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1 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
2 Wen, Ming; Van Duker, Heather; Olson, Lenora MarySocial contexts of regular smoking in adolescence: towards a multidimensional ecological modelUsing data from the Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), this study investigates factors at the individual, family, peer, school, neighborhood, and state levels that are important for subsequent adolescent cigarette regular smoking after controlling for the baseline smoking behavio...Adolescent smoking; Social capital; Family; Neighborhood; School; Teenagers; Teenage smoking2006-09-19
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