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3 Mortensen, MikalaChallenges in Playing the Flute and Their Specfiic Application to Solo Flute LiteratureThe left (binding) margin of the thesis should be 1.5 inches and the other three margins 1.0 inch. The text should be double spaced 12 point Times New Roman and follow standard format for your discipline. Thus the body of a Mathematics Thesis might be composed in a LaTex, a Social Science Thesis wou...2016
4 Ruan, TingEndogenous ceramide contributes to cardiovascular complications in Type II diabetes by decreasing the association between PP2A and I2PP2ACardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in individuals with conditions associated with insulin resistance, e.g. type 2 diabetes, diet-induced obesity. In patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications are 2-4 times more prevalent. One common cardiovascular complicati...Ceramides - Physiological effect; Diabetic angiopathies2014
5 Allan, HallieNoun Incorporation in Crow: an Assessment of Various ApproachesPolysynthesis is generally understood to be some form of morphological complexity in the verb, encoding information about the predicate and its related arguments. One feature associated with polysynthesis is noun incorporation, where noun and nominal structures are brought into the verbal structure....2020
6 Sullivan, Steven M.A trace formula for G2An n-dimensional matrix representation of a group G on a vector space V is a homomorphism from G to GL(V). For our purposes, we consider an irreducible representation to be a representation which cannot be decomposed into the direct sum of smaller-dimensional representations. Let H be a subgroup of ...Trace formulas2013-05
7 Kent, AlexandraDNA split aptamers as a biosensing platform for the detection of small drug moleculesPrescription drug overdose and abuse is a leading cause of death in the United States. It is a serious issue and has become increasingly problematic as opioids are being prescribed with a higher frequency. For this reason, fast, accurate detection of small drug molecules is crucial. The current stan...Drug testing; Biosensors; DNA split aptamers
8 young, Sierra Kame'ekuaSleep quality & early life war exposure: insomnia among vietnamese older adults in the vietnam health and aging studyWe aim to explore the associations between insomnia, early-life war-related stressors, recent life events, and other health and environmental factors in a sample of 2,447 older Vietnamese adults derived from the 2018 Vietnam Health and Aging Study (VHAS). Insomnia is one of the main symptoms of a va...2023
9 Pecchia-Bekkum, AnnikaApplications of controlled DNA assembly and disassembly in biosensing and responsive drug deliveryDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) provides many exciting functions outside of simply encoding genetic information. Herein, we report two techniques to control the assembly and disassembly of nucleic acids. Within these techniques, DNA is used as a programmable material for biosensing and drug delivery. In...Nucleic acids - Biotechnology2013-08
10 Nakashima, ElizabethLinguistic Reclamation in the LGBTQ+ CommunityThis thesis analyzes and determines whether or not the pejorative fag or faggot is in the process of being reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ speech community. Previous research on linguistic reclamation has not provided an adequate model for determining whether or not a pejorative is within the process of bei...2017
11 Lee, CindieStructured versus unstructured day: physical activity among adolescents during covid-19Background: Structured settings, specifically school, have been understood to promote physical activity (PA) in children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students were required to attend school remotely, in an unstructured setting. The purpose of this study is to examine the physical activity of child...2022
12 Hyer, Christina CottrellEffect of M1 Matrix Protein on Hemagglutinin Expression and Influenza Virus-Like Particle Production in Trichoplusia NIVirus-like particles (VLPs) are a new and effective flu vaccine approach. VLPs are non-infectious and can produce robust immune responses. Flu VLPs are typically created by co-expressing the flu hemagglutinin (HA) surface antigen and the matrix protein M1-which assists in viral and VLP budding-in cu...2017
13 Lee, Charles Chang SukA demonstration apparatus for optical pumping of rubidiumOptical pumping refers to the use of light in order to elevate ("pump") the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of an atom or molecule. This process is of interest from a pedagogical and experimental perspective because it encapsulates fundamental properties of atomic physics and quantum mechanics. Fu...Optical pumping -- Research Spin exchange -- Research Rubidium isotopes -- Research2015-05
14 Calder, DallenAdipocyte enhancer binding protein 1 (AEBP1) as a potential therapeutic target to combat cardiac fibrosisFibrosis is one of the major hallmarks of heart failure (HF) progression and is characterized by fibroblast activation and excess extracellular matrix (EMC) deposition. RNA sequencing of myocardial tissue acquired from HF patients showed a significant upregulation of adipocyte enhancer binding prote...2022
15 Eike, Daniel AaronNutritional Assessment of Children Ages 0 - 5 Years in Rural Punjab, IndiaMalnutrition is a major health risk that affects nearly 50% of children in India. The state of Punjab has been termed the "breadbasket" of India because of its massive agricultural production. Despite this, children throughout Punjab still suffer from high rates of malnutrition. The purpose of this ...Nutrition - in infancy & childhood - Punjab2016-12
16 Arave, Rowan A.AKT1 activation promotes the development of melanoma metastasisMetastases are the major cause of melanoma-related mortality. Previous studies implicating aberrant AKT (or protein kinase B) signaling in human melanoma metastases led to the evaluation of the effect of activated AKT1 expression in non-metastatic BRAFV600E/cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2a nu...Melanoma - Genetics - Research; Metastasis - Genetics - Research; Biochemistry; Genetics2015-12
17 Gallafent, JessicaThe Temperature Sensitivity of Leaf Litter Breakdown in Streams and Rivers with Variable nutrient SupplyA significant fraction of terrestrial carbon is processed and stored in surface waters. Elevated global temperature and eutrophication are major changes that influence the processing of carbon in streams and rivers through the breakdown of organic matter. Independently, increases in temperature and ...2019
18 Som, SaritaVirus-like weapons used for competition in wild plant populationsPlant diseases caused by bacterial pathogens pose significant economic challenges globally, necessitating the exploration of alternative methods for controlling bacterial infections in plants. Tailocins, virus-like weapons produced by bacteria, have emerged as potent antibacterial agents and hold po...2023
19 Gardner, JennaThe Disparity Between Student Science Writing and Professional Sciencetific WritingThere exists a disparity between student scientific writing and professional scientific writing. The audience, format, and intention of student papers as presented in the science classroom is different from those in the scientific field where the goal is to fully convince an unfamiliar audience and ...2017
20 Thomas, Payton JImportance sampling techniques for genetic circuit analysisGenetic circuits have been identified as a promising technology that could revolutionize several areas, including biofuels, biomanufacturing, and medicine. Despite the tremendous potential of this technology, there are significant challenges associated with its development and implementation. One of...2023
21 Barton, Tanner"Check please": the role of checklists in improving outcomes and patient value in healthcareThe American healthcare system is constantly on the search for ways to improve. There are many ways to achieve this, be it through improving care or decreasing the financial burden placed on patients. One method that has received increased attention in recent years is the implementation of checklist...2021
22 Scott, BrooklynGenomic insights into lineage specific differences in macaque social behaviorStudies of behavioral variation in primates are increasingly examining the role that genes have in determining social styles. The genus Macaca, for which phylogeny plays a central role in behavior, represents a useful group to explore behavioral genetics. Differences in macaque aggression and age of...2021
23 Kodele, ChristianMultivalent Human Serum Albumin - Rituximab Fab' Conjugates Induce Apoptosis in Lymphoma CellsNon-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is an immune disease, mostly of B-cell origin (85%), as well as the ninth leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Although treatments for NHLs greatly improved following the FDA approval of Rituximab (RTX), refractive malignancies still occur that are nonrespon...2018
24 Bowen, BradyFractal geometry of melt ponds: Modeling the fractal geometry of arctic melt ponds using the level sets of random surfacesDuring the late spring, most of the Arctic Ocean is covered by sea ice with a layer of snow on top. As the snow and sea ice begin to melt, water collects on the surface to form melt ponds. As melting progresses, sparse, disconnected ponds coalesce to form complex, self-similar structures which are c...Melt pond geometry2016-04
25 Uchida, Kimberly AkimiPost-translational regulation of the tumor suppressor PDCD4Expression of the tumor suppressor Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) is correlated with better survival outcomes in several types of cancer. When PDCD4 is coexpressed with protein arginine methyltransferase 5, however, this trend does not hold true, suggesting that PDCD4 methylation is involved in the...Tumor suppressor proteins - Regulation2013-12
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