601 - 625 of 7,233
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601 Venkatasubramanian, SureshApproximate Bregman near neighbors in sublinear time: beyond the triangle inequalityBregman divergences are important distance measures that are used extensively in data-driven applications such as computer vision, text mining, and speech processing, and are a key focus of interest in machine learning. Answering nearest neighbor (NN) queries under these measures is very important i...2012-01-01
602 Bloomenthal, MarkApproximation of sweep surfaces by tensor product B-splinesTensor product B-spline approximations to surfaces generated by sweeping a (possibly deforming) B-spline cross-section curve along a Bspline axis curve are discussed. A general form for the tensor product B-spline approximation for sweeps is derived and expressed in terms of the approximation of a ...1988
603 Wambaugh, Julie L.Apraxia of speech: perceptual analysis of trisyllabic word productions across repeated sampling occasionsEarly apraxia of speech (AOS) research has characterized errors as being variable, resulting in a number of different error types being produced on repeated productions of the same stimuli. Conversely, recent research has uncovered greater consistency in errors, but there are limited data examining ...2011-01-01
604 Golden, Kenneth M.Arbitrarily slow approach to limiting behaviorABSTRACT. Let f(k, t): RN x [0, oo) -- R be jointly continuous in k and t, with lim(t)--(oo) f(k, t) = F(k) discontinuous for a dense set of k's. It is proven that there exists a dense set T of k's such that, for k e T , |f(k, t) - F(k)| approaches 0 arbitrarily slowly, i.e., roughly speaking, more ...Random; Conductivity; Diffusion1991
605 Henderson, Thomas C.Arc and path consistency revisitedMackworth and Freuder have analyzed the time complexity of several constraint satisfaction algorithms [4]. We present here new algorithms for arc and path consistency and show that the arc consistency algorithm is optimal in time complexity and of the same order space complexity as the earlier algor...Arc consistency; Path consistency; Constraint satisfaction algorithms1985
606 Wehrli, RobertARCAID: The ARChitects computer graphics AIDARCAID?The ARChitect's Computer Graphics AID?is one part of a two-part research program at the University of Utah under the direction of David C. Evans. ARCAID is a specification for the organization of computer processes including data and procedures for the use of architects, engineers, and other...ARCAID1970
607 Parker, Bradley J.Archaeological manifestations of empire: Assyrias imprint on Southeastern AnatoliaOne of the most enduring problems for the study of ancient empires is the fact that material correlates indicative of imperial integration are often difficult to define in the archaeological record. This situation results in part from two factors that distinguish empires from other less complex poli...2003-01-01
608 Yaworsky, Peter M.Archaeological Potential of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National MonumentExecutive proclamation 9682 reduces the size of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM), removing protections for at least 2,000 known archaeological sites and an unknown number of undiscovered cultural properties. Because only 10% of the GSENM's 1.9 million acres has been inventorie...Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; Anthropology-Research2018
609 Balasubramonian, RajeevArchitecting efficient interconnects for large caches with CACTI 6.0Efficiently executing multithreaded applications on future multicores will require fast intercore communication. Most of this communication happens via reads and writes to large shared caches in the memory hierarchy. Microprocessor performance and power will be strongly influenced by the long inter...Interconnects; CACTI 6.0; Non-uniform cache architectures (NUCA)2008-01
610 Myers, Chris J.Architectural synthesis of timed asynchronous systemsThis paper describes a new method for architectural synthesis of timed asynchronous systems. Due to the variable delays associated with asynchronous resources, implicit schedules are created by the addition of supplementary constraints between resources. Since the number of schedules grows exponenti...1999
611 Davis, A.L.The architecture of DDMl: a recursively structured data driven machineAn architecture for a highly modular, recursively structured class of machines is presented. DDMl is an instance of such a machine structure, and is capable of executing machine language programs which are data driven (data flow) nets. These nets may represent arbitrary amounts of concurrency as wel...DDMl; machine structure; machine language programs1977
612 Gehl, Robert W.The archive and the processor: the internal logic of web 2.0In Web 2.0, there is a social dichotomy at work based upon and reflecting the underlying Von Neumann architecture of computers. In the hegemonic Web 2.0 business model, users are encouraged to process digital ephemera by sharing content, making connections, ranking cultural artifacts, and producing ...2011
613 Pryor, T. AllanThe Arden Syntax for Medical Logic ModulesBiomedical Informatics1993
614 Hall, ThadAre Americans confident their ballots are counted?Expanding the large literature which investigates the characteristics of citizen and voter trust in government we analyze the heretofore neglected topic of voter trust in the electoral process. In this paper, we present results from three national surveys in which we asked voters the confidence they...Election reform; Public management; Principal-Agent Theory2006-07-20
615 McElreath, RichardAre peasants risk-averse decision makers?For decades, researchers studying small-scale, subsistence-oriented farmers have sought to explain why these "peasants" seem slow to acquire new technologies, novel agricultural practices, and new ideas from the larger societies that have engulfed them. The early work on this question suggested that...Subsistance farmers; Risk-aversion; Risk-taking; Cultural conservatism; Cost-benefit analysis2002
616 Sanchez, Thomas W.Are planners prepared to address social justice and distributional equity?Planners have stated their commitment and responsibility to assure fairness in community and regional planning activities. Evidencing this is an abundance of literature on the theoretical perspectives of social justice and planning ideals. But is this stated concern for social justice and equity re...2001
617 Horch, Kenneth W.Are the extrinsic muscles better suited for signaling joint angles or finger tip location?We used a biomechanical model of the human long finger to determine whether the extrinsic muscles are better suited for estimating the finger's joint angles or for estimating location of the finger tip. We found that two of the extrinsic muscles together could provide information sufficient to direc...Extrinsic muscles; Metacarpophalangeal joint; Biomechanical models1997
618 Garrett, Timothy J.Are there basic physical constraints on future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide?Global Circulation Models (GCMs) provide projections for future climate warming using a wide variety of highly sophisticated anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios as input, each based on the evolution of four emissions "drivers": population p, standard of living g, energy productivity (or efficiency...Global circulation models; Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions2009
619 Jacques, Kerry M.Arf 1 dissociates from the clathrin adaptor GGA prior to being inactivated by Arf GTPase-activating proteinsThe effectors of monomeric GTP-binding proteins can influence interactions with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in two ways. In one case, effector and GAP binding to the GTP-binding protein is mutually exclusive. In another case, the GTP-binding protein bound to an effector is the substrate for ...2002
620 Chuaqui, Miguel BasimArioso for alto recorder and live electronics [performance materials]This is a zipped file which contains the following materials for the renedering of this piece for performance, as follows: 1) Chuaqui_Arioso_Max6_Patch_9-9-12 (folder of Max6 Patch files); 2) Chuaqui_Arioso_Patch_9-9-12; 3) Chuaqui_Arioso_Program_Notes_9-9-12.pdf; 4) Chuaqui_Arioso_Score_9-9-12.pdf.Instrumental music; Electronic music; Chamber music; dataset2012-09-09
621 Duncan, Alexander ColinAristophanes: Acharnians, Knights, and Peace, Translated, and with theatrical commentaryA thenian "Old Comedy," despite its traditional title, has become accustomed to frequent renewal. Michael Ewans, an experienced scholar and director of ancient drama, offers the latest renovation with his able verse A translations of Aristophanes' Acharnians, Knights, and Peace that are complemente...2012-01-01
622 Millgram, ElijahAristotle on making other selvesThere is still a relative paucity of discussion of the views on friendship that Aristotle presents in the Nicomachean Ethics, although some recent work may indicate a new trend. One suspects that this paucity reflects a belief that those views are not very interesting; if true, this witnesses to an ...Virtue-friendship; Nicomachean Ethics; Non-instrumental friendship1987
623 White, Nicholas P.Aristotle on sameness and onenessBefore I begin, let me get one substantial issue out of the way. Recently certain views which are in many ways similar to Aristotle's have been expounded in connection with the idea that there is something wrong with the words "same" and "identical" used by themselves, and that we should instead mak...Leibniz' Law; Metaphysics; Greek philosophers1971-04
624 ARL Circulation Data 1995-20151995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015
625 Regehr, JohnARMor: fully verified software fault isolationWe have designed and implemented ARMor, a system that uses software fault isolation (SFI) to sandbox application code running on small embedded processors. Sandboxing can be used to protect components such as the RTOS and critical control loops from other, less-trusted components. ARMor guarantees m...2011-01-01
601 - 625 of 7,233