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1 Lindstrom, Gary E.The design of object-oriented meta-architectures for programming languagesThis paper is a survey of the design of four object-oriented meta-level architectures for programming languages. We present overviews and compare the salient features of the meta-architectures of Smalltalk, Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), a Scheme Compiler, and Etyma, our framework for modular sy...Meta-level architectures; Design1994
2 Miller, Joel StevenInnovation in crystal engineeringThe first CrystEngComm discussion meeting on crystal engineering has demonstrated that the field has reached maturity in some areas (for example: design strategies, characterization of solid compounds, topological analysis of weak and strong non-covalent interactions), while the quest for novel pro...Research; Design; Molecular2002
3 Smith, Kent F.PPL design examples (NMOS30 Version)This work was supported in part by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract number DAAK1184K0017. All opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA.Circuits; Design1986
4 Smith, Kent F.Tiler user's guideTiler is a special interactive editor used for designing VLSI circuits using the Path Programmable Logic (PPL) methodology. PPL cells are inserted into a rectangular grid by typing characters that represent the cells. Each available cell will have a character that represents it, but some characters ...Tiler; Interactive editor; VLSI circuits; Design; Path Programmable Logic; PPL1986
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