226 - 250 of 408
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226 Sokolsky, PierreComparison of air fluorescence and ionization measurements of E.M. shower depth profiles: test of a UHECR detector techniqueMeasurements are reported on the fluorescence of air as a function of depth in electromagnetic showers initiated by bunches of 28.5 GeV electrons. The light yield is compared with the expected and observed depth profiles of ionization in the showers. It validates the use of atmospheric fluorescence...Air fluorescence; Electromagnetic shower; Ultra-high energy cosmic rays; Ionization2006-02
227 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDynamic reordering of high latency transactions in time-warp simulation using a modified micropipelineTime warp based simulation of discrete-event systems is an efficient way to overcome the synchronization overhead during distributed simulation. As computations may proceed beyond synchronization barriers in time warp, multiple checkpoints of state need to be maintained to be able to rollback inva...Asynchronous design; Micropipelines; Dynamic instruction reordering; Time warp simulations1992
228 Hayes, Alan B.Stored state asynchronous sequential circuitsA method is described for realizing asynchronous sequential circuits in a manner analogous to the stored state method for synchronous sequential circuits. the method simplifies the process of constructing asynchronous sequential circuits, allows utilization of existing MSI parts, and avoids the nece...1980
229 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and verification of the rollback chip using HOP: a case study of formal methods applied to hardware designThe use of formal methods in hardware design improves the quality of designs in many ways: it promotes better understanding of the design; it permits systematic design refinement through the discovery of invariants; and it allows design verification (informal or formal). In this paper we illustrate ...Rollback chip; Verification; HOP; Hardware design; RBC1990
230 Rahman, AowabinPredicting heating demand and sizing a stratified thermal storage tank using deep learning algorithmsThis paper evaluates the performance of deep recurrent neural networks in predicting heating demand for a commercial building over a medium-to-long term time horizon (≥ 1 week), and proposes a modeling framework to demonstrate how these longer-term predictions can be used to aid design of a strati...Building Energy Modeling; Machine Learning; Recurrent Neural Networks; Deep Learning; Heating Load Prediction; Thermal Energy Storage2018
231 Ailion, David CharlesNew technique for determining the diffusion mechanism by NMR: application to Cl35 diffusion in TlClA major problem in the study of atomic motions is the determination of the dominant mechanism responsible for translational diffusion. Recently Ailion and Ho predicted that the rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation time T l p would have an angular dependence which depends on the diffusion mechanis...Diffusion; Solids; NMR1972
232 Richardson, William F.; Brunvand, Erik L.The NSR processor prototypeThe NSR (Non-Synchronous RISC) processor is a general purpose processor structured as a collection of self-timed units that operate concurrently and communicate over bundled data channels in the style of micropipelines. These units correspond to standard synchronous pipeline stages such as Instructi...Self-timed Systems; Asynchronous systems; Micropipelines; FPGAs; RISC processor; NSR1992
233 Balasubramonian, RajeevOptimizing NUCA organizations and wiring alternatives for large caches with CACTI 6.0A significant part of future microprocessor real estate will be dedicated to L2 or L3 caches. These on-chip caches will heavily impact processor performance, power dissipation, and thermal management strategies. There are a number of interconnect design considerations that influence power/performanc...CACTI 6.0; Non-uniform cache architectures (NUCA); Cache models; Memory hierarchies; On-chip interconnects2007-12
234 Lupton, John MarkExciton storage in CdSe/CdS tetrapod semiconductor nanocrystals: electric field effects on exciton and multiexciton statesCdSe/CdS nanocrystal tetrapods are interesting building blocks for excitonic circuits, where the flow of excitation energy is gated by an external stimulus. The physical morphology of the nanoparticle, along with the electronic structure, which favors electron delocalization between the two semicond...2012-01-01
235 Harrison, Reid R.Analog VLSI implementation of a visual interneuron: enhanced sensory processing through biophysical modelingFlies are capable of rapid, coordinated flight through unstructured environments. This flight is guided by visual motion information that is extracted from photoreceptors in a robust manner. One feature of the fly's visual processing that adds to this robustness is the saturation of wide-fi_x000...1999-01-01
236 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFrom process-oriented functional specifications to efficient asynchronous circuitsA methodology for high-level synthesis and performance optimization of asynchronous circuits is described. A specification language called hopCP which is based on a simple extension to classical flow graphs is introduced. The extension involves the addition of expression actions to a flow graph, to ...Synthesis; Performance optimization1991
237 Warner, Homer R.Generation and Maintenance of ILIAD Medical Knowledge in a Hypercard EnvironmentBiomedical Informatics1988
238 Brunvand, Erik L.Self-timed circuits using DCVSL semi-bundled delay wrappersWe present a technique for generating robust self-timed completion signals for general dynamic datapath circuits. The wrapper circuit is based on our previous domino semi-bundled delay (SBD) circuits, but uses DCVSL circuits in the wrapper for higher performance. We describe the basic SBD-DCVSL...2005
239 Myers, Chris J.Synthesis of timed circuits based on decompositionAbstract-This paper presents a decomposition-based method for timed circuit design that is capable of significantly reducing the cost of synthesis. In particular, this method synthesizes each output individually. It begins by contracting the timed signal transition graph (STG) to include only transi...2007
240 Stevens, Kenneth; Myers, Chris J.RAPPID: an asynchronous instruction length decoderThis paper describes an investigation of potential advantages and risks of applying an aggressive asynchronous design methodology to Intel Architecture. RAPPID ("Revolving Asynchronous Pentium® Processor Instruction Decoder"), a prototype IA32 instruction length decoding and steering unit, was...1999
241 Myers, Chris J.; Stevens, KennethRAPPID: an asynchronous instruction length decoderThis paper describes an investigation of potential advantages and risks of applying an aggressive asynchronous design methodology to Intel Architecture. RAPPID ("Revolving Asynchronous Pentium® Processor Instruction Decoder"), a prototype IA32 instruction length decoding and steering unit, was...1999
242 Khan, Faisal HabibHybrid electric vehicle power management solutions based on isolated and nonisolated configurations of multilevel modular capacitor-clamped converterAbstract-This paper presents the various configurations of a multilevel modular capacitor-clamped converter (MMCCC), and it reveals many useful and new formations of the original MMCCC for transferring power in either an isolated or nonisolated manner. The various features of the original MMCCC circ...2009
243 Brunvand, Erik L.HDL modeling for analysis and optimization of asynchronous controllersWe propose a simulation-based technique for analysis and optimization of extended burst-mode (XBM) asynchronous controllers. In asynchronous controllers of this sort, timing information on control signals is significant both for performance enhancement and timing validation. Timing information, ...2005
244 Harrison, Reid R.Low-power analog VLSI visual collision detectorWe have designed and tested a single-chip analog VLSI sensor that detects imminent collisions by measuring radially expansive optic flow. The design of the chip is based on a model proposed to explain leg-extension behavior in flies during landing approaches. A new elementary motion detector (EMD) c...VLSI; Visual collision detection; Elementary motion detectors2004-01-01
245 Woolstenhulme, Jack P.New records of molluscaRecent work on the molluscan collection of the University of Utah, involving the transferring of sets from the accession lots to the systematic series and the cataloging of the new accessions to the museum, has brought out several unpublished records and many gifts of recent date. Among the former a...1942-05-20
246 Mishchenko, EugeneOptical conductivity of a two-dimensional electron liquid with spin-orbit interactionThe interplay of electron-electron interactions and spin-orbit coupling leads to a new contribution to the homogeneous optical conductivity of the electron liquid. The latter is known to be insensitive to many-body effects for a conventional electron system with parabolic dispersion. The parabolic...Optical conductivity; Electron liquid; Spin-orbit coupling2006-08
247 Brunvand, Erik L.Translating concurrent programs into delay-insensitive circuitsPrograms written in a subset of occam are automatically translated into delay-insensitive circuits using syntax-directed techniques. The resulting circuits are improved using semantics-preserving circuit-to-circuit transformations. Since each step of the translation process can be proven correct, th...1989
248 Blair, StevenA methodology for physical design automation for integrated opticsAdvancements in silicon photonics technology are enabling large scale integration of electro-optical circuits and systems. To fully exploit this potential, automated techniques for design space exploration and physical synthesis for integrated optics must be developed. This paper investigates how co...2012-01-01
249 Mishchenko, EugeneFull counting statistics of a charge pump in the Coulomb blockade regimeWe study full charge counting statistics (FCCS) of a charge pump based on a nearly open single electron transistor. The problem is mapped onto an exactly soluble problem of a nonequilibrium g=1/2 Luttinger liquid with an impurity. We obtain an analytic expression for the generating function of the...Counting statistics; Luttinger liquid2001-11
250 Yang, HaoriPulsed photofission delayed gamma ray detection for nuclear material identificationInnovative systems with increased sensitivity and resolution are in great demand to detect diversion and to prevent misuse in support of nuclear materials management for the U.S. fuel cycle. Nuclear fission is the most important multiplicative process involved in non-destructive active interrogation...2012-01-01
226 - 250 of 408