576 - 600 of 7,245
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576 Coley, Phyllis D.Antifungal depsidone metabolites from Cordyceps dipterigena, an endophytic fungus antagonistic to the phytopathogen gibberella fujikuroiAmong thirty four endophytic fungal strains screened for in vitro antagonism, the endophytic fungus Cordyceps dipterigena was found to strongly inhibit mycelial growth of the plant pathogenic fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. Two new depsidone metabolites, cordycepsidone A (1) and cordycepsidone B (2), w...2012
577 Flynn, John J.Antitrust allegoryJustice SPENCER delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a treble damage action under the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., the only antitrust case of any kind filed in the federal courts in the past two years.1 We take note of the fact that the Attorney General announced a year ago that ni...John Sherman Widget Co.; Adam Smith Widgets, Inc.; Sherman Act1987
578 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
579 Flynn, John J.Antitrust jurisprudence: a symposium on the economic, political and social goals of antitrust policyFelix S. Cohen has observed that [a]n ethics, like a metaphysics, is no more certain and no less dangerous because it is unconsciously held. There are few judges, psychoanalysts, or economists today who do not begin a consideration of their typical problems with some formula designed to cause all m...Efficiency; Analysis ; Assumptions1977
580 Flynn, John J.Antitrust policy and health care reformAmong the economic and political challenges facing the United States today, none is more significant - yet difficult to resolve - than the complex puzzle of how to reform the delivery of health care services. A consensus appears to have been reached that reform should extend health care coverage to ...1994
581 Wu, Yong-ShiAnyons on a torus: braid group, Aharonov-Bohm period, and numerical studyWe present a careful construction of anyons on a torus starting with the braid-group analysis. The rules of Wen, Dagotto, and Fradkin for putting anyons on a torus are reproduced with some minor improvements. The existence of noncontractible loops leads to braid-group representations characterized n...Braid group; Magnetic flux1991-05
582 Gerton, JordanApertureless near-field fluorescence microscope for biological imagingWe measured the optical response of fluorescent beads to sharp metallic and semiconducting probes, revealing several underlying near-field interactions. Our results suggest that -10 nanometer optical resolution with spectroscopic chemical sensitivity is possible, and bear strongly on molecular-scal...2003-01-01
583 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Apparent phonon side-band modes in π-conjugated systems: polymers, oligomers and crystalsThe emission spectra of many π-conjugated polymers and oligomers contain side-band replicas with apparent frequencies that do not match the Raman active mode frequencies. Using a time dependent model we show that in such many mode systems, the increased damping of the time dependent transition dipo...2005-11
584 Henderson, Thomas C.Apparent symmetries in range dataA procedure for extracting symmetrical features from the output of a range scanner is described which is insensitive to sensor noise and robust with respect to object surface complexity. The acquisition of symmetry descriptors for rigid bodies from a range image was in this case motivated by the ne...Symmetry descriptors; Range data; Range scanner; Dextrous manipulation systems1987
585 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Apparent vibrational side bands in rr-conjugated systems: the case of distyrylbenzeneThe photoluminescence sPLd spectra of dilute solution and single crystals of distyrylbenzene show unique temperature-dependent vibronic structures. The characteristic single frequency progression at high temperatures is modulated by a low-frequency progression series at low temperatures. None of th...pi-conjugated systems; Distyrylbenzene; Vibrational side-bands; Vibronic structures; DSB2005-02
586 Mallat, ChibliAppels d'Europe à l'est de la MéditerranéeNombreux sont les obstacles dressés devant tous les démocrates du Moyen-Orient ! Les difficultés internes sont évidentes : il suffit de regarder la panoplie de dictateurs, rois ou autres potentats arabes dont la préoccupation principale est de se maintenir au pouvoir sans que les citoyens ne...2007
587 Liao, HaifengApplication and evaluation of spatial heterogeneity model in the simulation of urban expansionBased on remote sensing images and GIS data, we applied spatial expansion expansion method and geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) model to explore the driving forces of urban expansion in Jiangning District of Nanjing from 1999 to 2010. Special attention was paid to spatial heterogen...2013-01-01
588 Pulsipher, Dennis CarlApplication of adaptive noise cancellation to noise reduction in audio signalsThe LMS adaptive noise cancellation algorithm has been applied to the removal of high-level white noise from audio signals. Simulations and actual acoustically recorded signals have been processed successfully, with excellent agreement between the results obtained from simulations and the results ob...Noise cancellation; Noise reduction; White noise; LMS algorithm1979
589 Furse, Cynthia M.Application of phase detection frequency domain reflectometry for locating faults in an F-18 flight control harnessThe performance of a phase-detection frequency-domain reflectometer (PD-FDR) for locating open and short circuits (hard faults) in a Navy F-18 flight control harness has been tested, and the analytical expressions for accuracy verified. Nine different types of aircraft wires appear in this harness:...Phase detection; Frequency domain reflectometry; PD-FDR; Wire fault location; Aging wire; Flight control harness2005-05
590 Symko, Orest GeorgeApplication of SQUID magnetometer to nuclear magnetic thermometryThis paper presents an application of a SQUID magnetometer for low temperature thermometry using the magnetic properties of a nuclear paramagnet. The static magnetization of a material which obeys Curie's law provides a very sensitive means of thermometry. Also included in the device is the capabi...SQUID magnetometer; Nuclear magnetic thermometry; Low temperature thermometry1976
591 Boll, Steven F.Application of the saber method for improved spectral analysis of noisy speechA stand alone noise suppression algorithm is described for reducing the spectral effects of acoustically added noise in speech. A fundamental result is developed which shows that the spectral magnitude of speech plus noise can be effectively approximated as the sum of magnitudes of speech and noise....Noise suppression algorithm; SABER method1977
592 Riesenfeld, Richard F.The application of total positivity to computer aided curve and surface designOf particular importance in an interactive curve and surface design system is the interface to the user. The mathematical model employed in the system must be sufficiently flexible for interaction between designer and machine to converge to a satisfactory result. The mathematical theory of Total Pos...interactive curves; total positivity1979
593 Mattis, Daniel C.Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problemThe problem of a single magnetic, Wolff-model impurity in an otherwise ideal metallic host is investigated using the nonperturbative Lanczos method. Convergence is very rapid. The many-body ground-state energy is investigated and comparisons are made with Tomonaga operator theory and other weak-coup...Lattice; Electrons; Interaction; Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals1983
594 Mattis, Daniel C.Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem. II. Finite TIn a previous paper of the same title, we obtained the ground-state energy of a magnetic (Wolff-model) impurity in a nonmagnetic metal. In the present Brief Report, we calculate the impurity's contribution to the density of states and heat capacity of the metal at low temperatures. Here, the Lancz...Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals; Heat capacity1984-06
595 Jacobson, Hans; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshApplication specific asynchronous microengines for efficient high-level controlDespite the growing interest in asynchronous circuits programmable asynchronous controllers based on the idea of microprogramming have not been actively pursued Since programmable control is widely used in many commercial ASICs to allow late correction of design errors to easily upgrade product f...Asynchronous microengines1997
596 Jacobson, HansApplication specific asynchronous microgengines for efficient high-level controlDespite the growing interest in asynchronous circuits, programmable asynchronous controllers based on the idea of microprogramming have not been actively pursued. Since programmable control is widely used in many commercial ASICs to allow late correction of design errors, to easily upgrade product ...Asynchronous microgengines; Programmable asynchronous controllers1997
597 Jayamohan, HarikrishnanApplications of microfluidics for molecular diagnosticsDiagnostic assays implemented in microfluidic devices have developed rapidly over the past decade and are expected to become commonplace in the next few years. Hundreds of microfluidics-based approaches towards clinical diagnostics and pathogen detection have been reported with a general theme of ra...Microfluidics; Micro-total-analysis-systems; Lab-on-a-chip; Point-of-care devices; Sample preparation; MEMS; Rapid prototyping; Biomarker detection; Personalized medicine; Global health care2012-11-04
598 Miller, Jan D.Applications of X-ray computed tomography in particulate systemsX-ray computed tomography (CT) is an ideal technique for investigating the internal structure of multiphase materials in a noninvasive and nondestructive manner. CT technology used in conjunction with specialized algorithms and advanced computer facilities can be used to provide quantitative informa...Algorithms; Beam; Intensity1992
599 Battin, Margaret P.Applied professional ethics and institutional religion: the methodological issuesIn the last several years, philosophical enthusiasm for applied professional ethics has spread from medicine to law, education, government, engineering, business, and to other professional and semiprofessional fields. Each involves an institutional structure within which professional practitioners p...Professional ethics; Religion; Applied ethics1984
600 McDaniel, SusanApproche sociologique feministe pour l'ettude de la fecondite.L'essor d'une perspective feministe de la fecondite provient de plusieurs endroits et se situe a des niveaux varies. Avant d'esquisser ceux qui serviront de base aux discussions de ce chapitre, une breve histoire de ce contexte parait de mise. Il y a une vingtaine d'annees, alors que les sciences...Fecundity; Feminist sociology1995
576 - 600 of 7,245