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1 Crespo, Jose GuillermoDislodgement effect of natural semiochemicals released by disturbed triatomines: a possible alternative monitoring toolThe quick detection of domestic and peridomestic triatomines in their environments becomes difficult without the use of dislodgement substances that flush them out from their shelters. At present, tetramethrin 0.2% is being widely used in control programs. Although it is an efficient dislodging agen...2013-01-01
2 Kleinschmidt, Julia J.; Grosshans, Onie; Caserta, Michael; Saffel-Shrier, Susan; Tuohig, GailIntervening in midlife for optimal retirement: a guide for health educatorsFactors contributing to successful retirement deserve increased attention given the rapid growth of the aging population. Antecedent to successful retirement is successful aging. The middle aged population is an opportune target for health promotion and health education interventions as this group...Retirement; Aging Process;Education Interventions; Health Promotion1991-10
3 Goldberg, Robert A.Jewish perspectiveOUR TOPIC POSES two key questions. First, what are the pitfalls of writing from within our own religious tradition? Second, what are the advantages? In thinking about the Jewish tradition, my mind conjures up and fixes upon a quotation from Sheriff Wyatt Earp, upholder of law and order in Dodge City...2002
4 DeTar, CarletonCritical behavior in Nt=4 staggered fermion thermodynamicsQuantum chromodynamics with two zero mass flavors is expected to exhibit a phase transition with O(4) critical behavior. Fixing the universality class is important for phenomenology and for facilitating the extrapolation of simulation data to physical quark mass values. Other groups have reported r...Staggered fermions; Phase transitions2000-01
5 DeTar, CarletonCritical behavior in Nt=4 staggered fermion thermodynamicsQuantum chromodynamics with two zero mass flavors is expected to exhibit a phase transition with O(4) critical behavior. Fixing the universality class is important for phenomenology and for facilitating the extrapolation of simulation data to physical quark mass values. Other groups have reported r...Staggered fermions; Phase transitions; Quark-gluon plasma; Chiral symmetry2000-01
6 Olivera, Baldomero M.Identification of Conus peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases) and assessment of their role in the oxidative folding of conotoxinsPeptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases) are ubiquitous proteins that catalyze the cis-trans isomerization of prolines. A number of proteins, such as Drosophila rhodopsin and the human immunodeficiency viral protein HIV-1 Gag, have been identified as endogenous substrates for PPIases. However, ...2010
7 Minteer, Shelley D.Improved performance of a thylakoid bio-solar cell by incorporation of carbon quantum dotsCarbon quantum dots (CQDs) were incorporated into thylakoid bioanodes capable of direct photobioelectrocatalysis in order to increase the photocurrent generation. More thylakoids are in contact with the increased surface area which allows for greater direct electron transfer (DET). Additionally, the...2014-01-01
8 Olivera, Baldomero M.Combined proteomic and transcriptomic interrogation of the venom gland of conus geographus uncovers novel components and functional compartmentalizationCone snails are highly successful marine predators that use complex venoms to capture prey. At any given time, hundreds of toxins (conotoxins) are synthesized in the secretory epithelial cells of the venom gland, a long and convoluted organ that can measure 4 times the length of the snail's body. In...2014-01-01
9 Clayton, Dale H.How effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? An experimental test with pigeons and hippoboscid fliesBirds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relati...2012-01-01
10 Capecchi, Mario R.Modeling alveolar soft part sarcomagenesis in the mouse: a role for lactate in the tumor microenvironmentAlveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS), a deadly soft tissue malignancy with a predilection for adolescents and young adults, associates consistently with t(X;17) translocations that generate the fusion gene ASPSCR1-TFE3. We proved the oncogenic capacity of this fusion gene by driving sarcomagenesis in m...2014-01-01
11 Olivera, Baldomero M.Modulation of conotoxin structure and function is achieved through a multienzyme complex in the venom glands of cone snailsBackground: Conotoxins can be utilized to investigate enzyme-assisted folding of disulfide-rich peptides. Results: Various ER-resident cone snail enzymes act in concert to accelerate the oxidative folding of conotoxins and modulate their conformation by reconfiguring disulfide connectivities. Conclu...2012-01-01
12 Blumenthal, Donald K.Identification of the substrate and pseudosubstrate binding sites of phosphorylase kinase gamma-subunit.Using site-directed mutagenesis, we proposed that an autoinhibitory domain(s) is located at the C-terminal region (301-386) of the phosphorylase kinase gamma-subunit (Huang, C.-Y.F., Yuan C.-J., Livanova, N.B., and Graves, D.J. (1993) Mol. Cell. Biochem. 127/128, 7-18). Removal of the putative inhib...Mutagenesis; Autoinhibitory Domain; Peptides1995-03-31
13 Codding, BrianShellfishing and the colonization of sahul: a multivariate model evaluating the dynamic effects of prey utility, transport considerations and life-history on foraging patterns and midden compositionArchaeological evidence of shellfish exploitation along the coast of Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea) points to an apparent paradox. While the continental record as a whole suggests that human populations were very low from initial colonization through early Holocene, coastal and peri-c...2014-01-01
14 DeTar, CarletonScaling and eigenmode tests of the improved fat clover actionWe test a recently proposed improved lattice-fermion action, the fat link clover action, examining indicators of pathological small-quark-mass lattice artifacts (‘‘exceptional configurations'') on quenched lattices of spacing 0.12 fm and studying scaling properties of the light hadron spectrum ...Clover actions; Wilson actions2000-12
15 Coley, Phyllis D.Herbivory and defensive characteristics of tree species in a lowland tropical forestRate of herbivory and defensive characteristics of young and mature leaves were measured for saplings of 46 canopy tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest (Barro Colorado Island, Panama). Grazing rates were determined in the field for sample periods in the early wet, late wet, and dry seasons...Fiber; Herbivory; Life history; Panama; Phenolics; Plant growth; Spatial distribution; Tannins; Temporal distribution; Treefall gaps; Tropical forest1983
16 Miller, Jan D.Surfactant adsorption density calculation from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectroscopy (FTIR/ERS)An equation to calculate surfactant adsorption density from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectra was established. The derivation and limitation of this equation are discussed in detail. The validation of the FTIR/ERS adsorption density equation was experimentally verified from t...Surfactant; Adsorption density; Solid film2003
17 Sarofim, Adel F.Numerical combustion of aviation fuel part I: a cross-model comparison of n-heptane premixed flameFour different n-heptane mechanisms were used to simulate a fuel rich n-heptane premixed flame and their results were compared with experimental measurements. In addition to discussion of the numerical performance of each mechanism, flux analysis coupled with the atomic distribution technique was us...Aviation fuel; n-heptane; Premixed flame2003
18 Baehr, WolfgangExpression and mutagenesis of mouse rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesteraseUsing recombinant baculovirus vectors, the three subunits of mouse rod photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) (alpha beta gamma 2) have been expressed in insect cells. The recombinant alpha,beta subunits accumulate to 5 mg/liter culture, but most (98%) of the expressed polypeptides are insoluble...Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel; Macromolecular Substances; Protein Processing, Post-Translational1994
19 Beckerle, Mary C.Activation-dependent redistribution of the adhesion plaque protein, talin, in intact human plateletsTalin is a high molecular weight protein localized at adhesion plaques in fibroblasts. It binds vinculin and integrin and appears to participate in generating a transmembrane connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton.Talin1989
20 Mansour, Suzanne L.Fgf10 is required for specification of non-sensory regions of the cochlear epitheliumThe vertebrate inner ear is a morphologically complex sensory organ comprised of two compartments, the dorsal vestibular apparatus and the ventral cochlear duct, required for motion and sound detection, respectively. Fgf10, in addition to Fgf3, is necessary for the earliest stage of otic placode ind...2014-01-01
21 Fernandez, Diego P.Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 225,000 yearsDeep-sea corals have grown for over 200,000 yrs on the New England Seamounts in the northwest Atlantic, and this paper describes their distribution both with respect to depth and time. Many thousands of fossil scleractinian corals were collected on a series o f cruises from 2003- 2005; by contrast,...Desmophyllum dianthus; Scleractinian coral; Seamounts; Northwest Atlantic2007
22 Davidson, Diane W.Species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating antsPatterns of species diversity and community organization in desert seed-eating ants were studied in 10 habitats on a longitudinal gradient of increasing rainfall extending from southeastern California, through southern Arizona, and into southwestern New Mexico. Local communities of harvester ants...Ants; Arizona; California; Communities; Competition; Desert Granivores; Diversity; Insects; New Mexico; Novomessor; Pheidole; Pogonomyrmex; Resource allocation; Veromessor.1977
23 Brown, Francis HaroldThe evolution of neogene terrestrial ecosystems in EuropeThe Pliocene-Pleistocene chronology of hominid and other vertebrate evolution in East Africa is largely constrained by isotopic dating and regional intercorrelation of volcanic ash layers. Some eruptions were of sufficient magnitude or duration that their widespread tephra dispersal defines a serie...1999
24 Jewell, PaulGeochemistry and paleoceanographic setting of Central Nevada bedded baritesThe bedded barite deposits of central Nevada are hosted by rocks of the Roberts Mountains allochthon and constitute the largest barite reserves in North America. Detailed geochemical studies of three barite deposits in the Devonian Slaven Chert indicate that rocks surrounding the barite have elevate...Bedded barites; Roberts Mountains allochthon; Late Devonian1991
25 DeTar, CarletonLattice calculation of heavy-light decay constants with two flavors of dynamical quarksWe present results for f B , f Bs , f D , f Ds and their ratios in the presence of two flavors of light sea quarks (Nf52). We use Wilson light valence quarks and Wilson and static heavy valence quarks; the sea quarks are simulated with staggered fermions. Additional quenched simulations with nonpe...Wilson quarks; Chiral perturbation2002-11
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