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1 Battin, Margaret P.Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour...Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia1987-01
2 Firmage, Edwin B.Common humanity, magnificent diversityLoss forces us inward toward fundamentals. All great spiritual traditions teach, in the words of Meister Eckhart, that spirituality is about subtraction, not addition, less and less not more and more. It is in losing life that we find it.Death; Dying1995
3 Caserta, MichaelCourse of spousal bereavement in later lifeThe overall purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the major findings from our research over the past 11 years on spousal bereavement among older adults in the United States. We began in 1980 with a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) designed to describ...Senior citizens; Support groups; Death; Bereavement1993
4 Kestle, John R. W.Death after late failure of third ventriculostomy in childrenLate failure following successful third ventriculostomy for obstructive hydrocephalus is rare, and death caused by failure of a previously successful third ventriculostomy has been reported only once. The authors present three patients who died as a result of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) a...Ventriculostomy; Obstructive hydrocephalus; Late failure; Death2002
5 Smith, Ken R.; Mineau, Geraldine Page; Kerber, Richard A.Effects of childhood and middle-adulthood family conditions on later-life mortality: evidence from the Utah population database, 1850-2002How do parents affect the health and longevity of their children? Parents can affect their children's life chances by transmitting a genetic endowment (or liability) for a long life while also providing resources and an environment that enhances (or limits) their children's longevity. Recently, m...Growth; Death; Adolescence; Geriatrics2005-01-05
6 Battin, Margaret P.High-risk religionAmong some of the more colorful groups on the American religious spectrum, the religious faith of believers seems to involve a willingness to take substantial physical risks"risks to health, to physical functioning, even the risk of death. These groups include several in which the risks a believer ...Religion; Physical risk; Choice; Death1989
7 Smith, Ken R.; Bean, Lee Lawrence; Mineau, Geraldine Page; Fraser, Alison M.; Lane, DianaInfant deaths in Utah, 1850-1939Of all the health revolutions that have taken place in the United States since 1850, the reduction of infant mortality is arguably the most dramatic and far-reaching. Because of the incompleteness and unreliability of surviving vital records,, we will probably never know precisely the rate of infan...Death; Utah; Infant mortality2002
8 Battin, Margaret P.Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentIn recent years "right-to-die" movements have brought into the public consciousness something most physicians have long known: that in some hopeless medical conditions, heroic efforts to extend life may no longer be humane, and the physician must be prepared to allow the patient to die. Physician re...Death; Dying; Right to die; Natural death1983
9 Potts, Wayne K.Relationship of virulence factor expression to evolved virulence in mouse-passaged Cryptococcus neoformans linesSerial passage of Cryptococcus neoformans in mice increases virulence relative to the nonpassaged line. Postpassaged lines showed no difference in the expression of most known virulence factors, with the exception that the more virulent lines had smaller capsules in vitro. These data imply that othe...Capsule; Death; Passage2005
10 McDaniel, SusanSocial bases of neonatal and postneonatal mortality: an ecological analysis of Alberta, CanadaCanada's steady downward trend in mortality in the twentieth century has not been matched by a similar decline in infant mortality. This paper examines, by reference to census divisions in Alberta, the degree to which neonatal and postneonatal mortality are related to environmental factors. Although...Death; Exogeneous; Rates1981
11 Battin, Margaret P.To die or not to die? (Book Review)Reviews the book `To Die or Not to Die? Cross-disciplinary, Cultural, and Legal Perspectives on the Right to Choose Death,' edited by Arthur S. Berger and Joyce Berger.Books; Law; Death1992-07
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