276 - 300 of 2,491
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276 Battin, Margaret P.Assisted suicide: can we learn from Germany?As the United States' public discussion of euthanasia and assisted suicide grows increasingly volatile, our interest in the Netherlands--the only country that openly permits the practice of euthanasia--has grown enormously. How do they do it? we ask. What drugs do they use? How many cases of euthan...Assisted suicide; Netherlands; Right to die1992
277 Smith, Ken R.Association of physical and behavioral characteristics with menstrual cycle patterns in women age 29-31 yearsWe examined the association between menstrual cycle characteristics(cycle length, variability, and bleeding length) and physical and behavioral attributes in 766 women age 29-31 years. Menstrual cycled at a were prospectively recorded as part of the Menstruation and Reproductive History Study of col...1996
278 Ailion, David Charles; Morris, Alan H.Asymmetric spin echo sequences. a simple new method for obtaining NMR 1H spectral imagesThe nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal decay produced by reversible tissue-induced dephasing of the magnetization components in the transverse plane (reversible tissue-induced dephasing) was measured and expressed as a function of a new transverse relaxation time T'2 (T2 prime) for samples of ...Asymmetric spin echo; Signal decay; Chemical shift; Tissue characterization; Lung aeration; Fatty liver1985
279 Sikorski, KrisAsymptotic near optimality of the bisection methodThe bisection method is shown to possess the nearly best rate of convergence for infinitely differentiable functions having zeros of arbitrary multiplicity. If the multiplicity of zeros is bounded, methods are known which have asymptotically at least quadratic rate of convergence.Bisection method1988
280 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshAsynchronous circuit verification using trace theory and CCSWe investigate asynchronous circuit verification using Dill's trace theory as well as Milner's CCS (as mechanized by the Concurrency Workbench). Trace theory is a formalism specifically designed for asynchronous circuit specification and verification. CCS is a general purpose calculus of communicat...Trace theory; Verification; CCS1992
281 Williams, Clayton C.Atomic force microscope-force mapping and profiling on a sub 100-Å scaleA modified version of the atomic force microscope is introduced that enables a precise measurement of the force between a tip and a sample over a tip-sample distance range of 30-150Å. As an application, the force signal is used to maintain the tip-sample spacing constant, so that profiling can be ...Attractive force; Silicon wafer1987
282 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Atomic force microscopy study of ordered GaInPExamines the nature of the steps on the surface of gallium indium phosphide lattice layers matched to gallium arsenide substrates using atomic force microscopy. Temperatures of organometallic vapor phase epitaxy used; Relation of height of steps with misorientation angle; Link of supersteps with the...Surface chemistry; Lattice theory1995
283 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Williams, Clayton C.Atomic ordering of GaInP studied by Kelvin probe force microscopyThe atomic ordering of GaInP has been established and studied by a variety of methods, including transmission electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and photoluminescence. In this work, a Kelvin probe force microscope _x0002_KPFM_x0003_ has been employed to image several GaInP samples previous...Cathodoluminescence; Photoluminescence; Surface morphology1995
284 Gardner, Reed M.ATS Statement - Snowbird Workshop on Standardization of SpirometryBiomedical Informatics1979
285 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Ives, Jeffrey T.; Stockham, Thomas G.Automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolutionAn automated reader for electrophoresis based DNA sequencing methods is described that provides fast and accurate sequence determination. Digitized sequencing lanes are processed with homomorphic blind deconvolution in preparation for peak detection, interlane alignment, peak refinement and base cal...Sequence Analysis; Electrophoresis; Automated Film Reader; Homomorphic Deconvolution1994
286 Pryor, T. AllanAutomated Interpretation of the Mackay-Marg Tonograph by Digital ComputerBiomedical Informatics1973
287 Warner, Homer R.Automated Transformation of Probabilistic Knowledge for a Medical Diagnostic SystemBiomedical Informatics1994
288 Warner, Homer R.Automated Transformation of Probablistic Knowledge for a Medical Diagnostic SystemBiomedical Informatics1994
289 Zhu, XiaohongAutomatic compensating cleanup operationToday's part geometries are becoming ever more complex and require more accurate tool path to manufacture. Machining process efficiency is also a major consideration for designers as well as manufacturing engineers. Although the current advanced CAD/CAM systems have greatly improved the efficiency ...Part geometries1989
290 Lee, Hyo JongAutomatic mesh analysis technique by knowledge-based systemThe finite element analysis technique has been recognized as a very important tool to solve various engineering problems, such as structural analysis, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. The key point to the technique is discretization of the domain of interest into many finite elements. A good resul...Mesh analysis; Mesh generation algorithm1989
291 Brunvand, Erik L.Automatic rapid prototyping of semi-custom VLSI circuits using actel FPGAsAbstract : We describe a technique for translating semi-custom VLSI circuits automatically into field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for rapid prototyping to develop a system. Using an array multiplier as an example of this translation, the VLSI circuits are designed using a cell-matrix based envi...1995
292 Smith, Kent F.Automatic rapid prototyping of semi-custom VLSI circuits using FPGAsWe describe a technique for translating semi-custom VLSI circuits automatically, integrating two design environments, into field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for rapid and inexpensive prototyping. The VLSI circuits are designed using a cell-matrix based environment that produces chips with densi...Semi-custom; VLSI circuits1994
293 Cohen, ElaineAutomatic sculptured five-axis milling with check surfacesAn approach to 5-axis milling of B-spline surfaces is presented. Within its domain, it provides better check surface handling than APT. The scheme for tool position generation is based on a B-spline curve refinement method and a set of criteria for tolerance control which allows the tool positions ...B-spline surfaces; 5-axis milling; Tool paths1989
294 Fuchs, HenryThe automatic sensing and analysis of 3-D surface points from visual scenesDescribed are the design and implementation of a new range-measuring sensing device and an associated software algorithm for constructing surface descriptions of arbitrary three-dimensional objects from single or multiple views. The sensing device, which measures surface points from objects in its ...Range-measuring; Sensing device1976
295 Stevens, Kenneth; Davis, Alan L.Automatic synthesis of fast compact self-timed control circuitsWe present a tool called MEAT which has been designed to automatically synthesize transistor level. CMOS, self-timed control circuits. MEAT has been used to specify and synthesize self-timed circuits for a fully self-timed 300,000 transistor communication coprocessor. The design is specified using f...1993
296 Stevens, KennethAutomatic synthesis of fast, compact self-timed controlAn automated synthesis tool, called the Most Excellent Asynchronous Tool, or MEAT is presented. This tool has been used to specify and synthesize self-timed circuits for a fully self-timed 300,000 transistor communication co-processor. The Specification is done with stylized state diagrams. This is ...1992
297 Riloff, Ellen M.Automatically constructing a dictionary for information extraction tasksKnowledge-based natural language processing systems have achieved good success with certain tasks but they are often criticized because they depend on a domain-specific dictionary that requires a great deal of manual knowledge engineering. This knowledge engineering bottleneck makes knowledge-based ...Information extraction; Dictionary construction; Knowledge-based systems; AutoSlog; Domain-specific dictionary1993
298 Riloff, Ellen M.Automatically generating extraction patterns from untagged textMany corpus-based natural language processing systems rely on text corpora that have been manually annotated with syntactic or semantic tags. In particular, all previous dictionary construction systems for information extraction have used an annotated training corpus or some form of annotated input...Information extraction; Automatically generating; Extraction patterns; Untagged text; Corpus-based; AutoSlog-TS; AutoSlog system; MUC-4; Dictionary construction1996
299 Gardner, Reed M.Automatisierung der HerzkathetertechnikBiomedical Informatics1970
300 Sobh, Tarek M.Autonomous ObservationWe address the problem of observing an agent. We advocate a modeling approach for the visual system and its observer, where a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) framework is developed and "events" are defined as ranges on parameter subsets. The dynamic recursive context for finite state machines (...Observation; Manipulation process1992
276 - 300 of 2,491