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1 Gooch, Amy A.; Gooch, Bruce; Willemsen, Peter; Kniss, Joe; Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Shirley, Peter S.3D Line textures and the visualization of confidence in ArchitectureThis work introduces a technique for interactive walkthroughs of non-photorealistically rendered (NPR) scenes using 3D line primitives to define architectural features of the model, as well as indicate textural qualities. Line primitives are not typically used in this manner in favor of texture ma...Presentation graphics; Interactive walkthroughs2007
2 Olivera, Baldomero M.?O-Conotoxins inhibit NaV channels by interfering with their voltage sensors in domain-2The ?O-conotoxins MrVIA and MrVIB are 31-residue peptides from Conus marmoreus, belonging to the O-superfamily of conotoxins with three disulfide bridges. They have attracted attention because they are inhibitors of tetrodotoxin-insensitive voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.8) and could therefore ...2007
3 Khan, Faisal HabibA 5 kW Bi-directional multilevel modular DC-DC converter (MMCCC) featuring built in power management for fuel cell and hybrid electric automobilesAbstract- A new capacitor clamped modular dc-dc converter with bi-directional power handling capability will be presented in this paper. This inductor-free design is modular, and it is possible to integrate multiple loads and sources simultaneously in the converter. Moreover, this 5 kW dc-dc convert...2007
4 Whitaker, Ross T.A fast iterative method for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations on parallel systemsIn this paper we propose a novel computational technique, which we call the Fast Iterative Method (FIM), to solve a class of Hamilton- Jacobi (H-J) equations on massively parallel systems. The proposed method manages the list of active nodes and iteratively updates the solutions on those nodes u...Fast Iterative Method; FIM; Parallel systems2007
5 Mathews, V. JohnA minimax approach for the joint design of acoustic crosstalk cancellation filtersAbstract-This paper presents a method for jointly designing immersive audio rendering filters for a single listener using loudspeakers. The filters for crosstalk cancellation are assumed to have finite impulse responses and are designed using the minimax criterion. In addition to the traditional At...2007
6 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIA survey of MPI related debuggers and toolsMessage Passing Interface is a widely used standard in the High Performance and Scienti c Computing Community for writing programs that can exploit the capability of parallel platforms. However, the inherent complexity and the size of the communication standard have made it difficult for programm...Message Passing Interface; MPI; Debuggers2007
7 Miller, Jan D.; Niewiadomski, Marcin M.; Hupka, Jan; Nalaskowski, JakubAir bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationThe interactions of air bubbles and oil droplets in centrifugal flotation have been considered with respect to process conditions present during Air-sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation. Encounter efficiency of oil droplets with air bubbles has been found to be significantly smaller when compared t...Centrifugal flotation; Froth flotation; Oil flotation; Dispersed oil; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; ASH2007
8 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, molecular dynamics simulations and contact angle measurementsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric points measured at two different crystallographic surfaces by the streaming potential method were found to be similar and exist at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edge...Talc; Interfacial properties; Hydration; Atomic force microscopy; Molecular dynamics simulations; Edge surface; Basal plane2007
9 Mallat, ChibliAppels d'Europe à l'est de la MéditerranéeNombreux sont les obstacles dressés devant tous les démocrates du Moyen-Orient ! Les difficultés internes sont évidentes : il suffit de regarder la panoplie de dictateurs, rois ou autres potentats arabes dont la préoccupation principale est de se maintenir au pouvoir sans que les citoyens ne...2007
10 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Automatic assembly of TEM mosaics and mosaic stacks using phase correlationThis paper discusses automatic Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) image registration, TEM slice assembly via tile mosaicking, and TEM volume assembly via slice to slice registration. Several algorithms are presented, including an algorithm for mosaic layout of an unordered set of tiles, an algor...2007
11 Jorgensen, ErikAxons break in animals lacking B-spectrinAxons and dendrites can withstand acute mechanical strain despite their small diameter. In this study, we demonstrate that β-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of neuronal processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Axons in β-spectrin mutants spontaneously break.2007
12 Bastiani, MichaelAxons break in animals lacking β-spectrinAxons and dendrites can withstand acute mechanical strain despite their small diameter. In this study, we demonstrate that β-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of neuronal processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Axons in β-spectrin mutants spontaneously break.Mutants; Dendrites; Morphology2007
13 Coley, Phyllis D.Beneficios y costos de defensa en un arbusto del neotrópicoLOS beneficios y costos son de importancia capital para las teorfas de optimization de las defensas de las plantas. El beneficio es la ganancia de aptitud para reducir el herbivorismo; el costo es la perdida de aptitud al comprometer recursos en defensa. Evaluamos los beneficios y los costos de def...Psychotria horizontalis; Isla de Barro Colorado; Costos de defense; Celdas de exclusion; Herbivorismo; Defensa de las plantas; Taninos; Dureza; Tropicos; Benefit; Beneficios2007
14 Schmidt, Meic H.Castleman disease of the spine mimicking a nerve sheath tumorCastleman disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disease of unknown cause. In most cases, afflicted patients present with a mediastinal mass although the disease may manifest in numerous other sites, including intracranially and rarely intraspinally. The authors report on the case of a 19-year-old wo...Castleman disease; Nerve sheath tumor2007
15 Couldwell, William T.; Jensen, Randy L.; Gillespie, David L.Celecoxib inhibits meningioma tumor growth in a mouse xenograft modelBackground: Treatments for recurrent meningiomas are limited. We previously demonstrated universal expression of COX-2 in meningiomas and dose-dependent growth inhibition in vitro with celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor. We therefore tested the effects of celecoxib on meningioma growth in a mouse xenograf...Meningioma; Cyclooxygenase-2; COX-2; Celecoxib2007
16 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Sadwick, Laurence P.Chemical beam epitaxial growth of InP and GaP by using tertiarybutylbis (dimethylamino) phosphineWe report the growth of indium phosphide (InP) by using a chemical beam epitaxy (CBE) technique with the group V source tertiarybutylbis (dimethylamino) phosphine (TBBDMAP). The photoluminescence spectra at 15 K showed that the intensity of a peak attributed to impurity recombination and the FWHM i...Chemical beam epitaxy; CBE; InP; GaP; Tertiarybutylbis (Dimethylamino) Phosphine; Gallium phosphide; TBBDMAP2007
17 Li, MinqiChina: hyper-development and environmental crisisChina's spectacular economic growth has been one of the most dramatic developments in the global economy over the past quarter century. Between 1978 and 2004 the Chinese economy expanded at an annual rate of 9.4 per cent. No other large economy has ever grown so rapidly for so long in the economic h...China; Economic growth; Environmental impacts2007
18 Schmidt, Meic H.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I.Chylorrhea: a rare complication of thoracoscopic discectomy of the thoracolumbar junctionThe thoracic duct along with the cisterna chyli is a major lymphatic pathway near the anterior thoracolumbar spine. Despite the fragile nature of the lymphatic system and its proximity to the spinal column, chylorrhea is rarely encountered by spine surgeons. The authors present a unique case of chyl...Chylous leak; Thoracoscopy; Thoracic spine; Thoracoscopic discectomy; Thoracolumbar junction; Chylorrhea2007
19 Haug, Peter J.Clinical Decision Support at Intermountain HealthcareBiomedical Informatics2007
20 Ostafin, AgnesCombined deletion of mouse dematin-headpiece and ß-adducin exerts a novel effect on the spectrin-actin junctions leading to erythrocyte fragility and hemolytic AnemiaDematin and adducin are actin-binding proteins of the erythrocyte "junctional complex." Individually, they exert modest effects on erythrocyte shape and membrane stability, and their homologues are expressed widely in non-erythroid cells. Here we report generation and characterization of double knoc...2007
21 Bedrov, Dmitro; Borodin, Oleg; Smith, Grant D.Comment on "On the accuracy of force fields for predicting the physical properties of dimethylnitramine"Zheng and Thompson have recently reported a comparison of three atomistic force fields for prediction of physical properties of dimethylnitramine (DMNA) from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.1 Specifically, they compared the rigid molecule force field by Sorescu, Rice, and Thompson (SRT);2 the ge...2007
22 Couldwell, William T.Comment on Aydin, K., et al: Localization of cerebrospinal fliud leaks by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance cisternography: a 5-year single-center experienceThe Author's describe the use of intrathecal Gd-enhanced MR cisternography for the definition of cerebrospinal fluid leaks in 51 patients. They were able to identify the site of leak in 43 of 51 patients (84%). Although the technique is not new, most of the previous articles are found in the neuror...Cerebrospinal fluid leaks2007
23 Couldwell, William T.Comment on Kitano, M. and Taneda, M.: Extended transsphenoidal approach to the anterior communicating artery aneurysm: aneurysm incidentally identified during macroadenoma resectionKitano and Taneda describe the successful clipping of an ACoA aneurysm via the transsphenoidal approach. There are limitations of the approach; most notable are the limited and narrow corridor and the relationship between the aneurysm and the optic chiasm, which may hinder full visualization of the ...Aneurysm; Transsphenoidal approach2007
24 Balasubramonian, RajeevCommit algorithms for scalable hardware transactional memoryIn a hardware transactional memory system with lazy versioning and lazy conflict detection, the process of transaction commit can emerge as a bottleneck. For a large-scale distributed memory system, we propose novel algorithms to implement commit that are deadlock- and livelock-free and do not empl...Commit algorithms; Scalable; Hardware; Transactional memory2007
25 Henderson, Thomas C.; Sikorski, ChristopherComputational sensor networksWe propose Computational Sensor Networks as a methodology to exploit models of physical phenomena in order to better understand the structure of the sensor network. To do so, it is necessary to relate changes in the sensed variables (e.g., temperature) to the aspect of interest in the sensor netw...Computational sensor networks2007
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