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1 Davidson, Diane W.Ecological studies of neotropical ant-gardensIn a census taken in Peru's Manu National Park, 10 epiphytic angiosperms from seven plant families established principally on arboreal carton-ant nests. These "ant gardens" (AGs) were most often inhabited by parabiotic ants, Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster cf. limata parabiotica, whose polygy...Ant competition; Ant garden; Ant-plant interaction; Coadaptation; Epiphyte; Mutualism; Parabiosis; Preadaptation; Peru; Seed dispersal; Tropical rainforest1988
2 Clayton, Dale H.New genus and three new species of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Peruvian ovenbirds (Passeriformes: Furnariidae)The new genus Furnariphilus is described to include three new species from Peruvian hosts within the passerine family Furnariidae, subfamily Furnariinae: F. pagei, the type species of the genus, from Furnarius leucopus Swainson; F. griffithsi from Sclerurus mexicanus Sclater; and F. parkeri from Scl...Chewing lice; Peruvian ovenbirds; Phthiraptera; Furnariphilus; Ectoparasites; Peru; Furnarius leucopus; Sclerurus mexicanus; Sclerurus caudacutus1995
3 Davidson, Diane W.Pruning of host plant neighbors by ants: an experimental approachSome ants of myrmecophytic plants either obligately or facultatively prune vegetation surrounding their host trees. Pruning behavior occurs at higher frequency in ants with sting defenses than in those with chemical defenses, which may generally convey an advantage in aggressive encounters between a...Allelopathy; Allomerus demararae; Ant-plant interactions; Ants; Cordia nodosa; Crematogaster; Mutualism; Peru; Plant-animal interaction; Pseudomyrmex; Triplaris americana1988
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