Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Battin, Margaret P. | July 4, 1826: explaining the same-day deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson | John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Both were old men--Adams was 90, and Jefferson was 83--and both were ill, though Adams had been in comparatively robust health until just a few months earlier and Jefferson had been ill for an extended period. They had been rivals,... | Coincidence; Synchrony; Bioethics; Euthanasia; Suicide | 2005 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Sufficient stability bounds for slowly varying direct-form recursive linear filters and their applications in adaptive IIR filters | Abstract-This correspondence derives a sufficient time-varying bound on the maximum variation of the coefficients of an exponentially stable time-varying direct-form homogeneous linear recursive filter. The stability bound is less conservative than all previously derived bounds for time-varying IIR ... | | 1999 |
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 | Stevens, Kenneth | Modelling mixed 4phase pipelines: structures and patterns | This paper presents an exploration of the design space for homogeneous and mixed 4phase asynchronous linear pipelines. We extend previously published results by uncovering their complete ordered design space, demonstrate relationships between the latter's governing lattice structures, tabulating the... | | 2014-01-01 |
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 | Hall, Thad | Internet voting in comparative perspective: the case of Estonia | ABSTRACT Several countries have conducted Internet voting trials in binding public elections over the past decade, including Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, Estonia-a former Soviet republic and now a full member of the European Union-has advanced the farthest in dep... | | 2009-07 |
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 | Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A. | Promoting self-care and daily living skills among older widows and widowers: evidence from the Pathfinders demonstration project | While most bereavement intervention programs for the recently widowed focus primarily on loss and grief issues, few, if any, specifically address ways to engage in necessary self-care activities, to assume new responsibilities that once belonged to their deceased spouse, and to remain socially conne... | Older widows; Older widowers; Bereavement intervention; Recently widowed; Daily living skills; Self-care; Pathfinders demonstration project | 2004-09-01 |
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 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | A symbolic partial order reduction algorithm for rule based transition systems | Partial order reductions are a class of methods that attempt to reduce the state space that must be explored to verify systems by explicit state enumeration. Partial order reduction algorithms have been successfully incorporated into tools such as Spin and VFSM-valid. However, current partial ord... | Partial order reductions; Partial order reduction algorithms; SAT solver; Rule based transition systems | 2003-12-01 |
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 | Wu, Yong-Shi | BPS R-balls in N = 4 SYM on R × S3, quantum Hall analogy and AdS/CFT holography | In this paper, we propose a new approach to study the BPS dynamics in N = 4 supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Mills theory on R × S3, in order to better understand the emergence of gravity in the gauge theory. Our approach is based on supersymmetric, space-filling Q-balls with R-charge, which we call R-ball... | | 2006-06-01 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Tracking analysis of the sign algorithm in nonstationary environments | This paper presents a tracking analysis of the adaptive filters equipped with the sign algorithm and operating in nonstationary environments. Under the assumption that the nonstationarity can be modeled using a random disturbance, it is shown that the long-term time average of the mean-absolute erro... | | 1990 |
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 | Yu, Zhou, Haan, Michael, Yi, Chengdong | The Inception of Housing Pathways in Urban China: The Declining Household Formation of Young Adults from 2011 to 2017 | The homeownership rate of young adults has surged to an unprecedented level in urban China, despite rising housing prices and significant rural-urban migration. A trend analysis of nationally representative microdata shows that household formation is the missing link in the paradox and that many you... | Household formation; headship rates; young adults; migration; institutional barriers; housing pathways | 2017 |
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 | Wu, Yong-Shi | Thermal activation of quasiparticles and thermodynamics of fractional quantum Hall liquids | Quasielectrons and quasiholes in the fractional quantum Hall liquids obey fractional (including nontrivial mutual) exclusion statistics. Their statistics matrix can be determined from several possible state-counting schemes, involving different assumptions on statistical correlations. Thermal activ... | Quasielectrons; Quasiholes; Exclusion statistics | 1998-04 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Tracking analysis of the sign algorithm in nonstationary environments | Abstract-This paper presents a tracking analysis of the adaptive filters equipped with the sign algorithm and operating in nonstationary environments. Under the assumption that the nonstationarity can be modeled using a random disturbance, it is shown that the long-term time average of the mean-abso... | | 1990 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Orthogonalization of correlated gaussian signals for volterra system identification | This letter presents a simple method for orthogonalizing correlated Gaussian input signals for identification of truncated Volterra systems of arbitrary order of nonlinearity P and memory length N. The procedure requires a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizer for a vector containing N elements and some nonli... | | 1995 |
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 | Coley, Phyllis D. | Growth-defense trade-off and habitat specialization by plants in Amazonian forests | Tropical forests include a diversity of habitats, which has led to specialization in plants. Near Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, nutrient-rich clay forests surround nutrient-poor white-sand forests, each harboring a unique composition of habitat specialist trees. We tested the hypothesis that t... | Amazon; Ecological gradient; Growth-defense trade-off; Habitat specialization; Herbivory; Phenolics; Phylogenetic control; Rainforest; Reciprocal-transplant experiment; Terpenes; Tropical trees | 2006 |
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 | Jameson, Kenneth P. | Comment on the theory and measurement of dynamic X-Efficiency | Discusses a mathematical model capable of explaining the observations of the concept of X-efficiency on more familiar economic grounds. Presentation of a model of industry maximization over time; Emphasis given on the investment demand function derived from the cost of adjustment; Solution of the in... | Calculus; economics; mathematical models | 1972-05 |
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 | Yu, Zhou | Assimilation and Rising Taiwanese Identity: Taiwan-born Immigrants in the United States, 1990-2000 | This study examines why a growing percentage of Taiwan-born immigrants in the U.S. have identified themselves as Taiwanese rather than ethnic Chinese in the U.S. decennial censuses between 1990 and 2000. The trend appears inconsistent with the assimilation theory, which postulates that ethnic groups... | Taiwanese; immigration; identity; economic status; United States | 2009-06-01 |
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 | Mathews, V. John | Efficient FIR adaptive filter using DPCM and the sign algorithm | This correspondence introduces an adaptive filter structure that requires zero multiplications for its implementation. The primary input signal is quantized using DPCM, and the DPCM outputs are processed by a conventional adaptive filter. The filter coefficients are updated using the sign algorithm.... | | 1989 |
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 | Warner, Homer R. | Computer Analysis of Phase Parameters in Left Ventricular Contraction | Biomedical Informatics | | 1976 |
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 | McDaniel, Susan | Seniors and portrayals of intra-generational and inter-generational inequality in the Globe and Mail | In this article, we examine how seniors are portrayed in the Globe and Mail. Thirty articles published in 2004 were selected and thematically analysed. Seniors were discussed in six different contexts, including family, work/retirement, community networks, scientific studies of population, social a... | | 2006 |
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 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | The 'test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessors | We offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by com bining the strengths of model checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety p... | Formal memory models; Shared memory multiprocessors; Formal testing; Model; Checking | 1998 |
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 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | The 'Test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessors | We offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by combining the strengths of model-checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines. We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety proper... | Test Model-checking; Formal memory; Verification | 1998 |
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 | Wu, Yong-Shi | One-loop shift in noncommutative Chern-Simons coupling | In this paper we study the one-loop shift in the coupling constant in a noncommutative pure U(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory in three dimensions. The one-loop shift is shown to be a constant proportional to N, independent of noncommutativity parameters, and non-vanishing for U(1) theory. Possible phy... | | 2001-01 |
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 | Johnston, Susan S. | Considering response efficiency as a strategy to prevent assistive technology abandonment | Often, specialists in the field of Assistive Technology (AT) are presented with the challenge of teaching learners to utilize AT in order to increase, maintain, or improve their capabilities. Despite best efforts, rates of AT abandonment are alarmingly high. Understanding the factors that may infl... | Assistive technology; Training; Disabled people | 2005 |
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 | Pounder, Diana G. | Teacher teams: promoting teacher involvement and leadership in secondary schools | Employee involvement efforts in schools have increasingly encouraged employee involvement in planning and governance procedures. Most involvement efforts could be described as suggestion involvement or individual job enhancement approaches, although these currently emphasized approaches to teache... | Educational planning; Governance | 1997 |
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 | Gu, Jun | Fast structured design of VLSI circuits | We believe that a structured, user-friendly, cost-effective tool for rapid implementation of VLSI circuits which encourages students to participate directly in research projects are the key components in digital integrated circuit (IC) education. In this paper, we introduce our VLSI education activ... | VLSI circuits; Rapid implementation | 1988 |
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 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | A correctness criterion for asynchronous circuit validation and optimization | We propose a new relation C. called strong conformance in the context of Dill's trace theory, and define B Q A to be true exactly when B conforms to A and the success set of B contains the success set of A. When B C. A, module B operated in module A's maximal environment AM (i.e. B || AM) exhibits a... | Validation; Optimization | 1992 |