1 - 200 of 207
Number of results to display per page
1 "Regulatory and analyzer update for USEPA's new formaldehyde emissions limit for combustion turbines"2019Spectrum's technical team has demonstrated a <27 ppbvd Formaldehyde detection limit (DL) on its extractive FTIR equipped using a 5-meter cell pathlength. This formaldehyde detection is well below USEPA's 91 ppbvd emission threshold for Combustion Turbines now subject to regulation under NESHAP Subpa...
2 2014-2015 General Catalog2014University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
3 2015-2016 General Catalog2015University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
4 2016-2017 General Catalog2016University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
5 2017-2018 General Catalog2017University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
6 2018-2019 General Catalog2018University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Course descriptions, majors & minors, colleges & schools
7 8 things to know about voting on campus2020-10-23COVID-19; elections; votingInformation for voting on campus for Election Day 2020
8 A bayesian decision-theory-based digital twin for methane flares2022Ground flares operate in a high-turndown, standby configuration for a significant portion of their operating life, being fully utilized only under process upset scenarios or emergencies. The low-momentum flow results in poor fuel-air mixing near the flare tip, leading to decreased overall combustion...
9 A chemical kinetics approach for heavy fuel oils gasification modelling2022surrogate; HFOs; pyrolysis; chemical kinetics modeling; GassificationRefinery oil residue commonly considered the bottom of the barrel, can no longer be a waste. The increasing energy demand and the constant depletion of light oil supply make it crucial to find a suitable way to convert residual oils into valuable fuels. The gasification process represents a possible...
10 A smart combustion approach to quantify and evaluate leakage air effects in fired heaters2019The information contained in these materials is for informational purposes only and is provided "AS IS", without warranties of any kind. Your use of the information contained herein is at your sole risk. We expressly disclaim any express or implied representations, warranties or guaranties, includin...
11 A volume of fluid approach to model injection of highly viscous fluids2022Despite the transition to renewable energy sources, fossil fuels will still play a significant role in satisfying the world's energy needs shortly. In addition, the rise in the demand for light distillates and the depletion of light crude oil reservoirs are shifting the interest toward the conversio...
12 AAU, associations, and members file amicus brief to support lawsuits against administration's H1-B visa restrictions2020-10-30The brief supports the complaint filed by Purdue University, the University of Michigan, and Indiana University and 14 other plaintiffs against the Labor Department's rule that would make it more difficult for high-skilled foreign workers with college degrees to acquire H-1B visas.
13 Advanced emissions monitoring from elevated gas flares for early warning system and optimization of plant operations2019Real-time monitoring of emissions from elevated gas flares is very difficult and expensive due to the relative location of the source and the cost to collect samples for analysis. Elevated Analytics has developed and applied a UAV based sensor system to accomplish this task. Besides providing a snap...
14 The advantages of monitoring flare pilots with instantaneous response2020This paper will discuss applications for and details of a fiber optic pilot monitoring system that addresses known, specific challenges in the market. For decades, thermocouples have been the most widely accepted device for determining flare pilot status. However, there is a growing desire in the in...
15 An air-assisted flare for biomass gasifiers2019Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate the combustion practice of the gases that produce from gasification process. In this simulation a new air-assisted flare design which capable to handle low flowrates of these gases with high performance was used. The simulated cases were perfor...
16 Analysis of burner operation inside an enclosed ground flare2022Thermo-Acoustic Coupling; Enclosed Flare; LES CFD Model; Noise; Premixed BurnerAn industrial enclosed ground flare used as part of a large refinery project has been analyzed to assess combustion stability and performance under low and high flow conditions. This flare includes a large combustion chamber directly above the burner deck with Low Flow (LF) burners that fire up to 9...
17 Analysis of design and operation of multi-point ground flares2022Multi-point ground flares (MPGF) are used to process large quantities of hydrocarbon gases generated in chemical processing or petrochemical refining. These flares use hundreds of flare burners arranged and fired in a staged fashion. A wind fence surrounds the MPGF to shield the flames from plant op...
18 Annual Report: University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC), 2013-20142014Annual reportAnnual report of the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. The contents include the Development Committee, Legislative Committee, Events Committee, Communications & Selections Committee and the Executive Board & Committee Chairs.
19 Asphalt Wash 1 (U086) - Plate 92014Green River Formation; well log; core log; Asphalt Wash 1; plate 9
20 Asphalt Wash 1 XRF depth plots2014Asphalt Wash; depth plots
21 Budget (UUSAC 2014-09)2014-09Operating budget; Scholarship accountBudget and expenditures for operating and scholarship accounts.
22 Capturing the effect of near-and far-field dynamics on the combustion efficiency of multi-point ground flares2022Multi-point ground flares are frequently used in scenarios where flare gas flow rates can be high and pollution (noise, light, smoke) needs to be minimized. We have applied Arches, a large eddy simulation (LES) tool that we have developed for capturing the dynamics of flares (turbulent mixing, local...
23 CFD development for fired heater applications2022Industry values the ability to ‘virtually' verify and optimize burner performance through CFD simulation and to evaluate the suitability of burner and furnace designs. Inaccurate results may lead us to falsely reject good burner designs or accept a poor design. Field problems can be far more expen...
24 Chemical looping combustion reactions and systems: task 5 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program2014-03ICSE; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling; CLOU; Fuel-combustion technology; Economic CO2 capture; Oxygen Carriers; Simulation of dense-phase flows; Electric power; Solid fuel combustionChemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is one promising fuel-combustion technology, which can facilitate economic CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants. It employs the oxidation/reduction characteristics of a metal, or oxygen carrier, and its oxide, the oxidizing gas (typically air) and the fuel source ...
25 Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - Final report, Utah Clean Coal Program2015-02coal; Utah Clean Coal Program; domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; CO2 combustion; stationary power generation; V/UQ; oxy-coal combustion; high-pressure, entrained-flow coal gasification; chemical looping combustion; underground coal thermal treatment; mercury control; environmental issues; legal ...The University of Utah, through their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), performed research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research was organized around t...
26 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil sands and oil shale resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2014-March 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; CO2 management; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shale; oil productionThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
27 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - April 2014-June 20142014domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; ICSE; developing oil resources; CO2 management; utilization of oil shale and oil sands; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shaleThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
28 Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources: Quarterly progress report - January 2015 to March 20152015quarterly report; domestic oil shale resources; domestic oil sands resources; unconventional fuels; oil shale; oil sandsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
29 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - July 2014-September 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; utilization of oil shale and oil sands resources with CO2 management; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing of oil shale; shale oil and pyrolysis productsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
30 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report - October 2014-December 20142014domestic oil shale; domestic oil sands; ICSE; CO2 management; clean energy; oil and gas production; liquid fuel production; thermal processing of oil shale/sandsThe Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of these resources in ...
31 Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources: Quarterly progress report: October 2013 to December 20132014ICSE; Quarterly report; Clean and secure energy; Oil shale; Oil sands; Uinta Basin; CO2 management; AMSO; Greenhouse gas control; Shale formation; In situ; Ex situ; TEA-CEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Clean and Secure Energy from Domestic Oil Shale and Oil Sands Resources program, part of the research agenda of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE) at the University of Utah, is focused on engineering, scientific, and legal research surrounding the development of t...
32 Clearing the Path2018-01Student success; University of UtahA strategic student success agenda.
33 Clearsign core process burners and boiler burners - burner scaling and field results2022During previous AFRC Industrial Combustion Symposia, ClearSign Technologies Corporation introduced its ClearSign Core technology currently used in our Ultra Low NOx burner products. These ClearSign Core products have now been developed for different types of equipment applications to meet stringent ...
34 COVID-19 is a frightening factor this Halloween2020-10-23COVID-19; HalloweenPlanning for trick-or-treating during COVID-19
35 COVID-19 research operations update from the VPR2020-07-07COVID-19; researchAnnouncement on research operations during COVID-19 pandemic
36 Coyote Wash 1 Plate 52014Coyote Wash; plate 5; well log; core log; Green River formation
37 Effect of operating parameters on fired heater tube skin temperature measurement accuracy & the development of new improved tube skin thermocouple2022Refineries are often faced with challenges to meet production target, improve efficiency, process opportunity crudes with limited information on fouling characteristics etc. The common parameter that often becomes constraining are the tube skin temperatures which are critical in maintaining the inte...
38 Evaluation of well spacing and arrangement for in-situ thermal treatment of oil shale using HPC simulation tools2014-10well spacing; in-situ thermal treatment; oil shale; HPC simulation tools; oil shale resources; oil sands resources; basin scale simulation; liquid fuel productionThe mission of this presentation is to pursue research that improves industry's ability to utilize the vast energy stored in oil shale and oil sands resources with minimal environmental impact. Three main research areas looked at are: 1. Basin scale simulation of environmental and economic impacts o...
39 EX-1 Plate 32014plate 3; well log; Green River Formation; core log
40 Experimental investigation for the development of burners for low scale reheating of semi-finished metal products2019recuperative burner; fuel rich combustion; direct fired furnace; scale reduction; radiant tubeIndustrial furnaces for the reheating of semi-finished metal products are often direct fired with natural gas and air. Oxidation of the metals exposed to the furnace atmosphere causes significant material losses and additional work during furnace operation and in further processing. A reheating conc...
41 Explaining the "three inch rule": why model flares don't match full-scale2022It was Pohl and co-workers who discovered the so-called "Three Inch Rule" in their work on flares in the 1980s. They found that model flares with pipe diameter less than three inches do not have the same Combustion Efficiency (CE) and stability behaviour as full-scale flares, at least when wind is n...
42 Fall 2020 Instructional Guidelines2020-07COVID-19; instruction; campusFall 2020 Instructional Guidelines
43 Final report of the joint NSF-NSFC workshop on combustion related to sustainable energy2014-03-10Jinxi hotel; NSF-NSFC workshop; combustion; sustainable energyA workshop on Combustion Related to Sustainable Energy was held in Hangzhou, China on March 10-12, 2014. The workshop was jointly sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and by the National Science Foundation in China (NSFC). The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a limite...
44 Flare combustion index in lieu of combustion zone net heating value2020Flares are commonly used at industrial facilities (e.g., oil and gas extraction and production sites, gas processing plants, oil refineries, and petrochemical manufacturing plants) to safely dispose of process waste gases. Waste gases may be produced due to process upset or because they are unrecove...
45 Flare regulatory update2019The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) revised the regulations for the refinery through the Refinery Sector Rule (RSR) revisions to NESHAP CC and UUU (aka MACT CC and MACT UUU). The USEPA is expected to propose revisions to the Ethylene MACT and the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON) ...
46 Gasification studies: Task 4 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program2014-02-06ICSE; Gasification; Large-eddy simulation; One-dimensional turbulence: Radiation; Soot formation; Entrained-flow coal gasification; Gasification kinetics; Slag formationA key objective of the Task 4 activities has been to develop simulation tools to support development, troubleshooting and optimization of pressurized entrained-flow coal gasifiers. The overall gasifier models (Subtask 4.1) combine submodels for fluid flow (Subtask 4.2) and heat transfer (Subtask 4.3...
47 General Catalog 2019-20202020Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
48 General Catalog 2020-20212021Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
49 General Catalog 2021-20222022Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
50 General Catalog 2022-20232023Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
51 General Catalog 2023-20242024Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
52 General_Catalog_2018_20192019Course catalog; classesUniversity of Utah catalog of course descriptions, majors, minors, colleges, and schools
53 Guidelines for library space partnerships2014Guidelines for library space partnerships
54 Installation of lean premix and remote fuel staging system in industrial process heater for next generation nox emissions control2022John Zink Hamworthy Combustion (JZHC) has completed the first installation and startup of the SOLEX combustion system in the Vacuum Tower Feed Furnace at a GS Caltex refinery in South Korea. The patented SOLEX™ burner compromises a lean premix zone of combustion, where the air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) ...
55 Investigative approach to address thermoacoustic vibration in gas-fired heaters and boilers2022Industrial gas-fired boilers, furnaces and heaters occasionally encounter low-frequency vibrations generated by dynamic feedback between the burner (or burners) and acoustic modes in adjacent cavities in the main combustion chamber or ductwork. Feedback occurs when pressure pulses associated with ac...
56 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Deans and Department chairs addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
57 Letter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to Students2020-07Racism; Systemic racism; ResearchLetter from the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to students addressing U.S. Department of Homeland Security's announcement of modifications to exemptions for non-immigrant students enrolled at high education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
58 Marriott library circulation statistics 2011-20132014-07-28Circulation statistics; University PressCirculation statistics for the Marriott Library and University of Utah Press for the years 2011-2013
59 Multistage flameless oxidation2019Flameless Oxidation (FLOX®) is a well established low thermal NOx combustion method since the early 1990s. Flameless Oxidation can be applied for processes above self ignition temperature. Typically, switching between flame- and FLOX-mode occurs at a temperature of 850°C. This restriction can be o...
60 Neutron imaging of heterogeneous solid fuels under heating2019Solid-fuel pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion continue to play an important role in the industrial and utility sectors. Behavior of heterogeneous fuels such as biomass (e.g., wood and grasses), municipal solid waste (MSW), and coal is less understood on the micro than the macro scales, particul...
61 New developments in flaring liquid natural gas without vaporization of the waste stream2020This paper will explore best practices and lessons learned during the development, testing, and implementation of a mechanically atomized multi-jet liquid flare for liquified natural gas (LNG). Liquefaction facilities convert natural gas into LNG by cooling it to a liquid state at -259⁰F (- 162⁰...
62 New Member Orientation2014-07-14UUSAC new membersAgenda for the UUSAC new member orientation, with description of each agenda item.
63 North-South core-based cross section through the middle to upper Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah - Plate 22014oil shale; economic oil shale; oil shale zone; cross section; Green River Formation; well log; core logThe top of economic oil shale was picked at the top of the lower R-8 zone (top of the Big Three rich oil shale beds). This zone was selected to avoid the abundant saline minerals found in the overlaying saline zone, which often contains high-TDS water. If saline minerals (and high-TDS water) do not ...
64 Numberical and experimental investigations on an innovative, regeneratively heated radiant tube with compact dimensions2019heat treatment; radiant tube; regenerative heating; staged combustionThe presented, public funded research cooperation project of the Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University and the WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH main aim is the development of an innovative, regeneratively heated radiant tube with compact dimensions. The ma...
65 Numerical investigations of tailored heating of a round bar for partial hot forming using Direct Flame Impingement (DFI)2019Tailored Heating; Direct Flame Impingement (DFI); Massive FormingHot massive forming is performed using uniform heating of the materials to avoid wrinkle formation. A new approach, which is investigated within a research project, is presented in this paper, using a tailored heating with different temperature zones to conduct hot massive forming and semi-hot formi...
66 On the front lines of COVID-192020-10-30COVID-19; healthcare; icu; hospitalCOVID-19 health crisis impacting hospital intensive care units
67 Oxy-coal combustion studies - Task 3 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program.2014-08oxy-coal combustion; Utah Clean Coal Program; oxy-coal; large eddy simulations; near-flame aerodynamics; pilot-scale oxy-CFB; single-particle oxy char oxidation; ash partitioning; carbon capture; pulverized coal-fired power plantsThe objective of this task is to move toward the development of a predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for pilot-scale, single-burner, oxy-coal operation. This validation research brings together multi-scale experimental measurements and computer simulations. The combination of s...
68 P4 Plate 62014well log; core log; plate 6; P4; White River Shale Project; Green River Formation
69 PERF Project 2014-10 Results and Analysis of the VISR Method for Remote Flare Monitoring2019The Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) is a non-profit organization created to provide a stimulus to and a forum for the collection, exchange, and analysis of research information relating to the development of technology for health, environment and safety; waste reduction; and system sec...
70 Policy issues associated with using simulation to assess environmental impacts2014-11oil and natural gas technology; policy issues with using simulation; environmental impacts; simulation-based science; judicial assessments and models; environmental policymakingThis report examines the relationship between simulation-based science and judicial assessments of simulations or models supporting evaluations of environmental harms or risks, considering both how it exists currently and how it might be shaped in the future. This report considers the legal standard...
71 QEMSCAN analysis of Green River Formation oil shale samples, Skyline 16 core, eastern Uinta basin, UT2014QEMSCAN; oil shale; Green River Formation; Skyline 16 core; minerologyConclusions in the presentations: 1. QEMscan analysis reveals mineralogic textures dominated by dolomite, illite, and calcite. 2. A few interpretations are made in regards to the documented compositional results generated automatically by the QEMscan: "Background" is assumed to reflect organic matt...
72 Quantifying flare combustion efficiency using an imaging fourier transform spectrometer2022Mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) hyperspectral imaging may be used to calculate the flare combustion efficiency from standoff measurements, without requiring any information about the fuel flow rate to the flare. Species column densities are found using a spectroscopic model, which is combined with a ...
73 Rates and mechanisms of oil shale pyrolysis: A chemical structure approach2014-11Green River oil shale; oil and natural gas technology; oil shale pyrolysis; chemical structure of oil shaleThree pristine Utah Green River oil shale samples were obtained and used for analysis by the combined research groups at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. Oil shale samples were first demineralized and the separated kerogen and extracted bitumen samples were then studied by a host...
74 Red Wash 1 (U045) - Plate 82014plate 8; Red Wash 1; well log; core log; Green River Formation
75 Redwash 1 XRF depth plots2014depth plots; Green River Formation; XRF
76 Regulatory promotion of emergent CCS technology - Topical report2014-01CCS technology; climate change; mitigation strategies; carbon capture and sequestrationDespite the growing inevitability of climate change and the attendant need for mitigation strategies, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has yet to gain much traction in the United States. Recent regulatory proposals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), limited in scope to new-buil...
77 Remote measurement of Flare gas flow rate using a video imaging spectral radiometer2019Flares are commonly used at industrial facilities (e.g., oil and gas extraction and production sites, gas processing plants, oil refineries, and petrochemical manufacturing plants) to safely dispose of process gases (i.e. waste gases). Waste gases may be produced due to process upset or because they...
78 Reopening Utah's Colleges and Universities2020-05COVID-19; USHE; higher edExecutive summary
79 Retreat notes: 2014 (UUSAC)2014University of Utah staffCommunication and selection.
80 Return to Campus: Keys to success for students2020-08-20COVID-19; Fall Semester; 2020Announcement following the fifth Return to Campus webinar
81 Sabbatical report (July 2015 - December 2015)2015-12Sabbitical; Oxford university; St. Stephen's House; Pusey HouseReport of sabbatical leave for Peter Kraus, Marriott Library, University of Utah
82 Simplified analysis and practical mitigation techniques for induestrial boiler thermoacoustic vibration2019Industrial boiler systems are prone to mechanical vibration which can lead to premature component failures, emission non-compliance, and greatly increased ambient noise generation. Driving mechanisms, thermoacoustic phenomena, and system geometrical interactions are complex. General methods for accu...
83 Skyline 12 Fisher Assay Data2015-07Skyline 12; Fisher Assay; Drill holeFisher Assay drill hole info on Skyline 12.
84 Skyline 16 - Plate 72014well log; core log; Skyline 16; plate 7; Green River Formation
85 Skyline 16 information2015-07Skyline 16; preliminary stratigraphy of Skyline 16; Green River Formation; Protecore samples
86 Skyline 16 sampling2015-07Skyline 16; sampling summarySkyline 16 sampling summary.
87 Skyline 16 Stratigraphic Column2015-07Skyline 16; stratigraphic column; well core; core logWell log of Skyline 16.
88 Skyline 16 XRF2015-07Skyline 16; Skyline 16 samples
89 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 1 Depth: 20.0 - 30.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 1; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16, SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah Country, Utah. Box 1 Depth: 20.0 - 30.0 ft.
90 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 10 Depth: 110.0 - 120.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 10; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 10 Depth: 110.0 - 120.0 ft.
91 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 11 Depth: 120.0 - 130.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 11; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 11 Depth: 120.0 - 130.0 ft.
92 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 12 Depth: 130.0 - 140.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 12; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 12 Depth: 130.0 - 140.0 ft.
93 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 13 Depth: 140.0 - 150.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 13; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 13 Depth: 140.0 - 150.0 ft.
94 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 14 Depth: 150.0 - 160.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 14; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 14 Depth: 150.0 - 160.0 ft.
95 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 15 Depth: 160.0 - 170.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 15; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 15 Depth: 160.0 - 170.0 ft.
96 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 16 Depth: 170.0 - 180.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 16; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 16 Depth: 170.0 - 180.0 ft.
97 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 17 Depth: 180.0 - 190.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 17; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 17 Depth: 180.0 - 190.0 ft.
98 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 18 Depth: 190.0 - 200.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 18; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 18 Depth: 190.0 - 200.0 ft.
99 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 19 Depth: 200.0 - 210.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 19; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 19 Depth: 200.0 - 210.0 ft.
100 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 2 Depth: 30.0 - 40.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 2; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16, SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah Country, Utah. Box 2 Depth: 30.0 - 40.0 ft.
101 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 20 Depth: 210.0 - 220.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 20; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 20 Depth: 210.0 - 220.0 ft.
102 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 21 Depth: 220.0 - 230.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 21; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 21 Depth: 220.0 - 230.0 ft.
103 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 22 Depth: 230.0 - 240.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 22; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 22 Depth: 230.0 - 240.0 ft.
104 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 23 Depth: 240.0 - 250.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 23; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 23 Depth: 240.0 - 250.0 ft.
105 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 24 Depth: 250.0 - 260.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 24; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 24 Depth: 250.0 - 260.0 ft.
106 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 25 Depth: 260.0 - 270.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 25; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey and the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 25 Depth: 260.0 - 270.0 ft.
107 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 26 Depth: 270.0 - 280.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 26; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 26 Depth: 270.0 - 280.0 ft.
108 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 27 Depth: 280.0 - 290.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 27; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 27 Depth: 280.0 - 290.0 ft.
109 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 28 Depth: 290.0 - 300.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 28; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 28 Depth: 290.0 - 300.0 ft.
110 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 29 Depth: 300.0 - 310.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 29; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 29 Depth: 300.0 - 310.0 ft.
111 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 3 Depth: 40.0 - 50.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 3; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 3 Depth: 40.0 - 50.0 ft.
112 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 30 Depth: 310.0 - 320.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 30; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 30 Depth: 310.0 - 320.0 ft.
113 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 31 Depth: 320.0 - 330.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 31; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 31 Depth: 320.0 - 330.0 ft.
114 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 32 Depth: 330.0 - 340.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 32; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 32 Depth: 330.0 - 340.0 ft.
115 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 33 Depth: 340.0 - 350.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 33; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 33 Depth: 340.0 - 350.0 ft.
116 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 34 Depth: 350.0 - 360.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 34; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 34 Depth: 350.0 - 360.0 ft.
117 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 35 Depth: 360.0 - 370.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 35; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 35 Depth: 360.0 - 370.0 ft.
118 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 36 Depth: 370.0 - 380.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 36; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 36 Depth: 370.0 - 380.0 ft.
119 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 37 Depth: 380.0 - 390.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 37; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 37 Depth: 380.0 - 390.0 ft.
120 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 38 Depth: 390.0 - 400.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 38; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 38 Depth: 390.0 - 400.0 ft.
121 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 39 Depth: 400.0 - 410.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 39; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 39 Depth: 400.0 - 410.0 ft.
122 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 4 Depth: 50.0 - 60.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 4; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 4 Depth: 50.0 - 60.0 ft.
123 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 40 Depth: 410.0 - 420.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 40; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 40 Depth: 410.0 - 420.0 ft.
124 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 41 Depth: 420.0 - 430.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 41; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 41 Depth: 420.0 - 430.0 ft.
125 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 42 Depth: 430.0 - 440.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 42; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 42 Depth: 430.0 - 440.0 ft.
126 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 43 Depth: 440.0 - 450.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 43; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 43 Depth: 440.0 - 450.0 ft.
127 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 44 Depth: 450.0 - 460.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 44; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 44 Depth: 450.0 - 460.0 ft.
128 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 45 Depth: 460.0 - 470.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 45; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 45 Depth: 460.0 - 470.0 ft.
129 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 46 Depth: 470.0 - 480.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 46; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center.
130 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 47 Depth: 480.0 - 490.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 47; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 47 Depth: 480.0 - 490.0 ft.
131 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 48 Depth: 490.0 - 500.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 48; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 48 Depth: 490.0 - 500.0 ft.
132 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 49 Depth: 500.0 - 510.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 49; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 49 Depth: 500.0 - 510.0 ft.
133 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 5 Depth: 60.0 - 70.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 5; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 5 Depth: 60.0 - 70.0 ft.
134 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 50 Depth: 510.0 - 520.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 50; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 50 Depth: 510.0 - 520.0 ft.
135 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 51 Depth: 520.0 - 530.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 51; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 51 Depth: 520.0 - 530.0 ft.
136 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 52 Depth: 530.0 - 540.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 52; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 52 Depth: 530.0 - 540.0 ft.
137 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 53 Depth: 540.0 - 550.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 53; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 53 Depth: 540.0 - 550.0 ft.
138 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 54 Depth: 550.0 - 560.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 54; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 54 Depth: 550.0 - 560.0 ft.
139 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 55 Depth: 560.0 - 570.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 55; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 55 Depth: 560.0 - 570.0 ft.
140 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 56 Depth: 570.0 - 580.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 56; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 56 Depth: 570.0 - 580.0 ft.
141 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 57 Depth: 580.0 - 590.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 57; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 57 Depth: 580.0 - 590.0 ft.
142 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 58 Depth: 590.0 - 600.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 58; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 58 Depth: 590.0 - 600.0 ft.
143 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 59 Depth: 600.0 - 610.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 59; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center.
144 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 6 Depth: 70.0 - 80.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 6; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 6 Depth: 70.0 - 80.0 ft.
145 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 60 Depth: 610.0 - 620.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 60; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 60 Depth: 610.0 - 620.0 ft.
146 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 61 Depth: 620.0 - 630.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 61; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 61 Depth: 620.0 - 630.0 ft.
147 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 62 Depth: 630.0 - 640.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 62; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 62 Depth: 630.0 - 640.0 ft.
148 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 63 Depth: 640.0 - 650.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 63; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 63 Depth: 640.0 - 650.0 ft.
149 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 64 Depth: 650.0 - 660.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 64; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 64 Depth: 650.0 - 660.0 ft.
150 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 65 Depth: 660.0 - 670.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 65; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 65 Depth: 660.0 - 670.0 ft.
151 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 66 Depth: 670.0 - 680.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 66; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 66 Depth: 670.0 - 680.0 ft.
152 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 67 Depth: 680.0 - 690.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 67; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 67 Depth: 680.0 - 690.0 ft.
153 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 68 Depth: 690.0 - 700.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 68; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 68 Depth: 690.0 - 700.0 ft.
154 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 69 Depth: 700.0 - 710.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 69; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 69 Depth: 700.0 - 710.0 ft.
155 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 7 Depth: 80.0 - 90.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 7; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 7 Depth: 80.0 - 90.0 ft.
156 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 70 Depth: 710.0 - 720.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 70; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 70 Depth: 710.0 - 720.0 ft.
157 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 71 Depth: 720.0 - 730.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 71; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 71 Depth: 720.0 - 730.0 ft.
158 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 72 Depth: 730.0 - 740.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 72; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 72 Depth: 730.0 - 740.0 ft.
159 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 73 Depth: 740.0 - 750.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 73; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 73 Depth: 740.0 - 750.0 ft.
160 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 74 Depth: 750.0 - 760.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 74; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 74 Depth: 750.0 - 760.0 ft.
161 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 75 Depth: 760.0 - 770.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 75; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 75 Depth: 760.0 - 770.0 ft.
162 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 76 Depth: 770.0 - 780.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 76; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 76 Depth: 770.0 - 780.0 ft.
163 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 77 Depth: 780.0 - 790.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 77; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 77 Depth: 780.0 - 790.0 ft.
164 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 78 Depth: 790.0 - 800.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 78; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 78 Depth: 790.0 - 800.0 ft.
165 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 79 Depth: 800.0 - 810.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 79; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 79 Depth: 800.0 - 810.0 ft.
166 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 8 Depth: 90.0 - 100.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 8; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 8 Depth: 90.0 - 100.0 ft.
167 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 80 Depth: 810.0 - 820.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 80; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 80 Depth: 810.0 - 820.0 ft.
168 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 81 Depth: 820.0 - 830.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 81; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 81 Depth: 820.0 - 830.0 ft.
169 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 82 Depth: 830.0 - 840.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 82; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 82 Depth: 830.0 - 840.0 ft.
170 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 83 Depth: 840.0 - 850.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 83; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 83 Depth: 840.0 - 850.0 ft.
171 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 84 Depth: 850.0 - 860.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 84; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 84 Depth: 850.0 - 860.0 ft.
172 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 85 Depth: 860.0 - 870.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 85; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 85 Depth: 860.0 - 870.0 ft.
173 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 86 Depth: 870.0 - 880.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 86; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 86 Depth: 870.0 - 880.0 ft.
174 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 87 Depth: 880.0 - 890.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 87; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 87 Depth: 880.0 - 890.0 ft.
175 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 88 Depth: 890.0 - 900.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 88; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 88 Depth: 890.0 - 900.0 ft.
176 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 89 Depth: 900.0 - 910.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 89; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 89 Depth: 900.0 - 910.0 ft.
177 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 9 Depth: 100.0 - 110.0 ft.2015-07core samples; Skyline 16; box 9; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey, University of Utah. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 9 Depth: 100.0 - 110.0 ft.
178 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 90 Depth: 910.0 - 920.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 90; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 90 Depth: 910.0 - 920.0 ft.
179 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 91 Depth: 920.0 - 930.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 91; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 91 Depth: 920.0 - 930.0 ft.
180 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 92 Depth: 930.0 - 940.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 92; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 92 Depth: 930.0 - 940.0 ft.
181 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 93 Depth: 940.0 - 950.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 93; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 93 Depth: 940.0 - 950.0 ft.
182 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 94 Depth: 950.0 - 960.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 94; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 94 Depth: 950.0 - 960.0 ft.
183 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 95 Depth: 960.0 - 970.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 95; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 95 Depth: 960.0 - 970.0 ft.
184 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 96 Depth: 970.0 - 980.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 96; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 96 Depth: 970.0 - 980.0 ft.
185 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 97 Depth: 980.0 - 990.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 97; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 97 Depth: 980.0 - 990.0 ft.
186 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 98 Depth: 990.0 - 1000.0 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; box 98; Green River FormationCore sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 98 Depth: 990.0 - 1000.0 ft.
187 Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 99 Depth: 1000.0 - 1006.25 ft.2015-07core sample; Skyline 16; Green River Formation; box 99Core sample photograph by the Utah Geological Survey at the University of Utah, and the Utah Core Research Center. Skyline 16: SW SW sec. 10 11S 25E Uintah County, Utah. Box 99 Depth: 1000.0 - 1006.25 ft.
188 South Uinta Basin 12 core log - Plate 102014plate 10; well log; core log; Green River Formation
189 Staff Council Annual Report 2013-2014 (University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee)2014Annual reportUniversity of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) annual report for fiscal year 2013-2014. Contents include Committee Highlights, Development Committee, Legislative Committee, EVents Committee, Communications & Selections Committee and Executive Board & Committee Chairs.
190 Staff Council Applications 2013 (UUSAC)2013; 2014Staff applications; EmploymentApplications for positions on the Staff Council
191 Staff council votes (University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC))2014Votes; Staff councilVotes for individuals to serve on the staff council.
192 Stay safe this Halloween2020-10-23COVID-19; HalloweenHow to stay safe this Halloween
193 Student council for exceptional children, University of Utah2014-10-22CEC; Exceptional children; Special and gifted educationCouncil for Exceptional Children is the international nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
194 SUB 12 XRF depth plots2014depth plots; South Uina Basin; SUB 12; Green River Formation
195 Survey Plat Skyline 162015-07survey plat; Skyline 16; well surveySurvey plat of Skyline 16 well.
196 Texas progress in flaring - 6 years of emissions data 2015 through 20202020Following nearly a decade of flare performance inquiry, modeling, and testing in the early 2000􀂶s, new United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) flare regulations have been enacted for the petroleum refinery sector in 2012 and 2015. The stated objective of these new regulations was th...
197 U campus remains in Orange status2020-09-03COVID-19; Fall semester; 2020Covid 19 status communication to University community from Ruth Watkins, University President, and Senior Vice Presidents' Mike Good and Dan Reed
198 Underground coal thermal treatment - Task 6 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program2015-01transformational energy production; insitu thermal treatment of a coal seam; coal reserves; underground coal thermal treatment; Utah Clean Coal Program; coal resourcesThe long-term objective of this task is to develop a transformational energy production technology by in situ thermal treatment of a coal seam for the production of substitute natural gas and/or liquid transportation fuels while leaving much of the coal's carbon in the ground. This process converts ...
199 University of Utah and Utah Geological Survey Green River coring project summary2015-07Green River coring project; Skyline 16; oil shale deposits; Green River FormationThe University of Utah's Institute for Clean and Secure Energy and the Utah Geological Survey teamed up to drill 1000 feet of 4-inch diameter core in the upper Green River Formation oil shale deposits in the eastern Uinta Basin, Utah. The purpose was to recover nearly the entire oil shale zone (Para...
200 Utah COVID-19 response (storymap)2020-10-30COVID-19; transmissionSnapshot of Oct. 30, 2020 arcgis storyboard of Utah's COVID-19 response.
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