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1 Pascucci, Valerio; Swank, William LorenzoScalable scientific dataQuestion Hierarchial Z-Order Evaluation How can we present hundreds or thousands of gigabytes of scientific data to a user for analysis and interpretation? • The Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute is responsible for helping scientists visualize massive amounts of data. • Sources ...2010-02-26
2 Whitaker, Ross T.DTI Atlas Building and Statistical Analysis2012
3 Kumar, Sidharth; Pascucci, ValerioRemote visualizationGeneralized Architecture and pipeline for a remote site
4 Pascucci, ValerioMorse theory and its applicationDiscussion of Morse TheoryMorse; Morse-Smale; Topology; Algorithms; Terrain; Analysis
5 Widanagamaachchi, Wathsala Nayomi; Pascucci, ValerioImage registrationImage Registration is the process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene, taken at different times, from different viewpoints and/or by different sensors.
6 Pascucci, ValerioPerformance Analysis and Visualization2012
7 Grosset, Andre Vincent Pascal; Pascucci, ValerioInfinite ZoomAny image (apart from a fractal) has a finite resolution. On zooming in, we eventually see pixels. The aim of this project is to allow users to infinitely zoom in on an image.2010-10-06
8 Steve A. MaasFEBio: finite elements for biomechanics2012
9 Johnson, Christopher R.Optimizing Inverse Electrocardiographic Problem: Hybrid and High-Order Finite Element MethodOne type of inverse problems in electrocardiography (ECG) is to non-invasively reconstruct epicardial electric potentials from body-surface measurements. We study how to design the finite element discretization of such problem, so as to optimize the conditioning and stability of the resulting num...
10 Tripathi, Abhishek; Bremer, Peer-Timo; Pascucci, ValerioUnderstanding global climate changeWhat is Climate Modeling? Use of quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. Average Global Temperatures indicate a warming trend but that alone does not explain why it is happening.
11 Kirby, Robert Michael IIFiltering for Visualization2012
12 Tasdizen, TolgaLong range axon tracing with NeuroTracker2012
13 Gur, YanivUncertainty Analysis and Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging2012
14 Dannhauer, MoritzEpilepsy investigated non-invasively using Elecroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG)2012
15 Whitaker, Ross T.I Know What's Moved!2012
16 Musuvathy, Suraj Ravi; Cohen, ElaineTracing ridges on B-Spline surfacesWon Best Paper Award at SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, San Francisco, 20092010-02-26
17 Meyer, Miriah DawnVisualizing biological data2012
18 Seyedhosseini Tarzjani, Seyed MojtabaNeural Circuit Reconstruction using electron microscopy2012
19 Kirby, Robert MichaelKirby research group2012
20 Tasdizen, TolgaLong range digital neural circuit reconstruction2012
21 Macleod, Robert S.Cardiac position sensitivity using stochastic collocation2012
22 Whitaker, Ross T.Realtime image denoising of fluoroscopy images for Dose Reduction2012
23 Fletcher, Thomas H.Analysis of human brain connectivity from multi-modal imaging2012
24 Zhao, Lu; Regehr, JohnComparing program logics for reasoning about safety propertiesTo prove memory write and controls transfers do not interfere with other programs in embedded systems. Hoare Logic with Bale Predicate; Hoare Logic with Separation Conjunction.2010-10-06
25 Gerig, GuidoNeuro imaging research lab2012
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