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1 Mower, AllysonLibrary publishing services: strategies for successAbout the Research Project. Aim: To advance the professionalism of library-based publishing by identifying successful library publishing strategies and services, highlighting best practices, and recommending priorities for building capacity. Supported by a Collaborative Planning Grant from IMLS, wit...libraries; publishing; research results2011-11-03
2 Dolcourt, John L.; Hales, Joseph W.Use of internet searches for physician learningINTRODUCTION In 2005 the American Medical Association (AMA) approved the structure for awarding continuing medial education (CME) credit to physicians searching the Internet for answers to point-of-care related questions. Previous investigations of how physicians use the Intenet have relied on...Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
3 Schmidt, Meic H.Photodynamic therapyWe appreciate the comments of Drs. Kaye and Hill on our article. We are pleased that these investigators concurred with our impression that photodynamic therapy (PDT) may potentially be useful in the treatment of posterior fossa tumors. Several interesting questions were raised about the technical ...Photodynamic therapy; Photofrin1994
4 Bohs, Lynn A.Cyphomandra (Solanaceae)Unusual ecological aspects of Cyphomandra include its pollination syndrome and herbivore relationships. Male euglossine bees may be important pollinators of Cyphomandra flowers, and the primary attractants may not be pollen, but odor substances secreted by the anther connectives. Specialized herbi...Cyphomandra; Latin America1994
5 Rockwell, Kenneth W.Religious diversity in Salt Lake City: historical and conemporary photographs at the University of Utah's Marriott LibraryPowerPoint presentation for the Utah Library Association, presented on May 17, 2019. This presentation highlights historical and contemporary photographs in the Marriott Library's Digital Library showing churches and other religious structures in Salt Lake City. These photos reflect the history and...2019
6 Bohs, Lynn A.New species of Solanum section Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae) from BoliviaA new species of Solanum sect. Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae), S. hibernum, is described from the western part of Dept. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Its strongly discolorous leaves densely covered below with white dendritic hairs distinguish it from the other species in the section.Solanum hibernum; Cyphomandropsis1994
7 Eisenman, Patricia A.Hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle and increased anterior cruciate ligament laxity in femalesOBJECTIVE: To determine whether women experience significantly greater anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) laxity in conjunction with estrogen and progesterone surges during a normal 28- to 30-day menstrual cycle. DESIGN AND SETTING: Serial estrogen and progesterone levels were measured via radioimmuno...Estrogen; Progesterone; Knee Arthrometer; Radioimmunoassay1999-04
8 Henderson, Thomas C.Reaction-diffusion processes as a computational paradigmTuring introduced reaction diffusion systems (RD-systems) as a mechanism which made possible the differentiation of morphological structure. We have shown how these systems can be used to provide an information network for smart sensor systems. However, we propose here that reaction diffusion system...Reaction diffusion systems; RD-systems; Computational paradigm2000
9 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineRecombination kinetics in ?-Si:HMort et al.1 reinterpreted our data on the relaxation of photoinduced absorption (PA) in a-Si:H. 2 We want to show that the proposed interpretation contradicts one basic feature of the data while our original interpretation is in good agreement with experiment.Hydrogenated amorphous silicon; a-Si:H; Recombination kinetics; Photoinduced absorption; Decay; Relaxation1981
10 Bohs, Lynn A.Transfer of Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) and its species to SolanumData from recent molecular studies demonstrate that the genus Cyphomandra is nested within Solanum. Recognition of Cyphomandra as a separate genus therefore is not tenable unless Solanum is broken up into smaller monophyletic units. All Cyphomandra species are transferred to Solanum, necessitating t...Cyphomandra; Solanum1995
11 Forster, Richard R.Effects of bedrock lithology and subglacial till on the motion of Ruth Glacier, Alaska, deduced from five pulses from 1973 to 2012A pulse is a type of unstable glacier flow intermediate between normal flow and surging. Using Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ imagery and feature-tracking software, a time series of mostly annual velocity maps from 1973 to 2012 was produced that reveals five pulses of Ruth Glacier, Alaska. Peaks in ice ve...2014-01-01
12 Nicoll, KathleenOSL chronologies for Aeolian activity in the context of lake-level fluctuations, drainage reorganization and glacial retreat, North-Central MinnesotaDunes and stratified eolian sedi-ments are a significant component of the postglacial landscape across the mid-continent. During the 1970s, a benchmark study in north-central Minne-sota inferred a period of eolian activity 8,000 ? 5,000 years ago (i.e., the Altithermal Hypsithermal periods), based u...2006
13 Hawken, Leanne SuePreventing problem behavior : implementing a school-wide system of behavior supportThis edition of the Utah Special Educator focuses on what works for schools. Almost a decade of research has provided evidence for the best method of preventing problem behavior in schools-implementing a school-wide system of behavior support.2003
14 Henderson, Thomas C.; Thompson, William B.Smart sensor snowWe propose to deploy and exploit and large number of inexpensive sensors to obtain information or trigger actions over a wide geographic area. Sensors may be of diverse physical natures: acoustic, IR, seismic, chemical, magnetic, thermal, etc. We describe here three major issues: (1) sensor distribu...Smart sensors1998
15 Sperry, John S.Evaluation of Murray's law in Psilotum nudum (Psilotaceae), an analogue of ancestral vascular plantsPrevious work has shown that the xylem of seed plants follows Murray's law when conduits do not provide structural support to the plant. Here, compliance with Murray's law was tested in the stem photosynthesizer Psilotum nudum, a seedless vascular plant. Psilotum nudum was chosen because the central...Conduit furcation number; hydraulic architecture; Murray's law2005
16 Lupton, John MarkEfficient dipole-dipole coupling of Mott-Wannier and Frenkel excitons in (Ga,In)N quantum well/polyfluorene semiconductor heterostructuresWe investigate interactions between Mott-Wannier (MW) and Frenkel excitons in a family of hybrid structures consisting of thin organic (polyfluorene) films placed in close proximity (systematically adjusted by GaN cap layer thickness) to single inorganic [(Ga, In)N/GaN] quantum wells (QWs). Charac...Mott-Wannier; Frenkel; Excitons; Dipole-dipole coupling; Semiconductor heterostructures2007-07
17 Miller, Joel StevenInvolvement of titanocene and related species in the reduction of dinitrogen and olefinsSummary Four sequential products have been spectrally detected in the reduction by sodium of dicyclopentadienyltitanium(iv) dichloride: [(77-Cp)2TiCl]2, [(77-Cp)2-Ti]1-2, [(77-Cp)(C5H4)TiH]x, and (77-Cp)(C5H4)TiH2Ti- (C5H4)(77-Cp) ("stable titanocene"); the second of these reacts rapidly and rever...Hydrolysis; Sodium; Pressure1972
18 Herbert, John; Arlitsch, Kenningdigitalnewspapers.org: The Digital Newspapers Program at the University of UtahThis article describes the Utah Digital Newspapers Program at the University of Utah's Marriott Library. Background information regarding the historical importance of newspapers, the current state of commercial newspaper digitization and the problems with small newspaper digitization are reviewed, a...Digital libraries; Newspaper and periodical libraries; Library materials, Digitization2004
19 Clayton, Dale H.Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in Rock Doves (Columba livia)Most species of birds have a uropygial gland, also known as a preen gland, which produces oil that birds spread through their plumage when preening. The plumage of waterfowl deprived of uropygial oil becomes brittle and is subject to breakage.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Preen oil; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage2003
20 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 January 1971 to 31 May 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the fo...Curved surfaces; Digital waveform processing1971
21 Schmidt, Meic H.Role of photodynamic therapy in posterior fossa brain tumors: a preclinical study in a canine glioma modelPhotodynamic therapy was studied in dogs with and without posterior fossa glioblastomas. This mode of therapy consisted of intravenous administration of Photofrin-II at doses ranging from 0.75 to 4 mg/kg 24 hours prior to laser light irradiation in the posterior fossa. Tissue levels of Photofrin-l...Brain neoplasm; Posterior fossa; Photodynamic therapy; Glioblastomas; Dog; Photofrin-II; Canine glioma model1993
22 Clayton, Dale H.Influence of bill shape on ectoparasite load in Western Scrub-JaysPopulations of the Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica) have bills specialized for feeding in their respective habitats. Populations in oak habitat have hooked bills, whereas those in pinyon habitat have pointed bills with a reduced maxillary overhang. Work on other bird species shows that the...Ectoparasite load; Bill shape; Aphelocoma californica2002
23 Clayton, Dale H.Biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing liceChewing lice are small, dorsoventrally compressed insects and are parasites of virtually all birds (Fig. 1) and some mammals (Fig. 2). Many chewing lice are host specific, being found on only a single species of host. All chewing lice are permanent ectoparasites and complete their entire life c...Chewing lice2003
24 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineUltrafast studies of laser-action in poly-(p-pherylene vinylene) filmsThe recent demonstration of emission spectral narrowing in ∏-conjugated polymer has stirred widespread interest to the phenomenon of laser-action in these materials. It is now generally believed that spectral narrowing in superior polymer films is caused by amplified spontaneous emission (i.e. si...Ultrafast studies; Poly-(p-pherylene vinylene); PPV; Laser-action1999
25 Henderson, Thomas C.Shortest paths in sensor snowWe propose to deploy and exploit a large number of non-mobile inexpensive distributed sensor and communication devices (called Smart Sensor Snow) to obtain information and guide mobile robots over a wide geographic area. Sensors may be of diverse physical natures: acoustic, IR, seismic, chemical, ma...Sensor snow; Distributed sensor; Smart Sensor Snow; Sensors1999
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