarianship, Philosophy; of</td><td>1993-04</td></tr> <tr id="id702542"> <td>323</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=702542&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/ba/47/ba478f3998018c81b0b162d748a5d45ab45ca4e2.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Ogburn, Joyce L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=702542&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquiring minds want to know: acquisitions and new technology</a></td><td>An Acquiring Minds Want to Know column: "Acquisitions as a function faces two major challenges. One is the general lack of an automated system that manages complicated acquisitions processes, provides interfaces to vendors, publishers, and institutional financial departments, and gathers significant...</td><td>Automated library systems; Acquisitions</td><td>1994-06</td></tr> <tr id="id702540"> <td>324</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=702540&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/5c/b2/5cb2e721413f2ef83ce929fc06a21f151e8403f5.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Ogburn, Joyce L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=702540&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquiring minds want to know: CAUSE</a></td><td>This year I went to CAUSE in Orlando FL, December 3-5, for the first time to see how it differed from EDUCOM (at the CAUSE meeting the two organizations voted to merge next year). The content seemed similar and some of the same attendees and vendors were there. Typical topics covered campus informat...</td><td>Education; Technology; CAUSE; Libraries</td><td>1998</td></tr> <tr id="id705360"> <td>325</td> <td> <a href="/details?id=705360&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016"><img alt="" class="thumb" src="/dl_thumbs/2a/55/2a5573dffef4516096099038c07f356deb00a352.jpg" /></a> </td> <td>Ogburn, Joyce L.</td><td><a href="/details?id=705360&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&page=13&year_end=2016">Acquiring minds want to know: cloth - paper-still, an issue</a></td><td>Acquiring Minds Want to Know column: "In the last issue of Against the Grain, I presented some ideas about the possible assumptions about obligations that underlie the scholarly paperback market. This article gets a little more practical and presents some figures from Yale for your consideration."</td><td>Books, paperback; Books, hardback; Acquisitions, libraries</td><td>1994-11</td></tr></table> <div class="main-search-results"> <div class="sort1"> <div class="page_entries"> <strong>301</strong> - <strong>325</strong> of <strong>10,690</strong> </div> <div class="pagination"><ul><li><a href="/search?page=12&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016"><</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=8&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">8</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=9&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">9</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=10&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">10</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=11&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">11</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=12&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">12</a></li><li class="active"><a href="/search?page=13&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">13</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=14&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">14</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=15&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">15</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=16&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">16</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=17&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">17</a></li><li><a href="/search?page=14&facet_setname_s=%22ir_uspace%22&year_end=2016">></a></li></ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="twelve columns"><img src="/img/footer_logo_uu.png" alt="Marriott Digital Library Logo"></div> </div> <div class="row footer-4-col"> <div class="three columns"> <p><a href="https://lib.utah.edu">J. 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