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1 Sommer, Matthew; Morries, JaromEnhancing medical interest in Rural CommunitiesWe hypothesize that through continued outreach, mentorship and follow up with rural high schools in Idaho, there will be an increase in students who pursue a career in medicine. Utilizing hands on experiences, detailed planning tools, and better resources for school counselors, rural Idaho can produ...Rural communities; urban areas; rural areas; Rural Outreach Program (ROP) visits
2 Colter, Jourdan; Wirostko, Barbara; Coats, BrittanyFinite element design optimization of hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel drug delivery device for improved retentionDrug-loaded hydrogel devices are emerging as an effective means of localized and sustained drug delivery for the treatment of corneal conditions and injuries. One such device uses a novel, thiolated crosslinked carboxymethylated, hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (CMHA-S) film to deliver drug to the oc...Ocular drug delivery; CMHA-S; antibiotics; ophthalmology; computation2018
3 Yu, Zhou; Fan, Jessie X.Migrant status and consumer financial fraud in China: a two-stage approachChinese migrants face socioeconomic disadvantages. Less is known about their vulnerability to consumer financial fraud, which can impede migrants' integration into urban China. This paper uses nationally representative data from 2015 to investigate migrants' risk factors for consumer financial fraud...Migration; hukou; risk factors; fraud exposure; victimization; rural migrants; and urban migrants
4 Yu, ZhouStriving and thriving: Utah's Chinese Pioneers and the expanding tapestry of diversity from 1870 to 2020The first wave of Chinese immigrants came to Utah in the 1860s, working on the Transcontinental Railroad and mining projects. This was not long after Mormon pioneers had settled in the Wasatch Front [1-4]. Both groups sought better lives, but their life trajectories diverged in the decades that foll...Chinese immigrants; Utah; historical; decennial census; microdata; population; migration
5 Shangguan, Xuming; Shi, Gengyan; Yu, ZhouESG performance and enterprise value in China: a novel approach via the regulated intermediary modelESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance increasingly influences enterprise valuation. While researchers debate about the precise nature of this influence, most assume a positive linear relationship. This study introduces a novel ESG responsibility performance metric utilizing the Reg...ESG; enterprise valuation; corporate sustainability; the Regulated Intermediary Model
6 Lobell, Steven E.Why Israel launched a preventive military strike on Iraq's nuclear weapons program (1981): the fungibility of power reourcesIn 1981, Israel launched a preventive military strike against a nuclear reactor that Iraq was constructing at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center. The low fungibility of Iraq's power resources, and especially its nuclear weapons program, shaped Israel's decision-making process. First, it motivated ...Reventive war; Osiraq granular; Theory of balancing; fungibility brittle; Israel power resources
7 Lobell, Steven E.Preventive military strike or preventive war? the fungibilty of power resourcesDifferential rates of growth explanations for preventive war assume that power resources are highly fungible. That is, they assume that a state's power resources are easily and quickly ‘moveable' into practical military capability. This ‘unidimensional and undifferentiated' baseline obscures an ...Neoclassical realism; preventive war; preventive strikes; fungibility power; resources aggregate; power realism; osiraq israel syria2021
8 Hamilton, AbbyCommunity Asset Based Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Uinta County, WYProviding high schoolers with national and local mental health resources will decrease suicide rates in Uinta County adolescentsRural; suicide prevention; adolescents2023
9 Alexander, Kaylee P.Towards transdisciplinarity: current and future perspectives on art markets studiesThe rapid expansion of art markets research since the 2010s has been rooted in an interdisciplinary approach that has resulted in many fruitful collaborations across the humanities, science, and social sciences. Yet, despite recent calls for more cross-disciplinary collaboration, the field remains r...transdisciplinarity; art markets; epistemology; pedagogy; higher education
10 Narvaez, Marina Lee and Kizer, SandyShowcasing College-funded databases: collaborations between College of Business and Business LibrarianCollege of Business (Walton) subscribes to 30+ databases through individual subscriptions only available to Walton community • Immediate need is to make resources visible and accessible to Walton community through website • Walton IT Director initiative of making Walton Database Website • Busi...evidence based collection development; business resources; assessment; business librarian2023
11 Ocier, K; Myers, M; Stewart, IJ; Amuan, ME; Wilson, AM; Adamson, A; Wilde, EA; Pugh, MJAssociation between TBI Exposure and Parkinson's Disease among Post-9/11 Era VeteransTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a signature injury for Post-9/11 Service Members (SMs) and Veterans • TBI is one of the risk factors for Parkinson's disease (PD) • Young onset PD (YO-PD) makes up 5-10% of all PD cases • Little is known about the trajectory and elevated PD risk among younger SM...traumatic brain injury; Parkinson's disease; post-9/11 Veterans; young onset Parkinson's disease
12 Ziegenfuss, Donna HarpUncovering the Intersections of Personal, Professional, and Instructional Identities, Chapter 3An increasing focus in higher education on learner-centered teaching and active learning instruction is driving transformation on campuses at the national and international scale.1 The COVID-19 pandemic has also pushed the instructional needs envelope forward resulting in new tools for alternative t...instructional identity; professional identity; autoethnography; authentic teaching; disorienting dilemma; reflexivity; professional development2023
13 Schmind, Alexis VAn embryonic-like subpopulation is present in regenerating heartsZebrafish regenerate injured heart tissue through cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation, but it's unclear which cell subpopulations are involved.zebrafish heart regeneration; medaka; cardiomyocytes2021
14 Ziegenfuss, Donna HarpConnecting critical reading to the literature review: teaching qualitative data analysis tools to graduate studentsTransitioning from undergraduate to graduate study, students must master critical reading of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary literature, interpret primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, and synthesize the literature.1 Demonstrating an understanding of the literature in a particular field prov...qualitative research; literature review; critical reading; NVivo; Atlas.ti; graduate students
15 Codding, Brian F.Supplementary Materials: Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau RegionThis document includes the code used to complete the analysis presented in the manuscript "Socioecological Dynamics Structuring the Spread of Farming in the North American Basin-Plateau Region" in Environmental 15 Archaeology.environmental archaeology
16 Codding, Brian F.Socioecological dynamics structuring the spread of farming in the North American Basin-Plateau RegionThe spread of agriculture is a major driver of social and environmental change throughout 25 the Holocene, yet experimental and ethnographic data indicate that farming is less profitable than foraging, so why would individuals choose to adopt agriculture leading to its expansion? Ideal distribution ...Ideal free distribution model; population ecology; behavioral ecology; maize agriculture; Ancestral Puebloan; Fremont Complex2021
17 Smith, Philip J.The UQ-predictive Multidisciplinary Simulation Center for high efficiency electric power generation with carbon captureThe University of Utah Multidisciplinary Simulation Center was established in April of 2014 by the United States Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)for the purpose of developing and demonstrating the use of formal uncertainty quantification (UQ) methodologies in con...digital twin; biomass boiler; Bayesian analysis; uncertainty quantification; high performance computing; continuous optimization2021-03-31
18 Wang, Yu; Sun, Bindong; Yu, ZhouEqualization or polarization? The effect of the Internet on National Urban Hierarchies across the World, 2000-2018As Internet adoption and diffusion continues worldwide, little is known about its effects on the restructuring of national urban hierarchies across the world. We create a panel data of city population with uniform definitions within each of the 133 countries from 2000 to 2018, using the Pareto index...Internet; urban hierarchy; nonlinear link; channel; transnational; urban growth2018
19 Findley, Sam P.Contributing factors to academic success among student VeteransStudent veteran; Student success; Veteran
20 Yu, Zhou, Haan, Michael, Yi, ChengdongThe Inception of Housing Pathways in Urban China: The Declining Household Formation of Young Adults from 2011 to 2017The homeownership rate of young adults has surged to an unprecedented level in urban China, despite rising housing prices and significant rural-urban migration. A trend analysis of nationally representative microdata shows that household formation is the missing link in the paradox and that many you...Household formation; headship rates; young adults; migration; institutional barriers; housing pathways2017
21 Qin, Xianhong; Wei, Dennis Yehua; Yu, Zhou; Xiong, NingUrbanization, Suburbanization, and Population Redistribution in Urban China: A Case Study of NanjingThis paper analyzes the urbanization and suburbanization of Nanjing, an ancient capital and a new Tier-1 city in China, from 1990 to 2015. We use on China's census and survey microdata and the shift-share methods to examine population redistribution and spatial expansion in the city. The results sh...Urbanization; Suburbanization; Migration; Population Redistribution; Nanjing, China
22 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouPrevalence and Risk Factors of Consumer Financial Fraud in ChinaThis study estimates the prevalence of consumer fraud in China and investigates consumer fraud risk factors using a novel two-stage conceptual framework that differentiates fraud exposure from fraud victimization after exposure. Multivariate analyses show that multiple risk factors have opposite eff...Consumer financial fraud victimization; China; migrants; financial knowledge; risk attitude
23 Haan, Michael, Yu, Zhou, Draghici, ElenaHousehold Formation in Canada and the United States: Insights Into Differences by Race, Ethnicity, Immigrant Populations, and CountryThis study focuses on the most changeable component of housing demand in the future-the immigrant and minority groups, aged 25-75. Using the Canadian Census and the American Community Survey (ACS) across periods between 2006-2016, we compare headship and home ownership rates of both immigrants and n...homeownership; household formation; racial minorities; immigration; regional variation
24 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouUnderstanding Aging and Consumer Fraud Victimization in the Chinese Context: A Two-Stage Conceptual ApproachThe relationship between aging and consumer fraud victimization is mixed in the literature. Most studies based on survey data have found older consumers less likely to be fraud victims, while a few studies have found older consumers more likely to be victimized, especially with certain fraud types. ...Consumer financial fraud; fraud exposure; fraud victimization; fraud delivery methods; China
25 Yamaguchi, AyakoViral vectors to deliver trasngenes into neurons of adult African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevisThe African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, produce sexually distinct vocalizations to coordinate reproduction. Xenopus vocal behavior is an ideal model to study the neural basis of behavior for a variety of reasons. Unlike most other behaviors exhibited by vertebrate species, the neural pathways for v...VSV; viral vector; amphibians2019
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