251 - 275 of 263
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251 Guiora, AmosTeaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Operationalizing the Law of Armed Conflict in New WarfareGone are the days of soldiers facing each other across large battlefields, tanks shelling tanks, and fighter jets engaging in dogfights. War, or armed conflict, to use a more precise legal term, now takes place everywhere in cities, refugee camps and other historically non-military areas and invol...2010-05-13
252 Miller, Jan D.Thiourea-thiocyanate leaching system for goldThe leaching of gold in thiourea-thiocyanate solutions has been studied by the rotating-disk technique using ferric sulfate as oxidant. The effects of initial concentrations of ferric, thiourea (Tu) and thiocyanate as well as temperature and pH values on gold leaching rates were studied. An initial ...2010-01-01
253 Chaudhuri, Reaz A.Three-dimensional singular stress field at the front of a crack and lattice crack deviation (LCD) in a cubic single crystal plateA novel eigenfunction expansion technique, based in part on separation of the thickness variable, is developed to derive three-dimensional asymptotic stress fields in the vicinity of the front of a semi-infinite through-crack weakening an infinite plate made of a homogeneous cubic single crystal. C...2010-05-12
254 Thulasinathan, Aravindan; Pascucci, Valerio; Tierny, JulienTopology Based Surface Meshing and MorphingMorphing is a seamless transition from one image to the other, used in animation and motion pictures. Mesh Parameterization used in this process is a fundamental tool used for domain remeshing. In case of 2-manifolds for example, most approaches require that the input mesh be cut into one or mor...2010-10-06
255 Gerig, GuidoTowards analysis of growth trajectory through multi-modal longitudinal MR imagingThe human brain undergoes significant changes in the first few years after birth, but knowledge about this critical period of development is quite limited. Previous neuroimaging studies have been mostly focused on morphometric measures such as volume and shape, although tissue property measures rela...2010-01-01
256 Musuvathy, Suraj Ravi; Cohen, ElaineTracing ridges on B-Spline surfacesWon Best Paper Award at SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, San Francisco, 20092010-02-26
257 Zick, Cathleen D.Trends in Americans food-related time use: 1975-2006Objective: To describe how the time spent in food-related activities by Americans has changed over the past 30 years. Design: Data from four national time diary surveys, spanning 1975-2006, are used to construct estimates of trends in American adults' time spent in food-related activities. Multivari...2010-01-01
258 Brunstetter, Duncan Matthew; Blair, David F.Unlocking the switching of a nanomotorMany pathogens use flagella as a means of locomotion. Pairs of Fli M residues were mutated and tested in the presence of repellent (forcing the motor to tumble) and differences in crosslinking were observed. Of those species, some (e.coli, salmonella etc.) can spin their flagella in 2 different di...Pathogens; Flagella; Nanotechnology; Nanomotor; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
259 Furse, Cynthia M.Utah's engineers: a statewide initiative for growthImagine finding a place where inventors gather to create their inventions. Envision getting a sneak peek at the latest technological innovations in engineering and computer science. Can you see yourself as an inventor? Join us on February 20 for Meet an Inventor Day sponsored by the students of...2010-10-06
260 Cohen, ElaineVolumetric parameterization and trivariate B-spline fitting using harmonic functions2010-02-26
261 Reel, JustineWeight pressure in sport-females (WPS-F) scoring informationPurpose: To assess sport-specific weight pressures for female athletes participating in a variety of sports Refer to the following article for more information regarding the development of the WPS-F: Reel, J.J., SooHoo, S., Petrie, T.A., Greenleaf, C., Carter, J.E. (June 2010). Slimming down fo...2010-05-25
262 Reel, JustineWeight pressures in sport-males (WPS-M) scoring informationPurpose: To assess sport-specific weight pressures for male athletes participating in a variety of sports Refer to the following article for more information regarding the development of the ...2010-06-02
263 ARL Circulation Data 1995-20151995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015
251 - 275 of 263