151 - 175 of 501
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151 Markham, AiryanaDressing the part: Early Christian identity North Africa, 100-200 CEThe study of early Christian identity in the second-third centuries is problematic. This is because there is a paucity of material evidence and assigning a religious affiliation to that evidence is highly contested. For this reason, early Christian identity is often viewed by scholars in a distinct,...Clothing and dress -- Religious aspects -- Christianity; Identification (Religion); Christian life -- History -- Early church, ca. 30-600; Church history -- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-6002014-12
152 Memmott, Magdalen GraceDRM & driving: Creation of false memories under cognitive workloadNot only are humans unable to recall things that actually occur, they may also recall information that did not occur. Such findings contribute to the pervasive hypothesis that people are not more productive by combining tasks, instead such productivity is an illusion. It was hypothesized that when m...False memory syndrome2015-04
153 Zheng, KennethDyck Paths and Random TreesWe give an expository survey of random trees, focusing on the interplay between plane trees and Dyck paths. The material explained here summarizes what can be found in Aldous [1], Le Gall [10], and Drmota [6]. The bijection between plane trees and Dyck paths serves as motivation for the connection b...2017
154 Prestgard-Duke, MichaelDynamin localization in Caenorhabditis ElegansDynamin is a 100-KDa GTPase that is essential for endocytosis. The classic model of endocytosis is a sequential mechanism: first, cell membrane is bent and internalized via the formation of a clathrin coat; next, dynamin facilitates GTP hydrolysis, resulting in membrane scission as the newly formed ...Caenorhabditis elegans; Guanosine triphosphatase; Endocytosis2014-05
155 Pelaez, Guillermina LoyolaEcological Literacy: Education and Ecological ConsciousnessCurrent and future environmental issues reveal the urgency of raising an ecologically literate society that possesses the necessary skills to address the needs of a changing world. The future of all depends on lifelong learners whose actions and intellect are strongly tied to the environments that s...2017
156 Glauser, DavidThe economic effects of legalizing marijuanaMarijuana legalization would offer an important advantage over decriminalization in that it would allow for legal distribution and taxation of cannabis as well as decrease costly enforcement and incarceration expenses. Despite these costly enforcement efforts, marijuana is the most commonly used ill...Marijuana - Political aspects - United States2012-05
157 Schryver, Hannah M.EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performanceStudying human information processing allows researchers to better understand the operations of the human brain. While a large body of research has used reaction times and cognitive correlates to quantify information processing, electrophysiological correlates improve knowledge of cortical activity....Performance -- Measurement; Cognitive neuroscience; Electroencephalography2015-05
158 Lavelle, Mark E.Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink SuppessionThe majority of individuals with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) experience fluctuating, involuntary sensations which build in intensity until tics are performed. These sensations, termed premonitory urges (PUs), are described both as general states of unease and somatotopically specific sensations like he...2017
159 Lebrecht, MarleyThe Effect of a Close Friendship on the Number of suicide Attempts Executed by Adolescent GirlsAdolescent suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 15-19, and the rates of adolescent suicide are rising. Research has focused on risk and protective factors for adolescent suicide, but the effects of friendship have received less attention. Existing research suggests that friend...2017
160 Hyer, Christina CottrellEffect of M1 Matrix Protein on Hemagglutinin Expression and Influenza Virus-Like Particle Production in Trichoplusia NIVirus-like particles (VLPs) are a new and effective flu vaccine approach. VLPs are non-infectious and can produce robust immune responses. Flu VLPs are typically created by co-expressing the flu hemagglutinin (HA) surface antigen and the matrix protein M1-which assists in viral and VLP budding-in cu...2017
161 David, MariaThe Effect of Physician Altruism on Patient Health Outcomes in a Signaline GameI construct a model for interactions between patients and physicians and use the model to explore which conditions are necessary for the patient to receive a certain quality of care. The model allows the patient, upon observing an illness, to choose between treatment or no treatment options while th...2017
162 Hoffman, Haley, Coleman, James; Turrill, Jonna; Medeiros-Ward, Nate; Strayer, DavidThe effect of technology use on distraction and safety in high school student pedestriansThe use of handheld technology in this country has grown at an exponential rate, and as a consequence younger generations are using these devices, often without the necessary precautions. Past research has shown that technology use presents an obvious distraction to drivers and pedestrians and poses...Technology - Safety measures; Adolescent behavior2012-05
163 Greenberg, KevinThe effect the duration and location of rest breaks have on sustained attention and reaction timeHumans general system of sustained attention is susceptible to fatigue. The Attention Restoration Theory postulates when the system is fatigued exposure to natural environments may help to restore the fatigued resources. However, the duration and location of exposure needed is unknown, therefore the...Rest periods; Hours of labor2016-04
164 Wilbur, LindseyThe effects of color on food preferenceColor has an influence on our perception of food and affects the food choices we make. In this study, images of food were used to test the effect of dish color on food preferences. Pairs of various food images were shown to 96 college students. One image in each pair displayed the food on a white di...Color - Psychological aspects; Food presentation2013-04
165 Grimmett, RollinEffects of Hypoxia and High Fat Diet on D. Melanogaster Heart PhysiologyHeart disease severely affects millions of people worldwide, and is caused by various environmental and genetic factors. The aim of this study is to examine the combined physiological effects of hypoxia and a high fat diet (two known causes) on Drosophila Melanogaster heart structure. Sets of adult ...2017
166 Schofield, Zachary CThe Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy MarketsFor the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t...2017
167 Lebrecht, MarandaEffects of ventilatory regimens on the prevalence of a common gastrointestinal disease in neonatesNecrotizing Enterocolitis, or NEC, is a common intestinal disease of preterm neonates. It is believed that bacterial colonization increases the risk of NEC. This study examines whether the type of ventilation of the neonate, either mechanical ventilation (MV) or non-invasive support (NIS), and the ...Enterocolitis, Neonatal necrotizing - Research; Newborn infants - Diseases; Sheep as laboratory animals - Research; Necrotizing enterocolitis; Lymphocytes2016-05
168 Tang, NicolasEl Argenchino: A personal memoirThis personal memoir follows the life of Nicolas Tang, a 25 year old student at the University of Utah. Though still very young, Nicolas has already traveled much of the world and speaks fluently in three languages. He was born in Argentina, raised in Bolivia, and is of Chinese heritage. Recently, h...Tang, Nicolas Immigrants -- United States -- Biography Chinese Americans -- Biography South Americans -- United States2014-12
169 Gordon, Oakley BenedictElecting representative representatives: a case for modified single transferable voting in American legislative electionsAmerican government is founded upon the principle that its rulers should represent and be elected by its citizenry. To this end, America and its states elect large deliberative bodies charged with representing the people within their jurisdictions. The architects of federal and state governments, ho...American government; Voting - United States2012-05
170 Redmond, Nicholas K.Elephants and empire: The Asian elephant, from Alexander to AkbarThis thesis studies the prominence of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus maximus) in the historical record. The purpose is to show the impact of elephas on human affairs, most notably in the formation and destruction of empires. Of these empires, two are of primary importance: the conquests of Alex...Elephants -- War use -- History2015-05
171 Lee, Hye-riEliciting event type: Rumination and emotional complexityPast research has found positive associations between emotional complexity (the subjective experience of multiple simultaneous emotions; Hervas & Vazquez, 2011) and having a ruminative cognitive style. Numerous studies have suggested that the association between emotional complexity and rumination a...Emotions and cognition Depression; Mental Emotional complexity; Event type2015-04
172 Bischoff, AmandaElucidating the Mechanism and Predicting the Selectivity of the bis(Pyridine) Silver Permanganate OxidatiinThe Movassaghi group has recently reported several total syntheses of epipolythiodiketopiperazine derivatives (ETPs), a class of natural products with potent biological activity. A crucial step in their synthesis oxidizes two to four tertiary C-H bonds to form tertiary alcohols using (bis)pyridine s...2016
173 Juarez, Sergio ArturoEmpirical Analysis of the Participation Behaviors of Investors on Crowdfunding PlatformsThis project examines the phenomenon of crowdfunding, which allows individuals to seek investments for a project, campaign, or venture. Typically this is done via the Internet, through the participation of large numbers of investors (or backers) who invest or donate small amounts of money. The reaso...2017
174 Ruan, TingEndogenous ceramide contributes to cardiovascular complications in Type II diabetes by decreasing the association between PP2A and I2PP2ACardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in individuals with conditions associated with insulin resistance, e.g. type 2 diabetes, diet-induced obesity. In patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications are 2-4 times more prevalent. One common cardiovascular complicati...Ceramides - Physiological effect; Diabetic angiopathies2014
175 Seal, Laurie MichelleEnergy in Willa Cather's My Antonia and O Pioneers!: a union of landscape, personalities, and artThe primary texts for this essay are My Antonia and O Pioneers!. Using My Antonia I establish the existence of an energetic essence that quickens the land and various characters of these novels. The influence of this wild energy is manifest mainly through color and movement. I focus specifically on ...Willa Cather; Energetic essence; American literature1997-12
151 - 175 of 501