301 - 325 of 1,196
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301 Gardner Michael K.; Woltz, Dan J.Representation of memory for order of mental operations in cognitive tasksRecent research shows that people learning a cognitive task acquire a memory for the order of operations applied, independent of the data to which those operations were applied. We designed two experiments to show how this sequence memory is represented. Experiment 1 compared predictions based on...Cognitive skills; Operation sequences; Sequential skills2002
302 Morse, Michael DavidSpectroscopy of mixed early-late transition metal diatomics: ScNi, YPd, and ZrCoResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been employed to investigate the spectra of the jet-cooled transition metal diatomics ScNi, YPd, and ZrCo, which are isovalent species which possess ~or are thought to possess! an X 2?+ ground state. Several electronic band systems have been observed f...1994
303 Miller, Joel StevenFerrimagnetic ordering of a methylthio-substituted planar porphyrin based electron transfer salt, octakis(2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-methylthio)porphyrinatomanganese(III) tetracyanoethanideThe direct redox reaction between tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and a planar porphyrinatomanganese(II), octakis(2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-methylthio)porphyrinatomanganese(II), MnIIOMTP, produced a polymeric electron transfer salt (ETS), that has been structurally and magnetically characterized. The ETS belon...Magnetic; Temperature; Coupling2000
304 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. MichaelIsolation and characterization of a novel Conus peptide with apparent antinociceptive activityCone snails are tropical marine mollusks that envenomate prey with a complex mixture of neuropharmacologically active compounds. We report the discovery and biochemical characterization of a structurally unique peptide isolated from the venom of Conus marmoreus. The new peptide, mr10a, potently incr...Conotoxins; Conus peptides; Conus marmoreus; mr10a; antinociceptive activity2000
305 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Ireland, Chris M.NMR structures of conotoxinsThis review discusses the methodology, structural details, and biological implications regarding NMR structures of conotoxins. NMR and molecular modeling techniques have improved to the point that three-dimensional structures of conotoxins can now be determined with a significant degree of confiden...Conotoxins1996
306 Gerig, GuidoTeasing apart the heterogeneity of autism: Same behavior, different brains in toddlers with fragile X syndrome and autismTo examine brain volumes in substructures associated with the behavioral features of children with FXS compared to children with idiopathic autism and controls. A cross-sectional study of brain substructures was conducted at the first time-point as part of an ongoing longitudinal MRI study of brain ...2009-01-01
307 Freire, Juliana; Silva, Claudio T.VisTrails: enabling interactive multiple-view visualizationsVisTrails is a new system that enables interactive multiple-view visualizations by simplifying the creation and maintenance of visualization pipelines, and by optimizing their execution. It provides a general infrastructure that can be combined with existing visualization systems and libraries. A ke...VisTrails; Dataflows; Pipelines; Provenance management; Interrogative visualization; Caching; Coordinated views2005
308 DeTar, CarletonPhenomenological lattice model of the high-temperature phase transition in quantum chromodynamicsWe propose a simple phenomenological lattice model for the high-temperature phase transition in a quark-gluon plasma, in which the elementary dynamical variables are Wilson lines and SU(iV) chiral spins. A mean-field analysis of the model shows a second-order chiral phase transition for N=2 and a fi...Quark plasma; Gluon plasma; Chiral symmetry; Phase transitions1987-06
309 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Yoshikami, Doju; Bulaj, GrzegorzPost-translational amino acid isomerization: a functionally important D-amino acid in an excitatory peptideThe post-translational modification of an L- to a D-amino acid has been documented in relatively few gene products, mostly in small peptides under 10 amino acids in length. In this report, we demonstrate that a 46-amino acid polypeptide toxin has one D-phenylalanine at position 44, and that the ...D-amino acid; Excitatory peptides; Conotoxins2005
310 Wu, Yong-ShiQuantum phase transition in a multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensate in optical latticesWe present a general lattice model for a multicomponent atomic Bose-Einstein system in an optical lattice. Using the model, we analytically study the quantum phase transition between the Mott insulator and a superfluid. A mean-field theory is developed from the Mott-insulator ground state. When the...Quantum phase transitions; Optical lattices; Bose-Einstein condensation; Boson-Hubbard model; Superfluids2003-01
311 Metos, Julie MarieTeacher awareness and implementation of food and physical activity policies in Utah Elementary Schools, 2010Introduction Schools are a key venue for childhood obesity prevention policies. The objective of this study was to examine factors associated with elementary school teacher awareness and implementation of their schools' food and physical activity policies. Methods We collected data through an online...2011-01-01
312 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Tetracyanoethylene-based organic magnetsSeveral classes of organic magnets based upon the tetracyanoethenide radical anion, [TCNE](.-), either unbound, (u), and (u4) bonded to zero, two and four metal sites have been reported. The putative (u4) bonded V(TCNE)x room temperature magnet has been extended to include M(TCNE)x(M = Mn, Fe, Co,...Magnetization; Magnetic ordering; Oxidation1998
313 Harrison, Reid R.Wireless neural recording with single low-power integrated circuitWe present benchtop and in vivo experimental results from an integrated circuit designed for wireless implantable neural recording applications. The chip, which was fabricated in a commercially available 0.6- m 2P3M BiCMOS process, contains 100 amplifiers, a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC...2009-08
314 Varner, Michael W.Association of obesity with pulmonary and nonpulmonary complications of pregnancy in asthmatic women.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether maternal obesity is associated with pulmonary and nonpulmonary pregnancy complications in asthmatic women. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the prospective cohort Asthma During Pregnancy Study. Asthma patients were classified as having either mild or moderate t...Asthma; Body Mass Index; Pregnancy Outcome; Lung Diseases2006-07
315 Coley, Phyllis D.Chemical and bioactive natural products from microthyriaceae sp., an endophytic fungus from a tropical grassIn screening for natural products with antiparasitic activity, an endophytic fungus, strain F2611, isolated from above-ground tissue of the tropical grass Paspalum conjugatum (Poaceae) in Panama, was chosen for bioactive principle elucidation. Cultivation on malt extract agar (MEA) followed by bioas...2014-01-01
316 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Comment on "Frequency response and origin of the spin-½ photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance in a ∏-conjugated polymerIn a recent paper, Segal et al. [Phys. Rev. B 71, 245201 (2005)] advanced a new explanation for the dynamics of spin-1/2 photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) in films of a rr-conjugated polymer, namely, a soluble derivative of poly(phenylene-vinylene) (MEH-PPV), using a model [dubbe...Photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance; PLDMR; pi-conjugated polymers; Poly(phenylene-vinylene); MEH-PPV2007-06
317 Gardner, Reed M.Computer Charting: An Evaluation of a Respiratory Care Computer SystemBiomedical Informatics1985
318 Couldwell, William T.Inhibition of cellular growth and induction of apoptosis in pituitary adenoma cell lines by the protein kinase C inhibitor hypericin: potential therapeutic applicationProtein kinase C (PKC) is an enzyme involved in the regulation of cellular growth, proliferation, and differentiation in a number of tissues including the anterior pituitary, in which it is also believed to play a role in hormone secretion. Protein kinase C activity and expression have been found to...Apoptosis; Hypericin; Pituitary adenoma; Protein kinase C1996
319 Schmidt, Meic H.Repeated operations for infiltrative low-grade gliomas without intervening therapyProgression of infiltrative low-grade gliomas (LGGs) has been reported previously. The limitations of such studies include diverse histological grading systems, intervening therapy, and the lack of histological confirmation of malignant tumor progression. The aim of this study was to determine tumo...Infiltrative low-grade gliomas; LGG; Tumor progression; Repeated operations; Tumor recurrence2003
320 Weinstein, DavidStatistical analysis for FEM EEG source localization in realistic head modelsEstimating the location and distribution of electric current sources within the brain from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is an ill-posed inverse problem. The ill-posed nature of the inverse EEG problem is due to the lack of a unique solution such that different configurations of sources c...inverse EEG problem; FEM EEG; source localization2000
321 Kendall, Katherine A.Comparing quality of life scores to objective measures of swallowing function after chemoradiation therapy for oropharyngeal carcinoma2013-05-11
322 DeTar, CarletonLight hadron properties with improved staggered quarksPreliminary results from simulations with 2+1 dynamical quark flavors at a lattice spacing of 0.09 fm are combined with earlier results at a = 0.13 fm. We examine the approach to the continuum limit and investigate the dependence of the pseudoscalar masses and decay constants as the sea and valence...Staggered quarks2003-05
323 Ostafin, AgnesNanomedicine making headway across the blood brain barrierNanotechnological advances implemented by nanomedicine have allowed significant development of imaging strategies, therapeutics and theranostics for many severe and life threatening diseases such as brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders. The Blood-Br...2012-01-01
324 Jorgensen, ErikUNC-11, a Caenorhabditis elegans AP180 homologue, regulates the size and protein composition of synaptic vesiclesThe unc-11 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes multiple isoforms of a protein homologous to the mammalian brain-specific clathrin-adaptor protein AP180. The UNC-11 protein is expressed at high levels in the nervous system and at lower levels in other tissues. In neurons, UNC-11 is enriched at pr...Caenorhabditis elegans; Synaptic vesicles; unc-11; Synaptobrevin; Endocytosis1999
325 Harrison, Reid R.Local field potential measurement with low-power analog integrated circuitLocal field potentials (LFPs) in the brain are an important source of information for basic research and clinical (i.e., neuroprosthetic) applications. The energy contained in certain bands of LFPs in the 10-100 Hz range has been shown to correlate with specific arm movement parameters in nonhuman ...Local field potentials; Neural recording; Low-power circuit design; Neural prosthesis; VLSI2004-01-01
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