226 - 250 of 494
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226 Werner, Carol M.Teaching the concept of precycling: a campaign and evaluationABSTRACT: Precycling, or purchasing wisely to reduce waste, is the EPA-preferred way to conserve resources and extend landfill life. A 3-month campaign of radio, television, and in-store advertising was effective at teaching the concept of precycling. After the campaign, telephone interviews indicat...Recycling; EPA; Waste management1996
227 Ehleringer, James R.Ecosystem physiology responses to global changeMost ecosystems exposed to double ambient C02 show higher peak season net carbon uptake than those growing at current-ambient C02. For grasslands, above-ground biomass increased by an average of 14%, although individual responses for a given system and year range from negative to +85%. The wide ran...Global change ; Ecosystem physiology; Carbon budget; Temperature; Water availability; Nitrogen deposition; Ozone1999
228 Morse, Michael DavidResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of jet-cooled PdCThe first optical investigation of the spectra of diatomic PdC has revealed that the ground state has ?=0+, with a bond length of r0=1.712?. The Hund?s case (a) nature of this state could not be unambiguously determined from the experimental data, but dispersed fluorescence studies to be reported in...1999
229 Colter, Jourdan; Wirostko, Barbara; Coats, BrittanyFinite element design optimization of hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel drug delivery device for improved retentionDrug-loaded hydrogel devices are emerging as an effective means of localized and sustained drug delivery for the treatment of corneal conditions and injuries. One such device uses a novel, thiolated crosslinked carboxymethylated, hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (CMHA-S) film to deliver drug to the oc...Ocular drug delivery; CMHA-S; antibiotics; ophthalmology; computation2018
230 Sutherland, James ClaytonA comparison of various models in predicting ignition delay in single-particle coal combustionIn this paper, individual coal particle combustion under laminar conditions is simulated using models with various levels of complexity for the particle and gas phase chemical kinetics. The mass, momentum and energy governing equations are fully coupled between the particle and the gas phase. In the...2014-01-01
231 Sperry, John S.Hydraulic consequences of vessel evolution in angiospermsWe tested two hypotheses for how vessel evolution in angiosperms influenced xylem function. First, the transition to vessels decreased resistance to flow--often considered the driving force for their evolution. Second, the transition to vessels compromised safety from cavitation--a constraint emergi...Cavitation; Resistivity; Perforation2007
232 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotophysics of pristine and C60-doped disubstituted polyacetyleneUsing a variety of steady-state spectroscopies we studied the long-lived photoexcitations and electronic excited states of poly disubstituted acetylene (PDPA-nBu), the backbone structure of which is a disubstituted trans-polyacetylene, as well as PDPA-nBu/C60 blends. The cw spectroscopies include a...Photophysics; Pristine disubstituted polyacetylene; C60-doped disubstituted polyacetylene; pi-conjugated polymers; Photoexcitations; Electronic excited states2002-08
233 Stevens, KennethSynchronous elasticization: considerations for correct implementation and miniMIPS case studyLatency insensitivity is a promising design paradigm in the nanometer era since it has potential benefits of increased modularity and robustness to variations. Synchronous elasticization is one approach (among others) of transforming an ordinary clocked circuit into a latency insensitive design. Th...2010
234 Forster, Richard R.QuickSCAT derived snow accumulation estimates in the dry snow, percolation and wet snow zones of the Greenland ice sheet2011
235 Symko, Orest GeorgeSize considerations in interfacing thermoacoustic coolers with electronicsSmall thermoacoustic coolers heat pumps show much promise for heat management in microcircuits, especially since they can be miniaturized for interfacing with circuits. Usually they are operated in the resonant mode with sound pumping heat; the device dimensions are reduced when the acoustic pump fr...Thermoacoustic coolers; Heat management; Microcircuits; Miniturization2002
236 Brunvand, Erik L.Translating concurrent programs into delay-insensitive circuitsPrograms written in a subset of occam are automatically translated into delay-insensitive circuits using syntax-directed techniques. The resulting circuits are improved using semantics-preserving circuit-to-circuit transformations. Since each step of the translation process can be proven correct, th...1989
237 Morelli, RobertFormal aspects of anonymityWe present a formal definition of anonymity in the context of concurrent processes. The definition is given in category theoretic terms. Moreover, the concept of a split cofibration is shown to both simplify the analysis of anonymity as well as to increase the framework's expressiveness. Because ...Anonymity; Concurrent processes2002-01-15
238 Marrying for AmericaIn recent years Americans have experienced a substantial increase in the federal budget deficit. The Bush administration's increased spending on military technology combined with tax cuts resulted in a $304 billion deficit forecasted for 2004 (Times Union, 2/1/03). Before Bush increased tax cuts ...Matrimony; Immigration; Citizenship2003-10-10
239 DeTar, CarletonReggeon calculus as a low-order perturbation theory for the PomeronWe review the foundations of the Gribov Reggeon calculus with an emphasis on the relationship between the energy-plane and J-plane descriptions of the diagrams of the calculus. The question of the "large-rapidity-gap cutoff' for the Pomeron and the problem of signature are treated in more detail t...Singularities; Reggeon calculus; Reggeon field theory; Two-body propagator1975-02
240 Mallon, Ronald'Race': normative, not metaphysical or semanticIn recent years, there has been a flurry of work on the metaphysics of race. While it is now widely accepted that races do not share robust, biobehavioral essences, opinions differ over what, if anything, race is. Recent work has been divided between three apparently quite different answers. A varie...2006
241 Rogers, Alan R.; Jorde, Lynn B.Genetic evidence on modern human originsA review of genetic evidence leads to the following conclusions concerning human population history: (1) Between 33,000 and 150,000 years ago the human population expanded from an initial size of perhaps 10,000 breeding individuals, reaching a size of at least 300,000. (2) Although the initial popu...Population history; Mitochondrial DNA; Mismatch distribution; Intermatch distribution; Replacement hypothesis; Population bottlenecks1995
242 Harrison, Reid R.CMOS programmable analog memory-cell array using floating-gate circuitsThe complexity of analog VLSI systems is often limited by the number of pins on a chip rather than by the die area. Currently, many analog parameters and biases are stored off-chip. Moving parameter storage on-chip could save pins and allow us to create complex programmable analog systems. In this ...Computer chips; VLSI; Computer memory; Potentiometers; CMOS circuits; Floating gate circuit2001-01
243 Garrett, Timothy J.Observed influence of riming, temperature, and turbulence on the fallspeed of solid precipitationForecasts of the amount and geographic distribution of snow are highly sensitive to a model's parameterization of hydrometeor fallspeed. Riming is generally thought to lead to particles with a higher mass and terminal velocity. Yet models commonly assume that heavily rimed particles such as graupel ...2014-01-01
244 Thalos, Mariam G.SystemsDynamical-systems analysis is nowadays ubiquitous. From engineering (its point of origin and natural home) to physiology, and from psychology to ecology, it enjoys surprisingly wide application. Sometimes the analysis rings decisively false-as, for example, when adopted in certain treatments of hist...2009
245 Olivera, Baldomero M.Biochemical characterization of ?M-RIIIJ, a Kv1.2 channel blocker: evaluation of cardioprotective effects of ?M-conotoxinsConus snail (Conus) venoms are a valuable source of pharmacologically active compounds; some of the peptide toxin families from the snail venoms are known to interact with potassium channels. We report the purification, synthesis, and characterization of ?M-conotoxin RIIIJ from the venom of a fish-...2010
246 Miller, Jan D.Surfactant adsorption density calculation from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectroscopy (FTIR/ERS)An equation to calculate surfactant adsorption density from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectra was established. The derivation and limitation of this equation are discussed in detail. The validation of the FTIR/ERS adsorption density equation was experimentally verified from t...Surfactant; Adsorption density; Solid film2003
247 Bradshaw, Karen E.Physician Decision-Making: Evaluaton of Data Used in a Computerized ICUBiomedical Informatics1984
248 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Future directions in adult bereavement researchThe primary purpose of this article is to stimulate interest in conducting research related to adult bereavement and provide suggestions for improving the quality of these studies and the application of their findings. Future research needs to generate new knowledge about grief and bereavement but ...1998
249 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineBelow-gap excitation of ∏-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends: implications for bulk organic heterojunction solar cellsWe used a variety of optoelectronic techniques such as broadband fs transient and cw photomodulation spectroscopies, electroabsorption, and short-circuit photocurrent in bulk heterojunctions organic solar cells for studying the photophysics in ∏-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends with below-gap...pi-conjugated polymers; Fullerene blends; Below-gap excitations; Bulk heterojunctions; Bulk organic heterojunction solar cells; Photophysics2008-07
250 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineUltrafast response of surface electromagnetic waves in an aluminum film perforated with subwavelength hole arraysThe ultrafast dynamics of surface electromagnetic waves photogenerated on aluminum film perforated with subwavelength arrays of holes was studied in the visible spectral range by the technique of transient photomodulation with ~100 fs time resolution. We observed a pronounced blueshift of the resona...Subwavelength hole arrays; Nanohole arrays; Transient photomodulation; Plasmonic lattices; Surface electromagnetic waves; SEW; Periodic subwavelength arrays2008-02
226 - 250 of 494