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3 Love, April M.Hidden water: Salt Lake County, UT drainages, a part of the Western Waters Digital LibrarySalt Lake Valley watershed, hidden water2012
4 Woolstenhulme, Jack P.New records of molluscaRecent work on the molluscan collection of the University of Utah, involving the transferring of sets from the accession lots to the systematic series and the cataloging of the new accessions to the museum, has brought out several unpublished records and many gifts of recent date. Among the former a...1942-05-20
5 Blackwelder, Eliot; Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Antevs, ErnstThe Great Basin with emphasis on glacial and postglacial timesThe Great Basin is a physiographic province the boundaries o f which are somewhat indefinite. Roughly it lies between the Sierra Nevada on the west and the Wasatch Mountains on the east, but its tributary valleys extend over into Wyoming. To the north it grades into the Columbia lava plateau, and to...1948-06-30
6 Mallat, ChibliThe Syrian-Israeli Boundaries in International Law: The Significance of the Armistice Demarcation Line of 1949Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, One dunum here, one dunum there has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic continues to regulat...2000-07-13
7 Woodbury, Angus M.; Cottam, Clarence; Sugden, John W.Annotated check-list of the birds of UtahThe following check-list is a by-product o f studies made by the writers since 1926 in gathering material for a work on The Birds of Utah which is now completed. The list includes four hundred three kinds of birds (species and subspecies) which are admitted to the actual state list and thirty-three ...1949-03
8 Chapman, David S.Techniques, analysis, and noise in a Salt Lake Valley 4D gravity experimentRepeated high-precision gravity measurements using an automated gravimeter and analysis of time series of 1-Hz samples allowed gravity measurements to be made with an accuracy of 5 μGal or better. Nonlinear instrument drift was removed using a new empirical staircase function built from multiple ...Gravity measurements2008
9 Broughton, JohnTerminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville BasinEleven fish species were identified from Homestead Cave, Utah. The remains, concentrated in the lowest stratum of the deposit, were accumulated by owls between approximately 11,200 and 10,100 14C yr B.P. and likely represent fish associated with the final die-off of the Lake Bonneville fauna. Fou...Fish assemblage; Quaternary; Lake Bonneville2000
10 Broughton, JohnHomestead cave IchthyofaunaBiological evidence on the climatic and hydrographic history of the intermountain region would be much richer, if we had more than the present dribble of paleontological data on the fishes (Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 25). In this passage from their landmark synthesis of historical fish biogeograph...Homestead Cave; Ichthyofauna; Lake Bonneville2000
11 Durrant, Stephen D.The distribution and taxonomy of Kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of UtahThe first comprehensive work on the mammals of Utah was published by Barnes in 1922. In this work (Barnes 1922:86-87) only two kangaroo rats were known from the confines of the state. They were known at that time as Perodipus montcmus utahensis and Perodipus longipes. In Barnes revised edition (1927...1945-06-30
12 Reens, Don M.Observations on a Mosquito Flight in Salt Lake CityIn a survey of the mosquitoes of Salt Lake City carried on since 1929, a number of mosquito flights have been observed and recorded. These flights have occured principally in three species of mosquitoes common to region,- Aedes campestris Dyar and Knab Aedes vexans (Meigen) and Aedes dorsalis (Meige...1935-02
13 Adams, DanielMicrobial production of methane and carbon dioxide from lignite, bituminous coal, and coal waste materialsThe aim of this study was to examine microbial methane and CO2 production from bituminous coal waste, lignite, and bituminous coal materials. Bituminous coal and coal waste material were obtained from a Utah mine and lignite was obtained from a commercially available North Dakota sample. Microbial p...2012-01-01
14 Tran, Thomas T. D.System scaling approach and thermoeconomic analysis of a pressure retarded osmosis system for power production with hypersaline draw solution: A Great Salt Lake studyOsmotic power with pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) is an emerging renewable energy option for locations where fresh water and salt water mix. Energy can be recovered from the salinity gradient between the solutions. This study provides a comprehensive feasibility analysis for a PRO power plant in a ...Pressure retarded osmosis; Power generation; Renewable energy; Hydroelectric; Levelized cost2017-06
15 Pataki, DianeUniversity of Utah Red Butte Creek Strategic VisionA vision for Red Butte Creek at the University of Utah, developed by a RBC Strategic Vision Steering Committee led by Diane Pataki, Biology department.Red Butte Creek; University of Utah; Planning2016
16 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Tanana, Heather; Holt, RebeccaConjunctive Surface and Groundwater Management in Utah: Implications for Oil Shale and Oil Sands DevelopmentS.J. Quinney College of Law photograph.2011-12
17 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors' special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is in...1929-06
18 Flowers, SevilleFerns of UtahThe distribution of many species of our ferns is not well known in Utah. Collectors have centered their work around certain localities and many blank spots appear on the distributional map. One might presume certain species to be present in some of these unexplored areas but specimens are still to b...1944-11-15
19 Jones, David T.A comparative study of certain goblet cellsThe origin of the primordial droplets has been rightly given the primary place in the study of secretion. Bowen has limited the term secretion to the actual synthesis of these droplets from cytoplasmic materials, which limitation we shall accept. The secondary problems in this field concern chieflly...1937-06
20 Mallat, ChibliA Federal Israel-Palestine: Ending 100 Years of Civil War in the Holy Land?What if we substitute a federal Israel-Palestine for the two-state solution deadlock?2010-09-17
21 Mathews, V. JohnEqualization of excursion and current-dependent nonlinearities in loudspeakersThis paper presents a novel equalizer for nonlinear distortions in direct-radiator loudspeakers in a closed cabinet by constructing an exact inverse of an electro-mechanical model of the loudspeaker. This exact inverse compensates for distortions introduced by excursion and current-dependent nonline...2014-01-01
22 Eckhoff, David W.Drought happens: get used to it! Will technology help us to survive?Drought is not the most popular subject in the world. Actually, as opposed to death, I think there are some bright spots in the drought mitigation future. I will review some of these in this lecture, but I'm also going to discuss some of the downsides of drought, because you can't have one without t...Wastewater reclamation; Tiered water rates2002-09-10
23 Rees, Don M.Origin of Mosquito producing waters in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, UtahDuring the course of this investigation, from 1929 to 1987, of the mosquitoes in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, some interesting data have been collected on the origin of waters that produce mosquitoes. These data are now sufficient to justify certain pertinent conclusions. As all mosquito larvae a...1939-04-28
24 Bohs, Lynn A.Systematics of Solanum section Allophyllum (Solanaceae)Three species of Solarium are included in a new section, Solarium sect. Allophyllum. Two of the species, S. allophyllum and S. mapiriense, have been previously known; the third, S. morellifolium Bohs, is described as new. The combination of characters exhibited by members of this section, such as un...Solanum section Allophyllum; Solanum allophyllum; Solanum morellifolium; Solanum mapiriense1990
25 Smith, Amanda D.Modeling two-phase flow and vapor cycles using the generalized fluid system simulation programThis work presents three new applications for the general purpose fluid network solver code GFSSP developed at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: (1) cooling tower, (2) vapor-compression refrigeration system, and (3) vapor-expansion power generation system. These systems are widely used across eng...Modeling; Fluid systems; Cooling tower; Vapor compression refrigeration, vapor power cycle2017-09
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