276 - 300 of 1,196
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276 Morse, Michael DavidSpectrsocopy of Jet-cooled YCuOptical spectra of jet-cooled diatomic YCu have been recorded using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a supersonic expansion of helium. The ground state is shown experimentally to be of 1?+ symmetry, with a measured bond length of re"=2.6197(6) ? and a vibrational frequency of 193.21(24...1995
277 Varner, Michael W.Elevations of amniotic fluid macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha concentrations in women during term and preterm labor.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether elevated concentrations of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha) in amniotic fluid (AF) are related to term and preterm labor. METHODS: Amniotic fluid was obtained from women from five different clinical situations: 1) term cesarean delivery, no labor ...Amniotic Fluid; Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1; Obstetric Labor, Premature1996-01
278 Capecchi, Mario R.Lessons from angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient mice.Mice which lack ACE have low systolic blood pressure, reduced male fertility and a renal abnormality characterized by medullary hypoplasia and the inability to concentrate urine. The diverse phenotypes caused by inactivation of a single gene emphasize the many functional roles of ACE and the renin-q...Blood Pressure; Cell Line;Fertility; Kidney; Testis1991-11-01
279 Erickson, J. AlanPatient-specific instrumentation in total knee arthroplasty provides no improvement in component alignmentImproved component alignment in TKA remains a commonly cited benefit of MRI based patient-specific instrumentation (PSI). We hypothesized that PSI would lead to improved alignment versus traditional instrumentation (TI) during primary TKA. Fifty-eight knees (54 patients) that underwent TKA with PSI...2014-01-01
280 Mineau, Geraldine PageQuantification of the familial contribution to müllerian anomaliesCases of müllerian anomalies, identified by International Classification of Diseases and Current Procedural Terminology codes from January 1994 to March 2006, were collected from the largest hospital systems in the state of Utah. All records were subsequently matched to the Utah Population Databas...Mullerian anomalies; Utah Population Database; UPDB2008
281 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. MichaelSolution structure of αA-conotoxin EIVA, a potent neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist from Conus ermineusWe report the solution three-dimensional structure of an αA-conotoxin EIVA determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics. The αA-conotoxin EIVA consists of 30 amino acids representing the largest peptide among the α/αAfamily conotoxins discovered so f...Conotoxins; A-conotoxin EIVA; Conus ermineus2003
282 Gerig, GuidoA structural MRI study of human brain development from birth to two yearsBrain development in the first 2 years after birth is extremely dynamic and likely plays an important role in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism and schizophrenia. Knowledge regarding this period is currently quite limited. We studied structural brain development in healthy subjects from...2008-01-01
283 Hughes, Kelly T.Bacterial flagellin-specific chaperone FliS interacts with anti-sigma factor FlgMFlagella are extracellular organelles that propel bacteria. Each flagellum consists of a basal body, a hook, and a filament. The major protein of the filament is flagellin. To prevent premature polymerization of newly synthesized flagellin molecules, FliS, the flagellin-specific chaperone, binds fla...2014-01-01
284 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectromodulation of charge-transfer photoexcitations in pristine and C60-doped conjugated polymersWe study the effect of an electric field of up to 100 kV/cm on photoexcitations in pristine and C60-doped p-conjugated polymers by electromodulated photoinduced absorption (EPA). In EPA, we measure changes in the photoinduced absorption of a polymer film induced by an electric field. The dominant ...Electromodulation; Charge-transfer photoexcitations; Photoinduced absorption; pi-conjugated polymers; Electromodulation spectroscopy1999-04
285 Horch, Kenneth W.Proposed specifications for a lumbar spinal cord electrode array for control of lower extremities in paraplegiaThe goal of the study was to provide specifications for a stimulating electrode array to be implanted in the lumbosacral spinal cord as part of a functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) system for control of lower extremity muscles in paralyzed individuals. Dual channel stimulation of the qua...Stimulating electrode array; FNS; Functional neuromuscular stimulation1997
286 Furse, Cynthia M.Reflectometry for structural health monitoringAging wiring and structural cables in buildings, aircraft and transportation systems, consumer products, industrial machinery, etc. are among the most significant potential causes of catastrophic failure and maintenance cost in these structures. Smart wire health monitoring can therefore have a subs...2011-01-01
287 Caserta, Michael; Utz, Rebecca L.; Lund, Dale A.Sampling, recruitment, and retention in a bereavement intervention study: experiences from the living after loss projectThis paper reports on the sampling and recruitment challenges, as well as the strategies used to address them in the Living After Loss (LAL) project, a bereavement intervention study conducted in Salt Lake City and San Francisco comparing two 14-week group conditions with follow-up. We encountered...2010
288 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.A high-resolution flexible tactile imager system based on floating comb electrodesFlexible high-resolution contact force imagers are needed in many applications for robotic grippers and gait analysis, but its intrinsic intimate contact requirement often causes breaking of top metallization layers and failure in a short time. The use of floating electrodes has significantly improv...2012-01-01
289 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.A very high density floating electrode flexible sensor array for high-resolution measurements of contact forcesWe present the development, fabrication and testing results of a new high-density flexible sensor array (HDFA) suitable of recording three-axis stresses with high spatial resolution. The new HDFA consists of 676 (26×26) sensing cells fabricated on top of a high-density flex circuit substrate. Each ...2013-01-01
290 Coley, Phyllis D.Antifungal depsidone metabolites from Cordyceps dipterigena, an endophytic fungus antagonistic to the phytopathogen gibberella fujikuroiAmong thirty four endophytic fungal strains screened for in vitro antagonism, the endophytic fungus Cordyceps dipterigena was found to strongly inhibit mycelial growth of the plant pathogenic fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. Two new depsidone metabolites, cordycepsidone A (1) and cordycepsidone B (2), w...2012
291 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Magnetization and dynamics of reentrant ferrimagnetic spin-glass [MnTPP]::+[TCNE].-.2PhMeWe present direct current (dc) magnetization M(T,H) and alternating current (ac) susceptibility Xac(T,H,f) data for the quasi-one-dimensional molecule-based ferrimagnet [MnTPP]::+[TCNE].-.•2PhMe (TPP=meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato, TCNE=tetracyanoethylene). Static scaling of the real part X' of ...Ferrimagnetic order; Magnetism1996
292 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoinduced infrared activity in polyacetylenePhotoexcitation of trans - but not cis -polyacetylene, results in the appearance of strongly-ir-active local modes at 1370 and 1260 cm-1. This observation demonstrates that the photogeneration of self-localized charge carriers is unique to the trans isomer. In spite of their localization the kineti...Photoinduced infrared activity; Photoexcitation1983-06
293 Horch, Kenneth W.Selective stimulation of peripheral nerve fibers using dual intrafascicular electrodesWe have studied activation of newe fibers by pairs of Pt-Ir wire electrodes implanted within single fascicles of the nerve innervating the gastrocnemius muscle in cats. The purpose of this study was to determine if these intrafascicular electrodes can activate nerve fibers in different fascicles...Functional electrical stimulation; Intrafascicular stimulation; Silicon electrode array1993
294 Potter, Kristin CarrieUncertainty visualization in forward and inverse cardiac modelsQuantification and visualization of uncertainty in cardiac forward and inverse problems with complex geometries is subject to various challenges. Specific to visualization is the observation that occlusion and clutter obscure important regions of interest, making visual assessment difficult. In orde...2013-01-01
295 Evans, DavidDisplay of complex three dimensional finite element modelsComplex three dimensional models can be displayed after an automatic generation of a finite element (panel) mapping. although this automatic generation algorithm fails at certain levels of model complexity, the elimination of these failures can be accomplished through user interaction. This report p...Three dimensional models; Finite element models1978
296 Boll, Steven F.Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtractionA stand alone noise suppression algorithm is presented for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. Effective performance of digital speech processors operating in practical environments may require suppression of noise from the digital waveform. Spectral subtraction offe...Suppression; acoustic noise; noise suppression algorithm; digital speech processors; Spectral subtraction1979
297 Yamaguchi, AyakoDevelopment of an acute method to deliver transgenes into the brains of adult Xenopus laevisThe central vocal pathway of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, is a powerful vertebrate model to understand mechanisms underlying central pattern generation. However, fast and efficient methods of introducing exogenous genes into the neurons of adult X. laevis are currently not available. Her...viral vector; vesicular stomatitis virus; Xenopus laevis; transgene; neurons; vocalizations; central pattern generator; electroporation2018
298 Dawson, KyleRadio point sources toward galaxy clusters at 30 GHzExtra-galactic radio sources are a significant contaminant in cosmic microwave background and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect experiments. Deep interferometric observations with the BIMA and OVRO arrays are used to characterize the spatial, spectral, and flux distributions of radio sources toward massive ...Extra-galactic radio sources2007-09
299 Regehr, JohnARMor: fully verified software fault isolationWe have designed and implemented ARMor, a system that uses software fault isolation (SFI) to sandbox application code running on small embedded processors. Sandboxing can be used to protect components such as the RTOS and critical control loops from other, less-trusted components. ARMor guarantees m...2011-01-01
300 Huser, VojtechChapter 5: RetroGuide EvaluationThis chapter presents a RetroGuide (RG) evaluation study which was conducted to assess the flowchart-based modeling approach. This study complements the previously presented case studies in an overall effort to evaluate the RG project. The evaluation was targeted at informatics users with small to m...Retroguide, Evaluation study, Analysis of data, Structured query language, Biomedical informatics, EHR, RetroGuide2008-03-28
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