Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
26 |
 | Uchida, Allison Miaki | Analyzing the implications of the accounting standard update, topic 842 | In 2010 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) made a proposal to modify the current United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) rules in regard to leases, summarized in ASC 840. The proposed changes would alter the entire way in which companies reporting in accordanc... | Accounting statements and guidelines; accounting standards update | 2016-05 |
27 |
 | Thissen, Caitlin | Establishing sense of place in an urban desert wasteland : reconsidering traditional design materials in contemporary building | A reconsideration of traditional and sustainable construction materials should not only be encouraged in the contemporary age, but should support the establishment of a more engaging spatial experience, culturally and ecologically. Traditional building and design materials preserve the local charact... | Sustainable architecture - Arizona; Building materials - Arizona; Pueblo architecture - Arizona | 2013-05 |
28 |
 | Larsen, CJ | Glory-bound: A a speculative account of the battle at tollense | This thesis is a work of speculative historical fiction that seeks to provide a narrative explanation for the presence of Nordic Bronze Age artifacts and human remains buried under the banks of the Tollense River in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. The story is told through the eyes of Urik, a well-... | Nordic Bronze; Tollense River | 2022 |
29 |
 | Yazzie, Rose | How to effectively align the Utah Effective Teaching Standards with American Indian values : a first step for elementary school teachers | Many times we find that American Indian students are disengaged in their K-12 education and classroom practices can conflict with their culture. This disconnect between value structures can make it difficult to navigate the educational pipeline leading to low college enrollment and attrition. This p... | American Indian education - Utah | 2014-04 |
30 |
 | Heman, Claire | Intersections | This creative thesis explores the intersections of identity, gender, and sexuality, relevant topics in our times of binary gender roles and pervasive heteronormative social structures. This thesis is divided into two parts: 1) an introductory essay to place the creative work in an existing conversat... | Gender identity in literature; Sexual orientation in literature | 2015-08 |
31 |
 | Schryver, Hannah M. | EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performance | Studying human information processing allows researchers to better understand the operations of the human brain. While a large body of research has used reaction times and cognitive correlates to quantify information processing, electrophysiological correlates improve knowledge of cortical activity.... | Performance -- Measurement; Cognitive neuroscience; Electroencephalography | 2015-05 |
32 |
 | Evans, Kathryn S. | Defining the interaction between ETV4 and mediator subunit MED25 | Chromosomal rearrangements resulting in an overexpression of a subset of ETS transcription factors (ETV1, ETV4, ETV5, and ERG) are found in over 50% of prostate cancers (Tomlins et al., 2005). ERG and ETV1 have both shared and distinct gene targets, yet overexpression of ETV1 is often found to be as... | Transcription factors; Prostate -- Cancer -- Genetic aspects; ETV4 | 2015-05 |
33 |
 | Armstrong, Blair P. | Lower critical solution temperature behavior of elastin-coiled-coil polymer, a potential platform for treatment of non-hodgkin's lymphoma | Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma takes the lives of 20,000 Americans each year. When traditional therapies fail, clinicians have turned to a drug, rituximab, for treatment. However, rituximab is now curative for less than 50% of patients and new treatments are needed. Drug-free macromolecular therapeutics (DF... | | 2021 |
34 |
 | Davis, Charles Foulger | Signable: improving accessability to American sign language through gesture recognition | American Sign Language (ASL) is the prominent form of communication used by deaf communities throughout the United States. Despite the prevalence of its use, accessing means of learning ASL can be difficult, inconvenient, and costly. People who wish to communicate via ASL, such as those with deaf fa... | deaf communities | 2024 |
35 |
 | Payne, Christopher | Looping as a Foundational Mechanic of Video Games | The past five decades have witnessed the dramatic birth and growth of the video game medium into an essential facet of popular culture. Since then, innumerable games have been created across every conceivable genre and technological platform, each relying on some unique blend of mechanics, dynamics,... | | 2020 |
36 |
 | de Andrade, Debora Brito | "Nadie Me Entiende" [No one understand me]: impacts of cultural and language barriers on social isolation and loneliness in Spanish-speaking older adults | Cultural and language barriers during the older stages of life can lead to an increased risk for social isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, Spanish-speaking adults are more likely to have poor access to care in Utah and in the rest of the United States, which decreases the likelihood of detection... | Spanish-speaking; language; Mental health | 2021 |
37 |
 | Turner, Jackson | Expansion method for eigenvalue problems: theories, algorithms, and applications | The Laplacian operator plays a ubiquitous role in the differential equations that describe many physical systems. These include, for example, vibrating membranes, fluid flow, heat flow, and solutions to the Schrödinger equation. In this paper, we investigate a method to find the eigenfunctions of t... | example; computation | 2021 |
38 |
 | Heiner, Catherine | Man up: Sexual Violence, Masculinity, and Rhetoric | In discussion of sexual violence, very specific rhetoric is used. Discussions on the topic include questions of "what was she wearing? How much did she drink? Don't you think she was asking for it?" This language creates a situation where this action is perceived as an abnormal act of violence, rath... | | 2017 |
39 |
 | Le, Van | Social externalities of community college education | It has been repeatedly shown that increasing a person's level of education increases their income earning potential as well. This correlation is used to support recent tuition-subsidies for community college students that several states -such as Oregon and Tennessee -have begun to implement and t... | Municipal universities and colleges | 2016-04 |
40 |
 | VandenBerge, Keely | A mentorship model for educationally underrepresented high school students interested in the nursing profession | Evidence demonstrates that when workforce diversity does not reflect the population receiving care, patients' care and outcomes can be negatively affected (Sullivan Commission, 2004). One of the many approaches to addressing this complex issue is the use of mentorship programs to increase diversity ... | | 2020 |
41 |
 | | Movie Night: a creative analysis | "Movie Night" is a film about a woman with a haunting fear that her sexuality, or lack thereof, might harm a new relationship. The first scene presents how a lack of representation in media can lead to certain standards and stereotypes, and by putting an alternative in this film itself, I seek to pr... | | 2021 |
42 |
 | Colter, Zane | An invitation to quaternions before complex numbers | Quaternions are often introduced as an extension of the complex numbers, but this choice is arbitrary. This thesis explores the world of quaternions, H, and their application without the language or context of complex numbers. This choice has the benefit of preventing intuitions that work in C from ... | | 2024 |
43 |
 | Krueger, Adrienne | The commune in commodities: Bruno braquehais's photography of the Paris commune of 1871 | Perhaps no other photographer of the Paris Commune has received as much art historical attention as Bruno Braquehais. Within this scholarship, he is heralded as unique, either framed as the dedicated photojournalist of the Commune or as the sole photographer sympathetic to the cause of the Commune. ... | | 2021 |
44 |
 | Carrasco, Amanda | First- Generation Students in College: a Critical Discourse Analysis on the University of Utah's Trio Program Using the Community Cultural Wealth Model | This research was completed to examine the discourse of success and retention in two TRIO programs at the University of Utah. The purpose of this study concentrated on how Student Support Services (SSS) and Upward Bound support their first- generation students through the rhetoric in their outreach ... | | 2020 |
45 |
 | Steadham, Angela | Human trafficking in Utah, America and the world | To define human trafficking is to describe one of the most inhumane crimes in daily practice. It is modern day slavery. Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring, and receipt of persons by coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or force to exploit them. The ... | Human trafficking - United States | 2014-07 |
46 |
 | Ehmann, Kylee | Jane Austen's realism revisited: Pride & Prejudice, Emma and Sanditon in the digital age | There are hundreds of film, television and book adaptations of Jane Austen's novels in the world, all different retellings and interpretations of the original source texts. And while these adaptations' quality is typically judged based on its fidelity to the original novels, this value judgement on... | Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 - Criticism and interpretation | 2014-12 |
47 |
 | Silianoff, Caitlin | Objectified: Bodily Fragmentation in the Metaphysical Conceit | This Honors thesis investigates bodily fragmentation and metaphoric direction in seventeenth-century poetry. I focus in particular on John Donne and Richard Crashaw, two contemporaneous metaphysical poets who are often regarded as critical opposites. Close analysis of their use of bodily imagery wit... | | 2020 |
48 |
 | Martin, Julia Vienna Gardner | The role of socioeconomic status in understanding ethnic differences among remerging adults with type 1 diabetes | Emerging adulthood is often characterized as a "high-risk period" for emerging adults (EAs) with T1D as they have higher HbA1c (a metric of glucose control across the last 3- 4 months) and poorer self-management compared to other age groups. Emerging adults may also experience disparities associated... | | 2023 |
49 |
 | Goodwin, Dane | (UN)Known Origin | My research and artworks utilize traditional hand done and modern digital printmaking techniques. Some processes inherently convey a sense of being handmade, such as wood cut relief printing and intaglio printing; these techniques rely strongly on the hand of the artist, directly transferring handma... | Printing techniques; traditional printing; digital printing | 2017 |
50 |
 | Wang, Wenyi | Imaging in a homogeneous aluminum plate by using ultrasonic waves | This project is about detecting and imaging damage (such as cracks) in a plate by using ultrasonic waves. The waves are generated by a source (an ultrasonic transducer) that is part of a robot that can move on the plate. The waves traveling in the plate are recorded at a receiver (another ultrasonic... | Ultrasonic transducer - Mathematics; Kirchoff migration - Research | 2014-12 |