251 - 275 of 408
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251 Lupton, John MarkRoom-temperature exciton storage in elongated semiconductor nanocrystalsThe excited state of colloidal nanoheterostructures consisting of a spherical CdSe nanocrystal with an epitaxially attached CdS rod can be perturbed effectively by electric fields. Field-induced fluorescence quenching coincides with a conversion of the excited state species from the bright exciton ...Exciton storage; Colloidal nanoheterostructures; CdSe nanocrystal2007-01
252 Myers, Chris J.Efficient timing analysis algorithms for timed state space exploration*Abstract This paper presents new timing analysis algorithms for efficient state space exploration during timed circuit synthesis. Timed circuits are a class of asynchronous circuits that incorporate explicit timing information in the specification which is used throughout the synthesis procedure t...1997
253 Mishchenko, Eugene; Raikh, Mikhail E.Electrostatics of straight and bent single-walled carbon nanotubesResponse of a single-walled carbon nanotube to external electric field, F, is calculated analytically within the classical electrostatics. Field-induced charge density distribution is approximately linear along the axis of a metallic nanotube and depends rather weakly, as ln(h/ r), on the nanotube...Electrostatics2006-10
254 Firmage, Edwin B.Lane lecture: Law and beyond law: a new humanityThe Cold War is finally over, Soviet Communism has collapsed along with the Soviet-sponsored regimes in Eastern Europe. This event will likely record in history as one of the five happenings in this century having shattering importance.Cold war; Peace; Nuclear weapons; International law1992
255 Stoller, Leigh B.Low latency workstation cluster communications using sender-based protocolsThe use of workstations on a local area network to form scalable multicomputers has become quite common. A serious performance bottleneck in such "carpet clusters" is the communication protocol that is used to send data between nodes. We report on the design and implementation of a class of communic...Workstations; Scalable multicomputers; Sender-based; Communication protocols1996
256 Lupton, John MarkNonequilibrium polariton dynamics in organic microcavitiesMicrocavities containing a J-aggregate forming organic dye were prepared in the strong-coupling regime. Changing the position of the neat organic films within the microcavity allows a tuning of the giant Rabi splitting observed. We set the Rabi splitting to 25 meV and study the thermal activation o...Nonequilibrium polariton dynamics; Organic microcavities; Optical microcavities; Rabi splitting; Light-matter interactions; Arrhenius activation2002-08
257 Tiwari, AshutoshObservation of the inverse spin hall effect in ZnO thin films: an all-electrical approach to spin injection and detectionThe inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) is a newly discovered, quantum mechanical phenomenon where an applied spin current results in the generation of an electrical voltage in the transverse direction. It is anticipated that the ISHE can provide a more simple way of measuring spin currents in spintroni...2014-01-01
258 Wu, Yong-Shi; Raikh, Mikhail E.Role of spin-orbit coupling in the metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional systemsWe propose an experiment, which would allow us to pinpoint the role of spin-orbit coupling in the metal-nonmetal transition observed in a number of two-dimensional systems at low densities. Namely, we demonstrate that in a parallel magnetic field the interplay between the spin-orbit coupling and the...Spin-orbit coupling; Metal-insulator transitions2000-04
259 Gerton, JordanScattering of plasmons at the intersection of two metallic nanotubes: implications for tunnelingWe study theoretically the plasmon scattering at the intersection of two metallic carbon nanotubes. We demonstrate that, for a small angle of crossing θ « 1, the transmission coefficient is an oscillatory function of θ / λ, where ω is the interaction parameter of the Luttinger liquid in an ind...2008-12
260 Mishchenko, Eugene; Raikh, Mikhail E.Scattering of plasmons at the intersection of two metallic nanotubes: implications for tunnelingWe study theoretically the plasmon scattering at the intersection of two metallic carbon nanotubes. We demonstrate that, for a small angle of crossing θ « 1, the transmission coefficient is an oscillatory function of λ / θ where λ is the interaction parameter of the Luttinger liquid in an indi...2008-12
261 Minteer, Shelley D.Utilizing DNA for electrocatalysis: DNA-Nickel aggregates as anodic electrocatalysts for methanol, ethanol, glycerol, and glucoseDNA-nickel aggregates were electrodeposited onto glassy carbon electrode surfaces and have shown electrocatalytic activity for oxidation of methanol, ethanol, glycerol, and glucose at room temperature in alkaline solutions. Bulk electrolysis oxidation products identified by 13C NMR include carbonate...2013-01-01
262 Kessler, Robert R.Visual threads: the benefits of multithreading in visual programming languagesAfter working with the CWave visual programming language, we discovered that many of our target domains required the ability to define parallel computations within a program. CWave has a strongly hierarchical model of computation, so it seemed like adding the ability to take a part of the hierarchy ...Visual threads; multithreading; CWave1997
263 Armentrout, Peter B.Collision-induced dissociation of Fen+ (n=2-10) with Xe: ionic and neutral iron binding energiesCross sections for collision-induced dissociation (CID) of Fen+ with Xe, 2≤n≤10, are presented. Experiments were performed on a newly constructed guided ion beam mass spectrometer, the design and capabilities of which are described in detail. The single mechanism for dissociation of iron cluster...1989
264 Steenburgh, William JamesFinescale orographic precipitation variability and gap-filling radar potential in Little Cottonwood Canyon, UtahFinescale variations in orographic precipitation pose a major challenge for weather prediction, winter road maintenance, and avalanche forecasting and mitigation in mountainous regions. In this investigation, ground based X-band radar observations collected during intensive observing period 6 (IOP6)...2014-01-01
265 Olivera, Baldomero M.?O-Conotoxins inhibit NaV channels by interfering with their voltage sensors in domain-2The ?O-conotoxins MrVIA and MrVIB are 31-residue peptides from Conus marmoreus, belonging to the O-superfamily of conotoxins with three disulfide bridges. They have attracted attention because they are inhibitors of tetrodotoxin-insensitive voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.8) and could therefore ...2007
266 Harrison, Reid R.Biologically inspired analog IC for visual collision detectionWe have designed and tested a single-chip analog VLSI sensor that detects imminent collisions by measuring radially expanding optic flow. The design of the chip is based on a model proposed to explain leg-extension behavior in flies during landing approaches. We evaluated a detailed version of thi...Visual collision detection; VLSI2005-11
267 Diener, Marissa L.Gift from the gods: a Balinese guide to early child rearingThe influence of Western schools and other imports notwithstanding, many child-rearing practices recorded earlier in the century [in Indonesia] are still observable, especially those concerning infants and young children. For the "manual" that follows, I propose as the fictive author a male healer, ...Children; Bali; Infants; Child rearing manuals2000
268 Stevens, KennethA low power UART design based on asynchronous techniquesAbstract-Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) implements serial communication between peripherals and remote embedded systems. The UART protocol is defined based on fixed frequencies with a sampling method to achieve robustness under reasonable frequency variations between systems. Suc...2013-01-01
269 Drews, Frank; Bermudez, Julio Cesar; Agutter, James A.; Foresti, Stefano A.; Westenskow, Dwayne R.; Syroid, Noah Daniel; Tashjian, ElizabethBetween art, science and technology: data representation architectureAs our civilization continues to dive deeper into the information age, making sense of complex data becomes critical. This work takes on this challenge by means of a novel method based on complete interdisciplinarity, design process and built-in evaluations. The result is the design, construction, ...Data representation; Visualization design; Data environments2005
270 Riloff, Ellen M.Corpus-based identification of non-anaphoric noun phrasesCoreference resolution involves finding antecedents for anaphoric discourse entities, such as definite noun phrases. But many definite noun phrases are not anaphoric because their meaning can be understood from general world knowledge (e.g., "the White House" or "the news media"). We have develope...Corpus-based identification; Non-anaphoric noun phrases; Coreference resolution; MUC-4; Discourse entity; DE1999
271 Liu, FengElectronic strengthening of graphene by charge dopingGraphene is known as the strongest 2D material in nature, yet we show that moderate charge doping of either electrons or holes can further enhance its ideal strength by up to 17%, based on first-principles calculations. This unusual electronic enhancement, versus conventional structural enhancement,...2012-01-01
272 Liu, FengStrain-engineered surface transport in Si(001): complete isolation of the surface state via tensile strainBy combining density functional theory, nonequilibrium Green's function formulism and effective- Hamiltonian approaches, we demonstrate strain-engineered surface transport in Si(001), with the complete isolation of the Si surface states from the bulk bands. Our results show that sufficient tensile s...2013-01-01
273 Myers, Chris J.Timed state space exploration using POSETsAbstract-This paper presents a new timing analysis algorithm for efficient state space exploration during the synthesis of timed circuits or the verification of timed systems. The source of the computational complexity in the synthesis or verification of a timed system is in finding the reachable ti...2000
274 Normann, Richard A.; Jones, Kelly E.Advanced demultiplexing system for physiological stimulationA CMOS very large scale integration (VLSI) chip has been designed and built to implement a scheme developed for multiplexing/demultiplexing the signals required to operate an intracortical stimulating electrode array. Because the use of radio telemetry in a proposed system utilizing this chip may im...Electrode Array; Stimulation; Telemetry; Microelectrodes; Transistors1997
275 Harrison, Reid R.Fly-inspired VLSI vision sensorsEngineers have long looked to nature for inspiration. The diversity of life produced by five billion years of evolution provides countless existence proofs of organic machines with abilities that far surpass those of our own relatively crude automata. We have learned how to harness large amounts of ...2002
251 - 275 of 408