51 - 75 of 501
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51 Shah, DiyaThe appropriation of Sacajawea by the women's suffrage movementThis project examines why Sacajawea was an attractive figure to be resurrected and appropriated during the U.S. suffrage movement, especially in the 1890s to 1920s. To understand the construction and use of Sacajawea, I analyzed about 25 newspaper articles published about Sacajawea in the 1900s and ...Sacagawea Women -- Political activity -- United States; Women -- Suffrage -- United States2015-05
52 Oman, CandaceArt's "background of flame" and the Paterian temperament of artThis thesis examines how Walter Pater uses hot and cold imagery in his descriptions to further his understanding of art, arguing that it contains both beauty and commentary, whether social, political, etc. Beginning with Studies in the History of the Renaissance, Pater associates heat with the sensu...English2014-05
53 Brandt, Ellissa KathrynAssessment of bilateral muscle function symmetry in female alpine skiersA recent theory for the high occurrence of ACL injuries in female athletes is the presence of asymmetric leg muscle function. Unfortunately, information relative to the bilateral muscle function for the legs of female alpine skiers is lacking. Therefore the primary aim of this project is to examine ...Anterior Cruciate Ligament - injuries; Skiers, Female; Single leg counter movement jump - Research; Single leg time to stabilization - Research2012-05
54 Renz, AndyAssessment of exercise-stimulated tissue oxygenation in calf muscle with functional MRIPeripheral artery disease (PAD) affects millions of patients in the USA, and effective diagnosis and management of PAD is a major clinical goal. One promising avenue of research towards the goal is through functional MRI, which provides non-invasive measurement of tissue oxygenation. For a group of ...Arteries - Diseases - Diagnosis; Magnetic resonance imaging - Research; Calf muscle; Peripheral arterial disease; MATLAB2016-04
55 Hynes, WilliamAudience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative IdentityIn the present study, I examined the extent and effect of audience tailoring in a sample of college-going emerging adults (n = 106). Participants reported four narratives for the researcher, and then edited them for mothers and friends, producing eight edited narratives each (n = 848 narratives) in ...2017
56 Anjewierden, ScottAutomated kinematic analysis of pre-pluse inhibition in larval zebrafishAnimals differentially ignore or attend to sensory information depending on their immediate environment. A significant example of this phenomenon is audiomotorpre-pulse inhibition (PPI), in which the startle response to a loud noise is suppressed by a preceding stimulus of lower intensity. This a...Zebra danio - Development; Kinematics - Research; Kinematic parameters; Swim kinematics; Pre-pulse inhibition2014-12
57 Tanner, TrevorThe automation of a discontinuous membrane extruderOne quarter of American troop deaths in the Middle East were classified as "potentially survivable." Of these, over 90 percent of the battlefield deaths and over 80 percent of the deaths in treatment centers were attributed to one factor: blood loss. Blood's limited supply, short half-life, and r...Blood - Transfusion - Research; Membrane homogenization; Synthetic blood; Artificial oxygen carriers2016-05
58 Esposito, CamilaAxl Inhibitors for Pancreatic Cancer TreatmentBackground: In the United States more than 46,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Although it is relatively rare, pancreatic cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer death in men and women. Gemcitabine, the most common treatment for pancreatic cancer has less than 10% partial respo...Pancreas - Cancer - Research2016-05
59 Estrada, JohannaBCR-ABL1 compound mutations combining key kinase domain positions confer clinical resistance to ponatinib in Philadelphia cromosome-positive leukemiaCML 1s caused by a random reciprocal translocation that joins the ABL1 gene on chromosome 9, with the BCR gene on chromosome 22. The result is the formation of the oncogenic BCR-ABL1 gene. This derivative chromosome is widely known as the Philadelphia Chromosome (Ph+), and it encodes a deregulated, ...Leukemia -- Genetic aspects -- Research Leukemia -- Treatment -- Research2014-04
60 Yu, Stephone Lai MingThe Belief that Optimism Improves Performance (China)In 2015, researchers Tenney, Logg, and Moore published their research on the lay belief that optimism improves performance. The research was initially inspired by another study introducing the idea of prescribed optimism (Armor et al., 2008). Their research was spurred by an observation that has bee...2017
61 Ruiz, LorenBeneath the dark cloak of U.S. deportation: Bureaucratic distancing tactics employed by the deportation systemU.S. deportation policy is implemented behind a dark cloak of secrecy. Distancing tactics are employed throughout the deportation process to prevent those participating within the bureaucracy from feeling empathy for those they process. Pachirat (2011) provides a three-part template of analysis for ...Deportation -- United States2015-05
62 Rathbun, Lauren ElizabethBeyond classical: mixing in the belt. An exploration of musical theatre singingBelt, mix and classical are three terms for distinguishing the different sounds used in musical theatre vocal repertoire. Each requires different techniques regarding resonance space, vowels, laryngeal position, and breath management. For years, there has been a debate among vocal pedagogues questio...Voice type (Singing)2015-08
63 Hyde, Katie M.Bhutanese refugee women's lived reproductive health experience in Salt Lake City, UtahThis research project focused on family planning and reproductive health care access among Bhutanese refugees in Salt Lake City, Utah. Four questions guided this study: (1) What contraceptive methods do female Bhutanese refugees use to control fertility/space births? (2) What reproductive health car...Women refugees - Utah - Salt Lake City - Health and hygiene; Women refugees - Bhutan - Health and hygiene; Reproductive health services - Utah2014-05
64 Dove-Swisher, TaylorBias-Coppected Estimation for singles-event studiesSingle-firm event studies used in securities fraud litigation are prone to statistical bias. Brav and Heaton (2015) describe three potential issues: low statistical power to detect price impacts, confounding effects that cannot be averaged out, and an effect bias in the upward direction. The effect ...2017
65 Zhao, MichaelBinary Hermitian Forms and Optimal EmbeddingsLet L=K be a quadratic extension of global fields, and OL the ring of integers of L. We prove two correspondences between (i) binary L-hermitian forms which represent 1 and optimal embeddings of L into a quaternion algebra, (ii) integral binary OL-hermitian forms which represent 1 and embeddings of ...2017
66 Burga, Carlos AlbertoBinary superlattices of semiconductor nanocrystals : a path towards possible high-temperature superconductivityThis thesis provides a platform to experimentally test Dr. Daniel Mattis' theoretical work on the possible superconductive behavior of nanostructured intrinsic semiconductors1-2. The theoretical work hinged on the nano-scale architecture of semiconductors. Therefore, using various types of semicondu...Semiconductor nanocrystals; Superconductivity; Superlattices as materials2013-05
67 Rose, StevenBiofuel cells for self powered arsenic detectionResearch in the Minteer group has centered on procedures for immobilizing enzymes and organelles on carbon electrodes for use in sensory and fuel cell applications. Similar strategies have been used to prepare a series of electrodes capable of pyruvate oxidation which, in the presence of arsenic, wi...Fuel cells; Arsenic - Detection2013-05
68 Gaykowski, Logan SaraBirth Control and Depression: Science VS. the MediaPrevious research has shown that the media can have a large effect on how readers internalize news and information, as well as on their choices, opinions and behaviors. Research has also shown that the media often reports scientific findings inaccurately or not in their entire form, providing reader...2017
69 Ellingson, DrewBitangent lines to planar quartic curves in algebraic and tropical geometryBitangents are lines which are tangent to a curve at two points. The bitangents of a classical quartic are well understood, and a result originally due to Cayley tells us that there are always precisely 28 bitangents to a generic quartic plane curve. When looking at Tropical Geometry, the situation ...Tropical geometry; Curves, Quartic; Curves, Algebraic; Bitangents2015-04
70 Mimi LocherThe body in modern architecture: Perceptions, philosophies and design consequences in the work of Le Corbusier and Alvar AaltoThis thesis explores the place of the human body in architectural design during the modern period. A brief history of using the human body as design inspiration is given, which includes a discussion on our tendencies as humans to use anthropomorphism, cognitive patterns, and our body to understand t...Architecture - Human factors2014-05
71 Simonsen, KyleBreast cancer knowledge and attitudes among women in ArmeniaBackground: Breast cancer, the most common invasive cancer among women, has high incidence and mortality rates among women in the Republic of Armenia. Advanced stage at detection limits treatment options and contributes to high morbidity and mortality. Understanding women's breast cancer knowledge a...Breast - Cancer; Breast - Cancer - Patients - Attitudes; Breast - Cancer - Patients - Armenia (Republic)2013-07
72 Jackson, RachelBreastfeeding and the media: race representations in formula advertisements targeting new parentsResearch has shown that mediated advertisements can play a role in a woman's decision about whether or not to breastfeed her baby. Percentages of breastfeeding among African American women have been shown in national data to be significantly lower than other races in the United States. There have be...Communication2014
73 Lopez, MauricioThe broken promise of inclusive development: the case of PeruIn recent years, Peru has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world, outpacing emerging giants of the developing world such as Brazil and Russia. From 2003 to 2011 Peru's GDP per capita almost tripled. Nevertheless, currently almost one third of the Peruvian population still lives in po...Peru - Economic conditions - Regional disparities; Inclusive development2013-05
74 Smith, HaydenBrown v. Board: The racial meridian: Racial segregation in the U.S. public education system before and after Brown v. Board of Education 1954The primary concentration of this project is an analysis of post-Brown v. Board segregation issues within the public education sphere. I focus primarily on the legal history of school desegregation in Texas as it is a Southern state with a long history of racial segregation. Furthermore, Texas effec...Segregation in education - Texas2014-04
75 Olschewski, ErinC is for carrots, community gardens, and co-ops: A thematic analysis of the ways in which Sesame Street tackles nutrition, sustainability, and social justiceIn the realm of entertainment education and media studies, there is a sizable amount of research linking children's nutrition and early educational television shows. However, there is a paucity of work that attempts to connect nutrition with sustainability and/or social justice in the context of chi...Children's television programs -- Social aspects; Nutrition in mass media; Sesame Street (Television program); Social justice in mass media; Sustainability in mass media2014-12
51 - 75 of 501