226 - 250 of 883
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226 Stevens, Fergus D.Human-Algorithm Interactions with Fundamental and Predatory Trading RobotsAlgorithmic participation in financial markets has been a growing phenomenon since the early 1990s. This paper uses experimental data and simulations to analyze the interaction between humans and trading algorithms. Interactions between humans and algorithms are observed through laboratory sessions ...2020
227 Gordon, MatthewHysteresis and the learning-By-doing mechanism in the monetary policy context: a bayesian vector autoregression appoachStandard macroeconomic theory typically assumes that output in the long-run is independent of the short-run business cycle. The hysteresis hypothesis assumes the contrary and supposes that short-run economic shocks can have a permanent effect on the level of output. This paper empirically tests the ...2022
228 Arave, MariahLife elevated: investigating the association between altitude and depressionThe purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between altitude and depression. Evidence obtained from previous studies show that hypoxia can cause changes in the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, potentially affecting mental health. There is also a region in the western Unit...University of Utah2018
229 Freckleton, K. BeauSarrus-based passive mechanism for rotorcraft perchings: Structural design and mass optimizationCurrent quad-rotors provide excellent maneuverability and opportunity for data collection in large scale areas such as agriculture, but lack the capability to maintain flight for an extended period of time. This is primarily due to a lack of energy supply, requiring operators to replace the battery ...Drone aircraft; Drone aircraft -- Control systems; Sarrus2014-12
230 Johnson, BennettA Wideneing Divide: An Examination of Constitutional Polarization in Supreme Court Nomination HearingsAt its core, this paper seeks to explore polarization and partisanship within Supreme Court nomination hearings. The role partisanship plays in contemporary nomination hearings has appeared to increase greatly, leaving many wondering if the Supreme Court has lost its sanctity as a neutral arbiter of...2020
231 Hughes, EmmaThe implications of carbon abatement for industrial composition and firm valueMarginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) serve as a representation of the costs or savings associated with various actions aimed at reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions. This thesis investigates whether investors could have earned abnormal stock returns by constructing portfolios that exploit diff...2023
232 Dyer, JamieStudies of Spectral Variability of Quasars with Multi-Epoch AnalysesQuasars are supermassive black holes known to drive galaxy formation. They can have masses up to 109 solar masses and are the most luminous known objects in the sky, making them very important trackers of cosmic evolution. Given the large amount of research already surrounding quasar astrophysics, t...2017
233 Jarvis, ThomasWelfare in the United States: its current State and future directionsPublic policy experts have proposed numerous combinations of liberal and conservative welfare policies in an attempt to capture the positive aspects of each and create a more efficient and equitable approach to welfare. In these times of economic turbulence it is paramount to understand where welfar...Political Science2012-05
234 Haacke, Carlie RaeYoung readers' interactions with storybook appsTraditional (print) storybooks have long been the major media where young children are exposed to new concepts and narrative structure, thus developing their comprehension skills. In recent years, these reading materials have evolved dramatically with increasing production and usage of digital story...2018
235 Ho, TylerAnteroposterior gait adjustments are the primary recovery strategies to repeated underfoot perturbations during turning gaitBackground: Despite ample research examining human gait, much is still unknown about how humans navigate unpredictable terrain. Most research has analyzed strictly linear gait, which does not comprise all of the gait tasks in everyday ambulation. Instead, humans routinely employ complex gait movemen...2022
236 Schott, Willem OlsonPromotion vs. education in choosing "real food"The agro-industrial system in the United States contributes to an abundance of human and ecological health problems from social injustices and public health issues to global warming and ecological degradation. In response to these problems, universities across the country are joining the Real Food C...College students -- Food Food preferences; Real food2015-04
237 Pierce, CurtisTechnology Adoption as a Predictive Measure of Financial PerformanceThis study examines the connection between technology adoption and the financial performance of firms measured as daily stock returns. Using an event study methodology, I test the hypothesis that technology adoption is a statistically significant predictor of abnormal returns. Specifically, I analyz...2017
238 Denna, McKellThe influence of operational changes on employee engagement and customer satisfaction: an exploratory studyDue to intense financial pressure companies are increasingly adopting operational changes to cut costs by increasing an organization's efficiency. While such changes have been proven to provide some competitive advantage for organizations that implement them effectively, they may also have a negati...Success in business; Consumer satisfaction; Customer services2016-04
239 Haxhiu, ElirdThe labor market implications of unification between Albania and KosovoThis paper estimates the impact that political unification between the currently independent states of Albania and Kosovo would have on the labor markets in each country. Specifically, it analyzes and quantifies by analogy the propensity of workers in Kosovo to migrate to Albania seeking employment ...Albania - Economic conditions; Kosovo (Republic) - Economic conditions2014-04
240 Stucki, KristenBarries to Women's Access to Perinatal Mental Health Care in Rural UtahMedicaid insures the majority of childbearing women visiting public health departments in rural Utah. A majority of these women live below the state and federal poverty thresholds, and few have more than a high school education. It is important that health resources be tailored to meet the unique ne...2019
241 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, UtahFish Lake's location in central Utah at 8,848 feet above sea level offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of wildfires on high-elevation forested ecosystems in the Colorado Plateau region. A ~60,000-year lake sediment record from Fish lake provides evidence of multiple disturbances througho...2023
242 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah2023
243 Pham, John V.The function of the protein VCP/CDC48-associated mitochondrial stress-responsive 1 in mammalsAlthough mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to many human diseases, mitochondrial interacting proteins and protein quality controls are just beginning to be understood. The objective of our study was to characterize the function of the VMS1 protein in mammals. We determined the role of Vms1 o...Mitochondrial disorders; Mitochondrial diseases - genetics; VMS12012-05
244 Paulsen, Tennille S.The influence of body position on intra-abdominal pressureIntroduction: Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs), including urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, are common among women. The study of PFDs has yet to be fully explored within exercise and sport science. The measurement of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) during physical activity may help establi...Pelvic girdle - Research; Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) - Research2012-05
245 Nakashima, ElizabethLinguistic Reclamation in the LGBTQ+ CommunityThis thesis analyzes and determines whether or not the pejorative fag or faggot is in the process of being reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ speech community. Previous research on linguistic reclamation has not provided an adequate model for determining whether or not a pejorative is within the process of bei...2017
246 Hodgson, Keeton R.Accelerating DNA Sequence AlignmentPrecision medicine can provide breakthroughs in current medical technology and treatment. The ability to prescribe a speci#12;c cure to a speci#12;c disease for a spe- ci#12;c person can greatly reduce the cost of medical treatments, reduce mistakes in the medical #12;eld, and increase the e#11;ecti...2018
247 Nguyen, NamRoles of Transient Receptor Potenitial Ankyrin-1 and Vanilloid-3 in Endoplasmic Reticulum stress and Cytotoxicity in Lung Epithelial CellsAir pollution is a growing global health issue with considerable local relevance. In particular, exposure to wood smoke particulate matter (WSPM) is associated with the development and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory conditions and irreversible damage of the airways and alveoli. However, exact ...2020
248 Gregersen, DylanSearching for extragalactic stars among candidate halo moving clustersWe seek to identify stars accreted into the Milky Way which are remnants of its merging with smaller galaxies or star clusters. In our approach, we selected stars from candidate moving clusters in the Milky Way's Halo. These stars were grouped by similar stellar characteristics: orbital energy, orbi...Halo stars; Extragalactic origins; Milky Way2012-05
249 Gambino, Danielle N.Motivations to participate in the diabetes prevention program among overweight and obese women planning pregnancyThe purpose of this thesis was to describe self-reported motivators of overweight or obese reproductive-age women who enrolled in an online National Diabetes Prevention Program's Lifestyle Change Program (DPP LCP). Exploring preconception women's motivations could be a useful tool to shape intervent...2021
250 Greenwood, Riley JosephChanges in earnings distribution in Peru: 2004-2014This thesis explores the changes in earnings distribution among heads of household in Peru from 2004 to 2014 by applying Dinardo, Fortin, and Lemieux's methodology of counterfactual distributions and decompositions. Various measures indicate that earnings inequality among heads of household reduce...Earnings Distribution; Inequality; Counterfactual2014-12
226 - 250 of 883