251 - 275 of 280
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251 Mishchenko, EugeneMinimal conductivity in graphene: interaction corrections and ultraviolet anomalyConductivity of a disorder-free intrinsic graphene is studied to the first order in the long-range Coulomb interaction and is found to be ? = ?0(1+0.01g), where g is the dimensionless ("fine structure") coupling constant. The calculations are performed using three different methods: i) electron pola...Optical conductivity2008-07-01
252 Schmidt, Meic H.Minimally invasive thoracoscopic resection of paraspinal neurogenic tumors: technical case reportOBJECTIVE: The posterior mediastinum is a common location for benign neurogenic tumors. They are frequently asymptomatic but can present with local compressive or neurological symptoms. METHODS: Thoracoscopy is used increasingly over posterolateral thoracotomy for the removal of these lesions. RES...2008-01-01
253 Gerig, GuidoMinimum description length with local geometryEstablishing optimal correspondence across object populations is essential to statistical shape analysis. Minimizing the description length (MDL) is a popular method for finding correspondence. In this work, we extend the MDL method by incorporating various local curvature metrics. Using local curva...2008-01-01
254 Huser, Vojtech; Rocha, Roberto A.modeling of HEDIS quality measures and prototyping of related decision support rulesWe describe the application of the RetroGuide analytical toolset to quality improvement in osteoporosis and cholesterol management. Our graphical executable scenarios enable user-friendly modeling of temporal processes and retrospective prototyping of decision support on real EHR data. The graphical...RetroGuide; Biomedical informatics; HEDIS; Quality Improvement; Knowledge Representation; Visual Query System2008-03-24
255 Gerig, GuidoMultivariate longitudinal statistics for neonatal-pediatric brain tissue developmentThe topic of studying the growth of human brain development has become of increasing interest in the neuroimaging community. Cross-sectional studies may allow comparisons between means of different age groups, but they do not provide a growth model that integrates the continuum of time, nor do they ...2008-01-01
256 Couldwell, William T.; Gillespie, David L.; Jensen, Randy L.Novel model of intracranial meningioma in mice using luciferase-expressing meningioma cellsObject. Meningioma research has been hindered by the inability to sequentially measure intracranial tumor growth in a cost-effective, efficient manner. Recently, the luciferase gene has been transfected into cancer lines to obtain cells that express the luciferase enzyme, which oxidizes luciferin in...2008-01-01
257 Mower, Allyson; Paiva, Marie Clare P.; Morrow, AnneOpen, Sesame! Accessing the treasures of a communityThis presentation is a primer on how you might plan, organize and maintain a digital collection. With the tools available today, creating a digital collection does not require extensive technical expertise.Digital Collections; Collection Development; Libraries2008-04-30
258 Couldwell, William T.OR noise: the potential for hearing lossWith the use of the electric or air-powered drill in cranial or spinal procedures comes the potential for hearing loss among operating team members. Exposure to loud noise can result in sensorineural hearing loss, and this loss is a function of sound pressure levels and duration of exposure. Much r...2008-01-01
259 Chodosh, Hiram; Mallat, ChibliPakistan and Lebanon: The Same StruggleIn the absence of democracy (meaning regular change at the top by means of free and fair elections), political violence is a certainty.2008-01-04
260 Morrison, David L.Patent Searching and so much more: Invention Fair, SLC Public Library, May 2008.Video of a presentation given by David Morrison at the Invention Fair, Salt Lake City Library, May 10, 2008.2008-05-10
261 Sekercioglu, CaganPeople skills for the conservation professionalConservation scientists are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of the human aspects of conservation, and in conservation circles, ‘‘social science'' is the word of the day. There is a rapidly growing social science working group in the Society for Conservation Biology and it is hard t...2008-01-01
262 Wen, MingPersonal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-to-urban migrants in Shanghai, ChinaThis study examined personal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-urban migrants in Shanghai, China. Data used in this study were from the Shanghai Rural-to-Urban Migrant Worker Survey conducted by the Institute of Demographic Research, Fudan University, C...Lonliness; Rural-to-urban migration; Internal migration; Shanghai, China2008-02-02
263 Regehr, JohnPoster abstract: TinyOS 2.1 adding threads and memory protection to tinyOSThe release of TinyOS 2.0 two years ago was motivated by the need for greater platform flexibility, improved robustness and reliability, and a move towards service oriented application development. Since this time, we have seen the community embrace these efforts and add support for additional hardw...2008-01-01
264 Couldwell, William T.Practicing neurosurgery in the United StatesCompared with other developed countries, the U.S. spends a high percentage of its gross domestic product on healthcare: 16 percent in 2005, up from 15 percent in 2004. This is far and away the greatest percentage of GDP spent on healthcare of any nation for which such data is collected. However,...2008-01-01
265 Gerig, GuidoPrenatal mild ventriculomegaly predicts abnormal development of the neonatal brainBackground: Many psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with mild enlargement of the lateral ventricles thought to have origins in prenatal brain development. Little is known about development of the lateral ventricles and the relationship of prenatal lateral ventricle enlargeme...2008-01-01
266 Mower, AllysonPublishing the Results of Clinical Research: The Current State and the Impact on Your Research ArticleThis presentation covers the larger scholarly communication system, changes that are on the horizon and the implications for scholarship and scientific research. It was given at the Clinical Research and Methods luncheon on October 22, 2008.scholarly communication; open access; semantic web; research2008-10-22
267 Lombardo, Nancy T.; Mower, Allyson; McFarland, Mary M.Putting wikis to work in librariesWikis are part of the suite of Web 2.0 technologies enhancing collaboration and communication. This article describes the ways in which one academic health sciences library has utilized wiki software. The Eccles Health Sciences Library has found wikis to be valuable collaboration tools. Case scenari...Collaboration; Libraries; Web 2.0 technology; Wikis2008-06-02
268 Gerig, GuidoReduced interhemispheric connectivity in schizophrenia- tractography based segmentation of the corpus callosumBackground-A reduction in interhemispheric connectivity is thought to contribute to the etiology of schizophrenia. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) measures the diffusion of water and can be used to describe the integrity of the corpus callosum white matter tracts, thereby providing information concer...2008-01-01
269 Huser, Vojtech; Rocha, Roberto A.RetroGuide: Conducting Time Series Analyses on Large Data Sets: a Case Study With LymphomaWe describe the application of our previously developed analytical infrastructure called RetroGuide to conduct an observational retrospective cohort study using a clinician friendly flowchart approach.Retroguide; Analysis of data; Biomedical informatics; EHR; lymphoma; Case study; Knowledge representation; Cancer; Retrospective study2008-03-28
270 Schmidt, Meic H.Rod derotation techniques for thoracolumbar spinal deformityOBJECTIVE: The operative correction of scoliosis requires multiple intraoperative techniques and tools to achieve an adequate result. Frequently, multiple methods are used to accomplish this, such as rod cantilever techniques, in situ bending, Smith-Petersen and pedicle subtraction osteotomies, clo...2008-01-01
271 Regehr, JohnRuntime verification for wireless sensor network applicationsWireless sensor networks are widely used to detect environment information that is not accessible by human. Developing such networks however requires low-level programming. The lack of sophisticated debugging tools for sensor networks makes it difficult to make the connection between a high-level fu...2008-01-01
272 Zimmer, ZacharyShifts in coresidence among the oldest-old in China: comparing decedents and survivorsWhat we know about transitions in coresidence of older adults in China is based upon panel data involving survivors. This paper examines the tendency to shift and determinants of shifts in coresidence with adult children among very old, comparing survivors of an inter-survey period with deceden...Elderly; China; Living arrangements; Co-residence status; Mortality; End of life2008-12-30
273 Ward, Robert ScottState the obviousBefore I begin my remarks to you this evening (Figure), I would like to take a just a moment to recognize and thank a very special group of first-time conference attendees . . . my family!2008-01-01
274 Couldwell, William T.Stress and burnout: insidious influencesA career in neurosurgery may take a substantial toll on an individual?s body and mind. From the ?baptism by fire? experienced by a brand-new junior resident, to keeping one?s head above water as the residency proceeds, to the realization shortly after graduation of being responsible for the health a...2008-01-01
275 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Thermodynamic, transport and viscoelastic properties of PBX-9501 binder: a molecular dynamics simulation studyAtomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed on a low molecular weight nitroplasticized Estane® mixture representative of the binder used in PBX-9501. Pressurevolume-temperature (PVT) behavior over a wide range of pressure and temperatures above the order-disorder temperature (ODT) of Es...PBX-9501 binder; Estane; Viscosity; Shear stress relaxation modulus2008-04-04
251 - 275 of 280