276 - 300 of 377
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276 University of Utah. Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences LibraryIAIMS newsletterThe IAIMS Newsletter (1996-2005) provides valuable information about library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS
277 Bohs, Lynn A.New species of Solanum and Capsicum (Solanaceae) from Bolivia, with clarification of nomenclature in some Bolivian SolanumBolivian floristic diversity is high, reflecting its great topographic and habitat diversity. Habitats in Bolivia range from seasonally flooded savannas to arid Chaco and high elevation deserts to hyper-humid montane and lowland rainforests.Capsicum; Solanum; Bolivia; Biodiversity2006
278 Evans, Grant; Gamst, Frederick C.; Hanawalt, Barbara A.; Kingston-Mann, Esther; Park, Thomas K.Peasant Studies Volume 15 number 2 Winter 1988TABLE OF CONTENTS The Accursed Problem: Communists and Peasants, Grant Evans; The Third Seal Opened and the Black Horseman Emerged: An Historic Cultural Ecology of Ethiopian Poverty and Famine, Frederick C. Gamst; Rural Northeast Algeria, 1919-1938, Thomas K. Park; Revolution and Russian Rural Devel...1988
279 Warner, Homer R.A Computer Based Information System for Patient CareBiomedical Informatics1972
280 Regehr, JohnARMor: fully verified software fault isolationWe have designed and implemented ARMor, a system that uses software fault isolation (SFI) to sandbox application code running on small embedded processors. Sandboxing can be used to protect components such as the RTOS and critical control loops from other, less-trusted components. ARMor guarantees m...2011-01-01
281 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Climate change in India inferred from geothermal observationsTemporal variations in surface ground temperature impart a signal to the subsurface thermal regime that is captured in borehole temperature-depth profiles. Seventy temperature-depth profiles in India, located between 12o and 28oN, are analyzed to infer past changes in ground temperature.Climate change; Borehole temperatures; Surface ground temperature; Surface air temperature; Geothermal observations; India2002
282 Couldwell, William T.Expanding neurosurgeryThe history of medicine is replete with innovations in neurosurgery that have spurred further developments across the medical spectrum. Surgeons treating pathologies in the head and spine have broken ground with new approaches, techniques, and technologies since ancient times. Neurosurgeons occupy a...2014-01-01
283 Armentrout, Peter B.Guided ion beam studies of the reaction of Nin+ (n=2-16) with D2: nickel cluster-deuteride bond energiesThe kinetic-energy dependences of the reactions of Nin+ (n=2-16) with D2 are studied in a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer. The products observed are NinD+ for all clusters and NinD2 + for n=5-16. Reactions for formation of NinD+ are observed to exhibit thresholds, whereas cross sections for...Metal clusters; Nickel ions; Bond energies; Deuterides; Collision-induced dissociation; Endothermic reactions2002
284 Sperry, John S.Hydraulic consequences of vessel evolution in angiospermsWe tested two hypotheses for how vessel evolution in angiosperms influenced xylem function. First, the transition to vessels decreased resistance to flow--often considered the driving force for their evolution. Second, the transition to vessels compromised safety from cavitation--a constraint emergi...Cavitation; Resistivity; Perforation2007
285 Lindstrom, Gary E.Modular language processors as framework completionsThe conceptual and specificational power of denotational semantics for programming language design has been amply demonstrated. We report here on a language implementation method that is similarly semantically motivated, but is based upon object-oriented design principles, and results in flexible an...Modular language processors; Denotational semantics; Framework completions1993
286 Bastiani, MichaelPathfinding by neuronal growth cones in grasshopper embryos: IV. The effects of ablating the A and P axons upon the behavior of the G growth coneIn the companion paper (Bastiani, M. J., J. A. Raper, and C. S. Goodman (1984) J. Neurosci. 4: 2311-2328), we show that as the G growth cone reaches its choice point and turns anteriorly on the A/P fascicle, its filopodia demonstrate selective affinity for the A/P fascicle as compared to the other a...Labeled pathway; Anterior extension; Fascicle1984
287 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshPeephole optimization of asynchronous networks through process composition and burst-mode machine generationIn this paper, we discuss the problem of improving the efficiency of macromodule networks generated through asynchronous high level synthesis. We compose the behaviors of the modules in the sub-network being optimized using Dill's trace-theoretic operators to get a single behavioral description for ...Peephole optimization; Macromodule networks; Process composition; Burst-mode1993
288 Jarrard, Richard D.Results of borehole televiewer observations in the Celebes and Sulu SeasBorehole televiewer data were collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124 to investigate stress orientations in the Sulu and Celebes sea basins. At Site 768C, in the Sulu Sea, televiewer logs were collected from 809-870 and 950-1250 meters below sea floor (mbsf). At Site 770C, in the Celebes Se...1991
289 Parker, Bradley J.Archaeological manifestations of empire: Assyrias imprint on Southeastern AnatoliaOne of the most enduring problems for the study of ancient empires is the fact that material correlates indicative of imperial integration are often difficult to define in the archaeological record. This situation results in part from two factors that distinguish empires from other less complex poli...2003-01-01
290 Olivera, Baldomero M.P-superfamily conopeptidesThe present invention is directed to P-superfamily conopeptides, to DNA encoding precursors of the P-superfamily conopeptides and to the precursor peptides.2006
291 Flatt, MattScheme 2003: proceedings of the fourth workshop on scheme and functional programmingThis report contains the papers presented at the Fourth Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. The purpose of the Scheme Workshop is to discuss experience with and future developments of the Scheme programming language?including the future of Scheme standardization?as well as general aspe...Scheme 2003; Scheme programming2003-11-07
292 Armentrout, Peter B.Translational energy dependence of Ar+ + XY → ArX+ + Y (XY = H2, D2, HD) from thermal to 30 eV c.m.Cross sections for the reactions of Ar+ with H2, D2, and HD to form ArH + and ArD + are measured using a new guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer which affords an experimental energy range from 0.05 to 500 eV laboratory. The apparatus and experimental techniques are described in detail. Cross se...Translational energy; Ion-molecule reactions; Ion energy; Argon; Hydrogen; Endothermic reactions1985
293 Coffin, Cheryl M.; Capecchi, Mario R.Alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas in conditional Pax3:Fkhr mice: cooperativity of Ink4a/ARF and Trp53 loss of function.Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive childhood muscle cancer for which outcomes are poor when the disease is advanced. Although well-developed mouse models exist for embryonal and pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas, neither a spontaneous nor a transgenic mouse model of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma has...Cell Differentiation; Forkhead Transcription Factors; Myogenic Regulatory Factors2004-11-01
294 Carter, John B.AS-COMA: An adaptive hybrid shared memory ArchitectureScalable shared memory multiprocessors traditionally use either a cache coherent nonuniform memory access (CC-NUMA) or simple cache-only memory architecture (S-COMA) memory architecture. Recently, hybrid architectures that combine aspects of both CC-NUMA and S-COMA have emerged. In this paper, we pr...AS-COMA; Hybrid shared memory1998
295 Frederick, Jeanne M.Centrin 2 is required for mouse olfactory ciliary trafficking and development of ependymal cilia planar polarityCentrins are ancient calmodulin-related Ca2-binding proteins associated with basal bodies. In lower eukaryotes, Centrin2 (CETN2) is required for basal body replication and positioning, although its function in mammals is undefined. We generated a germline CETN2 knock-out (KO) mouse presenting with s...2014-01-01
296 Olivera, Baldomero M.Conodipine-M, a novel phospholipase A2 isolated from the venom of the marine snail Conus magusWe describe the purification and first biochemical characterization of an enzymatic activity in venom from the marine snail Conus magus. This enzyme, named conodipine-M, is a novel phospholipase A2 with a molecular mass of 13.6 ĸDa and is comprised of two polypeptide chains linked by one or more di...Conotoxins; Conodipine-M; Conus magus1994
297 Johnson, Christopher R.Construction of a human torso model from magnetic resonance images for problems in computational electrocardiographyApplying mathematical models to real situations often requires the use of discrete geometrical models of the solution domain. In some cases destructive measurement of the objects under examination is acceptable, but in biomedical applications the measurements come from imaging techniques such as X-r...Human torso model; MRI1994
298 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamic hardware-assisted software-controlled page placement to manage capacity allocation and sharing within large cachesIn future multi-cores, large amounts of delay and power will be spent accessing data in large L2/L3 caches. It has been recently shown that OS-based page coloring allows a non-uniform cache architecture (NUCA) to provide low latencies and not be hindered by complex data search mechanisms. In this ...Page coloring; Shadow-memory addresses; Cache capacity allocation; Data/page migration; Last level caches; Non-uniform cache architectures (NUCA)2009-02
299 Regehr, JohnEfficient memory safety for TinyOSReliable sensor network software is difficult to create: applications are concurrent and distributed, hardware-based memory protection is unavailable, and severe resource constraints necessitate the use of unsafe, low-level languages. Our work improves this situation by providing efficient memory an...2007-01-01
300 Gerig, GuidoEfficient probabilistic and geometric anatomical mapping using particle mesh approximation on GPUsDeformable image registration in the presence of considerable contrast differences and large size and shape changes presents significant research challenges. First, it requires a robust registration framework that does not depend on intensity measurements and can handle large nonlinear shape variati...2011-01-01
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