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1 Steenburgh, William JamesClimate change and Utah: the scientific consenusThis report, entitled \"Climate Change and Utah: The Scientific Consensus\" was prepared for Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. under the direction of his Blue Ribbon Advisory Council on Climate Change (BRAC). It summarizes current (2007) scientific understanding of climate change and its potential imp...Climate, Climate Change, Utah2007-09
2 Greene, Stephen Andrew; Golden, Kenneth M.Composite microstructures and climate changeDevelop mathematical models to better understand the changes in sea ice as it pertains to global climate. Compare Diffusion Limited Aggregates (DLA) and Electrorheological (ER) fluids to sea ice microstructures.Composite microstructures; Climate change; Effect on climate; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
3 Sekercioglu, CaganThe effects of climate change on tropical birdsBirds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change - particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In this review, we assess the potential impacts of climate change o...2010-01-01
4 Tripathi, Abhishek; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Pascucci, ValerioUnderstanding global climate changeWhat is Climate Modeling? Use of quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. Average Global Temperatures indicate a warming trend but that alone does not explain why it is happening.
5 Kynaston, Baley, Kovtun, Roman, Loveridge, Kade, Nielson, Chris, Brandes, AnnaPlanetary Health Report Card: The University of Utah School of Medicine. 2020-2021Planetary Health; PHRC; Climate Change; Sustainability; Health; Healthcare; Water; Scarcity Food Systems; Urbanization Biodiversity Natural; Disasters Land Use Pollution; Biogeochemical Flows; Global Health; Medical School Education; Curriculum; Research; Outreach; Advocacy; Environmental Justice2020; 2021
6 Bianchi, CarloEnergy demands for commercial buildings with climate variability based on emission scenariosThe impacts of a changing climate are wide-ranging in both impact and scope. This paper investigates the effect that realistic climate variability would have on building energy demands in Salt Lake City, UT to inform planning for air quality impacts. Energy demand scenarios were derived using climat...BEM; EnergyPlus; Emissions; Climate; Energy2017
7 Varner, Johanna; Dearing, Denise M.The importance of biologically relevant microclimates in species distribution models and habitat suitability assessmentsPredicting habitat suitability under climate change is vital to conserving biodiversity. However, current species distribution models rely on coarse scale climate data, whereas fine scale microclimate data may be necessary to assess habitat suitability and generate predictive models. Here, we evalua...2013
8 Nicoll, KathleenThe climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeologyThis article, which is part of a larger project, examines cases in which high-resolution archaeological, textual, and environmental data can be integrated with longer-term, low-resolution data to afford greater precision in identifying some of the causal relationships underlying societal change.2014-01-01
9 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Mid-Latitude (30°-60° N) climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface air temperaturesWe construct a mid-latitude (30°-60° N) reduced temperature-depth profile from a global borehole temperature database compiled for climate reconstruction. This reduced temperature profile is interpreted in terms of past surface ground temperature change and indicates warming on the order of 1°C...Surface air temperature; Surface ground temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations2001
10 Chapman, David S.Geothermics and climate change: 1. Analysis of borehole temperatures with emphasis on resolving powerTemperature-depth data from six boreholes in western Utah and nine boreholes in southeastern Utah are reanalyzed for evidence of ground surface temperature (GST) histories. We invert the temperature-depth data using the functional space inverse algorithm of Shen and Beck [1991, 1992] which we prefer...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Geothermics1998
11 Chapman, David S.Global warming - just hot air?We know from weather station records that Earth's surface temperature has increased on average by 0.6 degrees C in the last 100 years. The 1990s have been the warmest decade on record. Over the same period, global sea level has increased by 10-20 cm. We know also that planet Earth has an atmosphere ...Greenhouse Effect; Climate change1998
12 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Climate change in India inferred from geothermal observationsTemporal variations in surface ground temperature impart a signal to the subsurface thermal regime that is captured in borehole temperature-depth profiles. Seventy temperature-depth profiles in India, located between 12o and 28oN, are analyzed to infer past changes in ground temperature.Climate change; Borehole temperatures; Surface ground temperature; Surface air temperature; Geothermal observations; India2002
13 Warrier, Smitha; Lee, Alexis; Brandes, AnnaPursing Green Health: Assessing Sustainability of Medical Curriculum and Hospital Operations [recording]Medical students and UHealth staff and faculty continued their sustainability efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic by deep diving into assessment. This session of the Climate Changes Health and Health Equity Community Read will focus on the results of their efforts - The Planetary Health Report Card...Hospital operations; assessment; Medical School Curriculum; sustainability2021-12-02
14 Reichler, Thomas J.Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warmingA consistent weakening and poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation is diagnosed in the climate change simulations of the IPCC AR4 project. Associated with this widening is a poleward expansion of the subtropical dry zone. Simple scaling analysis supports the notion that the poleward extent of ...Hadley cell; Climate change; Subtropical dry zone2007
15 Reichler, Thomas J.Breaking down the tropospheric circulation response by forcingThis study describes simulated changes in the general circulation during the twentieth and twenty -first centuries due to a number of individual direct radiat ive forcings and warming sea surface temperatures, by examining very long time-slice simulations created with an enhanced version of the Geop...2012-01-01
16 Ehleringer, James R.; Belnap, JayneSensitivity of the Colorado plateau to change: climate, ecosystems, and societyThe Colorado Plateau is located in the interior, dry end of two moisture trajectories coming from opposite directions, which have made this region a target for unusual climate fluctuations. A multidecadal drought event some 850 years ago may have eliminated maize cultivation by the first human settl...Colorado Plateau; Biological crust; Climate change; Megadrought; Ranching; Dry crop productivity; Extractive industries; Pueblo Indians; Fremont culture2008
17 Chapman, David S.Reply to comment by T.J. Osborn and K. R. Briffa on "Mid-Latitude (30?-60?N) climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface air temperatures"We thank Osborn and Briffa [2002] for their comment regarding our use of the climatic reconstruction of Overpeck et al. [1997]. We [Harris and Chapman, 2001] had taken a proxy, Arctic wide summer-weighted annual temperature reconstruction [Overpeck et al., 1997], given in dimensionless sigma units (...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
18 Ehleringer, James R.Responses of boreal conifers to climate fluctuations: indications from tree-ring widths and carbon isotope analysesSpatial distribution and species composition of the boreal forest are expected to change under predicted climate change scenarios. Current research indicates that water limitations control the southern boundary of the central Canadian boreal forest and temperature limitations control the northern b...Boreal forests; Carbon budget; Picea mariana; Pinus banksiana; Carbon isotopes1998
19 Chapman, David S.Geothermics and climate change: 2. Joint analysis of borehole temperature and meteorological dataLong-period ground surface temperature variations contained in bore hole temperature-depth profiles form a complementary climate change record to high-frequency, but noisy surface air temperature (SAT) records at weather stations. We illustrate the benefits of jointly analyzing geothermal and meteo...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer1998
20 Chapman, David S.Borehole temperatures and climate change: ground temperature change in south India over the past two centuriesVariations in surface g round temperature (SGT) at the Earth's surface diffuse downward in a predictable way causing systematic perturbations to the subsurface temperature field. The pioneering study of Lachenbruch and Marsh all [1986] in Alaska demonstrated that present-day borehole temperature-dep...2012-01-01
21 Reitze, Arnold W.Federal Control of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: What are the Options?The U.S. Supreme Court in Massachusetts v. EPA held that carbon dioxide is a pollutant under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and remanded the case to EPA. The Agency must decide whether CO2 emissions contribute to climate change. If the Agency responds affirmatively, it must meet other requirements of t...2009-08-01
22 Davies, Lincoln L.Understanding Barriers to Commercial-Scale Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the United States: An Empirical AssessmentAlthough a potentially useful climate change mitigation tool, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) efforts in the United States remain mired in demonstration and development. Prior studies suggest numerous reasons for this stagnation. This article empirically assesses those claims. Using an anonym...2013-08
23 Adler, Robert W.Drought, Sustainability, and the LawResearchers and responsible officials have made considerable progress in recent years in efforts to anticipate, plan for, and respond to drought. Some of those efforts are beginning to shift from purely reactive, relief-oriented measures to programs designed to prevent or to mitigate drought impacts...2010-07-15
24 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Snow and the ground temperature record of climate changeBorehole temperature-depth profiles contain a record of surface ground temperature (SGT) changes with time and complement surface air temperature (SAT) analysis to infer climate change over multiple centuries. Ground temperatures are generally warmer than air temperatures due to solar radiation effe...Snow cover; Snow modeling; land/atmosphere interactions; Borehole climate reconstructions; Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
25 Codding, Brian F.External impacts on internal dynamics: Effects of paleoclimatic and demographic variability on acorn exploitation along the Central California coastResearch into human-environment interaction in California prehistory often focuses on either the internal dynamics of adaptive decisions or the external impacts of environmental change. While both processes were surely driving prehistoric variability, integrating these approaches is not altogether s...Acorn exploitation; Prehistoric land use; Behavioral ecology2016
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